T O P I C R E V I E W |
Alaundo |
Posted - 06 Jul 2007 : 22:35:18 Well met
This being a collective scroll for any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put one of the newest authors of the Realms, namely - Jaleigh Johnson. Jaleigh's first venture into writing for the Realms was with the short story Queen of the Mountain, in the Realms of the Dragons II anthology.
Jaleigh's latest work is The Howling Delve (book 2 of The Dungeons)
Present thy questions herein. |
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
The Red Walker |
Posted - 22 Feb 2023 : 20:50:05 Read an excerpt of your new Realms novel….. got me excited about Realms books again. I’m going to blast through at least one of your FR books to get back in the groove before getting the new one The 28th! |
The Red Walker |
Posted - 08 Nov 2022 : 01:10:32 quote: Originally posted by Jaleigh J.
quote: Originally posted by The Red Walker
quote: Originally posted by CorellonsDevout
Hey, I was hoping I'd find you on this site! I joined Candlekeep fairly recently, so there is a lot I have to discover. I loved your two Unbroken Chain novels, and I was wondering if you had any plans to continue that.
She kinda has to doesn't she.....
Otherwise the chain would be broken? 
Hehe, you should put that in a letter to WotC, Red. But seriously, CorellonsDevout, as much as I would love to do a third book, WotC ultimately gets to decide if that will happen. The best thing you can do is to let them know what you want, whether it be by Liking the first two books on Amazon, giving them a rating on B&N, posting a review, etc. WotC pays attention to things like that, and if there's enough call for a third book, who knows? I'm very happy you enjoyed the first two UC novels. I had a blast writing them. Also, welcome to Candlekeep!
Congrats Jaleigh!……Don’t know that it helped … but I did write a letter and do online reviews…. Somewhere someone involved in publishing realms novels knew we wanted more Jaleigh FR novels….. 10ish years is a blink of an eye compared to waiting on GRRM
Hopefully your still lurking around Candlekeep like some of us long timers and see that your appreciated… and I’m looking forward to your new D and D novel.
CorellonsDevout |
Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 04:24:43 Oh, they pay attention? Hmm, that is good to know. I hope you get to write a third one, because I'd love to see what happens next! And thanks for the welcome! |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 02:58:32 quote: Originally posted by The Red Walker
quote: Originally posted by CorellonsDevout
Hey, I was hoping I'd find you on this site! I joined Candlekeep fairly recently, so there is a lot I have to discover. I loved your two Unbroken Chain novels, and I was wondering if you had any plans to continue that.
She kinda has to doesn't she.....
Otherwise the chain would be broken? 
Hehe, you should put that in a letter to WotC, Red. But seriously, CorellonsDevout, as much as I would love to do a third book, WotC ultimately gets to decide if that will happen. The best thing you can do is to let them know what you want, whether it be by Liking the first two books on Amazon, giving them a rating on B&N, posting a review, etc. WotC pays attention to things like that, and if there's enough call for a third book, who knows? I'm very happy you enjoyed the first two UC novels. I had a blast writing them. Also, welcome to Candlekeep! |
The Red Walker |
Posted - 11 Oct 2012 : 23:58:01 quote: Originally posted by CorellonsDevout
Hey, I was hoping I'd find you on this site! I joined Candlekeep fairly recently, so there is a lot I have to discover. I loved your two Unbroken Chain novels, and I was wondering if you had any plans to continue that.
She kinda has to doesn't she.....
Otherwise the chain would be broken?  |
CorellonsDevout |
Posted - 10 Oct 2012 : 03:39:18 Hey, I was hoping I'd find you on this site! I joined Candlekeep fairly recently, so there is a lot I have to discover. I loved your two Unbroken Chain novels, and I was wondering if you had any plans to continue that. |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 20 Aug 2012 : 05:26:50 quote: Originally posted by The Red Walker
Thanks for joining the Candlekep Seminar. It was great to put a face to your work. Although I may have to tell Big Al that your avatar here is doing no where near justice to you! I'm looking forward to your next realms work. It's very much appreciated and it's always great to see how it matters to the authors.
It was my pleasure. Big thanks to you and the others who showed up to the seminar as well. It's lovely to be in a room with so many people who care about the Realms so much. |
The Red Walker |
Posted - 20 Aug 2012 : 00:54:41 Jaleigh,
Thanks for joining the Candlekep Seminar. It was great to put a face to your work. Although I may have to tell Big Al that your avatar here is doing no where near justice to you! I'm looking forward to your next realms work. It's very much appreciated and it's always great to see how it matters to the authors. |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 07 Feb 2012 : 22:59:17 quote: Originally posted by Wolfhound75
If they do allow you [the authors] to revisit that timeline, please know that you have at least a pair of readers who would love to read more tales of those characters.
Thanks for taking time away from your writing to reply!
Good Hunting!
I'll remember that, and you're most welcome! |
Wolfhound75 |
Posted - 07 Feb 2012 : 19:27:32 The God Catcher was also in the group I found in Iraq and I enjoyed it immensely. It and Mistshore were the first two I read when I found the group of them as Waterdeep has always been one of my favorite cities in The Realms.
I agree that it's unfortunate that the timeline jumped the span that it did. It cut many promising characters off before their stories were told. However, having now read how other authors handled the time shift, I appreciate the fact that you didn't do what several other authors did in making every character plague-touched or undead in an effort to have them survive the black hole in the time line.
Like I said, it was a long shot that was mostly brought on by the chatter surrounding the release of 5E and the stated intent to 'reunify' The Realms. In my opinion, filling in that 100 year black hole would be an excellent start to that process. If they do allow you [the authors] to revisit that timeline, please know that you have at least a pair of readers who would love to read more tales of those characters.
Thanks for taking time away from your writing to reply!
Good Hunting! |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 07 Feb 2012 : 18:37:56 quote: Originally posted by Wolfhound75
Her exact words when I got home last night were, "I really LOVE these characters! Do you have any more books featuring them?"
I know this is a long shot given the fact that I'm several (or more) years behind on my reading but, I promised her that if you responded I would ask that question of you. So there you have it. She really enjoyed the characters from The Howling Delve and would love to read more about them. Is there any chance they're featured in any other published or non-published (and not covered by NDA) works?
If so, I'll be sure to prioritize them on my list of novels to purchase.
Thanks & Good Hunting!
Please tell her thank you for me.
I wish I had better news on The Howling Delve front, but unfortunately, soon after that book was released, the timeline for the Realms jumped forward by 100 years, effectively eliminating the possibility for a sequel, at least at this time. All of my subsequent books have been set in the new time period.
However, if your wife enjoys Mistshore, I am currently working on a sequel to that book, which is due to be released this year. If I might also make a recommendation, if your wife likes good character-driven stories, try Forgotten Realms authors Erin Evans (author of The God Catcher and Brimstone Angels) and Rosemary Jones (author of City of the Dead) --two very talented ladies whose work I've enjoyed. |
Wolfhound75 |
Posted - 07 Feb 2012 : 16:12:15 Her exact words when I got home last night were, "I really LOVE these characters! Do you have any more books featuring them?"
I know this is a long shot given the fact that I'm several (or more) years behind on my reading but, I promised her that if you responded I would ask that question of you. So there you have it. She really enjoyed the characters from The Howling Delve and would love to read more about them. Is there any chance they're featured in any other published or non-published (and not covered by NDA) works?
If so, I'll be sure to prioritize them on my list of novels to purchase.
Thanks & Good Hunting! |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 07 Feb 2012 : 01:58:08 quote: Originally posted by Wolfhound75
She has been ill this last week and always enjoys when I read to her. Typically I tend to favor classic literature such as Don Quixote or The Canterbury Tales when I read to my family. But this time, due to the fact I have recently gotten my equipment back after my last deployment and was looking forward to catching up on all of The Realms novels I've missed, I decided to read her one of your books which I found at the Px in Taji, Iraq.
She was immediately grabbed by the story and I've lost track of how many times she's said, "This book is really good!" throughout the last few evenings. She is home sick again today and literally hid the book so that I could not take it to work and read over lunch as is my customary habit. In fact, ten minutes ago I received a text message from her saying she had finished it on her own and asking if I had any other books like this one. I turned her toward my gear box and told her to look for another title of yours I had found while overseas.
So thank you, and congratulations. The book I began reading to my wife, The Howling Delve, and the one which she has just began, Mistshore, have succeeded in turning my wife into a fan of The Realms. Something, despite my undying addiction to The Realms since middle school, I have been unable to accomplish on my own.
This just made my day. 
I'm with you; I've been addicted to the Realms since before high school. There's nothing better than sharing that excitement with others.
Tell your wife I'm very happy she enjoyed The Howling Delve, and I hope she feels better soon. I've found the Realms to be excellent comfort reading as well. Also, you reading to her is just awesome. |
Wolfhound75 |
Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 19:41:58 Hi Jaleigh!
I hope you still read this forum after looking at the date of your last reply above. This is less of a question and more of a congratulations.
My wife has for years rolled her eyes and said the books I like to read are strange. That is, until recently.
She has been ill this last week and always enjoys when I read to her. Typically I tend to favor classic literature such as Don Quixote or The Canterbury Tales when I read to my family. But this time, due to the fact I have recently gotten my equipment back after my last deployment and was looking forward to catching up on all of The Realms novels I've missed, I decided to read her one of your books which I found at the Px in Taji, Iraq.
She was immediately grabbed by the story and I've lost track of how many times she's said, "This book is really good!" throughout the last few evenings. She is home sick again today and literally hid the book so that I could not take it to work and read over lunch as is my customary habit. In fact, ten minutes ago I received a text message from her saying she had finished it on her own and asking if I had any other books like this one. I turned her toward my gear box and told her to look for another title of yours I had found while overseas.
So thank you, and congratulations. The book I began reading to my wife, The Howling Delve, and the one which she has just began, Mistshore, have succeeded in turning my wife into a fan of The Realms. Something, despite my undying addiction to The Realms since middle school, I have been unable to accomplish on my own.
Thanks & Good Hunting! |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 06:56:23 quote: Originally posted by The Red Walker
When will your new project have a name? Or working name or something that can be shared?
I do have a working title, but I'd rather not share it until it's locked in, so for now I'm just going with Unbroken Chain 2. When it's finalized, I'll be sure to let folks know. |
The Red Walker |
Posted - 14 Aug 2010 : 18:46:26 Jaliegh,
When will your new project have a name? Or working name or something that can be shared? |
The Red Walker |
Posted - 14 Aug 2010 : 18:40:59 quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
quote: Originally posted by The Red Walker
quote: Originally posted by Jaleigh J.
[quote]Originally posted by The Sage
snip....... If it helps, the second syllables in each word are stressed when singing the song. I believe I originally wrote at least one more verse to the song, but I doubt those notes survived my computer crash.
The same happened to my wife and she lost everything on her computer including her website(which IS her job) and had to rebuild from scratch, we are still remembering things we are missing. She now uses a secure online backup service (i think Carbonite, but I know it's relatively inexpensive) to ensure she never loses anything again!
An external hard drive could also prove useful. 
You know, I bought her one, set it up for her and she never once backed up to it
So now she uses it and the online back up! |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 14 Aug 2010 : 18:17:25 Originally posted by The Red Walkerquote:
The same happened to my wife and she lost everything on her computer including her website(which IS her job) and had to rebuild from scratch, we are still remembering things we are missing. She now uses a secure online backup service (i think Carbonite, but I know it's relatively inexpensive) to ensure she never loses anything again!
My new computer (the beast) has a similar setup, with periodic automatic backups. When the crash happened, I had everything vital backed up on an external hard drive, most of what I lost were emails and older files that I mostly didn't use anymore.
Manuscript files, on the other hand, get backed up so many times and in various locations it's sick. Then again, I can't imagine losing a 90,000 word novel and several months worth of work--that would be fall on the sword time.  |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 14 Aug 2010 : 18:01:40 quote: Originally posted by Lady Kazandra
Lady Jaleigh, I want to thank you immensely for the character of Sull. I've been reading Mistshore along with Sage these past few days, and I've come to see him as both unique and lovable, in his own way.
It's not often that I'll drop a character from an FR novel in my games, but consider it so with Sull. Waterdeep will never be the same! 
Lovely! Oh, that makes me glad to know Sull's going to be out having adventures in your game. He was one of my favorites as well. He may not be the most skilled fighter, but he goes in with his whole heart (ahem, and maybe a mallet) and doesn't hold back.  |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 14 Aug 2010 : 15:44:20 quote: Originally posted by The Red Walker
quote: Originally posted by Jaleigh J.
[quote]Originally posted by The Sage
snip....... If it helps, the second syllables in each word are stressed when singing the song. I believe I originally wrote at least one more verse to the song, but I doubt those notes survived my computer crash.
The same happened to my wife and she lost everything on her computer including her website(which IS her job) and had to rebuild from scratch, we are still remembering things we are missing. She now uses a secure online backup service (i think Carbonite, but I know it's relatively inexpensive) to ensure she never loses anything again!
An external hard drive could also prove useful.  |
Lady Kazandra |
Posted - 14 Aug 2010 : 08:25:25 Lady Jaleigh, I want to thank you immensely for the character of Sull. I've been reading Mistshore along with Sage these past few days, and I've come to see him as both unique and lovable, in his own way.
It's not often that I'll drop a character from an FR novel in my games, but consider it so with Sull. Waterdeep will never be the same!  |
The Red Walker |
Posted - 13 Aug 2010 : 14:18:48 quote: Originally posted by Jaleigh J.
[quote]Originally posted by The Sage
snip....... If it helps, the second syllables in each word are stressed when singing the song. I believe I originally wrote at least one more verse to the song, but I doubt those notes survived my computer crash.
The same happened to my wife and she lost everything on her computer including her website(which IS her job) and had to rebuild from scratch, we are still remembering things we are missing. She now uses a secure online backup service (i think Carbonite, but I know it's relatively inexpensive) to ensure she never loses anything again! |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 12 Aug 2010 : 20:32:12 quote: Originally posted by The Sage
Of course, should any scribes have questions about musical aspects of the Realmslore, I'm more than happy to dig through my files in an effort to find an answer. So I suppose it's "available for public consumption" in a roundabout way. *grins*
I will certainly keep that in mind. 
quote: Ah, that's a shame. I appreciate the details on how the song sounds though. See, along with cataloguing musical-oriented Realmslore, I'm also keen to explore actually writing music for some of the lyrics presented in FR sources/novels.
It would be extremely cool to have that song and any other Realms music written out so that it could be played. I remember the first time I heard the 'Songs of the Saga' at a Dragonlance event at Gen Con. Made me teary-eyed. |
The Sage |
Posted - 12 Aug 2010 : 06:18:07 quote: Originally posted by Jaleigh J.
quote: Originally posted by The Sage
Greeting Jaleigh. I've finally found myself an opportunity to start working my way through Mistshore. And as part of my continuing quest to catalogue/note every piece of musical Realmslore in published sources, I came across a reference on pg. 9 that intrigued me. Icelin begins to sing a few words from a song she used with her magic earlier. I'm just wondering whether there's anything more you can tell me about this particular song or its music?
Very nice, is this catalogue available for public consumption yet, or is it still a work in progress?
Not as such. It's still very much a work in progress, since it requires me reading through pretty much everything related to the Realms. I'm committed to finding even the briefest snippet of musical lore.
Of course, should any scribes have questions about musical aspects of the Realmslore, I'm more than happy to dig through my files in an effort to find an answer. So I suppose it's "available for public consumption" in a roundabout way. *grins*
quote: As for Icelin's song, I'm not sure how far you are into the novel, but I hope it's not spoiling much to say that the song crops up again a little later, and the reader is given a complete verse this time.
Yeah, I noticed a full verse popping up later when Icelin discovers Brant's dead.
quote: There is music for it, but it's only in my head. If it helps, the second syllables in each word are stressed when singing the song. I believe I originally wrote at least one more verse to the song, but I doubt those notes survived my computer crash.
Ah, that's a shame. I appreciate the details on how the song sounds though. See, along with cataloguing musical-oriented Realmslore, I'm also keen to explore actually writing music for some of the lyrics presented in FR sources/novels. I've already attempted such with some of Danilo's ditties from Elaine Cunningham's earlier novels, and they've been a real hoot in my campaigns. 
quote: I don't think I explained the song's origin in the text, so that's the extent of the info in published sources--but if you're curious, let me know when you've finished the novel and I'll tell you where I intended it to come from, since that information is definitely a spoiler. 
Oooh! Will do. Definitely.  |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 12 Aug 2010 : 05:13:51 quote: Originally posted by The Sage
Greeting Jaleigh. I've finally found myself an opportunity to start working my way through Mistshore. And as part of my continuing quest to catalogue/note every piece of musical Realmslore in published sources, I came across a reference on pg. 9 that intrigued me. Icelin begins to sing a few words from a song she used with her magic earlier. I'm just wondering whether there's anything more you can tell me about this particular song or its music?
Very nice, is this catalogue available for public consumption yet, or is it still a work in progress?
As for Icelin's song, I'm not sure how far you are into the novel, but I hope it's not spoiling much to say that the song crops up again a little later, and the reader is given a complete verse this time. There is music for it, but it's only in my head. If it helps, the second syllables in each word are stressed when singing the song. I believe I originally wrote at least one more verse to the song, but I doubt those notes survived my computer crash.
I don't think I explained the song's origin in the text, so that's the extent of the info in published sources--but if you're curious, let me know when you've finished the novel and I'll tell you where I intended it to come from, since that information is definitely a spoiler.  |
The Sage |
Posted - 12 Aug 2010 : 03:04:34 Greeting Jaleigh. I've finally found myself an opportunity to start working my way through Mistshore. And as part of my continuing quest to catalogue/note every piece of musical Realmslore in published sources, I came across a reference on pg. 9 that intrigued me. Icelin begins to sing a few words from a song she used with her magic earlier. I'm just wondering whether there's anything more you can tell me about this particular song or its music?
Tremaine |
Posted - 24 Jul 2010 : 20:36:54 thank you for the answer I appreciate the reply, it's quite a nifty unique idea to have :-) |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 24 Jul 2010 : 19:10:54 quote: Originally posted by Tremaine
hi there I just recently finished you novel Mistshore in 2 days and posted some thoughts on the old bookclub scrolls.
I was just wondering where you got the idea for Ruen to predict peoples time to pass over by touching them? are you an X-file fan because it remind me a lot of the character Clyde Bruckman
Thanks for you time
Hi Tremaine,
Thanks for reading Mistshore and posting your thoughts. Ruen's abilities came about when designing his character and his spellscar. I wanted a person who kept himself isolated from others to the point that he didn't even want to be touched. At the time I was also studying the monk (this would have still been 3rd Edition, at the time of the writing) and how the powers were so much a part of the body. The monk is a union between body and spirit. Ruen's spellscar disrupts that balance, and it's something he struggles with constantly. I liked the idea of exploring that conflict in a character.
I was a fan of early X-files, but it's been a long time since I watched an episode. But the idea for the curse didn't come from the show. The power to predict when someone will die, I imagine, has been used many times in books, movies and tv shows. It wasn't so much the power itself but how it affected Ruen that I wanted to explore.
Tremaine |
Posted - 24 Jul 2010 : 18:35:14 hi there I just recently finished you novel Mistshore in 2 days and posted some thoughts on the old bookclub scrolls.
I was just wondering where you got the idea for Ruen to predict peoples time to pass over by touching them? are you an X-file fan because it remind me a lot of the character Clyde Bruckman
Thanks for you time |
Jaleigh J. |
Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 20:42:47 quote: Originally posted by Kyrene Is it a stand-alone part of a foursome (or more-some), like Mistshore and The Howling Delve formed part of "Ed Presents" and The Dungeons?
Originally it was announced as being a part of the Planetouched series of novels, which would have been a set of stand-alone novels similar to The Dungeons, with a common theme of Planetouched characters (such as the shadar-kai), but this was changed recently and (with my editor's permission) I can now say that the novel is literally a stand-alone; it won't be attached to any other series. Make sense? |