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 Questions for George Krashos

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Oct 2008 : 00:51:50
Well, Krash asked for it, so...

Well met

This being a collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to author and master contributor for all-things-Impiltur, George "Krash" Krashos.

Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this author.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 06 Jun 2024 : 06:40:45
No reason there wouldn't be surviving members of the family residing in the Cormanthor woodland or the Grey Forest. They weren't wiped out, just are now small in number and no longer a power.

As for Taredd, he passed on to Arvandor three or so centuries after the events of 178 DR.

-- George Krashos
kysus Posted - 05 Jun 2024 : 20:49:52
Is house Mornthael still around anywhere in faerun or are they an extinct house now? also what ever happened to Taredd Mornthael, as the realms chief mage of that realm he would seem to be pretty interesting to know more of his back story.
George Krashos Posted - 21 May 2024 : 22:29:54
Originally posted by kysus

George would you have anymore information on the ruling family or families of the elven realm of Vedrymmell? like who were the ruling families at its height of power and if any of these families are still around or extinct?

I haven't drilled down into the ruling family of Vedrymmel. A leading noble house was that of Mornthael.

After the fall of the realm, the largest and most senior remaining family was that of Aernthraar, and they came to the aid of Imphras the Great in his battle with the hobgoblins. A current clan of moon elves is that of Moonshimmer (Teuserlar in elvish) and they have familial ties with the ruling Heltharn royal family.

-- George Krashos
kysus Posted - 21 May 2024 : 03:48:49
George would you have anymore information on the ruling family or families of the elven realm of Vedrymmell? like who were the ruling families at its height of power and if any of these families are still around or extinct?
George Krashos Posted - 26 Aug 2023 : 06:15:32
In my Realms, Thayan is predominately Mulan influenced by Turmic (the Turami). The "purest" reflection of the ancient Raumathari tongue is Rashemi. Elements of Raumathari are also present in the Damaran tongue, which I consider is a polyglot of ancient Chondathan, Nar, and Raumathari.

-- George Krashos
sleyvas Posted - 24 Aug 2023 : 17:28:46
Originally posted by George Krashos

The Narfelli words are:

Sarn/sarnar: year/years
Hortha: aspect of an extra-planar being
Drith: demon(s)
Drithdarkar: demonbinders
Urhortha: avatar of a god or actual extra-planar being

(the "hortha" and "urhortha" distinction reflected the 3E use of "aspects")

-- George Krashos

So, just like English, its probably not an exacting science.... but we might take from this that the suffix "ar" is equivalent to the English "s" put at the end of a word to make it plural (so a demonbinder may be a drithdark, and if someone were to speak of "forts" they might say "valar"). Similarly, and this is much less likely, "ur" may be a prefix used to mean "greater" like we use "super" or "fore"... though it may only be a term used in reference to creatures, etc... such that a "greater binding circle" may be referred to as an "urdark ring".

Somewhat similarly... rather than UR... the Raumathari may use AR as a prefix to mean the same thing (drawing this from the term "The Arkhan of Raumathar"). So, lesser leaders in Raumathar might have been Khan.... which is later further degraded into Khahan in the hordelands.

Making some further suppositions (i.e. pulling stuff out my ass).... perhaps some of this Raumathari language carried over into the language of Thay later. We see that the prefix Au is used in that language to mean "lesser" (i.e. you have the Tharchion and the autharchs under him). Similarly, the Khan as a local magistrate over a town may have become a Khazark.
George Krashos Posted - 24 Aug 2023 : 13:35:36
The Narfelli words are:

Sarn/sarnar: year/years
Hortha: aspect of an extra-planar being
Drith: demon(s)
Drithdarkar: demonbinders
Urhortha: avatar of a god or actual extra-planar being

(the "hortha" and "urhortha" distinction reflected the 3E use of "aspects")

-- George Krashos
sleyvas Posted - 22 Aug 2023 : 15:55:31
Originally posted by George Krashos

Not vague at all. You just don’t speak Narfelli.

— George Krashos

Right and we don't have a definition in the article (though there's probably one in this thread if I dig... and I was probably the one that asked and I've forgotten the answer).
George Krashos Posted - 22 Aug 2023 : 12:59:53
Not vague at all. You just don’t speak Narfelli.

— George Krashos
sleyvas Posted - 21 Aug 2023 : 18:18:28
Originally posted by George Krashos

I've only ever done one, new "Dun". No reason there can't be more. Although I would confine "Duns" to citadels. Smaller castles and fortresses should be "Vals" in my book.

-- George Krashos

I like that idea of Narfellians using different beginnings of names for their "forts" versus their "citadels". That brings up an idea in my mind too that perhaps Raumathar would do something similar. Might be worth reviewing that story in GHotR that details the fall of both since I know that it introduced some terms that were vague (hortha, drith, sarnar, Arkhan, etc...)
George Krashos Posted - 16 Aug 2023 : 23:23:50
I've only ever done one, new "Dun". No reason there can't be more. Although I would confine "Duns" to citadels. Smaller castles and fortresses should be "Vals" in my book.

-- George Krashos
sleyvas Posted - 16 Aug 2023 : 13:09:54
Hey, how many "Dun" places did you guys come up with for Narfell out of curiosity? What it just Dun-Tharos (i.e. Narathmault) and Dun-Orthass (i.e. Citadel of Conjurers)

Was thinking it might be interesting to have some "fallen" citadels of Narfell (and just to play on the naming trick that was done... maybe a Dun-Arthos, a Dun-Sorath, a Dun-Ratosh, a Dun-Hastor, etc..) scattered across the bloodstone lands. Maybe some of them are even "fallen and rebuilt over" with some hidden danger still lurking that people don't realize. Maybe even we find out that the Castle of the Witch King Zhengyi (i.e. Castle Perilous) was one such place.
George Krashos Posted - 15 Aug 2023 : 16:38:47
It was a combination of rushing/lack of preparedness and lack of sufficiently experienced High Mages, with many of the senior ones having joined the fight against the Army of Darkness to save Myth Drannor and perished in that terrible conflict.

-- George Krashos
kysus Posted - 14 Aug 2023 : 06:34:37
George the failure to cast that high magic ritual do you think its cause was do to a lack of sufficient amount of highmages needed for the casting or a lack of experience among the few high mages that were present for the casting? or something different maybe like them making mistakes while trying to rush and get the ritual completed before the scaled horde made it to them?
George Krashos Posted - 06 Aug 2023 : 04:32:00
Originally posted by kysus

Thank you George for your reply, i have gotten another question for you that has just recently come to my mind that ive been thinking on. In your Impiltur timeline in the year 727 it sated that Vedrymmell fell when the few high mages unsuccessfully try to create a mythal and in the 3rd forgotten realms campaign book it has this paragraph on the grey forest about this area where there are these circles of trees that was said to be elves that turned themselves into those trees and i was wondering if maybe these two things where the same thing that maybe that was the result of the failed high magic being cast that everyone involved in that casting got transformed into those trees?

Very perceptive Kysus. Yes, the tree circles are the remnants of the High Magi of Vedrymmell and other citizens of that realm affected by the backlash of the failed mythal ritual.

-- George Krashos
kysus Posted - 06 Aug 2023 : 04:24:46
Thank you George for your reply, i have gotten another question for you that has just recently come to my mind that ive been thinking on. In your Impiltur timeline in the year 727 it sated that Vedrymmell fell when the few high mages unsuccessfully try to create a mythal and in the 3rd forgotten realms campaign book it has this paragraph on the grey forest about this area where there are these circles of trees that was said to be elves that turned themselves into those trees and i was wondering if maybe these two things where the same thing that maybe that was the result of the failed high magic being cast that everyone involved in that casting got transformed into those trees?
sleyvas Posted - 04 Aug 2023 : 13:54:58
Originally posted by George Krashos

I've recently come up with an alternative reason for the hag presence in Rashemen and all will be revealed hopefully soonish.

-- George Krashos

Would love to read it, and can probably worm it into the other idea as well.
George Krashos Posted - 04 Aug 2023 : 01:39:01
I've recently come up with an alternative reason for the hag presence in Rashemen and all will be revealed hopefully soonish.

-- George Krashos
sleyvas Posted - 03 Aug 2023 : 14:49:55
On Narathmault / Dun-Tharos there was novel, Lady of Poison, that delves the ruins a little tiny bit. I can't recall much though, other than it naming some of the entrapped beings.

At one point we were doing some non-canon creation here... setting Narathmault as a follow on civilization from an earlier society of hags (they called the place Bheuristahl) and having the hags seizing the place from the great spirit spider "Chupoclops" which is a vestige in Tome of Magic.

This was specific to narathmault

This was an add on conversation where we were proposing that at one point the links to the spirit realm that exist in Kara-tur extended further west into the Unapproachable east and bloodstone lands (and this would be why Rashemen is the way it is), and it delves the idea of the hag city of Bheuristahl and Chupoclops more.
George Krashos Posted - 03 Aug 2023 : 14:34:39
Narathmault is Dun Tharos - or more correctly the underground ways of Narathmault are Dun Tharos. The elves of Lethyr removed most of the old surface vestiges of that place when it was claimed and then the druids of Leth cleaned up the Narfelli stuff after the Great Conflagration. There's lots of stuff under the woodlands but the ways under were assiduously blocked up by the elves and druids. For safety reasons. of course.

-- George Krashos
TBeholder Posted - 03 Aug 2023 : 02:51:07
Originally posted by Rhufus

Are there any structures like keeps or anything still in Impiltur that was built by the Narfel empire?

Which leads to the question of Narathmault, which led to this whole mess. As well as lesser settlements / outpost / vaults of Riildath. How much is left of those ruins long after the Nar plundered them for fiend-related magic?
I mean, it's old, yet even Miyeritar left ruins (surface was scourged, of course, but some structures below the ground remained in Undermoor).
George Krashos Posted - 02 Aug 2023 : 13:06:21
Originally posted by Rhufus

Are there any structures like keeps or anything still in Impiltur that was built by the Narfel empire? Besides demon cysts of course.

Openly? No. There are a few hidden in the Earthfast Mountains though, and of course there is Dun Orthass - the Citadel of Conjurers. Although its post-Spellplague fate is still a matter of conjecture.

-- George Krashos
Rhufus Posted - 01 Aug 2023 : 00:41:20
Are there any structures like keeps or anything still in Impiltur that was built by the Narfel empire? Besides demon cysts of course.
George Krashos Posted - 30 Jul 2023 : 04:45:36
Myth Glaurach inherited the title City of Scrolls from its predecessor, the elven city of Glaurachyndaar. That city in turn grew from Glaurachyn, a school of elven wizardry built atop the ruins of an older Aryvandaraan city and founded in -3917 DR. So the name came from the fact that the city was associated with a school of wizardry. Hence the scrolls.

-- George Krashos
kysus Posted - 29 Jul 2023 : 06:46:26
George a question for you and eric if I may. In the work that you two had done on earlann have you two come across or came up with why the city of scrolls is named that? was it something like being known for making many magical scrolls or its libraries being mostly in scroll form instead of books maybe? ive just been wondering that for awhile now and i have yet to find anything in print for it. Also sorry i have alot of questions for you still to ask but havent gotten around to asking do to my hobby of rock climbing taking up most of my time and am now training to get back into shape for this fall, but i do plan to try to get a few more questions in when i get a chance.
Steven Schend Posted - 16 Jul 2023 : 18:44:27
Originally posted by George Krashos
And as for Ed, he stopped playing in the Impiltur sandbox many years ago, so as to better give me free rein for my ideas and creativity. He's a good guy like that.

I think I'm among the few former TSR wage sla—-er, staffers—-who ever did anything in print re Impiltur (all in Sea of Fallen Stars, iirc) but George already knew I was a right bastard anyways. (Also, I ran stuff by him for lore-checking before it went to editorial.)

George Krashos Posted - 13 Jul 2023 : 04:24:51
Originally posted by Rhufus

Also, in your Impiltur campaign did the boy king ever make his dream happen? How did Impiltur change at the end of your campaign? Was the council disbanded or did the new monarch find themselves a puppet king? What about the deathknight former king of Impiltur did he play a part in your campaign? Just curious how your realms played out.

Lastly has Ed ever hinted at what Impiltur might look like in 5e during your conversations with the great sage?

I've never actually had an Impiltur "campaign" just thoughts on the place which lead to my first Dragon article in #277 and then a write up of the kingdom in #346. And yes, King Imbrar II did indeed become king, his coronation occurring on Marpenoth 24 in the Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR). One of his first formal acts was to dissolve the Council of Lords as a formal body, although many of them remained trusted advisors to the new monarch. Received of the responsibilities of being the Queen-Regent, Sambryl, now with the title of Dowager Queen went off to Silverymoon and Tethyr.

As for the king's namesake, now a death knight, all we know is that the Spellplague did away with him.

And as for Ed, he stopped playing in the Impiltur sandbox many years ago, so as to better give me free rein for my ideas and creativity. He's a good guy like that.

-- George Krashos
Rhufus Posted - 12 Jul 2023 : 19:12:21
Originally posted by George Krashos

I've had some random thoughts about the post Spelllplague Impiltur, but nothing that anyone could describe as detailed. I think the 4E FR Campaign Book and the mention in the SCAG gives an idea that it's devolved back into rival city-states. I confess I'm not a fan of steampunk - I'm a boring, traditional, high fantasy Tolkien type - so I definitely don't have any thoughts in that direction. In reality, the state of the 5E Realms one hundred miles east of the Sword Coast is anyone's guess and in such a massive vacuum, it's very difficult to come up with stuff without adding scaffolding all around it. So that makes it a big job from the perspective of where I work on the Realms. So, I haven't mapped out 5E Impiltur. I may never map it out. But guess what? You are just as much an expert on 5E Impiltur as I am. Go have some fun with the place.

-- George Krashos

Maybe steampunk is not the best description. I'm thinking something like Napoleon era vibe to the realms. Flint lock or cannons technology. Warriors tend more toward breastplates and dueling blades along with pistols. I guess I was just trying to imagine how 5e Impiltur might have evolved from a technology standpoint and then from there decide what the economy and political landscape looks like.

Also, in your Impiltur campaign did the boy king ever make his dream happen? How did Impiltur change at the end of your campaign? Was the council disbanded or did the new monarch find themselves a puppet king? What about the deathknight former king of Impiltur did he play a part in your campaign? Just curious how your realms played out.

Lastly has Ed ever hinted at what Impiltur might look like in 5e during your conversations with the great sage?
George Krashos Posted - 12 Jul 2023 : 13:35:11
I've had some random thoughts about the post Spelllplague Impiltur, but nothing that anyone could describe as detailed. I think the 4E FR Campaign Book and the mention in the SCAG gives an idea that it's devolved back into rival city-states. I confess I'm not a fan of steampunk - I'm a boring, traditional, high fantasy Tolkien type - so I definitely don't have any thoughts in that direction. In reality, the state of the 5E Realms one hundred miles east of the Sword Coast is anyone's guess and in such a massive vacuum, it's very difficult to come up with stuff without adding scaffolding all around it. So that makes it a big job from the perspective of where I work on the Realms. So, I haven't mapped out 5E Impiltur. I may never map it out. But guess what? You are just as much an expert on 5E Impiltur as I am. Go have some fun with the place.

-- George Krashos
Rhufus Posted - 12 Jul 2023 : 05:52:20
George, love all your posts on Impiltur. I would love to hear your thoughts on what has happened in Impiltur at the start of 5e. Lets say 1490DR is the current year, and the boy king never came to power and the different families continued to jockey for a chance at the throne but no single house has managed to get close and the Council is now more or less being controlled by various "new blood/new money" wealthy people and the country has continued to decline in terms of the Triadic Orders and such. Taking into account the waters have risen, the second sundering has happened, etc., I imagine the country has all but dissolved back into independent city states in practice and are only part of a "nation" in name. What houses would most likely be left in a position to make a play for the throne or would the nation become something more like Sembia where "the wealthy" make the rules and the working class becomes more and more desperate? I also imagine maybe Impiltur being on the edge of a kind of industrial / steampunkish place. I mean flying ships and machines are in the realms now I imagine steampunk is not too much of a stretch. What would flying ships do to trade in and around the Sea of Fallen Stars. Would Damara finally be able to trade with anyone instead of having to pass through Impiltur? Would flying ships become a powerful military tool for the first inner sea nation to start producing them? If Sonelion "disappears" during the second sundering what kind of change would that make in Impiltur to no longer be under her influence? Anyway I would love to get some ideas from you on possible directions to take Impiltur in 5e.

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