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 Ed's Unofficial History of the Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
George Krashos Posted - 07 May 2015 : 04:37:16
Don't know if anyone is paying attention, but Ed is up to installment 7 of his Unofficial History of the Realms at his Edverse website. I'm enjoying seeing his earliest thoughts on the Realms being rolled out for my musing.

-- George Krashos
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 21 Nov 2020 : 23:19:00
Senior Scribe Baltas,

I appreciate that link: thank you.

I realized after the fact (going to it and beginning to read it) that Master Krashos had already shared it with me as well (which is pretty cool coming from the guy who wrote it).

Best regards,

Baltas Posted - 16 Nov 2020 : 21:15:33
Originally posted by cpthero2

Do you know if there is any other way to gain access to this? I keep finding that that URL is down. I found another scroll here at the Keep discussing some similar material and commented there asking for more information. I figured I'd increase my odds here as well.

Best regards,

Here is a link to an archived version of the Lord of the End of Everything article:

(Copy-paste all of the link, as I couldn't get it work properly here...)
cpthero2 Posted - 06 Nov 2020 : 22:58:59
Mr. James,

Whoa! Great lore there in The Lord of the End of Everything. Read to learn the mortal identity of Bhaal.

Do you know if there is any other way to gain access to this? I keep finding that that URL is down. I found another scroll here at the Keep discussing some similar material and commented there asking for more information. I figured I'd increase my odds here as well.

Best regards,

George Krashos Posted - 24 Sep 2020 : 07:35:32
Originally posted by maransreth

btw, what happened with the book teased in this scroll? Originally I was thinking it might have been Elminster Presents the Realms, but that tome was written back in 2012.

Not sure what this ever was. Must ping Ed to find out.

-- George Krashos
maransreth Posted - 04 Sep 2020 : 07:48:30

btw, what happened with the book teased in this scroll? Originally I was thinking it might have been Elminster Presents the Realms, but that tome was written back in 2012.
maransreth Posted - 04 Sep 2020 : 07:41:56

I know I am resurrecting an old scroll, however as far as I know, Ed no longer has a website and there is no access to these unofficial Realms tidbits.

Does anyone have these snippets available, and can share with the rest of us?

The Sage Posted - 20 Jun 2015 : 18:22:07
Heh. So long as it doesn't conflict with anything I already established lore-wise in my Realms, I consider anything borrowed from George's stuff posted here at Candlekeep as "canon" for my campaigns.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Jun 2015 : 00:09:11
Krash is one of those that does what I consider "semicanon" stuff. Yes, it's not published by WotC and thus not canon -- but it's good enough to be canon, and there has been semicanon stuff that became canon.
George Krashos Posted - 19 Jun 2015 : 23:31:25
No, it's not canon. Just Ed sharing my fan musings. He did like the piece though!

-- George Krashos
Rymac Posted - 19 Jun 2015 : 22:45:39
Originally posted by George Krashos

Eric wrote a piece on Jergal for some other work and then I massaged it by adding some further stuff, turning it into what is on the site.

-- George Krashos

I finally had some time to read this. Very good, George! A question: Is this the canon origin for the phaerimm? If so, this could mean the phaerimn could be present in other campaign worlds, like Greyhawk. The phaerimm could have played a part in the Sea of Dust's creation.
Duneth Despana Posted - 19 Jun 2015 : 10:10:58
Is it just me or does the 'for the fans' hyperlink not work when you click on it (of course you can enter '' manually into your navbar and it will work)?
Brimstone Posted - 15 Jun 2015 : 03:04:50
Derulbaskul Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 11:09:57
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Irennan

More articles? I only see up to the 7th

Fan creations - The Lord of the End of Everything

-- George Krashos

This was simply superb. And now we finally know the reason for the pyramids of Ascore!!!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Jun 2015 : 05:50:54
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by The Hooded One

P.P.S. Wooly and Sage, a leetle bird tells me that someone will be contacting both of you, when the time is right, regarding something you've both expressed interest in, in the past. Can't say more yet (she teased, because teasing is what this Hooded Lady does), but . . .

Oooo! Curious.

You really know where to tickle the fancy of this ol' sage, eh?

My fancy is tickled, as well. And now that I've typed that, I must acknowledge it's a weird-sounding sentence.

(In truth, I've been rather busy, of late, and had forgotten that promise )
The Sage Posted - 01 Jun 2015 : 04:37:22
Originally posted by The Hooded One

P.P.S. Wooly and Sage, a leetle bird tells me that someone will be contacting both of you, when the time is right, regarding something you've both expressed interest in, in the past. Can't say more yet (she teased, because teasing is what this Hooded Lady does), but . . .

Oooo! Curious.

You really know where to tickle the fancy of this ol' sage, eh?
Delwa Posted - 21 May 2015 : 02:36:54
Originally posted by George Krashos

Eric wrote a piece on Jergal for some other work and then I massaged it by adding some further stuff, turning it into what is on the site.

-- George Krashos

Ahh, thanks, George! Most excellent read.
George Krashos Posted - 21 May 2015 : 02:02:51
Eric wrote a piece on Jergal for some other work and then I massaged it by adding some further stuff, turning it into what is on the site.

-- George Krashos
Delwa Posted - 20 May 2015 : 21:12:33
Lots of good ideas in that one. Do we know who wrote it?
Gary Dallison Posted - 20 May 2015 : 19:53:08
I'll say it again it is awesome, so much potential so many ideas.

I love the double intrigue - the spell weavers manipulating the sarrukh, manipulating the netherese (very Ed).

The Sstar gems sound like Chardalyn to me, so now there is a reason for their collection.

I love the Elah Nydra link with Elahzad. Looks like she disappeared there following the relinquishment of her divinity, not sure how to fit Eldath in there though.

Loads of food for thought (and archwizard names), I'm going to be re-reading this another 50 times for various clues and things hidden between the lines. Its given me the inspiration I need to work on my Netheril project again.
Gary Dallison Posted - 20 May 2015 : 17:55:58
Im betting it was George/Eric with a slice of Ed thrown in.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 May 2015 : 17:09:13
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Irennan

More articles? I only see up to the 7th

Fan creations - The Lord of the End of Everything

-- George Krashos

An interesting read... Who was the author?
Gary Dallison Posted - 20 May 2015 : 16:53:46
Never mind that. Eril made great pyramids, Ascore is filled with pyramids.

and i should have read to the end of the article before posting. This is ace stuff.
Brian R. James Posted - 20 May 2015 : 16:18:06
Whoa! Great lore there in The Lord of the End of Everything. Read to learn the mortal identity of Bhaal.
Irennan Posted - 20 May 2015 : 10:17:20
Thank you
George Krashos Posted - 20 May 2015 : 10:15:04
Originally posted by Irennan

More articles? I only see up to the 7th

Fan creations - The Lord of the End of Everything

-- George Krashos
Irennan Posted - 20 May 2015 : 10:07:40
More articles? I only see up to the 7th
George Krashos Posted - 20 May 2015 : 05:46:40
Well, looks like someone's been busy ...

-- George Krashos
The Hooded One Posted - 13 May 2015 : 04:20:26
Latest news from Ed: that particular book will be delayed - - perhaps as long as an entire year.
However, scribes, Ed tells me that you'll all know why just before GenCon, when a LOT will appear on Ed's website. Big Plans. Not necessarily Realms-related, but big.
I can't spill any more yet, but I wanted to save scribes from being disappointed, come GenCon time.
However, Ed WILL be releasing instalments in his 50th Anniversary history of the Realmson his website regularly (for free, of course), so keep reading . . .
love to all,
P.S. And yes, it WILL be a book anyone can get, not just those who can make it to GenCon.
P.P.S. Wooly and Sage, a leetle bird tells me that someone will be contacting both of you, when the time is right, regarding something you've both expressed interest in, in the past. Can't say more yet (she teased, because teasing is what this Hooded Lady does), but . . .
Irennan Posted - 13 May 2015 : 01:30:44
It is a book for sale AFAIK, so yes.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 13 May 2015 : 00:54:47
If the Unofficial History is released at GenCon, will it also be available to those unable to attend?

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