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 Questions for James P Davis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 26 Jan 2005 : 23:34:22
Well met

This being a collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to a new author of the Realms, namely - James P Davis, author of the upcoming novel for the new Wizards Series - Bloodwalk.

Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this author.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
VikingLegion Posted - 03 Apr 2020 : 01:47:48
Originally posted by TopTrooper

Hello, I am looking for a copy of Bloodline a short story written for Wizard magazine in 2006 by James P Davis based on the world in the books Bloodwalk. Is this story by chance online or published anywhere so I can read it please?

I'm also interested in this. James P. Davis wrote a handful of Realms novels that I consider some of the unsung gems of the entire line. PM has been sent, George.

**EDIT** Check the 2nd PM, because I'm an idiot and didn't include my email address in the first one.
George Krashos Posted - 01 Apr 2020 : 11:34:00
Originally posted by TopTrooper

Hello, I am looking for a copy of Bloodline a short story written for Wizard magazine in 2006 by James P Davis based on the world in the books Bloodwalk. Is this story by chance online or published anywhere so I can read it please?

PM me your e-mail address.

-- George Krashos
TopTrooper Posted - 01 Apr 2020 : 02:13:30
Hello, I am looking for a copy of Bloodline a short story written for Wizard magazine in 2006 by James P Davis based on the world in the books Bloodwalk. Is this story by chance online or published anywhere so I can read it please?
Ruul Posted - 11 Jun 2010 : 14:13:15
I jumped over to Amazon but apparently someone already wrote a huge review for the book. Good luck on your future projects! I'm starting The Restless Shore today.
James P. Davis Posted - 10 Jun 2010 : 23:26:37
Bump, just checking, that last post didn't seem to update.
James P. Davis Posted - 10 Jun 2010 : 23:24:44
Originally posted by Ruul

Just finished Circle of Skulls. Excellent book!

Many thanks! Very glad you enjoyed it. I must say, at first I had been mentioning the specific chapter to a few people where things get 'dicey', heh, but I stopped when I noticed that curiosity got the best of a few readers: they jumped ahead to skim, lol. So now I leave it a mystery to be found along the way.

Thanks again!

PS: I do this once, and only once, per book and only here at Candlekeep, if you enjoyed the book and feel so inclined please stop by Amazon and drop a quick review, every little bit helps. :)

However, if reviewing is not your thing, just stop by here or over at any of my blog-areas (LJ, FB, etc.) and just say Hi, let me know what ya' think. I'm far more happy personally hearing from satisfied readers than racking up a ton of reviews (hence why I try to only ask once per book, heh!). Many thanks in advance and happy reading!
Ruul Posted - 08 Jun 2010 : 19:47:53
Just finished Circle of Skulls. Excellent book!
Ruul Posted - 08 Jun 2010 : 15:44:41
Originally posted by James P. Davis

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Circle of this be your "darkest" realms work so far? of any FR novel?(in your own humble opinion)

I loved Bloodwalk and SotWG........and am highly anticipating Skulls

My darkest? Well let's see...certain characters ("good guys" no less!) are definitely dark, monstrous even...and, hmmm...there are the scenes that I feared would not make it through edits, a certain plot point was dicey...

It could be my darkest, I'll let you guys decide. As for the darkest Realms book ever? I will definitely let you guys decide, heh...

...but let me know if you think so, because that would be supercool.

I'm over halfway through and I think I've read a few of the dicey scenes. You cheeky dog you!

A great read so far!
Ruul Posted - 07 Jun 2010 : 16:00:45
Just picked up Circle of Skulls. Looking forward to another dark journey from Mr. Davis!
Matthus Posted - 08 Feb 2010 : 14:49:58
I’m looking forward reading it – maybe we don’t have to wait too long getting our hands on it in good old Europe

Asgetrion Posted - 08 Feb 2010 : 00:22:04
Hmmm... perhaps I need to read 'Circle of Skulls' -- after all, my longest-running PC has had more than a few encounters/discussions with this entity!
James P. Davis Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 19:33:33
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Circle of this be your "darkest" realms work so far? of any FR novel?(in your own humble opinion)

I loved Bloodwalk and SotWG........and am highly anticipating Skulls

My darkest? Well let's see...certain characters ("good guys" no less!) are definitely dark, monstrous even...and, hmmm...there are the scenes that I feared would not make it through edits, a certain plot point was dicey...

It could be my darkest, I'll let you guys decide. As for the darkest Realms book ever? I will definitely let you guys decide, heh...

...but let me know if you think so, because that would be supercool.
The Red Walker Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 00:05:53
Circle of this be your "darkest" realms work so far? of any FR novel?(in your own humble opinion)

I loved Bloodwalk and SotWG........and am highly anticipating Skulls
James P. Davis Posted - 08 Jan 2010 : 18:33:20
Originally posted by Lirdolin

Originally posted by James P. Davis
...maybe think of other, less infamous (but not less dangerous)skulls.

You mean that one should stay clear of Pharra's Alley in your novel?

I would advise some caution in most of Waterdeep's alleys...

...though in certain alleys even well-advised caution will do one very little good
Lirdolin Posted - 07 Jan 2010 : 18:44:44
Originally posted by James P. Davis
...maybe think of other, less infamous (but not less dangerous)skulls.

You mean that one should stay clear of Pharra's Alley in your novel?
James P. Davis Posted - 26 Nov 2009 : 01:24:44
A bit early, but I can confirm skulls safely I think. And a very definite circle...Skullport however, wellll....

...maybe think of other, less infamous (but not less dangerous)skulls.

Either way, I hope you find it enjoyable, a bit chilling, and, if you're a fan of Waterdeep, feel a bit more nervous about what goes on behind seemingly harmless closed doors in the City of Splendors....
sfdragon Posted - 25 Nov 2009 : 20:33:12
thats the cover for waterdeep book?? excellent

anyway restless shore was enjoyable time spent when I read it
Brimstone Posted - 25 Nov 2009 : 15:03:18
Cover to Circle of Skulls

I hope that the Skulls of Skullport are in this novel.

Looks great!
James P. Davis Posted - 04 Nov 2009 : 07:18:32
Originally posted by Erethar

After I ravaged Eric Scott de Bies Thread quite a lot, I thought I should drop by as I've read Shield of Wheeping Ghosts some Weeks ago and am now working my way through The restless shore.

in Shield i really enjoyed how you were setting the mood. your decriptions really breath life into the environment, and on top of that your pace is very good. I see similarities between shield and Shore (sorry for shortening the titles) as you skip the introductory part and throw the reader into the middle of an ongoing situation, so that the reader can discover what's going on while he is already following the action. combined with your flashbacks of the protagonists past, this really upholds the tension until the end.

As a side note, the combining of the timelines and how they influenced each other in Shield was really brilliant.
Circle of skulls will be a must-buy

Best wishes for your forthcoming novels,

Many thanks for the comments Erethar! Shield and Shore (no prob', I shorten the titles too) were quite fun to write and elements of each that I had hoped to explore further have been lovingly folded together into the forthcoming Circle of Skulls. Which I've recently noticed has been updated with what I believe to be the back cover text. Should be good for a teaser and includes some generous words from Ed Greenwood about the story (a thousand thank yous to the all-knowing Ed!).

"Murderers with no memory of the identical, ritualistic assassinations they performed.

Murdering that continues even after the killers have been captured.

Murders that always happen in the

Circle of Skulls

Much that is dark and grim goes on behind closed doors in Waterdeep. This is a book that throws open such doors, and takes the reader through mounting violence and corruption, into a thrilling chase through secrets and long-brewing deviltry, toward a confrontation that will shake the largely unwitting City of Splendors to its proverbial sewers and hidden sacrificial altars.

After you finish Circle of Skulls, you’ll never look at bustling Waterdeep the same way again. For it is dangerous to outlive gods.

-- Ed Greenwood

All thanks go to Mr. Greenwood, without whom a large segment of my personal library and inspiration would be missing.

Erethar Posted - 22 Oct 2009 : 02:27:45
After I ravaged Eric Scott de Bies Thread quite a lot, I thought I should drop by as I've read Shield of Wheeping Ghosts some Weeks ago and am now working my way through The restless shore.

in Shield i really enjoyed how you were setting the mood. your decriptions really breath life into the environment, and on top of that your pace is very good. I see similarities between shield and Shore (sorry for shortening the titles) as you skip the introductory part and throw the reader into the middle of an ongoing situation, so that the reader can discover what's going on while he is already following the action. combined with your flashbacks of the protagonists past, this really upholds the tension until the end.

As a side note, the combining of the timelines and how they influenced each other in Shield was really brilliant.
Circle of skulls will be a must-buy

Best wishes for your forthcoming novels,
James P. Davis Posted - 24 Mar 2009 : 04:20:50
Originally posted by DragonReader

I just finished Shield last night and really enjoyed the novel. One aspect I really liked was the use of the horror-type elements/feel in the story. It is good to learn these elements show up in your other work as well. I'll need check those out.

Thanks DragonReader! Glad to find another fan of the horror bits

BLOODWALK has its share and RESTLESS SHORE a bit more, CIRCLE OF SKULLS even more, so I keep pushing a little further each time--and there is a lot of opportunity for that stuff in Waterdeep. I never want to leave that city. Eventually I think I'll go too far and get blocked on something (though I hope not, mwahaha).

DragonReader Posted - 23 Mar 2009 : 19:36:05
I just finished Shield last night and really enjoyed the novel. One aspect I really liked was the use of the horror-type elements/feel in the story. It is good to learn these elements show up in your other work as well. I'll need check those out.
Kyrene Posted - 09 Feb 2009 : 09:36:21
Originally posted by James P. Davis

(i.e. the Book of Goorgian from Bloodwalk makes a small cameo in Shield of Weeping Ghosts in the possession of Anilya, also the Creel tribe was the same that abducted Morgynn as a child)

Heh, I missed both those "easter eggs". Shame on me...

Oh and I also meant to say, before I was distracted by the implied genre of all your titles, congratulations on the 2010 roster spot. It was quite a surprise when the penny dropped, and is making it harder and harder for me to say "No!"*

*First Erik, then James, then Rosemary and now James again...
James P. Davis Posted - 07 Feb 2009 : 07:28:56
Originally posted by Kyrene


I just noticed your revised signature now reads:
Citadels: The Shield of Weeping Ghosts
Wilds: The Restless Shore (May 2009)
Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep: Circle of Skulls (June 2010)

Are you a horror writer who writes fantasy or the reverse? Having grown up on Stephen King and Dean Koontz is possibly some of the reason I enjoy your slightly "darker" Realms fair so much, but do you consider yourself having horror/suspense as your primary genre of writing?

I would agree with that. I'm a big horror fan and a big fantasy fan, so combining the two just comes natural. Should I get the chance in the future I'd like to expand 'horror/fantasy author' to 'epic/horror fantasy author'. The stand-alone novels are fun, but with each one I'm always coming up with loose ends, something that could pop up in another book to push the story a bit farther.

(i.e. the Book of Goorgian from Bloodwalk makes a small cameo in Shield of Weeping Ghosts in the possession of Anilya, also the Creel tribe was the same that abducted Morgynn as a child)

But my own work in progress (read: years in progress) is purely epic horror set in the real world. Hopefully it will see the light of day in the future, but for now I'm having quite a bit of fun finding the darkside of the Realms.

Kyrene Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 18:19:58

I just noticed your revised signature now reads:
Citadels: The Shield of Weeping Ghosts
Wilds: The Restless Shore (May 2009)
Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep: Circle of Skulls (June 2010)

Are you a horror writer who writes fantasy or the reverse? Having grown up on Stephen King and Dean Koontz is possibly some of the reason I enjoy your slightly "darker" Realms fair so much, but do you consider yourself having horror/suspense as your primary genre of writing?
James P. Davis Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 12:21:08
Originally posted by Brimstone

-Well I have finished reading The Shield and that was a really good novel. Thanks for the enjoyment I received from your novel.


You're quite welcome! And thank you for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed the story and I hope you'll stop by in May to comment on THE RESTLESS SHORE!

Brimstone Posted - 24 Nov 2008 : 08:54:02
-Well I have finished reading The Shield and that was a really good novel. Thanks for the enjoyment I received from your novel.

Brimstone Posted - 17 Nov 2008 : 11:07:50
-I just started reading The Shield of Weeping Ghosts tonight. I have always been interested in All things Rashemi.

James P. Davis Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 23:19:58
Originally posted by Kajehase

JUst thought I should drop by and throw out a "congratulations" on getting to #1 on Locus's bestseller list for gaming-related fiction with Shield of Weeping Ghosts.

Many thanks!

I was quite shocked when I saw that listing. Very cool.
Kajehase Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 15:55:36
JUst thought I should drop by and throw out a "congratulations" on getting to #1 on Locus's bestseller list for gaming-related fiction with Shield of Weeping Ghosts.

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