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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MaskedOne Posted - 03 Mar 2016 : 15:33:54
Not sure if this is better in here or in one of the product forums but all FR e-books seem to have been pulled from Google Play store. I can still read the ones I have on my phone but does anyone know what's going on here and if it's temporary?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MaskedOne Posted - 03 Mar 2016 : 23:04:49
Thanks for the info.
Delwa Posted - 03 Mar 2016 : 22:32:02
I talked to Google Play customer support last week. They didn't know what the issue was, but it seems that WotC has somehow revoked permission from the US Play store only. The rep I talked to told me even Uzbekistan had access, but not the US. They sent an email to the publisher to see what's going on, and are supposed to email me if they hear back, but no dice yet.
I tried WotC customer support and they told me they didn't know what the problem was, but that they'd forward the issue to the appropriate people.

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