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 Questions for Erin M Evans

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Red Walker Posted - 20 Aug 2012 : 18:36:32
Well met

This being a collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to a renowned author of the Realms, namely - Erin M Evans, whos works include: The God Catcher and Brimstone Angels.

Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this author.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ErinMEvans Posted - 25 Oct 2017 : 22:41:50
Originally posted by Spectralballoons

Hi! I've previously posted this in the Forgotten Realms Novels section before remembering that it should have been posted here, so sorry for the repost! Anyways, what happens to Sessaca Peredur after the scene with he Kuo-toa? I couldn't find her in the epilogue for The Devil You Know. Thanks!

Hi there!

Sessaca is one of those characters I intentionally gave a vague ending to so that if you wanted, you could pull her into a game as an NPC of some kind. Maybe she becomes a kuo-toa demigoddess and grows gills. Maybe she just bosses that tribe around and lets them think she's a demigoddess. Maybe you have to fight her. Maybe you have to help her escape. Maybe you come across her bones.

See also: The Nameless One, Zhanya, and Adolican Rhand :)
Spectralballoons Posted - 20 Oct 2017 : 14:41:23
Little behind-the-scenes like this remind me why I love this site.
sleyvas Posted - 19 Oct 2017 : 13:37:57
Originally posted by ErinMEvans

Originally posted by Solus Galerion

Hi Erin,

Let me start with commendation, I'm an admirer of the character depth in your novels - fantastic stuff.

What I'm wondering is if there's any more information on Tarchamus than what's contained in the books. I've tried various google searches, read through the FR wiki, and searched the Candlekeep forums for a little bit more about Tarchamus, but alas found nothing.

I ask because I'm trying to heavily implement the story of Tarchamus into a character I am currently RolePlaying, because I'm a big fan of Netheril and Volcano spells are HOT!

Thanks so much for your time and work!

(Even if you could direct me towards a netherese arcanist who resembles Tarchamus / inspired his creation that would be awesome!)

Here is the story of Tarchamus:

Gonna write a Brimstone Angels sequel. Yeah!
Gotta write about Harpers and Zhentarim. Hmmmm...
Who do both those guys hate? Netheril!
Let's do an archaeology book! Yeah!
Where's a place I can put a badass wizard tomb...The Nether Mountains!
Here's a place...Cavern of Xammux. Maybe Xammux is the wizard?
...No. Xammux is some kind of weird elder god. Blugh.
...I guess I need a wizard first. Here is the Netheril box set!
*Erin learns why everyone has strong opinions about the names in the Netheril Box Set!*
*eyes Xammux*
...TRANSLATION ERROR! Hooray! Let's make a whole subplot about that!

And then I made up the kind of guy who would be a big enough jerk to create a freaking death trap for his colleagues, make his apprentices kill themselves to finish it, and thereby exemplify everything bad about Netheril, while being a mirror for Dahl and a dark mirror for Farideh.

So, short version: He is entirely made up for the purposes of the novel, and no one else ever picked him up.

I don't really have a backstory for him, personally, except he's also the kind of guy who goes along, taking things just a leeeeetle too far, but you're like "He's a jerk, but he's a good guy to me!" Like, testing spells on your neighbors just because you think they're dorks? Someone should have said something well before the volcano. (I, too, think volcanoes are pretty kickass. I was originally searching for a neglected Netherese arcanist who had a crazy fire spell. That lacking, I went gleefully volcanic.)

If I remember correctly, there are a few other arcanists mentioned, and some of them are actual characters in the Netheril box set. But it's been long enough I don't know them off the top of my head.

...actually, is there still a scene set during the actual sacrifice in that book? I definitely wrote one, but it might have been cut. Originally, Emrys was one of his apprentices, and it was from his point of view. If it's not there, tell me, and I'll see if I have the cut scene. That at least has things about his apprentices?


You are fast becoming a favorite of mine..... "crapsticks" ... honesty, in its purest form.
Spectralballoons Posted - 19 Oct 2017 : 13:05:42
Hi! I've previously posted this in the Forgotten Realms Novels section before remembering that it should have been posted here, so sorry for the repost! Anyways, what happens to Sessaca Peredur after the scene with he Kuo-toa? I couldn't find her in the epilogue for The Devil You Know. Thanks!
Zeromaru X Posted - 24 Sep 2017 : 23:42:50
You know, now that you mention it, I remember there is a character in the Brotherhood novels that says something pretty similar in fact (that Brimstone was either full of it, or either he was an unwitting pawn in another xorvintaal game).

:) Thanks for the answer.
ErinMEvans Posted - 24 Sep 2017 : 22:00:31
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Originally posted by ErinMEvans

Man, I am sliding on your questions on all possible sites! Sorry. Let's fix that!

Hi! No problem, I know you're a little bit busy these days. My niece just born two months ago, and my brother barely have time (the campaign is going even slower because of that, lol), so I understand.

Thanks for your answers, btw. But, I want to elaborate in the xorvintaal question. To recap, in the Brotherhood novels, Brimstone says that he recovered ancient knowledge from Sammaster's stuff, blah, blah, and convinces some dragons to play. So, they started a huge... lets call it, campaign, in the Alamber Sea vicinity.

So, my question is: was Nestrix among the dragons convinced by Brimstone to play? Or she just started a campaign of her own, unrelated to Brimstone's in the Alamber Sea?

I wonder because Nestrix and her rivals were playing in Waterdeep, and that is really far away from the lands Brimstone's campaign seemed to be centered. But, as the secrets of the game were rediscovered by Brimstone...

Ah. Okay, so here's the meta-problem. I put xorvintaal into the Realms with The God Catcher first. Then our editor suggested RLB pick it up as well. So I don't know why he did that, what he had in mind, or even if someone mentioned Nestrix to him. (Although really they'd need to mention Dareun, since Nestrix will loudly remind you she doesn't play xorvintaal.)

My in-world fix would probably be that Brimstone is full of it. That dragons in the North have been playing for some time (and that dragons pre-Spellplague were playing all over--remember that Nestrix's grandsire was a taaldarax). He has reintroduced it in a fashion so as to retain control and use the Great Game for his own purposes.

For anything more official, you may need to ask RLB what his intent was, since he was riffing off my details.

About Cymril, well, now that I can pin her to Fisher, this made my DMing easy. And yeah, she is from NCS. I'm going to make her a half-elf...

To be clear, she was from somewhere else first. the NCS came after Brimstone Angels. She would have to be in the FRCS or in the early materials for the Neverwinter game, because I know I didn't invent her.
Zeromaru X Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 06:29:51
Originally posted by ErinMEvans

Man, I am sliding on your questions on all possible sites! Sorry. Let's fix that!

Hi! No problem, I know you're a little bit busy these days. My niece just born two months ago, and my brother barely have time (the campaign is going even slower because of that, lol), so I understand.

Thanks for your answers, btw. But, I want to elaborate in the xorvintaal question. To recap, in the Brotherhood novels, Brimstone says that he recovered ancient knowledge from Sammaster's stuff, blah, blah, and convinces some dragons to play. So, they started a huge... lets call it, campaign, in the Alamber Sea vicinity.

So, my question is: was Nestrix among the dragons convinced by Brimstone to play? Or she just started a campaign of her own, unrelated to Brimstone's in the Alamber Sea?

I wonder because Nestrix and her rivals were playing in Waterdeep, and that is really far away from the lands Brimstone's campaign seemed to be centered. But, as the secrets of the game were rediscovered by Brimstone...

About Cymril, well, now that I can pin her to Fisher, this made my DMing easy. And yeah, she is from NCS. I'm going to make her a half-elf...

As for Tarchamus, you detailed his book in the article about the Harpers in Dragon 430. Hope this can help Solus with his research about the mysterious Netherese mage.

EDIT: Sorry, my English is still lacking,
ErinMEvans Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 05:37:52
Originally posted by Solus Galerion

Hi Erin,

Let me start with commendation, I'm an admirer of the character depth in your novels - fantastic stuff.

What I'm wondering is if there's any more information on Tarchamus than what's contained in the books. I've tried various google searches, read through the FR wiki, and searched the Candlekeep forums for a little bit more about Tarchamus, but alas found nothing.

I ask because I'm trying to heavily implement the story of Tarchamus into a character I am currently RolePlaying, because I'm a big fan of Netheril and Volcano spells are HOT!

Thanks so much for your time and work!

(Even if you could direct me towards a netherese arcanist who resembles Tarchamus / inspired his creation that would be awesome!)

Here is the story of Tarchamus:

Gonna write a Brimstone Angels sequel. Yeah!
Gotta write about Harpers and Zhentarim. Hmmmm...
Who do both those guys hate? Netheril!
Let's do an archaeology book! Yeah!
Where's a place I can put a badass wizard tomb...The Nether Mountains!
Here's a place...Cavern of Xammux. Maybe Xammux is the wizard?
...No. Xammux is some kind of weird elder god. Blugh.
...I guess I need a wizard first. Here is the Netheril box set!
*Erin learns why everyone has strong opinions about the names in the Netheril Box Set!*
*eyes Xammux*
...TRANSLATION ERROR! Hooray! Let's make a whole subplot about that!

And then I made up the kind of guy who would be a big enough jerk to create a freaking death trap for his colleagues, make his apprentices kill themselves to finish it, and thereby exemplify everything bad about Netheril, while being a mirror for Dahl and a dark mirror for Farideh.

So, short version: He is entirely made up for the purposes of the novel, and no one else ever picked him up.

I don't really have a backstory for him, personally, except he's also the kind of guy who goes along, taking things just a leeeeetle too far, but you're like "He's a jerk, but he's a good guy to me!" Like, testing spells on your neighbors just because you think they're dorks? Someone should have said something well before the volcano. (I, too, think volcanoes are pretty kickass. I was originally searching for a neglected Netherese arcanist who had a crazy fire spell. That lacking, I went gleefully volcanic.)

If I remember correctly, there are a few other arcanists mentioned, and some of them are actual characters in the Netheril box set. But it's been long enough I don't know them off the top of my head.

...actually, is there still a scene set during the actual sacrifice in that book? I definitely wrote one, but it might have been cut. Originally, Emrys was one of his apprentices, and it was from his point of view. If it's not there, tell me, and I'll see if I have the cut scene. That at least has things about his apprentices?

ErinMEvans Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 05:26:43
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Hi dear Erin,

I've read your article about the Harpers in Dragon 430. It filled my mind with lots of ideas, and I have a pair of questions and I hope you can answer them.

-In my current 4e Neverwinter Campaign (well, "current"—its advancing very slowly due to RL stuff) my brother is playing with the Harper Agent theme. I plan to deal with Cymril's treachery in the next arc. We are playing in the 1480 DR, so, was Tam aware of Cymril's activities at this point? I knowhe was unable to contact Cymril in the novels, but the novels do not dealt with Cymril's stuff.

-Do you know was race Cymril was? I do not remember you mentioned her race in the novels, but I'm maybe misremembering.

-Was the Fisher involved with Cymril's treachery? I know Tam dealt with the Fisher's treachery in the novels, but maybe I can relate both treacheries into one xD.


I will take this opportunity to ask about other thing as well.

Was Clytemorrenestrix's Xorvintaal (the God Catcher) related to Brimstone's Xorvintaal (Brotherhood of the Griffon)? Or it was a different Xorvintaal?

Man, I am sliding on your questions on all possible sites! Sorry. Let's fix that!

Cymril was not mine. I got her from somewhere else--maybe the 4E CG? If I recall correctly, Tam DID contact Cymril, but she was distinctly not helpful. Because she was a traitor! Dun-dun-DUN! I think if you want him to not be aware, she'd have to cover her tracks pretty quick, because she was definitely a friend of the Fisher. My intention was definitely to link the two.

If I recall correctly she was a half-elf? But again, I'd check the FRCG from 4E. (It definitely wasn't in the NWCG I found her, because that was written after I'd finished Brimstone Angels).

Both xorvinataals are the same. It comes from the Monster Manual 5 for 3.5 if you want more info, but the Draconic words (apart from xorvintaal are my doing. At least, I renamed the exarchs lovacs because exarchs had become a different thing in 4E. I forget if I added more.
ErinMEvans Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 05:20:30
Sorry. I missed a bunch of these.

Originally posted by Mirtek

Hi Erin,

you can probably answer my question whether The Devil You Know will receive a paperback. It's almost 10 month now and as it's not even for pre-order yet I am getting worried that with the end of the novel line WotC won't bother with the usual paperback release. I have the kindle edition, but I'd love the paperback to complete my FR novel collection. Would be sad if the series remains forever incomplete on my shelf.

PS: I am aware of the hardcover, but for sake of uniformity I only collect FR novels in paperback. Since not every FR novel got a hardcover but every hardcover also got a paperback (except one lost during transition from TSR to WotC)


It's out now, if you weren't aware:
Solus Galerion Posted - 23 Sep 2017 : 00:06:26
Hi Erin,

Let me start with commendation, I'm an admirer of the character depth in your novels - fantastic stuff.

What I'm wondering is if there's any more information on Tarchamus than what's contained in the books. I've tried various google searches, read through the FR wiki, and searched the Candlekeep forums for a little bit more about Tarchamus, but alas found nothing.

I ask because I'm trying to heavily implement the story of Tarchamus into a character I am currently RolePlaying, because I'm a big fan of Netheril and Volcano spells are HOT!

Thanks so much for your time and work!

(Even if you could direct me towards a netherese arcanist who resembles Tarchamus / inspired his creation that would be awesome!)
Zeromaru X Posted - 25 Jul 2017 : 18:00:21
Hi dear Erin,

I've read your article about the Harpers in Dragon 430. It filled my mind with lots of ideas, and I have a pair of questions and I hope you can answer them.

-In my current 4e Neverwinter Campaign (well, "current"—its advancing very slowly due to RL stuff) my brother is playing with the Harper Agent theme. I plan to deal with Cymril's treachery in the next arc. We are playing in the 1480 DR, so, was Tam aware of Cymril's activities at this point? I know he was unable to contact Cymril in the novels, but the novels do not dealt with Cymril's stuff.

-Do you know was race Cymril was? I do not remember you mentioned her race in the novels, but I'm maybe misremembering.

-Was the Fisher involved with Cymril's treachery? I know Tam dealt with the Fisher's treachery in the novels, but maybe I can relate both treacheries into one xD.


I will take this opportunity to ask about other thing as well.

Was Clytemorrenestrix's Xorvintaal (the God Catcher) related to Brimstone's Xorvintaal (Brotherhood of the Griffon)? Or it was a different Xorvintaal?
Mirtek Posted - 03 Jul 2017 : 22:18:39
Hi Erin,

you can probably answer my question whether The Devil You Know will receive a paperback. It's almost 10 month now and as it's not even for pre-order yet I am getting worried that with the end of the novel line WotC won't bother with the usual paperback release. I have the kindle edition, but I'd love the paperback to complete my FR novel collection. Would be sad if the series remains forever incomplete on my shelf.

PS: I am aware of the hardcover, but for sake of uniformity I only collect FR novels in paperback. Since not every FR novel got a hardcover but every hardcover also got a paperback (except one lost during transition from TSR to WotC)

Zeromaru X Posted - 07 Apr 2017 : 02:07:32
Thanks for your answers. And sorry for asking tricky questions. I feel many stuff was left unresolved, and that bugs me.
KanzenAU Posted - 07 Apr 2017 : 01:33:25
Thanks for the reply! Very much looking forward to getting to the Adversary after I finish up the first two Sundering books.
ErinMEvans Posted - 06 Apr 2017 : 20:11:36
Hi there!

Originally posted by KanzenAU

Hi Erin,

I'm a bit late to the Brimstone Angels series, but I just finished Lesser Evils and I'm really enjoying the tale thus far! I have a couple of quick questions:

a) In Brimstone Angels, Brin notes that it's widely believed that the Harpers assassinated a Tethyrian King ages ago. Is this the false tale of Harper involvement in the death of Haedrak II mentioned in Lands of Intrigue, or is it something else?

Honesty, I don't remember, but that is very probably it. Possibly something else in Code of the Harpers, since I used that pretty heavily.

b) In Lesser Evils, who were the cultists of Xammux (The Many), and what were they all about?

Xammux is/was/is believed to be an outsider along more Lovecraftian lines. It is in the FRCG, I believe, and because I wanted to use that cavern, I built Tarchamus around that name. So does Xammux exist and just used the same cavern because magic or is this just a corruption of Tarchamus? Don't know. But I would not mess around with cultists to an elder god who like to screw around in caverns full of hydras.

c) In Lesser Evils, how did whoever stole the page from the Book of Tarchamus get out of the library?

The same way the heroes did: up the air shaft. I figured they're the one who collapsed the first shaft.

d) In Lesser Evils, did you intend for there to be any chance of Tarchamus's fortified mummy-body surviving the eruption?

Cheers, and apologies if any of these questions are answered in later books.

No. But if someone wanted to put that in a game of theirs, I would not be bothered!

ErinMEvans Posted - 06 Apr 2017 : 20:04:49
Hi there!

So, a lot of your questions are a little tricky, for meta reasons. Since Abeir wasn't well developed, it lacked things like a map or agreement over how much of Abeir "Returned Abeir" constituted. Additionally, some things were changed. The implication, for instance, is that Tymanther/Tymanchabar and Akanūl literally landed on top of the lands they displaced, crushing them and destroying them forever and ever. But then with 5e they wanted to restore Unther, etc., so that was retconned to be a very violent changeover.

Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Greetings, dear Erin. Long time no see. I have some questions about some abeiran stuff from Ashes of the Tyrant and The Devil You Know.

1. Seeing that the Crippled Mountain was the theater of the battle where the vayemniri won their freedom and led to the foundation of Tymanchebar, that means we can locate this mountain somewhere in Skelkor. Rhodrolytharnestrix was the master of this mountain, so here is my question: what kind of relationship had Rhodrolytharnestrix with Gauwervyndhal, the ruler of Skelkor? Was he the ruler of Skelkor before the battle of the Crippled Mountain? Seeing that he was called "the Tyrant of Tyrants", that means he was somehow the strongest dragon lord in Abeir at that point (potentially even stronger than Melauthaur, ruler of Melabrauth), so I cannot picture Rhodrolytharnestrix as a servant of Gauwer...

I would assume that the Tyrant of Tyrants is a a) predecesssor of Gauwervyndhal (the Battle of the Crippled Mountain begins the foundation of a dragonborn nation, but it's still many, many, many years before Tymanchebar proper) and b) probably a geographic neighbor--I imagine the early dragonborn nation is less than settled. The Crippled Mountain remains in Abeir, not in Skelkor.

2. In the same song, you mention a place named "Arambar Gulch". Is this place related to Wandering Stones? (the village from Bruce R. Cordell's story of the same name, where the spirit of Arambar slumbers and that is also located in Skelkor)

They are related, but they are not geographically proximate. Arambar Gulch is meant to be a canyon carved by the Dawn Titan, Arambar.

3. In Ashes of the Tyrant, Ashoka says that Djerad Thymar was built after the vayemniri came to Faerūn. This is somehow confirmed by one of the vayemniri prisoners that Gilgeam interrogated and killed in The Devil You Know. This prisoner says (or remembers) that Djerad Thymar was built upon Nanna-Sin's tomb using the Breath of Petron. However, in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, in the section about Skelkor (p.212) it says that Djerad Thymar was the capital of Tymanchebar, and that was sent to Unther in the wake of the Spellplague.

Are the two Djerad Thymars the same one, or at least related in some way? Or are the two totally different cities with the same name?

This is retconning, to be honest. If the arrival of Tymanchebar is so violent it's mistaken for crushing Unther whole, then I cannot believe that their structures remained intact while Unther's did not. IIRC, the wording is a little vague about the specifics of Djerad Thymar in Abeir, and I squeezed right in.

I would make the argument that the FRCG is not written by dragonborn and so is using the appearance of destruction to assume that, well, that place probably dropped out of the sky whole. Or...

I have my own theory (that the one from Tymanchebar had another name, but it was renamed Djerad Thymar after it was repaired in Faerūn), but I want to know your opinion about this.

This could work too.

4. In The Devil You Know, Caysis says that a person cannot use magic on Abeir, because there is no Weave. This is confirmed by Farideh and Ilstan being unable to use their spells while on Verthishai Loech Ternesh. However, the FRCG talks about spells in ancient Abeir (such as that sentient magic that made the dwarves of Durnlynbold/Raurokh flee from their homes).

My doubt is: how magic works on Abeir? There were no wizards, warlocks or divine casters, but there were sorcerers? That can explain that living spell, and also, dragons are somehow innate casters.

That's all. Thanks in advance.

That is the gist. There are no gods, and so there is no Mystra, and so there is no Weave, per se. The plane is largely sealed from the Hells (although this may be only since Asmodeus became a god). All magic in Abeir has to account for that. Which means all the interesting wild cases probably have lots of room to grow! And lots of spaces for new kinds of magic ideas!

The Dawn Titans had magic, and so I like the idea of Dawn Titan artifacts and remnants being magic sources. Dragons too. If it's self-contained, self-generating, then I think it's fair.
KanzenAU Posted - 28 Mar 2017 : 05:43:34
Hi Erin,

I'm a bit late to the Brimstone Angels series, but I just finished Lesser Evils and I'm really enjoying the tale thus far! I have a couple of quick questions:

a) In Brimstone Angels, Brin notes that it's widely believed that the Harpers assassinated a Tethyrian King ages ago. Is this the false tale of Harper involvement in the death of Haedrak II mentioned in Lands of Intrigue, or is it something else?

b) In Lesser Evils, who were the cultists of Xammux (The Many), and what were they all about?

c) In Lesser Evils, how did whoever stole the page from the Book of Tarchamus get out of the library?

d) In Lesser Evils, did you intend for there to be any chance of Tarchamus's fortified mummy-body surviving the eruption?

Cheers, and apologies if any of these questions are answered in later books.
Zeromaru X Posted - 20 Mar 2017 : 05:26:41
Greetings, dear Erin. Long time no see. I have some questions about some abeiran stuff from Ashes of the Tyrant and The Devil You Know.

1. Seeing that the Crippled Mountain was the theater of the battle where the vayemniri won their freedom and led to the foundation of Tymanchebar, that means we can locate this mountain somewhere in Skelkor. Rhodrolytharnestrix was the master of this mountain, so here is my question: what kind of relationship had Rhodrolytharnestrix with Gauwervyndhal, the ruler of Skelkor? Was he the ruler of Skelkor before the battle of the Crippled Mountain? Seeing that he was called "the Tyrant of Tyrants", that means he was somehow the strongest dragon lord in Abeir at that point (potentially even stronger than Melauthaur, ruler of Melabrauth), so I cannot picture Rhodrolytharnestrix as a servant of Gauwer...

2. In the same song, you mention a place named "Arambar Gulch". Is this place related to Wandering Stones? (the village from Bruce R. Cordell's story of the same name, where the spirit of Arambar slumbers and that is also located in Skelkor)

3. In Ashes of the Tyrant, Ashoka says that Djerad Thymar was built after the vayemniri came to Faerūn. This is somehow confirmed by one of the vayemniri prisoners that Gilgeam interrogated and killed in The Devil You Know. This prisoner says (or remembers) that Djerad Thymar was built upon Nanna-Sin's tomb using the Breath of Petron. However, in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, in the section about Skelkor (p.212) it says that Djerad Thymar was the capital of Tymanchebar, and that was sent to Unther in the wake of the Spellplague.

Are the two Djerad Thymars the same one, or at least related in some way? Or are the two totally different cities with the same name?

I have my own theory (that the one from Tymanchebar had another name, but it was renamed Djerad Thymar after it was repaired in Faerūn), but I want to know your opinion about this.

4. In The Devil You Know, Caysis says that a person cannot use magic on Abeir, because there is no Weave. This is confirmed by Farideh and Ilstan being unable to use their spells while on Verthishai Loech Ternesh. However, the FRCG talks about spells in ancient Abeir (such as that sentient magic that made the dwarves of Durnlynbold/Raurokh flee from their homes).

My doubt is: how magic works on Abeir? There were no wizards, warlocks or divine casters, but there were sorcerers? That can explain that living spell, and also, dragons are somehow innate casters.

That's all. Thanks in advance.
Zeromaru X Posted - 18 May 2016 : 21:01:58
Well, the players interested in this information are a couple in real life. He is playing a dragonborn fighter, and she an eladrin (moon elf) wizard, and they decided they wanted to mimic their relationship in the game. For now, I having him gaining his clan approval for a legal relationship, that is really the quest, following the dragonborn customs you depicted in the novels. For her, well, her parents aren't happy with her decision, but the mother is supportive. (The father not, he hates the dragonborn, and gaining his approval is another quest).

Beyond that, there are the in-game jokes about the "half-dragonelf" and that stuff.
ErinMEvans Posted - 14 May 2016 : 17:37:07
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Well, you know how players are. This gives me some idea to troll them, in fact.

Thanks for your answer.

Players have to follow their hearts...DMs have to make sure there's a mimic waiting when they get there.

I'm so curious what you plan to do! Hope it's fun!
Zeromaru X Posted - 11 May 2016 : 06:50:22
Well, you know how players are. This gives me some idea to troll them, in fact.

Thanks for your answer.
ErinMEvans Posted - 10 May 2016 : 22:21:49
Originally posted by Zeromaru X

Hi Erin! This is kinda the weird question, but was brought up on my table, so here we go.

Can dragonborn fell in love with members of other species? I know in the novels they normally don't feel attracted by humanoids of other species, but is that a racial thing or just a cultural quirk?

And can dragonborn have children with them? (I know true dragons can).

I would say whatever you want to happen at your table should happen at your table!

I think it's probably possible for a cross-species romance to happen. I doubt you would get half-dragonborn, since the dragonborn lay eggs and lack a dragon's innate magic to work around that part. I'm not sure if you could have sex--the genitalia options are confusing for something that's MAYBE a monotreme, MAYBE a reptile, MAYBE something else, and who even cares because I'm not showing graphic sex? But they're descended from humans and dragons, so possible, unless it's a scaled down version of what dragons have, in which case I have no idea.

But I will say, I won't write a cross-species romance. I feel like non-human characters don't get enough relationships within their own species. I've read one too many stories with a dwarf/orc/halfling/etc slavering over a human woman, like "sexy" is a metric that peaks with "human" (Or lets be real, "elf").

Especially since what dragonborn are into probably can't even exist on a human body--shapely jaw frills or big nostril ridges, tight scales or a nice high arch on that heel spike. Rawr, baby! And while the physical isn't the be all, end all, it does seem like an important step between "good friends" and "lovers."

Zeromaru X Posted - 08 May 2016 : 17:37:43
Hi Erin! This is kinda the weird question, but was brought up on my table, so here we go.

Can dragonborn fell in love with members of other species? I know in the novels they normally don't feel attracted by humanoids of other species, but is that a racial thing or just a cultural quirk?

And can dragonborn have children with them? (I know true dragons can).
Al2O3 Posted - 05 Jan 2016 : 16:23:35
Originally posted by ErinMEvans

I asked your questions of Brian Cortijo/Garen Thal for maximum accuracy. Yes, because who is going to argue that such a kid didn't come out of an Obarskyr? Raedra might wind up having a war wizard in the delivery room just to forestall any garbage, but the kid's legitimacy shouldn't be in question. And it's happened before: Queen Gantharla's son was called Roderin the Bastard because he was born out of wedlock, but he still got to be king.

Sorry for the slow reply!

Thanks a lot for the answers! And regarding the speed of the reply, all I can say is: Congrats to having Itsy Mr E, and may the new year be a good one.
ErinMEvans Posted - 04 Jan 2016 : 22:44:25
For those of you interested: ASHES OF THE TYRANT is available now!

Here is a series of links to blog posts and podcasts about writing and dragonborn and other sundry issues:

I will also be doing an AMA on r/fantasy on Wednesday, so come check it out.

Lastly, the Goodreads FR book club is reading ASHES OF THE TYRANT, starting this week.

ErinMEvans Posted - 04 Jan 2016 : 22:41:16
Originally posted by Al2O3

Thanks for all the answers! I'm always impressed by how fast you respond both here and on twitter. (And speaking of twitter, I was half hoping that your wish of going into labor and be done with the pregnancy would be granted, obviously preventing you from replying here.)

The one question I should have asked before but forgot was: If queen Readra Obarskyr would have a child with a lover, would that be an Obarskyr in line for the throne regardless of who the father was or if the identity of the father was even known?

The other thing that has distracted me today is the thought of my second most favourite part of Fire in the Blood: "Who are you and where is my prissy sister?"

Last: Given your reply about making the twins part of a dragonborn clan I now almost can't wait to read AotT to see if that is what happens or if it was just sneaky author being sneaky. I the latter case I will then have trouble waiting for "The Devil you know" instead...

I asked your questions of Brian Cortijo/Garen Thal for maximum accuracy. Yes, because who is going to argue that such a kid didn't come out of an Obarskyr? Raedra might wind up having a war wizard in the delivery room just to forestall any garbage, but the kid's legitimacy shouldn't be in question. And it's happened before: Queen Gantharla's son was called Roderin the Bastard because he was born out of wedlock, but he still got to be king.

Sorry for the slow reply!
Al2O3 Posted - 11 Dec 2015 : 16:36:22
Thanks for all the answers! I'm always impressed by how fast you respond both here and on twitter. (And speaking of twitter, I was half hoping that your wish of going into labor and be done with the pregnancy would be granted, obviously preventing you from replying here.)

The one question I should have asked before but forgot was: If queen Readra Obarskyr would have a child with a lover, would that be an Obarskyr in line for the throne regardless of who the father was or if the identity of the father was even known?

The other thing that has distracted me today is the thought of my second most favourite part of Fire in the Blood: "Who are you and where is my prissy sister?"

Last: Given your reply about making the twins part of a dragonborn clan I now almost can't wait to read AotT to see if that is what happens or if it was just sneaky author being sneaky. I the latter case I will then have trouble waiting for "The Devil you know" instead...
ErinMEvans Posted - 11 Dec 2015 : 05:17:48
Originally posted by Al2O3

I just finished rereading Fire in the Blood. My probably favourite part of it right now is Raedra as regent adjourning the war council and then spending the evening learning about war and battles with Farideh.

Now, I do have some questions or things I am curious about if I understood them correctly. Since they probably contain spoilers I'll try to colour them.

1. Near the end the question of Brin's legitimisation comes up again. Assuming that it goes through, would he mostly be considered an Obarskyr (even changing his name maybe) or still mostly a Crownsilver?

So to cover all the points: Brin's already been acknowledged through his father. Off-screen, then Halance and his progeny would be legitimized, which would take him out of the line for the Crownsilver title and put him into the line for the throne. Which means that technically his last name would be Obarskyr. However, I don't think Brin would start calling himself Aubrin Obarskyr. It would take some serious circumstances.

2. If Brin is legitimised, would that make him "Prince" rather than "Lord" (and using whatever name from the first question)?

I'm not sure, actually! I suspect that people would probably call him a prince, but I don't know that he officially gains that title. Erzoured isn't given the title of "Prince" in the texts I've seen, so I suspect he wouldn't.

3. If Havilar and Brin decide to become a couple again and even have kids that Brin claims as his own, would that result in Cormyr having tieflings in the line of succession fairly close to the throne?

Eh...closer than goblins? But since Brin is believed (and sworn!) to have died and been resurrected he goes to the end of the line of succession--potentially even after Baerovus. So for Brin and Havilar's child to gain the throne, we'd be talking about a total massacre of the royal line without Raedra naming an heir and therefore a civil war anyway.

I think that Brin and Havilar's theoretical children would fall just ahead of the heads of the Silver families, if I recall correctly.

4. If the question of Brin's legitimisation is settled, what scenarios are there for him inheriting a lot of responsibility? Clearly, one scenario is that he becomes King. I wonder more about his potential status in the Crownsilver family and if he could even lose the status he has.

I think this is answered among the above answers, but once he's legitimized, he loses his (contestable) place in line for the head of House Crownsilver. To be king, we'd be talking about a total massacre of the Obarskyr family tree. Probably the shortest line to a postion of responsibilty would be if Raedra had young children and she, her consort, and probably Baerovus were killed in one event, and he was named regent for them. Even still, there are other people who would be more local that might be sought out.

5. On a scale from 1 to 10, how protective would Mehen become if the things in question 3 above happened?

The answer to "how protective would Mehen become" is probably always "10."

6. If Mehen regains his place in his clan, is there any chance that the twins would be made a part of the clan as well?

That would be a smart thing for Verthisathurgiesh to offer, wouldn't it?
Al2O3 Posted - 10 Dec 2015 : 19:48:24
I just finished rereading Fire in the Blood. My probably favourite part of it right now is Raedra as regent adjourning the war council and then spending the evening learning about war and battles with Farideh.

Now, I do have some questions or things I am curious about if I understood them correctly. Since they probably contain spoilers I'll try to colour them.

1. Near the end the question of Brin's legitimisation comes up again. Assuming that it goes through, would he mostly be considered an Obarskyr (even changing his name maybe) or still mostly a Crownsilver?
2. If Brin is legitimised, would that make him "Prince" rather than "Lord" (and using whatever name from the first question)?
3. If Havilar and Brin decide to become a couple again and even have kids that Brin claims as his own, would that result in Cormyr having tieflings in the line of succession fairly close to the throne?
4. If the question of Brin's legitimisation is settled, what scenarios are there for him inheriting a lot of responsibility? Clearly, one scenario is that he becomes King. I wonder more about his potential status in the Crownsilver family and if he could even lose the status he has.

5. On a scale from 1 to 10, how protective would Mehen become if the things in question 3 above happened?
6. If Mehen regains his place in his clan, is there any chance that the twins would be made a part of the clan as well?

I would make me very happy if I find the answers in the novels to come.

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