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 New WotC's story: Rage of Demons (and Underdark)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Irennan Posted - 06 May 2015 : 14:47:53
For those of you who are interested in their adventures:!&page=1#comments

"Today, Wizards of the Coast announced Rage of Demons, the new storyline for Dungeons & Dragons fans coming in Fall 2015. The demon lords have been summoned from the Abyss and players must descend into the Underdark with the iconic hero Drizzt Do’Urden to stop the chaos before it threatens the surface. Rage of Demons is the story all D&D gamers will be excited to play this fall, whether they prefer consoles, PCs or rolling dice with friends.

Following on the critically-acclaimed Tyranny of Dragons and Elemental Evil stories, Rage of Demons will transport characters to the deadly and insane underworld. Rumors of powerful demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus and Graz’zt terrorizing the denizens of the Underdark have begun to filter up to the cities of the Sword Coast. The already dangerous caverns below the surface are thrown into ultimate chaos, madness and discord. The renegade drow Drizzt Do’Urden is sent to investigate but it will be up to you to aid in his fight against the demons before he succumbs to his darker temptations.

Dungeons & Dragons fans will have more options than ever to enjoy the Rage of Demons storyline. The themes of treachery and discord in the Underdark are in Sword Coast Legends, the new CRPG (computer role-playing game) coming this fall on PC from n-Space and Digital Extremes. The epic campaign that drives Sword Coast Legends' story forces players deep into the Underdark and continues well after launch with legendary adventurer Drizzt Do'Urden.

For fans of Neverwinter, the popular Dungeons & Dragons-based MMORPG will bring a new expansion – tentatively titled Neverwinter: Underdark – in 2015. The update will see adventurers travel with Drizzt to the drow city of Menzoberranzan during its demonic assault as well as experience a unique set of quests written by the creator of Drizzt, R.A. Salvatore. The expansion will initially be released on PC and will come out on the Xbox One at a later date.

Players of the tabletop roleplaying game can descend into the Underdark in Out of the Abyss, a new adventure which provides details on the demon lords rampaging through the Underdark. Partners such as WizKids, GaleForce 9 and Smiteworks will all support Rage of Demons with new products to help bring your tabletop game to life. To really get in the mind of Drizzt, fans will have to check out Archmage, the new novel by R.A. Salvatore, scheduled for release in early September.

“Rage of Demons is a huge storyline involving all expressions of Dungeons & Dragons, and we’re excited to bring players this story in concert with all of our partners,” said Nathan Stewart, Brand Director at Wizards of the Coast. “I can’t wait to see everyone interact with one of the world’s most recognizable fantasy characters: Drizzt Do’Urden. Descending into the depths won’t exactly be easy for him, and D&D fans will get their mettle tested just like Drizzt when they come face-to-face with all the demon lords.”

I wonder if Eilistraee's and Vhaeraun's followers will be somehow featured, given the Underdark theme and given that their deities have just returned.

Also, having a bunch of demon lords all of sudden rampaging through the Underdark (and so soon after the world-ending threats of Tiamat/elemental evil have just been defeated) feels a bit random to me... we'll see.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dark Wizard Posted - 09 Jun 2015 : 07:15:33
Figured you meant core and not the Realms specifically. And that is true, albeit split over almost 40 years of gaming and multimedia history. Dark elves have been in the same since the Greyhawk days, but didn't really pick up in popularity, especially as a playable race, until one very particular dark elf ranger. They've become a repeat occurrence ever since, often accompanied by their spider imagery.

We had one Year of the Dragon event in 3E, but something like two Drow-themed periods, one for 3E and one for 3.5E if I recall correctly. Not to mentioned the scads of novels. Tiamat doesn't have a mopey good blue dragon paladin of Tyr wandering the North foiling the plots of her minions.

Recall the game is called Dungeons and Dragons and what bigger dragon at the end of the dungeon than the goddess of evil chromatics herself.

I see the three mentioned adventures as their respective edition's rendition of the Tiamat theme, Red Hand of Doom (3.5E), Scales of War (4E), and Tyranny of Dragons (5E). It's the requisite dragon themed adventure per edition. Or maybe they can't quite get the adventure right on each edition and the next edition is a reboot/reimagining.

Just like the game has umpteen Liches masterminding some crisis or another, or yet another demonic and/or diabolical incursion. The benefit of these latter two is the antagonist is usually more diverse in character as there is no singular deity (Tiamat or Lolth) pushing their agenda. There are in comparison a lot of demon lords and noble devils and many more liches (these guys seem disposable for the most part). Sure we bring back a famed lich every now and again, but how much staying power do they really have?
Derulbaskul Posted - 09 Jun 2015 : 06:13:35
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Derulbaskul

Sadly, it probably doesn't have the broad appeal of simply regurgitating plots based on Tiamat (who is even more overused than Lolth

Gonna have to disagree with you, on that one. WotC's love affair with drow has meant that Lolth has gotten a lot of screen time -- including a sextet of novels that are quite popular among FR readers for reasons that quite frankly elude me.

Tiamat, on the other hand, has been largely ignored, until recently, in the Realms. We had some core adventurers dealing with her that were shoehorned into the setting, some mostly offscreen material with her as a deity (her appearance during the ToT, her actions to subvert the Cult of the Dragon, etc...), and then a recent focus on her for another adventure.

I wasn't referring to the Realms, per se, but to the broader D&D product line.

Look at how much Tiamat we've had: Dragonlance (Tiamat by another name but still Tiamat), crappy D&D cartoon, Red Hand of Doom, Scales of War, and then Tyranny of Dragons. I've also missed a couple of things.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Jun 2015 : 04:54:23
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

Sadly, it probably doesn't have the broad appeal of simply regurgitating plots based on Tiamat (who is even more overused than Lolth

Gonna have to disagree with you, on that one. WotC's love affair with drow has meant that Lolth has gotten a lot of screen time -- including a sextet of novels that are quite popular among FR readers for reasons that quite frankly elude me.

Tiamat, on the other hand, has been largely ignored, until recently, in the Realms. We had some core adventurers dealing with her that were shoehorned into the setting, some mostly offscreen material with her as a deity (her appearance during the ToT, her actions to subvert the Cult of the Dragon, etc...), and then a recent focus on her for another adventure.
Caladan Brood Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 19:47:41
A campaign infiltrating the Zhentarim - or being Zhent and actively working against, say, Harpers..with a story taking you to Zhentil Keep, that cool citadel whatsitsname, across the Moonsea to deal with trade arrangements, harassing caravans in the Dales, with a climax in Darkhold, all of it set in the 1340s...sounds a lot more fun than watching Drizzt duel the Underdark. But that could be just me.
Derulbaskul Posted - 08 Jun 2015 : 11:13:19
Before 5E came along, WotC's intention was to make the next "event" after Rise of the Underdark a Zhentarim-focussed campaign. Two of the novels were even turned over to WotC but have never seen the light of day.

Now that is a "story" I would like to see. Sadly, it probably doesn't have the broad appeal of simply regurgitating plots based on Tiamat (who is even more overused than Lolth!), Lolth, Elemental Evil etc.... Then again, maybe the Zhentarim rise could be linked to a new Slave Lords-like organisation?
Caladan Brood Posted - 02 Jun 2015 : 21:19:26
I still don't even know what a Shadovar is ^^
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 02 Jun 2015 : 20:41:13
Originally posted by Brian R. James

Let's see. First the gods send their chosen to battle across Faerűn, then Tiamat and the chromatic dragons ravage the Sword Coast, followed by the Princes of Elemental Evil doing the same. And now... wait for it... the Demon Princes of the Abyss want in on the action. Plus, the PCs get to help Drizzt save the day! I cannot wait to see which big bad guys will threaten the Realms next year.

Presumably, something involving Shar and the Shadovar. Again.
xaeyruudh Posted - 11 May 2015 : 19:52:58
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

This is just my personal opinion, but as BRJ pointed out, first we had a rampaging god, then elemental lords, now demon princes, what next, rampaging archdevils, rampaging far realm entities, rampaging bunny rabbits of the apocalypse.

I'm guessing far realm stuff will make another appearance soon. It might not be next-in-line but I'm sure it's in the pipe somewhere. It's true that there's a finite number of themes available; they can't do new stuff every time, and we're seeing the Underdark revisited already. I'm not complaining about Underdark themes, though, or Far Realm for that matter.

Originally posted by dazzlerdal

And whatever happened to no more RSE's, or did they not actually say they werent going to do that anymore?

I could be wrong, but I think what was said was that the Sundering was "The RSE to end all RSEs." This does not in fact mean that the Sundering would be the last RSE. It means it was supposed to be the biggest one yet. I thought someone at WotC said they were going to have no more RSEs after the Sundering, but I don't have a quote for that and if it was said then that individual clearly either has a wonky definition of RSEs or was misinformed.

For 5e it seems not only are RSEs still in the toolbox, but in fact they are the only tool in the box. ("But but but... how could we introduce an adventure path without an extinction-level-event?")
BEAST Posted - 07 May 2015 : 05:22:59
Originally posted by Delwa

I like to think of us as Statler & Waldorf, of Muppet fame. We grouch about everything, without prompting, at the drop of a hat. We'll even hand you the hat. But we're all in all harmless.

<Like, totally!>
BEAST Posted - 07 May 2015 : 05:17:04
Originally posted by Brian R. James

Let's see. First the gods send their chosen to battle across Faerűn, then Tiamat and the chromatic dragons ravage the Sword Coast, followed by the Princes of Elemental Evil doing the same. And now... wait for it... the Demon Princes of the Abyss want in on the action. Plus, the PCs get to help Drizzt save the day! I cannot wait to see which big bad guys will threaten the Realms next year.

The dancing girls. They will form a union all across the face of Toril and go on strike, decrying the humiliating wardrobe, long work hours, lack of benefits, etc. It will herald all manner of doom and gloom for the men of the Realms, I tell ye!
Delwa Posted - 07 May 2015 : 02:24:29
I like to think of us as Statler & Waldorf, of Muppet fame. We grouch about everything, without prompting, at the drop of a hat. We'll even hand you the hat. But we're all in all harmless.
hashimashadoo Posted - 07 May 2015 : 01:06:07
RSE stands for "Realms Shattering Event" it's a term that refers to apocalyptic plotlines and stuff that can/does change the world for the worse.

And yes, some scribes can get very grumpy because they see the things WotC have done as an attack on the Realms. Some of us disagree with them but arguing just makes them more grumpy.
Taurendil Posted - 07 May 2015 : 00:29:26
I kind of like the approach of "Grand Campaign" that goes out with every storyline, but that's just me. Maybe it's appealing to me the fact of (re)discover the new Realms bit by bit, in a themed way, even if I don't play the oficial adventures (haha).

PS: What does "RSE" means? I thought it was "Really Shitty Edition", like 4th, but that doesn't seems to apply.
PS2: This is a very grumpy forum.
Caladan Brood Posted - 06 May 2015 : 22:49:29
They are definitely going the wrong way with the Realms. There is none of the charm of Ed's Realms left. RA Salvatore can go lick a lion in its sweet spot.
Gary Dallison Posted - 06 May 2015 : 21:15:04
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

What is that flying over there?

It looks like a bird maybe...

<casts a scrying spell>

Yep, sure is...looks like a grey hawk.

I think I'm going to follow it for a while and see what happens...

Well I'm going nowhere, I'm staying right here in 1371 DR where its nice and familiar and has a decent storyline.
Dalor Darden Posted - 06 May 2015 : 20:22:27
What is that flying over there?

It looks like a bird maybe...

<casts a scrying spell>

Yep, sure is...looks like a grey hawk.

I think I'm going to follow it for a while and see what happens...
Delwa Posted - 06 May 2015 : 20:15:37
I guess what they meant by no more RSE was no more RSE's that change the world. Tiamat didn't come to the Prime and set up a kingdom. It's kinda assumed she got shoved back in her hole. I'm guessing that Elemental Evil won't/didn't actually change anything, just give everyone a scare. And the demons will probably not have an impact, either, beyond some big baddie for the adventurers to punch into submission.
All well and good. It leaves the actual results for home play up to the DM, and how much change hits the world is also up to him. From an in-world perspective, I guess it takes a line from Men in Black: there's always some evil alien/god/whatever about to destroy the world. What keeps the general populace happy is that they don't know about it.

I guess for organized play, it provides plot hooks that bring in new customers. Maybe. I just wish they'd put out some splat adventures. You know, save the princess, return the stolen magic item, that kind of thing without it having global implications. Common, every day adventures. Dungeon crawls, not just save the world stuff.
Gary Dallison Posted - 06 May 2015 : 16:48:48
This is just my personal opinion, but as BRJ pointed out, first we had a rampaging god, then elemental lords, now demon princes, what next, rampaging archdevils, rampaging far realm entities, rampaging bunny rabbits of the apocalypse.

It could just be me, but i get the feeling that quite soon they could run out of the next threatening level of dangerous rampaging monsters, therefore we are only 2 or three adventures away from a planet shattering event that forces another time jump and revision of the realms/rules.

And whatever happened to no more RSE's, or did they not actually say they werent going to do that anymore?
Delwa Posted - 06 May 2015 : 16:32:44
Well, at least the adventure blurb says Gromph screwed it up. Which does provide for interesting ideas. Maybe we'll get some clues as to what causes the faerzress radiation in the Underdark? As far as I know, that radiation has always been a "it exists. End of lore." kind of thing. I could be wrong. But it apparently interacts with magic to open portals to the Abyss in the right conditions.

I am getting tired of all the gods being in the forefront all the time. I thought that was supposed to stop. Give me an evil cabal trying to take over a kingdom through subtlety. Give me merchants that secretly worship Malar trying to do dastardly things, like infect people with lycanthropy through their products, give me something other than "huge famous demon/god/being is trying to take over. Stop him."
Dalor Darden Posted - 06 May 2015 : 16:26:22

What ever happened to adventurers going into dungeons for the loot?

Brian R. James Posted - 06 May 2015 : 16:23:38
Let's see. First the gods send their chosen to battle across Faerűn, then Tiamat and the chromatic dragons ravage the Sword Coast, followed by the Princes of Elemental Evil doing the same. And now... wait for it... the Demon Princes of the Abyss want in on the action. Plus, the PCs get to help Drizzt save the day! I cannot wait to see which big bad guys will threaten the Realms next year.
Irennan Posted - 06 May 2015 : 16:12:04
Here is the adventure blurb: Luckily, it doesn't look like Lolth's work.
Delwa Posted - 06 May 2015 : 16:12:00
I do hope it's not all Lolth, Shar, or what have you all the time. What happened to putting the gods in the background? And Dazzlerdal, fair comparison. It wouldn't surprise me to hear them later market this as a "nostalgic nod" to HotU. Though Hordes was devils, not demons, and so far the Yawning Portal and Waterdeep aren't mentioned.

Taurendil Yes, I would like to see Duregar as a playable race. I'd also like to see some more Underdark themed monsters, and that we'll almost definitely get.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 May 2015 : 16:06:00
Originally posted by Irennan

I don't know, another Lolth's plan? Just after their 4e Lolth event, after her latest plan to take over the world has just failed? C'mon...
If they really must go that route and do another Underdark story, then they really have to give us something about Eilistraee&Vhaeraun at least. Their return is big for the drow, and IMO deserves a bit more attention than Lolth's throwing a tantrum yet again

I hope they're not repeating one of the mistakes of 3E and 4E, when it was ALL SHAR, ALL THE TIME! Ye dancing gods, that one got old really, really quickly.
Gary Dallison Posted - 06 May 2015 : 15:44:39
Is it just me or does this sound an awful lot like an RSE, and an awful lot like the Hordes of the Underdark expansion to Neverwinter Nights 1 on the pc.
Taurendil Posted - 06 May 2015 : 15:34:51
It would be nice to see more character options like duergars as a playable race, underdark-ish fighting style/martial archetype, darkness domain for priests and such.
Delwa Posted - 06 May 2015 : 15:26:56
Originally posted by Irennan

I don't know, another Lolth's plan? Just after their 4e Lolth event, after her latest plan to take over the world has just failed? C'mon...
If they really must go that route and do another Underdark story, then they really have to give us something about Eilistraee&Vhaeraun at least. Their return is big for the drow, and IMO deserves a bit more attention than Lolth's throwing a tantrum yet again

Good point. The reason I was thinking the way I did, though, is that I seem to recall reading speculation somewhere that the events in the latest Drizzt novels seemed to reflect whatever happened in that 4E event, and might even be that event, since we were never given a definite date.
I didnt' keep up with 4e lore, and I didn't fact check that speculation now that I think of it, so I could be totally inaccurate.

If this is another, seperate event, my curiosity is peaked. I haven't gotten to the end of Iron Dwarf, so I don't have all the "current events" cards in front of me.
Irennan Posted - 06 May 2015 : 15:23:08
I don't know, another Lolth's plan? Just after their 4e Lolth event, after her latest plan to take over the world has just failed? C'mon...
If they really must go that route and do another Underdark story, then they really have to give us something about Eilistraee&Vhaeraun at least. Their return is big for the drow, and IMO deserves a bit more attention than Lolth's throwing a tantrum yet again
Delwa Posted - 06 May 2015 : 15:16:33
My suspicion / speculation says it's tied to whatever is happening with Lolth. Since Drizzt has amazing plot armor, I'm pretty sure whatever happens in Vengance of the Iron Dwarf doesn't kill the old rebel or seduce him to Lolth's service. The Demon Queen is likely throwing a temper tantrum because of this, and has released the abyss on the world because she can't have her way. But we shall see.
Irennan Posted - 06 May 2015 : 15:05:22
Originally posted by Delwa

Originally posted by Irennan

Originally posted by Delwa

I think the speculation on Elistraee's return fits the available facts. I don't see why her brief mention in recent published work would be allowed if they didn't intend to do something with it soon, and unless they totally drop the ball - which is possible - putting it in this kind of a theme makes sense.

It's no longer a speculation, though: Ed has explicitly confirmed it.

Aye, I mispoke. I didn't mean speculation on whether or not she returns, just when it'll be detailed in published products.

It would definitely be cool. But I would also like a plausible explanation as for why random world ending threats are popping up so close to each other, even multiple of them at the same time (I mean Demogorgon, Orcus, Graz'zt and others ramapaging through the Underdark -and probably only on the Sword Coast- all together? Wat...)

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