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 Kyriani Agrivar from CoS?

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FireKnife Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 17:51:16
I know she has been in another Forgotten Realms book does anyone know which one? I think before she was listed as a half elf not half drow.
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Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Apr 2006 : 03:17:17
Originally posted by Steven Schend

Well, Wooly, I'm going to win this one-upmanship on who's the bigger Kyri fan.

After all, I made sure she had a small role to play in BLACKSTAFF...

Curse you and your better connections!

But that does give me yet another reason to want that book... We've not yet seen her in Realms fiction, other than the comics.
Steven Schend Posted - 11 Apr 2006 : 23:21:11
Well, Wooly, I'm going to win this one-upmanship on who's the bigger Kyri fan.

After all, I made sure she had a small role to play in BLACKSTAFF...
warlockco Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 08:09:30
Originally posted by FireKnife

Thanks everyone. I went through all my books. One of those things that was picking at me.

NP, sides once you poked at it, it kept picking at my mind as it were. Good thing that was one of the first books I replaced.
FireKnife Posted - 30 Mar 2006 : 02:23:13
Thanks everyone. I went through all my books. One of those things that was picking at me.
warlockco Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 08:28:57
Originally posted by wildmage

The female 1/2 drow, Kyriani Agrivar, is given full stat-block treatment as a wizard 11/Moonstar agent 3 in the tome City of Splendors: Waterdeep (a D&D 3.5 FR supplement). Not only is she fearsome, deadly, and damn cool, but apparently she has 2X the normal NPC wealth (detailed as various magical gear) for her level thanks to her "unique personal associations." For more detailed information on her description, history, and current whereabouts/activities (and Moonstar agent PrC stats) I'll refer you to that tome.

That's not the entry he is looking for.

I found it.

Lost Empires of Faerun, page 111, she is listed as N Female Half-Drow Wizard 12.
There are 3 paragraphs as part of an Adventure Seed.
wildmage Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 03:36:58
The female 1/2 drow, Kyriani Agrivar, is given full stat-block treatment as a wizard 11/Moonstar agent 3 in the tome City of Splendors: Waterdeep (a D&D 3.5 FR supplement). Not only is she fearsome, deadly, and damn cool, but apparently she has 2X the normal NPC wealth (detailed as various magical gear) for her level thanks to her "unique personal associations." For more detailed information on her description, history, and current whereabouts/activities (and Moonstar agent PrC stats) I'll refer you to that tome.
warlockco Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 02:19:58
Originally posted by FireKnife

I thought she got a write up in another Realms 3.0/3.5 book. Maybe it was her class levels that differed.

I think she was mentioned in Lost Empires of Faerun. And yeah, the classes were different, because she now has a PrC that was introduced in CoS.
FireKnife Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 19:35:31
I thought she got a write up in another Realms 3.0/3.5 book. Maybe it was her class levels that differed.
Kuje Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 19:00:59
Kyriani, 11th Wizard, Female Half-drow, TN, Selune, Tavernkeeper at Selune's Smile in Waterdeep. Highest ranking lay-member of The House of the Moon, Powers & Pantheons

Kyriani, 11th Wizard, Female Half-drow, TN, Selune, Tavernkeeper at Selune's Smile in Waterdeep. Highest ranking lay-member of The House of the Moon, For Duty & Deity

Kyriani, 11th Wizard, Female Half-drow, TN, Selune, Tavernkeeper at Selune's Smile in Waterdeep. Highest ranking lay-member of The House of the Moon. Member of the Moonstars, Cloak & Dagger

Kyriani, 11th Wizard, Female Half-drow, TN, Selune, Tavernkeeper at Selune's Smile in Waterdeep. Highest ranking lay-member of The House of the Moon. Member of the Moonstars, Dragon #246

And the FR comics. :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 19:00:53
Oh, and she was in Dragon 246, too.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Mar 2006 : 18:59:18
Kyriani has always been a half-drow.

She was originally intro'ed in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons comic book, which was mostly set in Waterdeep.

In 2E, she was listed in Cloak & Dagger and in Powers & Pantheons. The latter source did, in her stat block, call her a half-elf, but the following text mentioned her drow mother. C&D listed her as a half-drow in the stat block.

Steven Schend and I have a friendly disagreement over which of us is the bigger fan of Kyri.

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