T O P I C R E V I E W |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 01 Jan 2012 : 18:07:30 So, I can finally announce that the Forest Kingdom is getting some serious love this month in Dungeon and Dragon Magazines.
Dragon Magazine #407 features the following articles:
"Character Themes: Heroes of Cormyr" by Dan Anderson What does it take to defend the greatest kingdom in Faerûn? Become a Purple Dragon Knight or War Wizard to find out.
"Swords of State: The Royal Blades of Cormyr" by Brian Cortijo Fall in love with a collection of swords that symbolize the honor and legacy of Cormyr.
"Crowns and Mantles: Cormyrean Ranks and Titles" by Brian Cortijo Before you can rub shoulders with the nobles and military officers of Cormyr, you need to know how to properly address them.
Dungeon Magazine #198 also has the following material:
"Backdrop: Suzail" by Eric Menge Visit a breathtaking city rife with intrigue and adventure. Enjoy the rumors, festivals, landmarks, and everything else Cormyr’s capital has to offer.
"Cormyr Royale" by Brian Cortijo Compare the royal courts of Regent Alusair Obarskyr and King Foril Obarskyr, and see what adventures await in the Palace of the Purple Dragon circa 1379 DR and 1479 DR.
I'm tremendously excited to see the finished products for these articles.
Enjoy! -BC
A note: all of these articles are behind the pay wall, and require an active subscription to D&D Insider. I would seriously recommend having a look, this month of all months, for those Realms fans that haven't taken a look in a while.
Happy New Year!
EDIT: The links to the individual articles no longer work, and have been removed. Links to the full PDFs at the DM's Guild have been added. |
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Brimstone |
Posted - 03 Jan 2017 : 15:13:40 What happened to Ed's Eye on the Realms articles? I can't seem to find them... |
Derulbaskul |
Posted - 03 Jan 2017 : 13:35:46 Coincidentally, I was just looking at the Purple Dragons rank article a few minutes ago to provide some additional background material for my players and a couple of their PCs.
Like so many others here, I miss the days of Realms articles with details in them. How fortunate we are that there is such an enormous backlog of material to draw from! |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 03 Jan 2017 : 00:58:49 Five years on, and I still very much think people will get a lot out of these articles. For anyone who might still be interested, and who never got the chance to subscribe or download the issues, you can get Dragon #407 and Dungeon #198 through the DM's Guild website.
Links: Dragon Magazine Issue 407 Dungeon Magazine Issue 198
I'll be updating the main post of the thread as well... |
Jakk |
Posted - 10 Feb 2012 : 03:59:19 I did not stay subscribed after January, but you can bet that I'll be checking every month to see what the new issue holds.  |
Mournblade |
Posted - 06 Feb 2012 : 15:21:20 quote: Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
As I said before, these are some excellent articles. I hope this draws some support on DDI and the WotC boards, and WotC continues to release work in this vein. The more people who buy a subscription this month, the more likely WotC will say "this is the right course!"
(hint hint!)
Yeah I subscribed I will probably stay subscribed in the chance they put out more lore.
Eilserus |
Posted - 02 Feb 2012 : 07:24:50 Now that's some great news. I liked some of their Chaos Scar stuff they did, but really most the points of light articles were really hit or miss for me. Just doesn't draw me in like the Realms does, but maybe that's because it doesn't have a few decades of development time. Definitely good news though! |
Rils |
Posted - 02 Feb 2012 : 04:08:20 well well well... This just in from Chris Perkins' editorial for Dragon mag:
"This year in the magazines, we’re taking a break from the Nentir Vale “points of light” setting to shine a light on the Forgotten Realms as well as some of our other popular worlds, past and present. You’ll see more Eberron® articles, more Dark Sun® articles, and even some content for Ravenloft®, Planescape®, and the World of Greyhawk™. But the Realms, in particular, will receive a lot of love."
Eilserus |
Posted - 01 Feb 2012 : 14:23:40 Yes, I'm almost curious if they are going to redo the entire series all the way through Shrine of the Kuo-toa and Vault of the Drow etc. Should be interesting. |
Rils |
Posted - 01 Feb 2012 : 06:14:33 Well, I think this month had a definite Realms theme to the articles, most months aren't as FR-centric. There's always at least one or two articles though, Ed's "Eye" if nothing else, but other stuff can be just as useful. This month (http://www.wizards.com/DnD/TOC.aspx?x=dnd/4new/drtoc/408) looks to be mostly elemental themed (to coincide with the release of the Elemental Chaos book), but includes background for Corellon vs. Gruumsh and some other themes/player options that sound promising. Dungeon is equally elemental themed, and includes the next installment of the Giants update. |
Eilserus |
Posted - 31 Jan 2012 : 19:09:32 I'm hoping February is just as good a month. :) 10 bucks a month is a pretty good deal for 50 pages of new Realmslore. If this is what WotC is working towards for DDI content, bright times for the Realms ahead indeed! |
Faraer |
Posted - 31 Jan 2012 : 18:47:20 Done, Brian. |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 31 Jan 2012 : 16:10:54 Indeed, Erik. Hint.
The art galleries are now up for Dungeon and Dragon for this month, as is the map gallery for Dungeon.
For those of you who aren't subscribers, you can get a peek at the artwork that went along with the articles. Here's a glimpse:
Dragon #407: Of the 13 art pieces, 7 are attached to Cormyr articles. #2: Purple Dragon rank insignia, from Blade to Ornion [Claudio Pozas] #3: Purple Dragon rank insignia for Constal, Oversword, Battlemaster, Warden of the Eastern Marches, High Marshal, and that worn by Crown Prince Irvel. [Claudio Pozas] #4: The investiture of Lady Knight Eydris Summersword as Baroness Extraordinary of Battlerise (complete with the baroness' crown of rank) [Hector Ortiz] #10: A Purple Dragon Blade on watch [Claudio Pozas] #11: A War Wizard battlemage on assault [Goran Josic] #12: A War Wizard and Purple Dragon [William O'Connor] #13: The Cormyrean Swords of State (Ansrivarr, Orbyn, Rissar, Symylazarr, plus Gantharla's Shiningbite and Azoun I's Ilbratha) [Hector Ortiz]
Dungeon #198 has 4 more examples of Cormyrean art: #8: An artist's rendition of the Splendors of Suzail [Kieran Yanner] #10: The Steel Regent in the King's Forest [Matias Tapia] #11: King Foril Obarskyr [Tony Foti] #12: The Dragon Throne of Cormyr [Tony Foti]
Last but not least, the map gallery has a pair of gorgeous maps by Jared Blando. Map #9 is Suzail circa 1479 (though not that different from 1358, really), and map #16 is of the Hall of the Purple Dragon and adjacent Shrine of the Four Swords. Maps #10 and #17 are, respectively, the same maps, without the accompanying map tags.
To recap, that's five Cormyr articles, weighing in at 50 (!) total pages, packed with Realmslore. Most of the lore is applicable to any era of Realmsplay, from pre-Grey Box to the present day, and what isn't certainly can help form material for one's own enjoyment or campaign, or enhance understanding of the Forest Kingdom. Of the 50 pages, you could fit all of the game material on perhaps 4 of them. The only complaints these articles have received so far is that folks who subscribe to D&D Insider for 4E game material thought there was altogether too much Cormyr this month. Which, frankly, I'm kind of okay with hearing.
I've been kind of roundabout with this, but now I'll just say it: everyone at Candlekeep should sign up for D&D Insider and download this material. And not just because I wrote more than half of it, but because if this is the kind of Realms support you want to see going forward, this is the time to show Wizards you're willing to put your money down and ask for it. Edition- and era-neutral wherever possible, 95+ percent stats-free, and in-depth coverage of specific topics or regions of the Realms. Gorgeous art and maps of things we've never seen before, like throne rooms and rank insignia and crowns of rank.
I know many scribes have already gone ahead and subscribed this month. To you, I say "thank you." Not for me, but for the continued coverage of the Realms.
If this sort of coverage is what you think you've been looking, waiting, and asking for, and you haven't yet subscribed, I'm not sure what you're waiting for. $10 for 50 pages of the kind of Realmslore written for fans of the Realms (and I know; I wrote 31 of them, and conspired with Eric on his article as well) seems to me like the perfect opportunity to vote with your dollars, get what I believe is good value for money, and walk away with a pretty good haul, especially when you count all the previous months' articles you can snag during your month's subscription. |
Erik Scott de Bie |
Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 17:20:27 As I said before, these are some excellent articles. I hope this draws some support on DDI and the WotC boards, and WotC continues to release work in this vein. The more people who buy a subscription this month, the more likely WotC will say "this is the right course!"
(hint hint!)
Cheers |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 16:08:08 quote: Originally posted by Diffan Hmm...well that does changes things then huh? . Of course I got my info from v3.5 and now that I know it's incorrect, I'll change my write-up accordingly. Thanks for the clarification. And I understand the idea behind keeping the weapons rather simple (mechanically) as the lore behind them is far more important than what it actually does. Anywho, good job and Congrats!
No problem. I knew where the error came from (and obviously, it's a publication error, not your error).
I'm glad you enjoyed the article. Obviously, if this were still an earlier edition, I could have done more with the stats to match up with the lore. Unfortunately, given the constraints of magic item creation in 4E, the only options were to make them artifacts off the bat--which I wanted to avoid--or make them as close to normal items with larger stories as possible, and give the option of other, less-standardized powers and properties attached to the swords. Obviously, I went the latter route, but the sidebar on page 2 is intended to allow for just that sort of exploration... or the warping, adding, or deletion of powers thanks to the Spellplague. |
Diffan |
Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 15:51:01 quote: Originally posted by Garen Thal
Ilbratha has always been a short sword, from its appearance back in Sea of Fallen Stars. It's only a longsword in the 3.5E Player's Guide to Faerûn, and that was in error.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinions with regard to the powers of the weapons. I did design them, and did so with an eye towards making the lore the important part of the article, avoiding over-complicating the weapons (or forcing them into being unbalanced or all artifact-level items).
Hmm...well that does changes things then huh? . Of course I got my info from v3.5 and now that I know it's incorrect, I'll change my write-up accordingly. Thanks for the clarification. And I understand the idea behind keeping the weapons rather simple (mechanically) as the lore behind them is far more important than what it actually does. Anywho, good job and Congrats! |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 05:50:35 quote: Originally posted by Diffan
Well done. I just downloaded all of them and I'm pretty impressed. The only aspect I wasn't too fond of was the write-up of Ilbratha, Mistress of Battle. Not the lore part, that was awesome, but the fact that it changed from a Longsword to a Shortsword. Also, I thought the magical tag associated with it was rather *meh*. Not sure if you had a hand in the mechanics or not, but I had hoped for a bit more rarity in the weapon descriptions (properties and such). Other than that, I'm very happy.
Oh, here was my 4E take on Ilbratha, Mistress of Battle blade from a mechanical viewpoint in case people like alternatives.
Ilbratha has always been a short sword, from its appearance back in Sea of Fallen Stars. It's only a longsword in the 3.5E Player's Guide to Faerûn, and that was in error.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinions with regard to the powers of the weapons. I did design them, and did so with an eye towards making the lore the important part of the article, avoiding over-complicating the weapons (or forcing them into being unbalanced or all artifact-level items). |
Diffan |
Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 05:18:06 Well done. I just downloaded all of them and I'm pretty impressed. The only aspect I wasn't too fond of was the write-up of Ilbratha, Mistress of Battle. Not the lore part, that was awesome, but the fact that it changed from a Longsword to a Shortsword. Also, I thought the magical tag associated with it was rather *meh*. Not sure if you had a hand in the mechanics or not, but I had hoped for a bit more rarity in the weapon descriptions (properties and such). Other than that, I'm very happy.
Oh, here was my 4E take on Ilbratha, Mistress of Battle blade from a mechanical viewpoint in case people like alternatives.
Garen Thal |
Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 05:09:22 And there you have it, folks: 49 total pages of Cormyrean goodness.
Consume, and enjoy! |
Brimstone |
Posted - 24 Jan 2012 : 02:20:17 I am looking forward to the Swords of State article. |
Jakk |
Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 06:15:29 quote: Originally posted by idilippy
Thanks, that's about the size of a Golarion pdf, a comparable price, and lore that I'd like much better. And I certainly will send an email to let WotC know that I'm specifically subscribing for the Cormyr lore material, especially the past lore.
I've done the same, as well as asking for the Lineage. Everyone else who's interested, please do the same!  |
Jakk |
Posted - 21 Jan 2012 : 05:29:05 Thanks, Brian! I've managed to find my way around now... and from what I've seen of the articles that have been posted, I'm definitely tempted to remain subscribed... but the Lineage will definitely be the deciding factor on that. Excellent work, Brian!  |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 06:07:11 quote: Originally posted by Jakk
Does anybody have a link to the "Swords of State" article? It's the only Cormyr article I haven't been able to access. Thanks!
Hopefully DDI gets this link glitch sorted out... I can definitely see myself renewing my subscription if we continue to get articles like these... and if they get their technical issues sorted out. 
Swords of State is not yet 'published.' I will let the keep know as soon as it is.
It looks like the articles are not being linked live to the table of contents page. You should still be able to find them from the main D&D site, or from the "article archive" at the right. |
Jakk |
Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 05:56:48 Does anybody have a link to the "Swords of State" article? It's the only Cormyr article I haven't been able to access. Thanks!
Hopefully DDI gets this link glitch sorted out... I can definitely see myself renewing my subscription if we continue to get articles like these... and if they get their technical issues sorted out.  |
Jakk |
Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 05:20:21 Strangely, it turns out that I can access the articles... but only the ones linked directly to from here. The internal DDI links are not activating for some reason.  |
Jakk |
Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 02:46:09 quote: Originally posted by smerwin29
quote: Originally posted by Snotlord
Wow, nice. I wish it was possible to buy single issues.
I think you can. I think you can get a 1-month subscription for about $10.00 (or something like that).
Theoretically, anyway... at the moment, I've paid my $10 for nothing, as I still can't access any of these articles. I have a ticket number pending with WotC tech support. This, of all things, is why printed magazines are better.  |
idilippy |
Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 18:08:26 Thanks, that's about the size of a Golarion pdf, a comparable price, and lore that I'd like much better. And I certainly will send an email to let WotC know that I'm specifically subscribing for the Cormyr lore material, especially the past lore. |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 17:46:24 quote: Originally posted by idilippy
I have a question. I don't subscribe to DDI, but this Cormyr month has me incredibly interested for the first time this last few years. I'm thinking about a 1-month subscription, but I don't like the idea of losing access to all that Cormyr goodness as soon as the month is over. Does subscribing for a month allow me to download(as a pdf or whatever format) the Cormyr articles or are they only available while the subscription is ongoing?
You have the ability to download the articles during your subscription, to save them locally to a hard drive, print them out, or what have you. Once your subscription expires, you will no longer be able to log in to access any current or former D&D Insider content.
On the flip side of that coin, even a one-month subscription allows you to go and look at whatever's been posted to D&DI in the past, including wondering entries like Ed Greenwood's Eye on the Realms.
As a side note, if you're subscribing specifically to get access to the Cormyr material this month, make sure to let WotC know. A short email to dndinsider@wizards.com . That's their general feedback email address.
If you do decide to partake this month, I hope you find it worth it. There are already 41 pages of Cormyr goodness to consume, and still two articles left to go, so I'm fully confident it's a bargain. I hope you'll feel the same. |
idilippy |
Posted - 18 Jan 2012 : 17:41:19 I have a question. I don't subscribe to DDI, but this Cormyr month has me incredibly interested for the first time this last few years. I'm thinking about a 1-month subscription, but I don't like the idea of losing access to all that Cormyr goodness as soon as the month is over. Does subscribing for a month allow me to download(as a pdf or whatever format) the Cormyr articles or are they only available while the subscription is ongoing? |
Garen Thal |
Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 15:01:51 Backdrop: Suzail is up, too (see link up in the topic post). We're up to 31 pages now, with 3 more samples of Cormyr goodness to go! |
The Sage |
Posted - 03 Jan 2012 : 00:44:18 quote: Originally posted by Garen Thal
While it's true that designers and authors use Candlekeep as a means of measuring fan interest ...
Purely as a curiosity, I'd probably start wondering whether this unofficial process has either increased or decreased with the coming of the 4e Realms. |