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 Ptolus - Back to the Spire!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 05:33:03
Ptolus, City by the Spire, is back in print.

I got my copy while they were still fairly easy to find... But if you didn't get it then, now is your chance! It's a massive tome, with a lot of niftiness in it.

Mod Edit: Fixed URL coding.
29   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Old Man Harpell Posted - 01 Apr 2020 : 04:31:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

There's a new Kickstarter for Ptolus; the book is being redone for 5E and the Cypher System.

Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire

Argh...I would love to pitch in for this, but I've already exhausted the missus' Kickstarter good will with backing Arcana of the Ancients. I think (from this point forward) unless a 5th Edition Kickstarter has its roots in either the Realms or Birthright (the two TSR worlds she knows I love), I am going to get exactly zero sympathy.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Feb 2020 : 19:24:11
There's a new Kickstarter for Ptolus; the book is being redone for 5E and the Cypher System.

Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire
KacyCrawford Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 17:02:59
Thanks for the update, I like this
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Mar 2013 : 03:31:57
Originally posted by Dark Wizard

Went for the Ptolus sale yesterday. It's actually a bundle with more than just the main Ptolus book. It also contains some smaller PDFs of related products, I think the players guide, the Banewarrens dungeon, the Chaositech supplement, etc. I haven't downloaded it yet because the download client bugged out from traffic last night.

Yeah, it took me multiple tries to get it to download.

I think the bundled stuff was on the CD that came with the Ptolus book -- because I already had most of it. I just didn't have the pdf of Ptolus, City by the Spire.

I've been wanting it for a while, but it's been rather cost-prohobitive. Until last night.
Dark Wizard Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 23:14:19
Went for the Ptolus sale yesterday. It's actually a bundle with more than just the main Ptolus book. It also contains some smaller PDFs of related products, I think the players guide, the Banewarrens dungeon, the Chaositech supplement, etc. I haven't downloaded it yet because the download client bugged out from traffic last night.
The Sage Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 05:51:26
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I just saw this on Facebook... I've no idea how long the sale will last, so I recommend jumping all over it now -- The pdf of Ptolus, The City by the Spire is on sale for a mere $20!

That's a great deal, and it's the perfect opportunity for those not already familiar with the awesome work Monte's put into this beast, to get copies for themselves.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Mar 2013 : 03:33:21
I just saw this on Facebook... I've no idea how long the sale will last, so I recommend jumping all over it now -- The pdf of Ptolus, The City by the Spire is on sale for a mere $20!
George Krashos Posted - 15 Mar 2013 : 23:41:19
Originally posted by PaulBestwick

Originally posted by George Krashos

This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.

-- George Krashos

I'd sooner they gave you the gig for a 300+ pages for Impiltur first George.

Paul, I appreciate the sentiment. I'm not sure I could do something like that on my own given the time constraints in my life, but a trip to GEN-CON next year might likely galvanise me to finish off the Impiltur Lineage, a few more swords from Soargar's Legacy (although the one I posted as a Xmas present on my thread didn't raise a ripple - I might need a new "shtick") and an Impiltur timeline. I do after all have to bring gifts!

And if WotC did come calling for an Impiltur book, well I think I would just have to find that time. It would be an opportunity too good to miss.


-- George Krashos
Dark Wizard Posted - 15 Mar 2013 : 22:05:42
Big books of this size are not the extreme outliers they used to be. Paizo has a 400-something page anniversary edition of their Rise of the Runelords adventure path, Frog God games has two mega-dungeon adventures well in excess of this.

On the city setting front we have Ptolus, and presently Green Ronin is trying to kickstart their 500+ page Freeport hardcover.
The Sage Posted - 15 Mar 2013 : 01:18:30
Originally posted by PaulBestwick

Originally posted by George Krashos

This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.

-- George Krashos

I'd sooner they gave you the gig for a 300+ pages for Impiltur first George.

The "Shut Up and Take My Money" internet meme would seem appropriate here.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 14 Mar 2013 : 17:31:06
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Only 500? I thought we were going for something like the Ptolus book...
Hey, I said 500+. That + can easily be another 500 pages.

PaulBestwick Posted - 14 Mar 2013 : 16:25:11
Originally posted by George Krashos

This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.

-- George Krashos

I'd sooner they gave you the gig for a 300+ pages for Impiltur first George.
The Sage Posted - 14 Mar 2013 : 02:36:01
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

My vote goes to a trilogy of books...each with 500 or so pages.

Book one: the city

Book two: the under-city

Book three: the lands around

EDIT for itchy trigger finger

Something like the format for the original Iron Kingdoms RPG would be neat. Two books -- each around 300+ pages, and dividing the treatment of Waterdeeep between game mechanics in one book, and pure setting material in the second book.
Dalor Darden Posted - 13 Mar 2013 : 21:29:56
My vote goes to a trilogy of books...each with 500 or so pages.

Book one: the city

Book two: the under-city

Book three: the lands around

EDIT for itchy trigger finger
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Mar 2013 : 19:00:02
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by George Krashos

This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.
-- George Krashos

Would that be out of the question in the future? Do you think something like that could be pushed through the powers that be? With this transition to a new time like the present eh?

Sounds brilliant to me. "Waterdeep: City of Splendors," 500+ pages of lore, schemes, NPCs, campaign/adventure hooks, etc. . . .

Great. Now you've got me brainstorming. Thanks for that. (I *also* blame Wooly.)


Only 500? I thought we were going for something like the Ptolus book...
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 13 Mar 2013 : 16:10:24
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by George Krashos

This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.
-- George Krashos

Would that be out of the question in the future? Do you think something like that could be pushed through the powers that be? With this transition to a new time like the present eh?

Sounds brilliant to me. "Waterdeep: City of Splendors," 500+ pages of lore, schemes, NPCs, campaign/adventure hooks, etc. . . .

Great. Now you've got me brainstorming. Thanks for that. (I *also* blame Wooly.)

Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 22:41:38
Originally posted by George Krashos

This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.

-- George Krashos

Mmmmm, big book of Waterdeep lore... Mmmmm </drooling Homer Simpson>
Dalor Darden Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 22:32:48
Originally posted by George Krashos

This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.

-- George Krashos

Would that be out of the question in the future? Do you think something like that could be pushed through the powers that be? With this transition to a new time like the present eh?
George Krashos Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 22:13:13
This is what they should have done for Waterdeep.

-- George Krashos
Dalor Darden Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 21:50:07
All I can say is "Ghoulworm"!

One of the nastiest nasty things ever!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 19:06:50
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

I had my boxes all set to go to the book seller, and I took the Ptolus copy out and put it back on the shelf.

I blame Wooly.

MWAHAHAHAHA! My diabolical plan is working!

(Now I need to go figure out what that plan is, and how this helps accomplish it... )
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 18:46:40
I had my boxes all set to go to the book seller, and I took the Ptolus copy out and put it back on the shelf.

I blame Wooly.
Marc Posted - 12 Mar 2013 : 11:48:08
I got a used copy of The Banewarrens for my Sigil campaign, I think if they print a Pathfinder version, it would sell.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 22:32:22
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Oddly enough, I'm thinking of getting rid of mine.

Well, the amount of money you'd get for doing so just went down.

Heh, probably so. I can't imagine getting much for it anyway, as the place I sell my books off too pays only a small percentage of what Amazon charges for books (they use Amazon as a price guideline).

The good news is this same place (Rasputin's) charges at most a few bucks for large hardcovers.

Hopefully some kid new to D&D finds that book and uses it like crazy.

IIRC, I got my copy off of eBay, for a little under the cover price.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 22:20:05
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Oddly enough, I'm thinking of getting rid of mine.

Well, the amount of money you'd get for doing so just went down.

Heh, probably so. I can't imagine getting much for it anyway, as the place I sell my books off too pays only a small percentage of what Amazon charges for books (they use Amazon as a price guideline).

The good news is this same place (Rasputin's) charges at most a few bucks for large hardcovers.

Hopefully some kid new to D&D finds that book and uses it like crazy.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 15:05:35
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Oddly enough, I'm thinking of getting rid of mine.

Well, the amount of money you'd get for doing so just went down.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 15:04:32
That book is chock-full of great stuff... My only complaint about it (other than the fact that my arms got tired of holding the book, when I was reading it!) was that to me, the idea that adventurers could start at level 1 and ascend to high levels without ever leaving town just doesn't work. Yes, in Ptolus it is possible, but I can't picture playing an adventurer who never wants to leave town.
The Sage Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 07:35:13
I love this book! And I especially love all the awesome extras that came with it.

Monte Cook really provided a fully workable setting that can stand equally well enough on it's own, or as a massively extensive part of some pre-existing world.

And I like that I can still thumb through its many hundreds of pages even today... years after it's initial release, and find little gems that are just begging for inclusion/expansion elsewhere.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 09 Mar 2013 : 06:47:13
Glad to see this monster is coming back.

Oddly enough, I'm thinking of getting rid of mine.

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