Tethtoril's Bookshelf

Twilight Falling
The Erevis Cale Trilogy - Book 1

WotC Code:

Product Type: Novel
ISBN Number: 0-7869-2998-7
Author: Paul S Kemp
Cover Artist: Terese Nielsen
Release Date: July 2003
Format: Paperback book (312 pages)

The following information is taken from a description by WotC:

'The shadows grow long on the mean streets of Selgaunt.
The sun sets on one man's service to Sembia's merchant lords.
The day's end finds Erevis Cale serving a new master, one who is beyond the petty accumulation of wealth.
After all, what is gold to one who trades in souls?'

Other novels in The Erevis Cale Trilogy:

See also The Erevis Cale Trilogy Omnibus.

See also the following novels which feature the lead character of this novel trilogy, Erevis Cale:

Read the interview between Candlekeep and Paul S Kemp, HERE!

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