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 Son of Thunder: "The Bones of the Beast"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 31 Dec 2005 : 18:40:25
Well met

Due to appear on the official WotC Forgotten Realms website soon, is a story by Murray Leeder, entitled The Bones of the Beast. Please discuss herein.
29   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Murray Leeder Posted - 30 Jan 2020 : 16:44:30
Thanks! I'm pretty sure I actually wrote "Bones of the Beast" before starting on Son of Thunder. If I had ever done a sequel, I would've liked to take Vell and Kellin to Ruathym to learn more about Uthgar's mortal life.
George Krashos Posted - 30 Jan 2020 : 00:21:45
Hi Murray! I love "Bones of the Beast". Great read, super-respectful of the Realms and the source material and creating fallow ground to add more stuff ... as Eric Boyd and I might be doing at the moment. Cheers.

-- George Krashos
Murray Leeder Posted - 29 Jan 2020 : 14:14:28
Thanks for the interest! I can't do better than that waybackmachine link.

For some back ground, at the time there was a sort of trend of authors writing (for free, I might add) these web enhancement items so I figured I'd contribute one. In retrospect Kellin was probably a dull choice, but I had an affinity for the character (the academic, heh) and it allowed me to fill in her backstory a bit.

I wrote "Bones of the Beast" with the notion that it might land in Dragon Magazine. Not to be. Looking back, I wonder if it might have been better to fit into the novel itself as a prologue or something. Oh well.
Demzer Posted - 28 Jan 2020 : 22:22:07
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Demzer

This one seems to work for me:

Let me know if you want me to copy-paste the text on a doc file or something

Sorry, I'm an internet moron. All I get is the wayback page - not the article.

-- George Krashos

If you copy the entire line it should work.

Anyway I had your email address since you sent me a copy of the Zulkirs of Thay article awhile back so I've emailed you a doc file with the copy-paste.

Sent you a pm with my email address so you know it's not spam.
Gary Dallison Posted - 28 Jan 2020 : 21:38:23
It's been a while but I think you paste everything after into the wayback machine field that asks for the web address (if not then copy the wizards http web address in that field and pick the date 4th June 2006.
George Krashos Posted - 28 Jan 2020 : 21:31:10
Originally posted by Demzer

This one seems to work for me:

Let me know if you want me to copy-paste the text on a doc file or something

Sorry, I'm an internet moron. All I get is the wayback page - not the article.

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Jan 2020 : 18:17:56
I've got a doc saved from back then, too, that I could email along.
Demzer Posted - 28 Jan 2020 : 14:17:15
This one seems to work for me:

Let me know if you want me to copy-paste the text on a doc file or something
George Krashos Posted - 28 Jan 2020 : 12:14:06
Sorry for the threadomancy. Does anyone have a copy of the "Character Profile: Kellin Lyme" piece that Murray wrote?

-- George Krashos
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 11 Feb 2006 : 18:15:15
Why thank you, Murray! I'm glad you enjoyed.

I'm getting the sense that the Fighters-Four is going really, really well.

Murray Leeder Posted - 10 Feb 2006 : 22:01:34
Thanks, Erik. Beowulf is a good comparison. You know, I never told you how much I enjoyed Ghostwalker -- this is as good a time as any. It has a wild verve all its own while still having all the hallmarks of classic Realms.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 10 Feb 2006 : 21:43:04
I just managed to read this story today. I got a serious Beowulf vibe.

Now I've GOTTA pick up Son of Thunder.

Murray Leeder Posted - 10 Feb 2006 : 17:25:33
So I take it Son of Thunder's not yet been released in Australia? Do you know when it will be out? I await your reactions in any event.
George Krashos Posted - 10 Feb 2006 : 06:32:11
I'm looking forward to this novel hitting my shores and I'm (just barely) resisting the temptation to read the short story: I always listen to Eric (Black Logan) Boyd - he's not one to be trifled with!

Can't wait to see what you did to our buddy Uther/Uthgar. I did after all date his apotheosis!

-- George Krashos
Murray Leeder Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 19:33:31
It might be fun, but there are no current plans.
DragonReader Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 18:58:41
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

It seems to me quite likely that Tempus earmarked Uthgar for ascension long before it actually happened, though.

That is kind of what I was thinking.

Any chance you will revisit Uthgar (the mortal incarnation) anytime?
Murray Leeder Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 17:11:56
Thanks you guys! I'd tend to agree with Eric, that it would be better to read it after the novel.

Dhomal, those are good questions and I don't really have an answer. I hoped the ending would raise such questions. It seems to me quite likely that Tempus earmarked Uthgar for ascension long before it actually happened, though.

I had also hoped that the ending of "The Bones of the Beast" would serve as a counterpoint to the very ending of Son of Thunder, both representing a kind of death/apotheosis dynamic, though very differently.

Next novel? None on the slate, I fear. Got some short fiction coming out soon though, I'll be sure to let you know.
Dhomal Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 16:55:08

Nice work. :)

I noticed that it was not all that long after printing it out - and decided to stay up a few extra minutes and read it last night.

What I found most striking however - was the last line. Is that meant metaphorically - or did he raelly beleive Divinity? I could beleive Divinity - as he had just felt touched by Tempus - it could be Tempus infusing him at that point. Kinda makes you wonder if Uthgar was originally, even if for not too long, a Deity underneath Tempus - much like Mystra and Savras.

So - when is the next novel due out?

DragonReader Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 16:14:32
Excellent little tale! I enjoyed it very much.
ericlboyd Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 13:42:54
Originally posted by PaulSKemp

Originally posted by Murray Leeder

Great to see it up there at last!

I should note: the story takes place more than a millenium before Son of Thunder, but I think can be read both before or after it. It dramatizes some elements of the backstory, and I suppose it might make some of the developments in the novel less surprising to have read it first. I leave it to your discretion.

I very much enjoyed the story, Murray. Well done!


I agree, very nice story.

I would suggest reading the novel first. From my perspective, it would be better to have the main surprises unfold slowly in the novel than quickly in the short story.

PaulSKemp Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 13:31:13
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

Great to see it up there at last!

I should note: the story takes place more than a millenium before Son of Thunder, but I think can be read both before or after it. It dramatizes some elements of the backstory, and I suppose it might make some of the developments in the novel less surprising to have read it first. I leave it to your discretion.

I very much enjoyed the story, Murray. Well done!

Murray Leeder Posted - 31 Jan 2006 : 23:29:09
Great to see it up there at last!

I should note: the story takes place more than a millenium before Son of Thunder, but I think can be read both before or after it. It dramatizes some elements of the backstory, and I suppose it might make some of the developments in the novel less surprising to have read it first. I leave it to your discretion.
DragonReader Posted - 31 Jan 2006 : 17:29:56
Bones of the Beast has been posted on WOTC's website. Here's the link:

Dhomal Posted - 31 Jan 2006 : 17:02:38

Thanks for the second link. It works fine. However - I dont see what the difference between the two is.....

Just a bit mystified I guess. :)

zauriel Posted - 31 Jan 2006 : 10:00:29

take this one :)
Dhomal Posted - 31 Jan 2006 : 07:48:50

Link not working ATM - hopefully it will get cleared up soon!

Murray Leeder Posted - 31 Jan 2006 : 01:25:15
My character profile of Kellin Lyme, however, has reached the website:
Murray Leeder Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 23:34:19
My editor says yes. Soon, I hope!
SheriffJoe Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 22:39:20
So whatever happened to this? It still hasn't come out. Will it? :)

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