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 Klauth: Bigger than the average mini...

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Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Apr 2018 : 02:51:16
So, anyone got $700 laying around and a desire to own a statuette of Klauth, Old Snarl?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Jun 2018 : 03:28:31
Originally posted by sleyvas

hadn't really thought about that, but also looking at it... his size comparison to that fortress.... Colossal is 30 ft long or more, so technically it has no limit, but still that dragon would have to be like 1000 ft long.

Dragons in D&D are rarely described in ways that match the rules write-ups. It's not uncommon to see dragons described as having fangs 6 feet long, claws of a similar length, or individual scales each the size of a shield. But think about how big that would make a dragon... And even if you go for the smaller numbers, like 30 feet -- think of how many coins it would take for a 30' body to be able to make a bed out of them, and then compare that to the treasure tables.
sleyvas Posted - 11 Jun 2018 : 23:02:38
hadn't really thought about that, but also looking at it... his size comparison to that fortress.... Colossal is 30 ft long or more, so technically it has no limit, but still that dragon would have to be like 1000 ft long.
Balmar Foghaven Posted - 11 Jun 2018 : 04:00:00
...Is that Minas Tirith from LoTR that old Klauth is sitting on? I don't quite recall any cities with that unique configuration in the North. Perhaps one of the old dwarf holds?
The Masked Mage Posted - 10 Jun 2018 : 07:27:59
Very nice, but too rich for my blood.
Lord Karsus Posted - 30 May 2018 : 00:46:39
-Also expensive, but those are pretty cool.
moonbeast Posted - 29 May 2018 : 05:42:43
For half that price, I would rather buy the Red Dragon Head (trophy) made by Wizkids…. or the Mind Flayer trophy head….

Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Apr 2018 : 20:18:17
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-There are so many other things that one could buy for $700, yeesh.

Quite true. Even if I had $700 just laying around, I doubt I'd buy that.
Lord Karsus Posted - 16 Apr 2018 : 19:50:58
-There are so many other things that one could buy for $700, yeesh.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Apr 2018 : 15:10:51
Originally posted by sleyvas

wish I knew anything about it... how big.. is it metal or ceramic... I'm gonna guess ceramic (which means it'll get chipped in a move).

The overview lists the size: "- 24" (61 cm) H x 20.5" (52 cm)W x 24" (61 cm)D"

And if it's packed well enough, it won't get chipped in a move. Keeping the box it's shipped in is usually a good idea for something like this.
sleyvas Posted - 16 Apr 2018 : 12:29:29
wish I knew anything about it... how big.. is it metal or ceramic... I'm gonna guess ceramic (which means it'll get chipped in a move).

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