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 Contracts and legal paperwork...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wandering_mage Posted - 31 Jul 2006 : 16:10:07
I have read in various 2nd edition books that in some areas you may need paperwork to allow you to either ply your trade as an adventurer (I think Cormyr) or cast spells (Amn). Now based on this what would an example of this look like.

I am fascinated by adventuring contracts between party members and local government officials. Is there any guideline as to who to see about getting sponsorship or the go ahead for adventuring activities? I'll go ahead and post what I came up with and I would appreciate it greatly if some Realmsian Lore masters would maybe add their two cents without regard to my feelings as I am very interested in their input. Thanks in advance.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wandering_mage Posted - 02 Aug 2006 : 13:45:24
Yes, Krell made up his own Goddess. He is actually a sorcerer that took some Complete divine feat allowing him to cast domain spells or something. His preaching of Rain is an absolute pain but the DM and I have been talking about it and thought that this Rain might be an alias for an existing god/goddess. Hehehehe....

As to the lizard brute, the player is a very good role-player and I have only once thought him a little too rash. We won the battle though. We just lost two characters in it. And the Priest of Rain does not pilot the boat. Either I do (I am the elven mage) or the lizard brute does.

Thanks for the kind words on the charter every one. I figure just a few touch ups and the thing would look quite legit. I was reading Volo's Guide to Cormyr and it had some good stuff that Trace directed me to. I now know that it takes like 25,000gp for a Royal Adventuring Charter. It's only 1,000gp plus an annual tax of 300 gp for fellowships numbering six or less.

Keep posted for more info.
sleyvas Posted - 02 Aug 2006 : 02:55:31
Ah, Wandering mage, ye put me in mind of me son. Gods but I do be missing him. Oh, and good job in the charter. Don't let ye lizard brute get too lippy, and don't let this Krell pilot yer boats.

Phillip aka Sleyvas
Xysma Posted - 01 Aug 2006 : 20:09:24
The cleric made up his own god? I won't ask... I love this, I think it is well crafted, well written, and light hearted. However, I think a contract between the adventuring group and a government of some sort would be far more serious and stiff.
Wandering_mage Posted - 01 Aug 2006 : 19:28:54
Figures that the Cormyrians have the best detailed adventurer charter info. They want the fools to go off and kill monsters while they chill on their battlements and talk about what a good chap Azoun was.
Wandering_mage Posted - 01 Aug 2006 : 19:25:27
As to the Monty Python comment, close but a miss. Black Adder is my addiction of late. I love wordy English legal jargon too. If only I had been born English.
Trace_Coburn Posted - 01 Aug 2006 : 14:20:16
Originally posted by Wandering_mage

You have my thanks for your advice. I shall research this more. Any comments on the charter I posted for example?

The language it's written in puts me strongly in mind of Monty Python, but I'd gather that's your gaming-group's dynamics in action. It hits all the key points I'd want to consider for such a group - recruitment, divvying of loot, looking after one another in life and after, that sort of thing - and with slightly more formal (or at least less irreverent) wording, it'd make a pretty good model for others to start from.

Now as to how an official Crown-to-adventurer charter might be framed? [shudder] Shades of Elminster at his most long-winded - but I'd imagine that there would be a listing of who the charter specifically applies to (probably much as you did in your example: by name, race, profession, and religious allegiance if relevant); the geographic, chronological and legal limits of their right privilege to bear arms; and under what circumstances that privilege might be revoked.
(I'd imagine that those 'circumstances' would include, but not be limited to, assaulting an officer of the Crown in the performance of his duties, collusion with the Crown's enemies (if not outright high treason), and so forth - probably including a clause saying something like 'subject to the discretion of the Crown or its representative', which would be the "tick off any Crown rep, even a crooked one, and they can yank your paper" catch-all. )
Wandering_mage Posted - 31 Jul 2006 : 19:08:25
You have my thanks for your advice. I shall research this more. Any comments on the charter I posted for example?
Trace_Coburn Posted - 31 Jul 2006 : 16:27:40
Originally posted by Wandering_mage

I have read in various 2nd edition books that in some areas you may need paperwork to allow you to either ply your trade as an adventurer (I think Cormyr) or cast spells (Amn). Now based on this what would an example of this look like.

I am fascinated by adventuring contracts between party members and local government officials. Is there any guideline as to who to see about getting sponsorship or the go ahead for adventuring activities? I'll go ahead and post what I came up with and I would appreciate it greatly if some Realmsian Lore masters would maybe add their two cents without regard to my feelings as I am very interested in their input. Thanks in advance.
Well, Volo's Guide to Cormyr discusses the Forest Kingdom's policies and processes regarding adventurer-company charters, including who to see and what they're likely to demand for the privilege - you can, of course, download this tome of lore for free from this page (waves to Wooly!). I'd imagine that there's more on the subject in the Cormyr sourcebook, but sadly I lack that tome and thus cannot say for certain.
Wandering_mage Posted - 31 Jul 2006 : 16:21:46
Here is my example that I came up with. Let me know what you all think. Ignore the reference to the Goddess Rain. Our party cleric made her up because he is difficult.

A Contract Concerning Treasures, Alliances, and Future Decision-Making

This document represents the authorized will of the adventuring band known as “The Waterdavian Adventurers’ Covenant” until further notice. With the intent to smooth over differences in the group before a fight occurs thus causing rebellion amongst the stated adventuring band this charter will include the procedure for the distribution of wealth, the making of enemies and alliances with villains and heroes of the Realm, and the decision-making procedures of said adventuring band. The following is law amongst this rabble of adventurers:

1. When faced with splitting treasure of defeated enemies of the party the party will either vote on the distribution of profession oriented equipment or with universal wealth items split in the most possibly even way. If there are 5 party members each member will get 1/5 of the wealth, etc. Compensation for not getting magical trinkets will be decided by party vote. General pillaging and stealing is consented to in the name of magical and lore gaining. This is also approved by the Lady of Luck herself, Tymora. (I might be stretching this one )

2. Where alliances and enemy making is concerned, to each party member his own; however, if the use of the party’s cumulative strength is needed in order to succeed in the battle, compensation in wealth or services will be required to be paid to each party member who was unjustly put into danger without prior knowledge or approval. Otherwise personal duels are allowed and in the event of death of a dueling party member this will be detailed in the funeral section.

3. In all decision-making the able abilities of the party thief or party lizard “brute” will thus decide directional orientation during dungeon travel. Otherwise, the party will always go right. No matter the result. Going right is the right way. To go left is folly of fools that wish early deaths upon themselves in a most painful manner befitting fools that are foolish and go left. May Beshaba take unholy attentions to left going fools. Tymora be with those that go right. Of course party vote can be used in unusual circumstances.

4. As to membership in the “Waterdavian Adventurers’ Covenant” this will be decided by party vote, founding members’ decision, or by proving oneself worthy by the slaying of a monster or villain of the party at present. May the Gods help the poor fool.

5. Concerning the looting and funerals of fallen comrades. It shall be assumed that all comrades are unwilling to be raised in any unholy ritual thus prolonging their life in servitude befitting only a slave. Resurrection will only be sought if the dead say after their death that they would like to be raised by a prelate of their chosen deity or one that is close. The looting of the body will be handled respectfully and distributed in the above manner used to loot monsters and villains of the party. Burial or burning is optional. The expedited disposal of the body is suggested due to the possibility of being monster chow. The presiding cleric will say some words of well wishing and onwards the adventure shall go.

6. On the matter of illicit activities in the party. If you are caught by the cleric of Rain claim that you were under a curse or hex cast by a witch most wicked! If caught by the law abiding lizard brute, have no worries, even he doesn’t know what the bloody hell is legal and illegal in his culture. A word to the wise, do not state this to the brute or a most painful death will follow your last words.

7. Lastly on the subject of angering the Gods………DON’T! The last thing the party needs is for an angry God to take interest in their activities. Although, here is a list of Gods most decidedly against the party and privy to disrespect at all temples worshipping them: Lloth, Tyr, Cyric, Bane, Shar, Helm, Rain…I mean Umberlee, Malar, and lastly Grumsh. Also, bringing curses and ill luck to the party will result in an on the spot trial of the offender or a jolly good laugh at the offenders deed and misfortune.

The below named are included in this charter of membership:

Grendel, a lizard creature most feared and follower of the paladin Lamount
Tad, the Halfling thief and follower of the Dagger’s Path
Krell, most beloved of Rain and most faithful cleric of Rain
Edouard, Bard of great talent(or so he said)-Kidnapped or killed or indisposed at the moment
Darius, Mage-Hater and bearer of the broken blade-Ran off with some foolish idea
Naeryn, Evermeet Mage and self named Kerym of Corellon

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