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 Temple of Elemental Evil

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Strahd Von Zarovich Posted - 18 Sep 2003 : 18:00:48
Okay okay, So it's not exactly Forgotten realms based software, but this is one title that makes me drool when I start to think about it.

It is now out! Has anybody had a chance to play it yet, and has anybody got any comments.

If no one knows what I am talking about then why not head over to:-

which is a nice site, and check this baby out!

Strahd Von Zarovich
26   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Drakul Posted - 05 Mar 2006 : 15:18:18
Speakin of which, there is a chest in the Fire Temple in ToEE that I an havin trouble openin. My Rogue has a high Lock Pick skill and fails everytime and my Sorcerer used Open/Close and the spell fizzles. The Priest that was guardin the chest did not have key to open the chest. How am I to get that chest open??
Zacas Posted - 20 Dec 2003 : 06:26:46
hmm... either it was one of those 'few hours only' sales... or it ended by midnight... cause i just checked it again at almost 12:30 cst... and the sale was gone.. hehe... for once my luck worked for me...
Zacas Posted - 19 Dec 2003 : 21:47:20
hehe... i JUST ordered this from since they have it going for 9.99, 80% off the normal 49.99 price...
MuadDib Posted - 04 Nov 2003 : 06:28:44
Ok, I have just got this game last night and played it, albeit briefly.

Notwithstanding its similarity to Pools of Radiance (which I abhored) it looks decent. Graphics engine has been revamped, and the information in the manual might as well be some sort of players guide having a tonn of info.

The one thing i can say for certain, is that i am absoutely clueless when it comes to 3.5 E rules. Things like only dying at -10 hp, and stuff like that, totally caught me off guard.

I will no doubt be posting tonns of questions to all knowledgable scribes. For instance, why do you think your character maxes out at lvl 10? Is lvl 10 formidable? and is it because they are trying to 'very' accurately mimic a pen & paper game that the maps are sort of neverending? I mean the very first map is huge!
William of Waterdeep Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 19:56:31
Originally posted by Arivia

Thanks for the tip, William.

Sure anytime.
Arivia Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 05:41:01
Thanks for the tip, William.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 03:21:11
Originally posted by Arivia

My worst problem with any game published by Black Isle was with Baldur's Gate, which somehow literally broke my CD drive. Every once in a while, I'd get an error that made it impossible to open my CD drive until I restarted my computer. That's fine, but once the drive became stuck...and wouldn't open. Had to buy a new drive, and then go after the old one with a screwdriver to release the disk.

Wow,I never had any problem with it myself and I played through BG more than any of the other.
Not trying to be a smart arse cause you know already i'm a dumb arse
but the next time a disc gets stuck in the cdrom tray don't use a scewdriver.Take a large size paper clip and bend one side out straight and insert in a small hole close to the headphone plug-in (on most),it may take a few seconds to find it inside but you can trip the release and open the cdrom.Once you have found it just push in and you should feel it give as the tray comes out.
Arivia Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 02:54:59
My worst problem with any game published by Black Isle was with Baldur's Gate, which somehow literally broke my CD drive. Every once in a while, I'd get an error that made it impossible to open my CD drive until I restarted my computer. That's fine, but once the drive became stuck...and wouldn't open. Had to buy a new drive, and then go after the old one with a screwdriver to release the disk.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 02:03:24
Originally posted by kahonen

Originally posted by William of Waterdeep

Thats terrible!!!! I am sorry you found out the hard way but thanks for telling us.I was hoping to find it used but I wouldn't waste my time even looking for it if its that bad.

I'm prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt provided the patch works. The Temple of Elemental Evil has special significance to me as it was one of the first scenarios I did when I started D&D (about a million years ago). If it wasn't for this, I don't think I'd bother.

The only positive thing about this new game is that it shows just how good Black Isle are

I do hope the patch works for you as well as anyone else with the game.I must agree with you again on showing how good Black Isle is because from my past experience they have made some of my favorite games and I had very,very few problems if any on most of them.
kahonen Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 00:54:58
Originally posted by William of Waterdeep

Thats terrible!!!! I am sorry you found out the hard way but thanks for telling us.I was hoping to find it used but I wouldn't waste my time even looking for it if its that bad.

I'm prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt provided the patch works. The Temple of Elemental Evil has special significance to me as it was one of the first scenarios I did when I started D&D (about a million years ago). If it wasn't for this, I don't think I'd bother.

The only positive thing about this new game is that it shows just how good Black Isle are
William of Waterdeep Posted - 28 Oct 2003 : 00:15:01
Thats terrible!!!! I am sorry you found out the hard way but thanks for telling us.I was hoping to find it used but I wouldn't waste my time even looking for it if its that bad.
kahonen Posted - 27 Oct 2003 : 22:44:36
Originally posted by Rad

Wow thats pretty bad kahonen
I was surprised at the release of this game as it just seemed to appear out of nowhere. I was excited about it though as ToEE was the first module I ever played. (im getting deju vu writing this post!)

I havent had chance to play it yet but ill sure give it a go at some point.

Hi Rad, good to talk to you again

It's true what you say about the game just suddenly appearing on the shelves. I've not even been able to find a review of it in any of the UK magazines. A cynic might suspect this was intentional. I'll give it another go when (if) the patch is released at the end of the month, until then there really isn't any point.

I'll post an update here to let you know what effect the patch has.

Lord Rad Posted - 27 Oct 2003 : 19:16:00
Wow thats pretty bad kahonen
I was surprised at the release of this game as it just seemed to appear out of nowhere. I was excited about it though as ToEE was the first module I ever played. (im getting deju vu writing this post!)

I havent had chance to play it yet but ill sure give it a go at some point.
kahonen Posted - 26 Oct 2003 : 21:03:57
I decided to risk ignoring the reviews and bug lists and bought this pile of garbage on Saturday. I believe this game has just set software testing back 20 years.

Since installing the "game", I've had numerous crashes and lock-ups and haven't been able to play for more than about 10 mins without a problem.

As a word of warning, let me give this little gem as an example of the genius which has been built into the game mechanics. My party (7 characters) entered a room containing a single "large spider". All party members were immediately webbed and those breaking free were immediately re-webbed (all failed saving throws) at the start of every turn. I had 4 party members armed with ranged weapons and all of them missed every time they fired (each had 20 arrows). In an attempt to find out why, I did a little investigation and it appears that not only is initiative being determined in the first round of combat (as you would expect) but the combat results are as well - this means that if a character misses in the first round he will continue to miss on all subsequent rounds since the same number is used. It seems that if the character hits on the first round then attack dice are generated in the normal way. As for the spider, it just sat there and did nothing after the first round. The characters that broke free of the webs couldn't move (trying to move them made the spider flash for some unexplained reason). After 15 mins of nothing happening I had to exit the game and start again.

Apparently a patch is being released later this month but why should I (or anyone else) pay £34.99 for the priviledge of beta-testing someone's software? Why should it need a patch? Why should software be any different to any other product - imagine if Ford released a new car before they tested the brakes.
William of Waterdeep Posted - 25 Oct 2003 : 21:42:56
So you have the game I take it. Kiwi,what do u think of it so far?
Kiwi Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 05:48:56
Originally posted by Rad

I don{'}t like the look of that list though, it almost seems like a joke review. The game itself looks really nice from what i{I'}ve seen on trailers. Although I must say i{I'}m surprised that it{'}s been released so soon after word of development first hit the streets. Maybe it was just too rushed.

Trust Atari! They've screwed up releases too many times already.

Meanwhile, the Circle of Eight has released their FanFix patch that does work very well. And now even a second iteration of their patch is out. Don't play ToEE without the patch. It really is bugged. Atari's fault, not Troika's, but Atari HAS finally agreed to pay for programmer time to prepare an official patch.

The K.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 24 Sep 2003 : 02:04:07
Originally posted by Rad

I assume youre familiar with Microsoft, kahonen

Still, it will be a shame if the game is as bugged as the report states, as im quite looking forward to playing a PC game based on the first D&D\AD&D module I ever played!

I have been looking forward to it although I have never played the
module.I did however see it for sell on ebay the other night.I don't
know if it was coincidence or good timing on the sellers part.

Lord Rad Posted - 23 Sep 2003 : 19:12:22
Originally posted by kahonen

I have some difficulty believing any organisation would release a game with this many bugs in it.

I assume youre familiar with Microsoft, kahonen

Still, it will be a shame if the game is as bugged as the report states, as im quite looking forward to playing a PC game based on the first D&D\AD&D module I ever played!
Yasraena Posted - 23 Sep 2003 : 01:21:42
I always take these bug reports with a grain of salt, because a lot of the times they're by people who have PC's that are the bare minimum to run these games. NWN was the same. There were all these posts on the oficial forum about all these different bugs it had, but I only saw one major bug in the entire game, which the subsequent patch immediately fixed.

Still, the reports of the lack of feedback on the oficial forums is something to think about. I wonder if this is going to turn into another Pools of Radiance II? We all know what a dissapointment THAT game turned out to be.
kahonen Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 21:19:15
Originally posted by Strahd Von Zarovich

Well I am not too sure about all of those bugs listed, as I have been playing the game, and I haven't come across any of those bugs. I have increased the scroll rate with no detrimental effect. I have even gone into Iron Man mode, and save & exit worked fine.

That list looks like a beta testers list of faults more than an actual release faults list.

I am sure there ARE bugs in the game, but it is certainly NOT as bad as what is made out there.

So far the detail to the original ToEE is amazing, and I am enjoying it thoroughly. I will give more feedback as I go along!

Strahd Von Zarovich

Have a look on:

This will take you to the forums. The top thread is called "Unofficial Bug Thread". Most of the bugs posted above (and more) are on there.

Perhaps you're just lucky - or the game is waiting until you've been playing for a while before it bins everything you've saved

I think I'll wait until the first patch is announced.

kahonen Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 21:12:12
Originally posted by Rad

Cant believe my eyes...kahonen back in Candlekeep!? Good to see you back again

I dont like the look of that list though, it almost seems like a joke review. I mean "Good clerics sometimes spontaneously cast inflict wounds instead of cure wounds.", thats one hell of a bug!!

The game itself looks really nice from what ive seen on trailers. Although I must say im surprised that its been released so soon after word of development first hit the streets. Maybe it was just too rushed.

It's good to be back, Rad, even if it's only for a short while. Studies in a library of a different kind are keeping me away for the moment. I still like to pop in occasionally on my way past

I must admit to being surprised about the list of bugs myself. The thing that concerned me though, was the date the comments were posted on was 20 September so that wouldn't tie in with beta testing. My other worry is the lack of feedback on the official forums. I have some difficulty believing any organisation would release a game with this many bugs in it.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 07:38:18
Originally posted by Rad

I dont like the look of that list though, it almost seems like a joke review. I mean "Good clerics sometimes spontaneously cast inflict wounds instead of cure wounds.", thats one hell of a bug!!

That would make you shy from carrying a cleric with you to a heavy
battle.The cleric would be your worst enemy.

Originally posted by Rad

The game itself looks really nice from what ive seen on trailers. Although I must say im surprised that its been released so soon after word of development first hit the streets. Maybe it was just too rushed.


It does look good but like everything else in the world.Meet the dead
line fix it later.Besides we are play testing and giving feedback for
free this way.
MuadDib Posted - 22 Sep 2003 : 06:15:55
I too have been eagerly anticipating this title...

and yeah, I think that list of bugs is a BETA report, as we test the game to write reviews on, and have heard nothing in terms of those bugs

thanks for bringing them to my attention though, I will be checking them out...
Strahd Von Zarovich Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 18:40:17
Well I am not too sure about all of those bugs listed, as I have been playing the game, and I haven't come across any of those bugs. I have increased the scroll rate with no detrimental effect. I have even gone into Iron Man mode, and save & exit worked fine.

That list looks like a beta testers list of faults more than an actual release faults list.

I am sure there ARE bugs in the game, but it is certainly NOT as bad as what is made out there.

So far the detail to the original ToEE is amazing, and I am enjoying it thoroughly. I will give more feedback as I go along!

Strahd Von Zarovich
Lord Rad Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 18:28:14
Cant believe my eyes...kahonen back in Candlekeep!? Good to see you back again

I dont like the look of that list though, it almost seems like a joke review. I mean "Good clerics sometimes spontaneously cast inflict wounds instead of cure wounds.", thats one hell of a bug!!

The game itself looks really nice from what ive seen on trailers. Although I must say im surprised that its been released so soon after word of development first hit the streets. Maybe it was just too rushed.
kahonen Posted - 21 Sep 2003 : 15:46:46
There are some bad reviews on about Temple of Elemental Evil. One is copied below. There are also some good reviews but how many bad reviews do you need to not buy a game?

ToEE is not worth a premium price in it's current state. I recommend waiting for a patch (though it is uncertain if Atari/Troika is going to fund a patch) or waiting for the game to hit the bargain bin. Infested with bugs and gameplay issues to include:
-Setting screen scroll speed to 5(fastest) brings everything to a crawl.
-Traveling with NPC's can cause the game to lock up at the world map.
-NPC's inyour party loot themselves into an overburdened status and can barely move in combat.

-Some quests cannot be completed because NPC children were removed from the game.
-Ironman mode "Save and Quit" does nothing. "Return to Game" actually saves and quits.
-No description for the effects of magic items.
-Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. +3 damage/hit/armor and elemental damage enchantments do not work. May also increase the armor check penalty.
-Craft Wondrous Item feat. Many items cannot be made due to SPELL_NONE being listed as a spell requirement.
-Clerics are not getting domain spells beyond first level.
-Metamagic feats for Sorcerers do not work.
-Monsters spawn in walls while resting.
-Wearing chain boots or gloves can reduce combat movement to 10'.
-Magic weapons negate the Weapons Finesse feat, causing you to use strength instead of dexterity bonus.
-Good clerics sometimes spontaneously cast inflict wounds instead of cure wounds.
-Poor pathfinding and formation holding. Characters will deselct themselves and not move with the group. Wizard/Rogue end up out front when zoning.
-Druid spell Produce Flame gives unlimited attacks against a single target.
-Magic and Greater Magic Weapon give permanent, instead of temporary bonuses.
-Greater Spell Penetration Feat does not seem to be working.
-Crash to Desktops and may not run due to copy protection scheme.
-No feedback from developers on the official forums.
-Other small annoyances.

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