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 cormyr help

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
zenlunatic Posted - 11 Jan 2005 : 10:34:13
I'm starting a game this weekend centered in Cormyr. of late our games are mostly hack and slash, so I am stepping up as DM in hopes of grooming these players into role players as opposed to roll players. with this in mind the game is going to center around the political turmoil of Cormyr as it stands. I have searched high and low and have found little helpful resources on the nature of the noble houses or any maps of the individual cities in Cormyr. basically I'm asking if anyone has a good map of Suzail that they could post or link me to, or any helpful suggestions/ideas about good adventures with the aforementioned criteria in mind. thanks in advance.
22   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kentinal Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 04:31:53
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Ah, I can see the latter although I think that is the point. He's not a very likeable fellow despite what he thinks. However, from my experiences, his detailing of the various locales are anything but bland. But, to each his/her own.

It could be dislike of the messenger? There certainly have been reports of providing information in an unwanted maner could result in death.

It might be in this case the sage of realm lore, does not feel welcomed, just the lore that he delivers. Hate the characyer, but not the message?
SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 04:05:24
Originally posted by zenlunatic

I find volo's guides to be helpful in the amount of detailed information they have in them. other than that I find the personal accounts to be bland and his personality irritating.

Ah, I can see the latter although I think that is the point. He's not a very likeable fellow despite what he thinks. However, from my experiences, his detailing of the various locales are anything but bland. But, to each his/her own.
zenlunatic Posted - 16 Jan 2005 : 01:19:13
I find volo's guides to be helpful in the amount of detailed information they have in them. other than that I find the personal accounts to be bland and his personality irritating.
SiriusBlack Posted - 15 Jan 2005 : 17:25:41
Originally posted by zenlunatic
I have the volo guide to cormyr as it is free to download from wotc. rather I seek the "cormyr" supplement itself in pdf form. and honestly, I find volo's guides to be mediocre at best.

What about the guides do you find mediocre?


I too used to find cormyr quite dull, however the death of Azoun IV is a good plot device for a politically minded game. which is my intent.

Well, any nation that had a civil war not that lon ago, can't be that dull.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Jan 2005 : 13:45:46
Originally posted by zenlunatic

and honestly, I find volo's guides to be mediocre at best.

Really? I, like most scribes here, love them, and wish they'd continue them. I don't think I've ever before heard someone say that they didn't like them...
zenlunatic Posted - 15 Jan 2005 : 04:14:52
being a cormyr thread, I imagined when I referenced the volo guide it would translate to mean the cormyr version. I have the volo guide to cormyr as it is free to download from wotc. rather I seek the "cormyr" supplement itself in pdf form. and honestly, I find volo's guides to be mediocre at best.

I too used to find cormyr quite dull, however the death of Azoun IV is a good plot device for a politically minded game. which is my intent.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Jan 2005 : 03:42:22
Well, if he does seek Volo's Guide to Cormyr, I provided a direct link to the zip file...
oldskool Posted - 14 Jan 2005 : 23:57:14
Originally posted by zenlunatic

I have a pdf of volo's guide as wotc freely posts some on their website. unfortunately the cormyr one is not for free download, and as of yet I cannot find a pirate version. any help in that direction is also appreciated.

On a second read-through of this thread, I realized that we're all wrong. Zenlunatic does NOT have VGtC.

Zenlunatic, it *is* for free download, as far as I know. I got it for free, and not from Kazaa or some piratey location, but from I suggest you look again.

On the other hand, VGtC is not going to help you *too* much with noble houses and large-scale Cormyr issues. It's a wonderful guide to shops, inns, and taverns, though.

Frankly, I rarely need much more than the entry in the new FRCS hardback for info on Cormyr. But as I said before, it bores players away from it. I had some players who were faced with a choice between going northeast to the Moonsea region (and directly through Zhentil Keep or Hillsfar) or down through Cormyr to the Dragonsreach. They chose the first with no hesitation.

oldskool Posted - 14 Jan 2005 : 23:51:56
Originally posted by Garen Thal

In the strictest legal sense, nothing from the website can be transmitted, in whole or in part, to anyone else for any reason. This is covered in the websites general copyright notice, right at the top.

Rereading through the thread, however, it seems the scribe zelunatic is already aware of VGtC, and has a copy. The missing book is the Cormyr, which can be purchased as a cheap ($5) download from or

Heh. Don't feel too bad, Wooly Rupert (Terrorizer of Space Gnomes), I made the same mistake.

On the other hand, not having the <i>Cormyr</i> supplement is really no matter to cry about. I've seen almost every 2nd edition supplement, and as far as sleep-inducing supplements go, <i>Cormyr</i> was WAY at the top of the list in my opinion.

In many ways, Cormyr is one of the least interesting places in Faerun to visit. I know that it is important historically to the Realms, and has a few interesting NPCs, but in most ways it's pretty dang dull as dishwater in the cities and towns. *shrug* just my two cents, whatever they're worth.

Of course, those weird glass ruins of an unknown race (hmmmm) in that one swamp (whose name escapes my mind) are intriguing....

Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Jan 2005 : 22:38:11
Originally posted by Garen Thal

Rereading through the thread, however, it seems the scribe zelunatic is already aware of VGtC, and has a copy. The missing book is the Cormyr, which can be purchased as a cheap ($5) download from or

Ah, my bad. I misread his post, thinking he was looking for Volo's Guide to Cormyr.
Garen Thal Posted - 14 Jan 2005 : 18:59:10
In the strictest legal sense, nothing from the website can be transmitted, in whole or in part, to anyone else for any reason. This is covered in the websites general copyright notice, right at the top.

Rereading through the thread, however, it seems the scribe zelunatic is already aware of VGtC, and has a copy. The missing book is the Cormyr, which can be purchased as a cheap ($5) download from or
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Jan 2005 : 11:32:14
Originally posted by oldskool

The thing about the Volo's Guides is that they are vanishingly rare and very expensive on eBay when they do appear. If WOTC is not going to reprint or revise these, then it really should just release them in .pdf form as a courtesy to people who keep them supplied with cashola. Any form of market research they employ SHOULD reveal that the DM or fanatic collector is their target audience, and buys the bulk of what they publish... so keeping them happy SHOULD be their #1 priority.

WotC has not always been concerned with keeping customers happy, and/or doing market research...

Originally posted by oldskool

However, logic and reason do not always work. The weird thing is, WOTC has in the past made the Volo's Guides (except the one for Waterdeep) available as .pdfs, so if they released them for free, is distributing them *now* considered piracy? I don't get pirate .pdfs, but among my downloaded resources (from the site) is the Volo's Guide to Cormyr....

If it was distributed for free, then the further distribution of it should be legal -- though I'm no legal expert.

However, you do bring up a good point. This particular guide is still available on the download page as a free download.

Originally posted by oldskool

So, is it not legal to trade things that were given out for free or not???!? Someone get back to me on this. If it's legal, I'll gladly email it to you (if you can swallow a 6+ meg attachment).


6.43 MB, according to the website. Several of the other Volo's Guides are available there, as well.

I perhaps should have remembered the free downloads on the Wizards page... But I've never used them, having bought most of those products brand new.

I may have also over-reacted a bit, since I am rather fond of this website, and didn't want to see any legal entanglements arising from people telling each other where to find pirated material.
Garen Thal Posted - 14 Jan 2005 : 11:17:09
Volo's Guide to Cormyr is still available at the WotC website. Just look over the Previous Edition Downloads page (at and have some fun!
oldskool Posted - 14 Jan 2005 : 10:10:35
The thing about the Volo's Guides is that they are vanishingly rare and very expensive on eBay when they do appear. If WOTC is not going to reprint or revise these, then it really should just release them in .pdf form as a courtesy to people who keep them supplied with cashola. Any form of market research they employ SHOULD reveal that the DM or fanatic collector is their target audience, and buys the bulk of what they publish... so keeping them happy SHOULD be their #1 priority.

However, logic and reason do not always work. The weird thing is, WOTC has in the past made the Volo's Guides (except the one for Waterdeep) available as .pdfs, so if they released them for free, is distributing them *now* considered piracy? I don't get pirate .pdfs, but among my downloaded resources (from the site) is the Volo's Guide to Cormyr....

So, is it not legal to trade things that were given out for free or not???!? Someone get back to me on this. If it's legal, I'll gladly email it to you (if you can swallow a 6+ meg attachment).

SiriusBlack Posted - 12 Jan 2005 : 06:02:24
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by zenlunatic

I have a pdf of volo's guide as wotc freely posts some on their website. unfortunately the cormyr one is not for free download, and as of yet I cannot find a pirate version. any help in that direction is also appreciated.

Sorry... While I do know of such a site, I'm one who spent the money to buy the original hardcover when it came out. So helping you find a pirated copy is something I'll not do... I do not support such activities.

Volo's Guide to Cormyr was originally a hardcover
zenlunatic Posted - 12 Jan 2005 : 03:43:02
if I find the pdf's useful I go out and buy the book.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jan 2005 : 02:23:33
Originally posted by zenlunatic

I have a pdf of volo's guide as wotc freely posts some on their website. unfortunately the cormyr one is not for free download, and as of yet I cannot find a pirate version. any help in that direction is also appreciated.

Sorry... While I do know of such a site, I'm one who spent the money to buy the original hardcover when it came out. So helping you find a pirated copy is something I'll not do... I do not support such activities.
zenlunatic Posted - 12 Jan 2005 : 01:00:45
I have a pdf of volo's guide as wotc freely posts some on their website. unfortunately the cormyr one is not for free download, and as of yet I cannot find a pirate version. any help in that direction is also appreciated.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jan 2005 : 00:27:57
Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met, and welcome to Candlekeep, zenlunatic

The old FR Adventures hardcover has a map of Suzail, i'm not 100% sure about the FRCS though, maybe someone could check? Also, i'd recommend the Cormyr accessory and Volo's Guide to Cormyr.

I was going to mention these, as well, until it occurred to me that if you didn't have them already, you'd not likely have them by this weekend. Still, they are good sources of info, and I readily recommend them.
zenlunatic Posted - 11 Jan 2005 : 23:53:38
wow. thank you for all the rapid and spot on responses. this is valuable help.
SiriusBlack Posted - 11 Jan 2005 : 15:00:29
Originally posted by zenlunatic

I'm starting a game this weekend centered in Cormyr. of late our games are mostly hack and slash, so I am stepping up as DM in hopes of grooming these players into role players as opposed to roll players. with this in mind the game is going to center around the political turmoil of Cormyr as it stands.

From hack and slash to political turmoil? You are ambitious.


basically I'm asking if anyone has a good map of Suzail that they could post or link me to,

Here is a map. Sorry, I couldn't find a key.


I have searched high and low and have found little helpful resources on the nature of the noble houses

Here's some general information on the main noble houses. Be warned, some of this information is dated depending upon when you are campaigning. However, it does a decent job of giving you an overview of the nobility. I hope that helps.

If you have any questions about a certain family, be sure to ask the scribes here.
Alaundo Posted - 11 Jan 2005 : 13:43:48
Well met, and welcome to Candlekeep, zenlunatic

The old FR Adventures hardcover has a map of Suzail, i'm not 100% sure about the FRCS though, maybe someone could check? Also, i'd recommend the Cormyr accessory and Volo's Guide to Cormyr.
In addition, as ye mention the noble houses, mayhaps the Cormyrian Noble Houses held here at Candlekeep will be of interest.

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