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 Questions for Sean K Reynolds

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 26 Jan 2005 : 23:20:28
Well met

This being a collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to a renowned game designer of the Realms, namely - Sean K Reynolds. Sean worked at TSR\WotC for many years on numerous roles, and has a vast array of products to his name. Some of which are: Cloak and Dagger, Unapproachable East, Lords of Darkness, to name but a few.

Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this Realms master.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Italian Archmage Karsus Posted - 01 Mar 2023 : 01:51:51
Alright, thanks a ton!
seankreynolds Posted - 01 Mar 2023 : 01:44:20
Originally posted by Italian Archmage Karsus

One moment, please, I'll try tweeting them out instead.

EDIT: Twitter by default shortens links, and I know for a fact this preserves the structure of archive links because I've tweeted those out before. As a backup, I've also sent you an e-mail...

Those tweet links worked just fine! Posting the tweet URL here for future reference:
(Thanks for going through the extra effort to get me working links!)

I don't think I've seen any of those pages, except for the very last one (the "cosmic powers" one, which I wrote when I was at TSR), so I don't think they had any impact outside of the RPGA.
Italian Archmage Karsus Posted - 01 Mar 2023 : 01:05:03
One moment, please, I'll try tweeting them out instead.

EDIT: Twitter by default shortens links, and I know for a fact this preserves the structure of archive links because I've tweeted those out before. As a backup, I've also sent you an e-mail...
seankreynolds Posted - 01 Mar 2023 : 01:02:27
Hmm, I tried that and it's still not working. How about you email me the working links (me at seankreynolds dot com), I'll take a look at them, and I'll reply here in the forum? :)
Italian Archmage Karsus Posted - 01 Mar 2023 : 00:55:00
Thanks so much for your prompt answer! The link format isn't supported in Candlekeep it seems. They're Wayback Machine links, you'll need to copy the full link and then paste it in the address bar I'm afraid.

EDIT: Just tried to build a link with the format tools, no, it mangles the wayback machine link. They help us with lost websites on the web, and broken timelines, like the one where you gained phenomenal, ultimate cosmic power- what happened on that one?
seankreynolds Posted - 01 Mar 2023 : 00:41:20
[quote]Originally posted by Italian Archmage Karsus

Hello there, Italian Archmage Karsus!

Those links aren't working for me, and I'm not sure why.

I do know that we basically gave the RPGA Sembia and the Living City to do what they wanted with, and there was a pretty sturdy fence between the design done by the main part of RPG R&D and design done by the RPGA. So it's likely that anything you're finding for the RPGA is stuff that we didn't account for in the "main" part of FR design. At least, during the time I was involved in FR design, which was at end of the 2nd edition era and the first half of the 3rd edition era.

I'd be happy to look at other links, assuming I can get them to work on my end, and let you know if anything there sounds familiar. :)
Italian Archmage Karsus Posted - 28 Feb 2023 : 22:23:17
Hello, Mr. Reynolds,
I found some old links from the RPGA. I've been told you did some work with them, and were also involved in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, as well as late TSR. I was wondering, was this stuff taken into account for continuity when making main line print products, i.e., was it considered canon internally? Or was it its own continuity, or perhaps, it wasn't taken into account at all when writing mainline continuity products?

The links I found that I'm not sure about were:

All of that stuff was linked from this page, so I'm not sure how canon it was, or if it was under any consideration whatsoever by TSR or WotC, or how much, hence the question.

I'm working on and I'm not completely sure whether to index this stuff on the site's database. We use this website for writing the wiki (in past tense...) and we aren't sure whether this Procampur, Living Jungle, The Vast, etc. data was considered for anything, or if anyone else but us would need it.
seankreynolds Posted - 31 Jan 2017 : 04:46:51
Rich Baker was creative director for FR at that time, so he'd prolly know. :)
KanzenAU Posted - 29 Jan 2017 : 07:32:19
Ahhh, oh well! It would be interesting to know who next to hassle if you can remember who might have played with the numbers. Either way, thanks for the quick reply.
seankreynolds Posted - 29 Jan 2017 : 07:27:39
Without going into a lot of details, I looked at my old spreadsheet and we estimated area sizes in square inches on the old map, and there were several steps where we estimated and randomized things to get some numbers that I felt comfortable with as reasonable and consistent across the continent. But those aren't the numbers that ended up in the book, so someone else must have tinkered with them, and I can't account for what they were thinking in terms of how much Waterdeep territory it included or even what ratio of urban to rural people they were using.

Sorry I can't be more help with this question. :(

KanzenAU Posted - 29 Jan 2017 : 06:10:11
Hi Sean,

This might be stretching the memory a bit! When you were working on the population figures for the 3e Campaign Guide, you came up with a population figure for the Waterdeep region of approximately 10x the city population, coming in at about 1.3 million. I know you worked hard trying to get consistent population numbers and population densities right across the continent from reading your old mailing list posts, and I was wondering what regional boundaries you had in mind for that Waterdeep population? The immediate area around the city seems too small for such a population, so I was wondering if those numbers might be taken from a far greater area.

Thanks for your time.
Barastir Posted - 20 Jun 2016 : 02:24:32
Ok, no worries and thank you (both) anyway!
seankreynolds Posted - 19 Jun 2016 : 18:24:40
Yep, what George said. I wish I could help (people contact me about CS once a year or so), but I really don't have any more recent info than 1995 when I started at TSR.
George Krashos Posted - 19 Jun 2016 : 14:44:53
Sean is on the record as stating that the information that he provided regarding Carl Sargent was provided to him second-hand by TSR employees. He has no contact with Carl Sargent and has no knowledge of his current status or whereabouts.

-- George Krashos
Barastir Posted - 19 Jun 2016 : 13:37:27
Mr. Reynolds, I'd have a question to Mr. Carl Sargent, about an article in Dragon Magazine related to his wonderful work on 2e Monster Mythology, but I've seen a lot of rumors saying he is not accessible, but one of them says you are friends with him. Can you help me with the question or with contacting Mr. Sargent?
Duneth Despana Posted - 21 May 2015 : 23:00:26
Barastir Posted - 26 Jan 2015 : 15:17:04

The elfshadow is a creation of Elaine Cunningham, although she didn't work in its game conversion, I think she can answer you better. I think the elfshadow disappears and can be summoned some time later (in a simplist view of the elfshadow ability), but once again, she will have the definitive answer.
Duneth Despana Posted - 25 Jan 2015 : 17:46:08
I believe the only other time the elfshadow special ability has been statted was in Elves of Evermeet. Concerning nice words, you're very much welcome as I believe they are more than well deserved (beyond the published sourcebooks and Wotc web content, I still often use stuff even from your personal site. Aronar Thaeglos is currently a villain in the campaign I run).
seankreynolds Posted - 23 Jan 2015 : 18:14:45
Duneth Despana, thanks for your nice words.
I don't remember who worked on that part of the book. Parts of that chapter do seem familiar, but it was ten years ago and I haven't looked at it in a long time. :) Reading over the text now, yes, I'd treat it like the shadowdancer's pet shadow, and require 30 days before you could call upon it again.
As for the cost, I think it would be a special case where it's not a plus-based cost, it's more like an intelligent weapon special ability (a "flat" gp cost). What price it should be, I don't know offhand (we were more fast-and-loose about some things back then and we should have listed a cost), especially as I woke up about 30 minutes ago.
I also must say that I haven't read any new FR books since the last one I wrote, so Wizards may have since published an updated version of this weapon and given more details about how the elfshadow ability works.
Thanks again!
Fellfire Posted - 23 Jan 2015 : 16:55:19
Originally posted by seankreynolds

As for your question, I've always been interested in weird Judeo-Christian lore, and the role of angels in particular. So I've been collecting info on that topic for years, and Monte and Sue gave me the opportunity to write it all down in one book. :)

You would definitely enjoy (if you haven't already) the Rogue Mage saga (Bloodring, Seraphs, Host) by Faith Hunter. She has also put out an RPG based on those books which is near the top of my wishlist.
Duneth Despana Posted - 23 Jan 2015 : 14:26:44
Hey! I believe it's the first time I post in your thread, so first of all a great thank you (!!!) for your contribution to the Realms. I have a somewhat crunchy question, so do tell me if this is the wrong place to post it. It's in regards to the elfshadow special ability of the moonblade in magic of faerūn. I now realise that even if you're credited on the book, you might not have written that particular bit. Sorry. I would love your input nonetheless.
What happens if the elfshadow dies? (Is it like the shadow companion of the shadowdancer? i.e. 30 days before it can be called upon again) and what would be the enhancement bonus of the elfshadow weapon special quality (as in 'keen' is equivalent to a '+1'. What is 'elfshadow' equivalent to?). Thanks in advance.
seankreynolds Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 08:58:31
Heh, it's "Baby With the Bathwater," and here's a link:

As for your question, I've always been interested in weird Judeo-Christian lore, and the role of angels in particular. So I've been collecting info on that topic for years, and Monte and Sue gave me the opportunity to write it all down in one book. :)

I also enjoyed running two different In Nomine campaigns (from Steve Jackson Games), and that partly inspired me to make a set of PC-playable races. :)
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 08:54:06
I hope you'll post the name of the adventure here when it's ready, sir. And thank you for such a quick reply. May I ask how you were able to take so much information from so many different sources and put them into game terms? I'd be interested to hear anything you might like to say about the book, actually, and the adventure you're working on, if you're able to. Thank you again!
seankreynolds Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 07:57:14
I don't have plans to do a complete PFRPG conversion, though I plan to update some elements of it in an adventure I'm working on that uses angels a lot.
Joran Nobleheart Posted - 14 Jul 2010 : 07:46:12
Hello! I was just wondering if Anger of Angels would get a conversion to Pathfinder. I really like the book and how it's presented, and would gladly get another copy if so. Thank you for your time and all your hard work!
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 20 Nov 2008 : 01:43:14
Originally posted by seankreynolds

I had nothing to do with Champions of Ruin, sorry!

seankreynolds Posted - 19 Nov 2008 : 15:33:36
I had nothing to do with Champions of Ruin, sorry!
Rolindin Posted - 19 Nov 2008 : 09:28:06
If you don't mind did you work on the node's in the Champion of Ruin fr book?

And if you did, was there other node feats, and spells left out?
If therer was could you share them with the rest of us?
Lay lines, was they though about when the node's parts were done.

To me the node's and lay lines are connected in many ways.
Such as you would find nodes along lay lines, and maybe even lay lines being some kind of connection between nodes.
seankreynolds Posted - 28 Aug 2008 : 17:39:06
I'll have to read up on what Pathfinder is doing for LA/ECL races. Right now the main focus is on the PH stuff. :)
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 28 Aug 2008 : 14:44:03
Indeed, the SRD Permanency is official, but SRD was never updated for other sourcebooks, because it's supposed to be the basic rules and such of the game. New spells published in other books did indeed say if they could be made permanent or not, but there's no list of those spells published. You basically have to go on a spell by spell basis.

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