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 Sages of Realmslore
 The Archdevils and The Nine Hells

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shadowlord Posted - 26 Apr 2004 : 07:27:01
I was wondering if some of the scribes could provide me with some information not given in the Book of Vile Darkness about the rulers of the Nine Hells, preferably the Archdevil Mephistopheles. Player's Guide to Faerūn briefly touches on the fact that different Archdevils rule the different layers. I'd like to know more about the coup that Mephistopheles incited to cull betrayers, as well as more about Cania, the layer he rules. It interests me that a layer of intense cold exists in the Nine Hells...
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 30 Sep 2018 : 16:08:55
Master Shadowlord,

Here are two sources you may enjoy (if you have not already enjoyed them):

Best regards,

Originally posted by Shadowlord

I was wondering if some of the scribes could provide me with some information not given in the Book of Vile Darkness about the rulers of the Nine Hells, preferably the Archdevil Mephistopheles. Player's Guide to Faerūn briefly touches on the fact that different Archdevils rule the different layers. I'd like to know more about the coup that Mephistopheles incited to cull betrayers, as well as more about Cania, the layer he rules. It interests me that a layer of intense cold exists in the Nine Hells...

The Sage Posted - 21 May 2004 : 09:56:49
Originally posted by Sachiel

Does anyone have any detailed information on Nessus itself, preferrably Malsheem?

Ask and you shall receive...eventually

Anyway Nessus, named for the lusty centaur, is the spiritual home of vicious sensualists, and also of domestic tyrants who exploited and abused the families they should have truly loved, turning "family values" into cruel tyranny. It is a windswept wasteland ("a waste of shame" -- Shakespeare ) under a dull-green sky filled with lightning. The winds may seem to whisper unspeakable things. The locals -- living and dead -- suffer in the storm, or in the bestial dungeons below the plane. They are fond of talking about how all love reduces to animal instinct, how "superior individuals" have a "duty to choose the finest breeders", how "interpersonal gratification" is the "right of those who have won power", and so forth. They may be suprisingly well-informed about any situations in which the player characters have played with the feelings of others. Many cults of sensuality, incest, and depravity have their headquarters here. They offer addictive pleasures, for which one may finally pay the ultimate price. At the center is the Palace of True Love (lust). Escape from this layer may be possible by passing a test of the player characters' ability to show genuine love without expecting anything in return.

I hope that helps and remember, as is always the way, I have more...
The Sage Posted - 21 May 2004 : 09:45:45
Yes, although Gargauth was a unique example. It should be noted that many other 2e planar sources actually go as far to dispute this.
Sarta Posted - 21 May 2004 : 08:52:34
Originally posted by The Sage

Actually, can you fall further than the ninth layer...?

Gargauth: Yes... yes you can.

The Sage Posted - 20 May 2004 : 10:33:30
Originally posted by DDH_101

PART of your theory was in the Book of Vile Darkness. It was said taht when Asmodeus fell to the Nine Hells, he suffered severe injuries, injuries that still aren't healed even today. The cause of this fall is unknown but it was probably a major battle with some celestia or deity.

However, the part about his fall creating the Nine Hells, I am not so sure about.

It's important to remember that when Asmodeus fell, there were no deities or celestials, only Jazirian. She was the likely cause of Asmodeus's fall, although some GRR products dispute this. It really all depends on which planar origin theory you accept as truth.

While I commonly believe the tales put forth in the 1e MotP and the PS setting, the Guide to Hell tome has some interesting points that cannot be dismissed so easily. Chris Pramas made certain of that...
The Sage Posted - 20 May 2004 : 10:29:19
Originally posted by DDH_101

Speaking of Nessus, I read that the gate that leads to Nessus from Cania is guarded by 9999 devils. Is this the only way to get into Asmodeus's domain?

That is the only way known to mortals (and most deities), yes. There is rumored to be another access portal from Nessus to Cania, but only Asmodeus and Mephistopheles know of it's existence. It is said to be an 'escape portal', in the very unlikely event that Asmodeus should he ever fall from power.

Actually, can you fall further than the ninth layer...?
DDH_101 Posted - 20 May 2004 : 06:07:54
PART of your theory was in the Book of Vile Darkness. It was said taht when Asmodeus fell to the Nine Hells, he suffered severe injuries, injuries that still aren't healed even today. The cause of this fall is unknown but it was probably a major battle with some celestia or deity.

However, the part about his fall creating the Nine Hells, I am not so sure about.
The Cardinal Posted - 20 May 2004 : 04:59:31
Actually I myself have heard theories of Nessus being connected to some point in the upper planes... Of course this goes on the theory that Asmodeus 'fell' from somewhere and in striking ground created the Nine Hells... We cannot remember if this was written somewhere or we dreamed it up after reading Dante's Inferno.... The Real Dante's Inferno Book set and not that horrible movie...
DDH_101 Posted - 19 May 2004 : 23:46:19
Speaking of Nessus, I read that the gate that leads to Nessus from Cania is guarded by 9999 devils. Is this the only way to get into Asmodeus's domain?
Lady Kazandra Posted - 19 May 2004 : 06:37:37
Sachiel, you're going to have to be a little more specific. Both Nessus and Malsheem are very large areas, and the information I have access to (the Sage's of course ) is nearly as big. So in order for me to find something appropriate and useful, more specific search parameters will be required.

Is there anything that particularly deals with Malsheem that you want to know about?
Sachiel Posted - 19 May 2004 : 03:52:32
Does anyone have any detailed information on Nessus itself, preferrably Malsheem?
The Sage Posted - 08 May 2004 : 03:18:56
Originally posted by D-brane

I'll probably cover Pearza next. He's the Minister of Research for the arch-devils of the Nine Hells.

I see you've been mining my archives again D-brane .
D-brane Posted - 07 May 2004 : 13:25:40
I've never actually read alot regarding the Dark Eight anyway. Even the existant Planescape material is vague when it comes to detailing these exemplars of the ultimate Pit Fiend.

What I would like to see though, is some stats for these Fiends. I mean, we know they are more powerful than the average Pit Fiend, but are yet considered to be a grade below the power of the Arch-Devils.
Shadowlord Posted - 07 May 2004 : 08:17:17
Extremely interesting, D-brane... Glad to see someone is finally shedding some light on the Generals of the Blood War.
D-brane Posted - 07 May 2004 : 07:35:29
I'll probably cover Pearza next. He's the Minister of Research for the arch-devils of the Nine Hells.
D-brane Posted - 07 May 2004 : 07:33:58
Since this thread now covers the entire Nine Hells, I feel that I can post some information that I have pertaining to the Dark Eight.

Here's the first of such updates. It's written in treatise form, although the first few lines should explain it's purpose more -
To: Malfeaz, Lord of Seven Darks, Master of Mungoth.

From: Herab Serap, Master of Ravens, Disperser of the Young.

Being an updated and expanded treatise on the secrets and weaknesses of Baator's DARK EIGHT, revised from the original document written by the Togarini in ages past.

BAALZEPHON, the Minister of Supply, is one of the two most ancient surviving members of the Eight, and the one who remains most free of entanglements with Baator's nobility. Baalzephon believes she most purely serves the purpose for which the Dark Eight were created, reducing the power of the Lords of the Nine.

Weaknesses: Baalzephon's arrogance has no equal in the rest of the Eight. She treats her ministry as if it were a feudal state and she its unquestioned lord. At the bottom of the Ministry of upply's ranks this is literally true, with spinagon peasants grimly tending herds of stench kine and petitioners, their situation as desperate as that of their mortal counterparts. In higher ranks are the ambassadors, knights, and merchant-princes who visit the courts of powerful entities throughout the planes to garner trade deals and contracts. Baalzephon herself wears the regalia of a mighty emperor, the solar orb and crown of Aerdy (a nation of the material plane that worships Baalzephon as Baalzi, god of wealth) her frequent symbol. Baalzephon is the only member of the Dark Eight that can afford to treat the Lords of the Nine (save the Deepest) with contempt. She does have an alliance with Hextor, a power of Acheron, who helped her create her army of undead animuses. In exchange, she razed a rakshasa city, something that does not endear her to that race (although they must trade with her representatives nonetheless). This, too, can be exploited.

If Baalzephon fuels the Blood War's physical needs, then ZIMIMAR fuels its will. Her ministry weaves epic stories of victories won and traitors suppressed, of conspiracies unraveled and foes outwitted. If you belive Zimimar's propaganda machine (and you will, one way or another), Baator is on the very brink of victory, always and continually. History is flux, perpetuatally rewritten to create an image across the planes of a Baator slowl, steadily progressing toward inevitable multiversal domination.

The present Minister of Morale is not the original Zimimar. The original was a duke in the service of Count Minauros. This original Zimimar, a male pit fiend, won fame in Minauros' court as head of the Count's osylut secret police, eclipsing even the terrible Duke Bael in esteem. As a result, he was easily able to win the right to command Minauros' armies during the Siege of Dis. What no one at the time knew was that Zimimar had been drawn into the fold of Cantrum of Nessus, as all the great generals were.

Exactly when Zimimar was assassinated and replaced, and indeed how many times, is unclear, for the present Zimimar has rewritten all records. She is now the original - she has made herself so by controlling Baator's belief. She has been Zimimar since the dawn of time. In the names of the Lords of the Nine, the Dark Eight have always ruled, Zimimar among them.

Zimimar's appearance changes continually, but official press releases assure us that it has always been the same. To better inspire the troops, she is usually a pit fiend of perfect symmetry, a paragon of strength and scaly beauty, but the details vary radically. Her human guises are always neatly attired and attractive, but still strong and forminable in their way. In any shape, she is always seen with a fixed, manic smile that she sees as reassuring, but which inspires terror in all who witness it.

Weaknesses: Perhaps Zimimar is mad. Perhaps the stress of manipulating the beliefs of the entire baatezu race has unhinged her brain, making it as twisted and contrary as her propaganda. Alone of the baatezu, she must remember all past narratives, keeping them straight in her mind in case they are needed again, or in case previous stories reemerge to become a threat. Perhaps the zealotry with which she urges the baatezu to battle and hunts down thought-criminals is fueled by the terror within her that someday she will forget, and become a prisoner of her own lies, created rather than creatrix. Such a fate, slave to her fictions like everyone else, is perhaps too much for her to bear.
Shadowlord Posted - 02 May 2004 : 17:43:12
Since we are now talking about more than just Mephistopheles, I think it would be safe to rename this scroll "The Archdevils and the Nine Hells," lest we incur Alaundo's wrath.
Shadowlord Posted - 01 May 2004 : 21:48:09
Actually, I am still looking for more. Thank ye, Sage.
The Sage Posted - 01 May 2004 : 14:42:51
If you are looking for more let me know. As I am collecting the information that I can find on Mephistopheles and Cania, I also digging up references to Zariel as well. It's not much, but there are some interesting tidbits.
Shadowlord Posted - 01 May 2004 : 14:34:16
Thank you, Sage. This is indeed valuable information about Zariel.
The Sage Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 07:26:37
Shadowlord, I've found some significant information concerning Zariel in my archives. I'll present it here for easy of reference -

True Lord of the First Hell (imprisoned)
The Destroyer, Angel of the Pit, Mother of Spiders
Alliases: Zuriel, Zavebe
AoC: Punishment, Imprisonment, Holy Crusades
Superior: none
Allies: Tiamat, Heironeous, Lilith, Baalphegor
Rivals: Hextor, Bel, Dispater, Mephistopheles, Mammon, Geryon, Lolth

After the great defections of Belial, Triel, and Iblis, there were some on Mount Glory who were not willing to let the traitors get away with mere exile. One of these was Zariel, an astral deva in the service of Heironeous, god of Justice. With the blessings of her patron, she followed the cross-traders to the Pit with the intention of destroying them.

Quickly, she discovered that this would be harder than she had thought. The Fallen Ones had dispersed and, as far as Zariel could tell, been consigned to lemure status by the Lords of the Hells. Convinced that a frontal assault would not work, Zariel decided to try subtlety, and so sealed her doom. She volunteered her services to the baatezu, saying she wished to join her fellows in Evil's embrace. They took her at her word, melted her down into a lemure-thing, and allowed her to prove herself in their hierarchy.

By the time she advanced to gelugon status, the good in her was long since burned away. Still she burned to punish her fellows, and this hate stood her in good stead. The Lord of Nessus noticed it and made her chief punisher of the first circle, telling her to hunt down and torment the exiled nobles who wandered the Avernian desolation. This she did with cold efficiency, making herself a parody of a court, with prisoners as courtiers. She expanded her wrath, organizing armies to make bolder assaults on the Blood War front. She also drove away the strongholds that Hextor and the goblin gods had made in her domain. Hextor, the so-called Herald of Hell, swore vengence. The only allies that Zariel made in that time was with Tiamat, whose abishai troops she made good use of, and with Baalphegor, who helped her create the elite keres, spider-legged baatezu that earned her the hatred of Lolth during their multiple raids on the Demonweb Pits.

Eventually, the Angel of the Pit got the opportunity she had been waiting patiently for over the millennia. The other Lords began to trust her enough to let her in on their schemes. The layers of Baator were split between those who had once been celestials and those who were united in their hatred of them. Baalzebul (formally Triel) and Belial offered their allegience in exchange for her help in conspiring against their rivals. She accepted, inwardly chuckling with sinister delight, and began plans to turn her colleagues schemes into open war, a war all the lords would lose.

Inflaming the others with progressively more fiery rhetoric, it was not too long as immortals reckon time before Zariel believed she was ready. With brazen hubris, she invaded the Iron City of Dis. Mephistopheles, Geryon, and Mammon swept down to stop her, and soon all of Baator was consumed in war. Though they were eventually all chastised, most - even Zariel - were given back their original positions, with some concessions. Fuming with anger, she began to plan an even bigger disaster. Before her plans could come to fruition, however, she was betrayed by her own generals.

Bel, the pit fiend who had previously betrayed Dispater to serve the Mother of Spiders, led the other warlords of Zariel in an unexpected coup. With his subordinates orchestrating a siege, Bel broke in and battled the weakened Angel of the Pit, ultimately binding her in her own webs. With dark sorcery he warped her body, creating from it the first of his scarecrowlike hellwardens. Bel then locked her away until he could fully drain her of her power and gain full control of the layer.

The Destroyer is imprisoned in a subterranean chamber deep beneath Bel's throne in his Bronze Citadel. Zariel has a long, serpentine body, eight spider legs, and a humanoid upper torso. Her fanged face has dozens of eyes. From her back grows dragon wings. Her hair is bound tightly back with hooks and chains. She has been horribly crucified, her limbs broken, twisted around her bonds, and allowed to heal, sealing her in a prison of her own flesh. Kocrachons attend her, increasing her agony and "milking" her power. Her blood leaks into a vessel from which Bel periodically drinks. One of the Pit Angel's tormentors has dared to drink some of the blood for herself, and is becoming increasingly changed. The once-kocrachon fears she may soon have to flee the Hells.

Lilith, the so-called Hag Countess of Malbolge, has expressed sympathy for the Destroyer. She remembers her own period of bondage to Malbolge's previous ruler Lord Moloch. Still, she realizes that it might be more to her advantage to form a firm alliance with Bel, who like herself and Levistus is mistrusted by most of the other lords.

Heironeous believes Zariel's punishment was unjust and that she can still be redeemed. He hopes to break her out and bring her to the Hospital of the Plane-Scarred in Celestia for rehabilitation.

Shadowlord Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 20:46:48
After living on Toril for over three millenia, I believe I can wait a little longer... I do indeed realize that Zariel is a tall order, though I'm confident that the scribes won't be dissuaded.
The Sage Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 16:46:34
Zariel the Fallen, and the former lord of Avernus...that's a tall order . Still, I know I have some significant information on that as well. I'll post that here though rather than include it with the other information on Cania and it's lord.

Again, I ask you to be patient, while I search my archives.
Arravis Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 16:12:20
Not much info on him unfortunately beyond what's in the Hell pdf (and the sources it came from)... if you find something, let me know :(.
Shadowlord Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 16:05:00
Indeed. I truly thank you for this information, and I believe that Alaundo would love to feature it in Candlekeep's ever growing library... However, I am still looking for any information you can find. However, this time, I'm interestedin Zariel, fallen celestial, and the prior lord of Avernus.
Arravis Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 15:26:30
DDH_101, I started with the basic 1st edition books, went through older Dragon magazines, then made my way through some of the later 1st edition books (Manual of the Planes, etc). From there I went on to the 2nd edition info (and the Dragon magazines of that time), and went through my entire Planescape library. From there I went through all the 3rd edition stuff and Dragon magazine articles. From there I looked through Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno. The last part was to look online (especially the planescape forums), to fill in the rest (especially since my Planescape collection isn't complete, it isn't missing much, but enough). I did find a wealth of info there, very handy.

Most of the work isn't my own (except for the random encounter tables, those are all mine :)), it's TSR's, WoTC's and the guys at Realms of Evil. Not that putting all that info together into one document was easy.

I very much regret not keeping track of the sources on it, so I could give proper credit. This project originally started just as a few DM's notes for my game. It wasn't meant for posting on the web, so I didn't keep track of the writers of my sources. But, it kept getting bigger and bigger, and my friends finally talked me into posting it. Anyway, to all the authors, my apologies.
DDH_101 Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 15:08:13
Arravis, that stuff you have on Hell was really detailed and useful. Where did you find all that information?
The Sage Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 06:56:15
I think you did the same topic that the Lady Kazandra mentioned during our time at RoE.

Still, I could be mistaken. It was an awfully long time ago .
Arravis Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 06:43:08
If he's including me in that, I just don't like being called "folk".

Awesome I'll take though, lol. Not out of any kind of actual talent, but simply for the time investment, hehe. That Hell pdf took me alot longer to put together then I care to admit...
The Sage Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 05:53:28
Well, I don't know about the others, but I'm not part of any collective entity known as 'Awesome'...I'm just the Sage .

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