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Caladan Brood Posted - 14 Aug 2015 : 21:36:41
Issue #3 is out.
For a freebie, I like Dragon+ though I obviously would prefer a solid magazine brimming with material that I paid for.

The app isn't very stable, even at #3 (I still haven't been able to actually READ the thing) - but there's news about the Sword Coast book, so I hope they have fixed it now (Android) so I can enjoy it before falling asleep this very fine evening.

I thought we could gather discussion about the contents of Dragon+ here unless the mods have a differing view on the subject.

It's Friday night, and I am all hyped up for the coming Star Wars movie, and the upcoming D&D/Realms products, having a beer while putting a small army of miniature bugbears on a shelf, ready to be used in November when my old gaming group is having a reunion weekend.

Have a nice weekend!
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Green Giant Posted - 06 Mar 2016 : 14:09:40
Seems Volo has returned to the Realms in the current issue. And his first new guide is to Barovia!
perlmugp Posted - 20 Dec 2015 : 14:46:32
It is a nice idea that they now have Dragon+ available on the web, but just like the app it's horribly made. The app is the just about the most sluggish app I have ever used, and now the website has the same unresponsive feel and it is completely unusable on a mobile browser. I'd be more upset if they ever had any content that wasn't purely promotional.
Eilserus Posted - 20 Dec 2015 : 03:32:49
Skimmed through them. The Thween short fiction actually wrote Drizzt into it. Very short "cameo", but not by RAS. No dialogue and he's not even named, but you get the gist of it. I'm not sure how I feel about that even considering the shared world deal. I find it very strange, I had assumed Salvatore's characters to be off limits considering the old Shores of Dusk thing from back in the day.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Dec 2015 : 06:01:03
Originally posted by Rymac

Originally posted by hashimashadoo

Dragon+ is now available on browsers

That's a welcome addition. Although I wish they were downloadable as PDfs.

Ditto. You can't even copy and paste them to Word.
Eilserus Posted - 18 Dec 2015 : 01:51:49
Agreed, really glad I can view it on PC. Must be my age showing, but I don't like to read on the phone. Too small screens!
Rymac Posted - 18 Dec 2015 : 01:22:39
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

Dragon+ is now available on browsers

That's a welcome addition. Although I wish they were downloadable as PDfs.
hashimashadoo Posted - 17 Dec 2015 : 15:42:43
Dragon+ is now available on browsers
Irennan Posted - 22 Sep 2015 : 02:34:00
Originally posted by sleyvas

have they started putting out any new dragon mags at all that you can download with gaming content?

We will see in October (the issues come out every two months, the latest was released in August).
sleyvas Posted - 22 Sep 2015 : 02:30:04
have they started putting out any new dragon mags at all that you can download with gaming content?
Gurgle Gobblespit Posted - 22 Sep 2015 : 00:31:28
I actually like the Dragon+ format… reads well on my iPad. Is the content/writing great? Ehh… it's alright. Nothing amazing, although I do like that I can pick up some teasers and snippets about upcoming products from it.
hashimashadoo Posted - 16 Aug 2015 : 23:16:32
The next issue has a full write-up of Gracklstugh. Some proper lore for once!
Caladan Brood Posted - 16 Aug 2015 : 05:44:29
Oh, right :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Aug 2015 : 02:08:06
I have the app... I want a built-in "save this article" option that exports to pdf so I can read/refer to the material without having to pull up an app on a mobile device.
Caladan Brood Posted - 15 Aug 2015 : 22:11:16
...and by whipping it up, I obviously alluded to my smartphone...
Caladan Brood Posted - 15 Aug 2015 : 22:10:35
If there's anything you want to ask about the issue, feel free Wooly and I'll whip it up and transcribe for you :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Aug 2015 : 12:27:50
I'm still waiting for them to give me a way to read this content that's not thru the app. I've figured out a way to export content, but it's only for unformatted text.
Delwa Posted - 15 Aug 2015 : 11:13:23
Originally posted by Caladan Brood

Wow there was indeed a lot to digest :) I think the Adventurer's Guide sounds promising and the map preview looks as if 3rd and 4th edlition never happened which was surprising. Also surprised the map's style, lovely.
On the other hand Rage of Demons sounds like a storyline sounds a lot less interesting now that more of its design goals are revealed. All subjective opinion of course

Story-wise, yes. I'm really not interested in the story beyond its impact on future canon. I'm more interested in how they're using the optional rules from the DMG for sanity/madness and the other crunchy bits for 5e.
Caladan Brood Posted - 15 Aug 2015 : 08:49:24
Wow there was indeed a lot to digest :) I think the Adventurer's Guide sounds promising and the map preview looks as if 3rd and 4th edlition never happened which was surprising. Also surprised the map's style, lovely.
On the other hand Rage of Demons sounds like a storyline sounds a lot less interesting now that more of its design goals are revealed. All subjective opinion of course
Delwa Posted - 14 Aug 2015 : 23:21:20
Originally posted by Caladan Brood

I have a Galaxy S5 too. Every time there's a new issue I'm unable to open it (swiping doesn't get me past the cover), then a day or so later there's an update and it works. I'm patient though. Gonna give it a read now, you made me curious! :)

Huh. I dunno what the problem is. I had that problem with the second issue, but the app updated and it's been fine.
Hope you enjoy!
Caladan Brood Posted - 14 Aug 2015 : 23:13:29
I have a Galaxy S5 too. Every time there's a new issue I'm unable to open it (swiping doesn't get me past the cover), then a day or so later there's an update and it works. I'm patient though. Gonna give it a read now, you made me curious! :)
Delwa Posted - 14 Aug 2015 : 22:13:04
I for one am really enjoying this issue. (Side note, I think it really matters what version of Android you're running with the app. My S5 runs it without issue, but my Lenovo tablet running a much older version crashes all the time.)
The article on Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide was just awesome. It gave me enough detail (and a nice map preview) to really put my hopes up for the tome. It's primaril focused on it's title region, but it does promise a decent overview of the rest of Faerûn, post Sundering. That's great news. It's promising a lot of details we've been waiting for. I just hope it delivers.
The crunch they allude to is just exciting. Can't wait to see it.
Other than that, I've only read the article on the Rage of Demons adventure and downloaded the Harried in Hillsfar adventure, which I got to play at GenCon. Looking forward to reading that and seeing what us PCs missed.

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