T O P I C R E V I E W |
Alaundo |
Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 23:12:59 Well met
This being a collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to a renowned author and games designer, Bruce R. Cordell.
Bruce's FR novels include: Lady of Poison (The Priests, book 1), Darkvision (The Wizards, book 3) and Stardeep (The Dungeons, book 3). Bruce has also worked on many D&D products, including Expedition to Castle Ravenloft and The Sinister Spire.
Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this author. |
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 11 Jul 2023 : 00:57:19 quote: Originally posted by TomCosta
I'm not Bruce
I'm not picky. 
quote: Originally posted by TomCosta
Apparently, she plays a big part in the 4E novel Dawnbringer, but I never read that one.
I read about that. Apparently, the novel is set in the 1600s DR. |
TomCosta |
Posted - 06 Jul 2023 : 18:59:14 I'm not Bruce, but IIRC this may have been initially set up in the Maiden of Pain novel by Kameron Franklin, but I can't recall for sure. Also note that she appeared in Old Empires and then given 2E stats in Dragon 236. Apparently, she plays a big part in the 4E novel Dawnbringer, but I never read that one. |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 06 Jul 2023 : 00:02:17 First, I want to say, I really enjoyed the changes that your design team made to the lands of Erlkazar in Fourth Edition. I have enjoyed running adventures in this area for 5E and the adventure options available to players.
I did have a question. Who came up with the idea of making Saestra the primary villain of the region? It was such an interesting choice and I wondered why the design team chose her over someone more closely tied to the region, like Shyressa. I'd love to get your thoughts. Take care. |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 07 Sep 2017 : 01:39:29 quote: Originally posted by Zeromaru X
Hi Bruce, how you been?
I was reading Stardeep, and realized that Kiril is also mentioned in the Abolethic Sovereignty series. However, her destiny is left in the air in the latter novels.
Can you reveal what happened to Kiril after she went to Laerakond/Returned Abeir?
Thanks in advance and greetings :}
Hi Zeromaru X. I've been well, thank you.
I had always hoped to return to Kiril and write about her adventures in Returned Abeir at some point. Alas, that opportunity never materialized. Which means your guess is as good as mine, since I didn't nail down her fate.
Cheers! brc |
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 06 Sep 2017 : 23:38:07 Hi Bruce, how you been?
I was reading Stardeep, and realized that Kiril is also mentioned in the Abolethic Sovereignty series. However, her destiny is left in the air in the latter novels.
Can you reveal what happened to Kiril after she went to Laerakond/Returned Abeir?
Thanks in advance and greetings :} |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 25 Apr 2017 : 03:31:36 You guys are great! Yeah, Numenera and The Strange (both Cypher System games, because they use the same underlying rule system) are pretty radical, in my humble opinion.
If you want to try them, maybe you can get in on a game at a local game store; we have a Cypher System organized play program, for which we're rolling into season 3. Check your local game stores to see if they support it, or if they want to:
I've also continued to write novels. In fact, the novel I left Wizards to write (which turned into the game The Strange!) is finally finished and out just a week or so ago. Hardcover is coming in a couple days, softcover (trade paperback foramt) is out now (and ebooks, of course):
Take a look if you're interested :)
brc |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 25 Apr 2017 : 02:09:31 I also ignored Numenara when it came out, but I'm getting into it now. And The Strange, as well. I've played a couple of sessions of the latter, the last two GenCons. I tried to sign up for a Numenara game, as well, but those filled up way too quickly. |
Markustay |
Posted - 24 Apr 2017 : 21:33:14 Wow. I've seen posts on FB about Numenera, but I have been involved in other projects (and companies), and although I didn't have the time to look deeper then, I do now, and wished I hadn't brushed it aside so easily (as I said, 'time constraints'). Plus I am sure YOU are aware of 'reading what others are doing' conundrum, while trying to do your own world-building ; influences may creep-in that you wouldn't want.
So now I just went looking for it (and learned that 'MCG' does NOT stand for 'Melbourne Cricket Grounds' ), and found THIS starter set for only $24.99.
The setting looks AMAZING, and I will be purchasing that forthwith. Good Luck with all your endeavors BC - you and I have not always seen eye-to-eye (mostly on 'flavors'), but I've always felt you were an excellent writer, and wish you great success wherever life leads you.
Cheers --- Mark |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 24 Apr 2017 : 17:31:03 quote: Originally posted by Bragi
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for the great Forgotten Realms novels that you've written. I've recently been re-reading them in preparation for a new D&D campaign. It seems like I'm going to be creating a campaign that incorporates many of the settings and themes you have touched upon. I have a monk from Telflamm who practices Xiang Do, a star elf, a human druid from The Great Dale, a half-elf from Aglarond and several other characters. I'm trying to determine what 5e monastic tradition would best fit the Xiang Do martial arts form.
Thank you for the kind words, and that sounds great! I wish I could be more help, but the last few years I've been writing Numenera, The Strange, and Gods of the Fall. So I can't provide specific feedback because I'm out of touch with where 5E has gone since I left Wizards in 2013 to work for MCG. Good luck, I'm sure whatever you decide your players will enjoy it :).
brc |
Bragi |
Posted - 22 Apr 2017 : 21:10:59 Hi Bruce,
Thank you for the great Forgotten Realms novels that you've written. I've recently been re-reading them in preparation for a new D&D campaign. It seems like I'm going to be creating a campaign that incorporates many of the settings and themes you have touched upon. I have a monk from Telflamm who practices Xiang Do, a star elf, a human druid from The Great Dale, a half-elf from Aglarond and several other characters. I'm trying to determine what 5e monastic tradition would best fit the Xiang Do martial arts form. Do you think a martial arts form from the PHB or maybe one of these forms from UA would be the most appropriate?
My campaign is going to be set in 1358 DR which is before the novels but I'm trying to think of ways that players could encounter some younger versions of the characters that you have created. If you have any ideas please send them my way.
Thanks! |
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 20 Mar 2017 : 04:52:14 I see. Thanks, that gives me a few ideas. |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 19 Mar 2017 : 17:27:02 quote: Originally posted by Zeromaru X
I was reading your "Wandering Stones" short-story, and I wonder: is this "countdown" that Arambar was doing to bid his time related somehow to the Second Sundering? Or is about another event? Though, I can't think of events as important as to making the spirit of an old primordial marking the time with so much care.
Very much so, though I don't think events played out as Arambar hoped (if such a being can be said to have hopes and fears like mortals).
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 17 Mar 2017 : 18:07:49 Hi again! (This seems like double post, but it isn't).
I was reading your "Wandering Stones" short-story, and I wonder: is this "countdown" that Arambar was doing to bid his time related somehow to the Second Sundering? Or is about another event? Though, I can't think of events as important as to making the spirit of an old primordial marking the time with so much care. |
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 27 Jan 2017 : 13:52:00 quote: Originally posted by BruceCordell
1. They potentially could be, but Caiphon is the only Far Realms/Star Pact entity I specifically brought in. Depending on how things go in Key of Stars, there could be far more, and more explicitly.
This gives me a lot of ideas.
Thanks for your answer. |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 26 Jan 2017 : 18:43:58 quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Obviously, he wanted something to do with them at one point, since he wrote books for them.
Pretty sure WotC hasn't quite reached the level of enlightenment necessary to embrace hentacles, though. 
Seriously, though, more than one past author has expressed interest in working with WotC again. Some have expressed a desire for a little more compensation for doing so, but I've seen more authors say they'd go back to the Realms than I have seen say they wouldn't.
I invested a decade in the Realms, both as a game designer and novel author (8 realms novels); I love the Realms. I'd be delighted to return if the terms were right. (But lest I get anyone's hopes up, I'm not seeing any signs that Wizards is interested in reviving their once-robust novel publishing department, which would include offering terms that I'd accept.) |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 26 Jan 2017 : 18:35:05 quote: Originally posted by Zeromaru X
Hi, Bruce. I'm reading the novels of the Abolethic Sovereignity, I cannot avoid to notice you used the "4e evil stars" in the novels. Specially Caiphon, but you used other stars as well. I have a few questions, hope you can answer.
1. Are all the 4e evil star part of "Realmspace"? Even stars you didn't mentioned like Hadar or Allabar? (stars mentioned in 4e Monster Manual 3)
2. What kind of relationship has Nihal with Kyuss?
Thanks in advance.
1. They potentially could be, but Caiphon is the only Far Realms/Star Pact entity I specifically brought in. Depending on how things go in Key of Stars, there could be far more, and more explicitly.
2. In my conception, these beings are different entities, despite some thematic similarities.
3. Thanks for reading the series! :) |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 26 Jan 2017 : 18:23:20 Obviously, he wanted something to do with them at one point, since he wrote books for them.
Pretty sure WotC hasn't quite reached the level of enlightenment necessary to embrace hentacles, though. 
Seriously, though, more than one past author has expressed interest in working with WotC again. Some have expressed a desire for a little more compensation for doing so, but I've seen more authors say they'd go back to the Realms than I have seen say they wouldn't. |
TBeholder |
Posted - 26 Jan 2017 : 13:38:28 quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Unless he signed a contract with a rather strict non-compete clause, I don't see why he wouldn't be able to freelance for WotC or for anyone else.
I can see why he wouldn't WANT to have anything to do with Wizbro. "You are a biologist? Hurr, how lucky. Now write me some tentacle porn!" |
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 25 Jan 2017 : 15:30:45 Hi, Bruce. I'm reading the novels of the Abolethic Sovereignity, I cannot avoid to notice you used the "4e evil stars" in the novels. Specially Caiphon, but you used other stars as well. I have a few questions, hope you can answer.
1. Are all the 4e evil star part of "Realmspace"? Even stars you didn't mentioned like Hadar or Allabar? (stars mentioned in 4e Monster Manual 3)
2. What kind of relationship has Nihal with Kyuss?
Thanks in advance. |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 01 Jan 2014 : 02:39:17 quote: Originally posted by Gyor
Now the you work for Monte WotC, are you allowed to write for the Realms even as a Freelancer now?
Unless he signed a contract with a rather strict non-compete clause, I don't see why he wouldn't be able to freelance for WotC or for anyone else. |
Gyor |
Posted - 01 Jan 2014 : 01:20:04 Now the you work for Monte WotC, are you allowed to write for the Realms even as a Freelancer now? |
Veritas |
Posted - 13 Aug 2013 : 04:54:49 Thanks Bruce! I enjoyed the books. It was different than I was expecting. I still wonder about the Winter tower eladrin's motivations. Was she just mad? She seemed powerful and old enough not to need a place in some post apocalyptic far realms hierarchy. |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 11 Aug 2013 : 17:43:50 Excellent!
1) The keys were made to lock the Far Manifold. After that, they should've been disposed of. However, because each key had great power over aberrations already lose in the multiverse, they weren't.
2) The builders included the elder elves (eladrin nobles). The Watch on the Outer Void and the Keepers of the Cerulean Sign (as well as the dungeon/prison of Stardeep) are remnants of this first effort.
quote: Originally posted by Veritas
Just finished the Abolethic Sovereignty (I'm late to the party, I know). Two questions pervade.
1) Why would the builders of that citadel in the void make a key to open it? From the novels, it seems like the structure was designed to keep the Far Realms locked. Maybe they went through and intended to come back?
2) Who were those builders anyway?
Veritas |
Posted - 11 Aug 2013 : 15:50:47 Just finished the Abolethic Sovereignty (I'm late to the party, I know). Two questions pervade.
1) Why would the builders of that citadel in the void make a key to open it? From the novels, it seems like the structure was designed to keep the Far Realms locked. Maybe they went through and intended to come back?
2) Who were those builders anyway? |
Bladewind |
Posted - 17 Jun 2013 : 15:39:35 In another thread people were asking what the Underchasm looks like when standing on one of its edges. Can one look to the otherside? Is it dark because of its connection to the Deepdark, or are there areas in its deepest trenches that are still illuminated at noon? |
Bladewind |
Posted - 30 Mar 2013 : 16:19:42 Could you be tempted to reveal Anguls stats and powers as well? |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 22 Mar 2013 : 04:01:44 quote: Originally posted by sfdragon
can you tell us Kiril's stats please?
Kiril's stats are, or at least were, High Elf Fighter 9. Of course, with Angul in hand, she could easily surpass that when push came to shove. |
BruceCordell |
Posted - 20 Mar 2013 : 20:04:46 Last night a message alert from the Candlekeep forum appeared in my inbox. Apparently my email service was filtering those messages, but one luckily slipped through.
I was surprised to find that since I'd last got an alert, several people asked me questions about my Forgotten Realms novels, which I hadn't seen or been aware of prior to last night. Oops.
In an attempt to right that wrong, I'm going to hit the forum a few times a week, and answer one question (or series of questions) related to my novel each time.
As happy coincidence has it, Audible has put up all my novels in audiobook format, and I'm am listening through them. I'm about half way through City of Torment right now. So, everything should be fresh in my mind again. Well, everything strictly related to the novels. We'll see about other topics :-)
Alright, without more ado, let's take a look at the first question. It's a multi-part, so I'll probably be quick on each question.
Alright, without more ado, let's take a look at the first question. It's a multi-part, so I'll probably be quick on each question.
1) Can you tell us more details about Xxiphu, and about aboleth in the Realms in general?
ANSWER: I go into some detail on Xxiphu in the 3 novels that follow Stardeep. Essentially Xxihpu is revealed to be a primordial aboleth city that came into the world so long ago that it was _mostly_ petrified. However, with a bit of jostling and other not-very-wise messing around by modern-day folks, the city was awakened, whereupon the Eldest Aboleth tried to fulfill its first function, which was to bring down the walls between Toril and the Far Realm.
2) Are most of them [Abolth) simply in the lowerdark or are there more than just Xxiphu in their own "neighboring plane"? (The latter would make these places of horror more accessible for adventures, that's partially why I ask)
ANSWER: Most aboleths are not part of Xxiphu--they're from a later, um, "migration." The aboleths of that city are an elder strain.
3) Do Faerun's aboleth know of Xxiphu or is it even for them more like a legend/myth?
ANSWER: The later-arrived aboleths knows of the Xxiphu, but are not part of it.
4) In case they know of Xxiphu's existence, do they want to liberate it or are they happy that the "big shots" are locked away, so the current aboleth are the biggest fish (sorry for the pun) in the pond?
ANSWER: The regular aboleths individually have different motivations (if you can call what percolates through the minds of these things that).
5) Are there any known or mythical interactions between aboleth and the other inhabitants of the Realms?
ANSWER: The most recent interaction, starting with Nogah of the kuo-toa finding the petrified eye of the Eldest Aboleth, is probably the most known and significant.
6) Do you think aboleth can project into the Astral Plane?
ANSWER: Some could, though most can't.
quote: Originally posted by tauster
Hi Bruce,
I just finished "Stardeep" (SPOILERS AHEAD, everyone!) which I enjoyed thoroughly. I liked the depiction of Sildeyuir and the Star Elves as well as the different, more "technical/modern" feeling of the magic in Stardeep's fortress.
...but now I'm extremely curious about Xxiphu, the Aboleth Sovereignty (I guess that's one and the same, right?). So the question is: Can you tell us more details about Xxiphu, and about aboleth in the Realms in general?
More specifically:
1) How many aboleth cities do you suspect are in the realms? 2) Are most of them simply in the lowerdark or are there more than just Xxiphu in their own "neighboring plane"? (The latter would make these places of horror more accessible for adventures, that's partially why I ask) 3) Do Faerun's aboleth know of Xxiphu or is it even for them more like a legend/myth? 4) In case they know of Xxiphu's existence, do they want to liberate it or are they happy that the "big shots" are locked away, so the current aboleth are the biggest fish (sorry for the pun) in the pond?
5) Are there any known or mythical interactions between aboleth and the other inhabitants of the Realms? I don't need a recollection of established lore (I already did an extensive lore check), instead I'm looking for what you would add to that. Conflicts between aboleth and the ancient elven realms for example. I can even imagine that the dwarven spawn wars were caused by aboleth influencing them - after all, dwarves do not typically work well together with aberrations like deepspawn, so I suspect they were driven by some outside force...
Since you wrote "the Illthiad" and co-authored "Underdark", I guess you are kind of an expert on aberrations :o) - thus, another question, on which I don't necessarily need a "rules-answer", just your personal opinion: Do you think aboleth can project into the Astral Plane? (2e rules about the planes preferred, at least in my campaigns...) I'm running the 2e boxed set "Night Below" which features a complete aboleth city in the underdark that the PC have to destroy (or at least parts of it). I imagine that my players will try to tackle it from the astral plane, shifting back and forth for more mobility. While the most important buildings are protected against such tactice, I can imagine that the city is kind of "duo-planar", in the sense that some of the aboleth use the astral plane for better mobility (because it's your intellect that determines your speed there) instead of slowly crawling from building to building. The city has illithid as well, who also might use the astral plane. ...or is the Astral inaccessible in the lowerdark?
And finally: anything else you can share about my favourite evil fish guys?
Sorry for such a bunch of questions! They kept piling up for the last few months...
Kno |
Posted - 20 Mar 2013 : 13:14:17 Why do you like crawlies? |
Ecaporaso |
Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 22:28:31 I just finished the Abolethic Sovereignty Trilogy. It was awesome.
I'm crossing my fingers that you will resurrect Raidon Kane and Cynosure :) |