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 The Candlekeep Compendium

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 08 Mar 2005 : 15:23:05
Well met

The Candlekeep Compendium is a project undertaken by a selected number of scribes of Candlekeep.

Each volume contains a collection of Realmslore articles penned by the scribes, on a variety of Realms-related subjects. Many months of hard work have gone into the articles contained within each issue. Some articles are unique to each volume, whilst others are an installment of regular columns to appear over many issues. Periodically, special themed volumes will be released, focusing on an particular aspect of the Realms.

Many thanks to all who have joined this project and worked to produce this collection of lore. The Compendium staff are as follows (in alphabetical order):

Matthew Bowman
Pierre Godbout
Bob Grant
Jaap-Peter Hazelhoff
Chris Jameson
George Krashos
Scott Kujawa
Alex Leighton
Kevin Liss
Jamey Martin
Michael Mueller
Lee J Nelson
Daniel Rosenquist
Bradley Russo
Yack Tundra

We hope ye enjoy the Compendium. Any feedback is appreciated, please post comments in this topic.

Download The Candlekeep Compendium

Thank ye
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alaundo Posted - 26 Oct 2020 : 10:15:31
Originally posted by cpthero2

Master Alaundo,

Any updates on the return of the Compendium?

Best regards,

Well met

The Candlekeep Compendium is complete for now. Nothing more is currently planned although a volume was in progress a number of years ago before being parked.

It may well return in the future but nothing is scheduled at the moment.
cpthero2 Posted - 26 Oct 2020 : 10:04:01
Master Alaundo,

Any updates on the return of the Compendium?

Best regards,

Feolin Flameheart Posted - 13 Jul 2015 : 18:37:30
I have recently joined Candlekeep, I am still in the process of beginning to learn the lore of Faerun, and I have been enjoying reading the old Compendiums
Artificer Posted - 01 Mar 2015 : 17:38:56
Thank you for all the hard work that went into creating these compendiums. I am hoping that the release of 5th edition will create a resurgence of fan writing like this.
lordomatic Posted - 09 Dec 2013 : 21:32:11
Hi there!

I just want to say I truly enjoyed reading the compendiums.

I'm also interested in the idea of new ones being created. I have one question though, would it still be for 3rd edition or would it be for 4th?

Thanks again!

Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Nov 2013 : 11:06:34
One of my personal faves among Compendium articles was the introduction and description of an entirely new subrace of gnolls. The article started with a bit of canon, and then spun an entirely non-canon but quite nifty race out of that.
Gary Dallison Posted - 06 Nov 2013 : 08:40:50
Well i was thinking of submitting an article on one or more of the evil humanoid races of the realms (i realise i would probably be stepping on many peoples toes as it's their favoured subject but a collaborative effort would be a good thing i think if anyone is interested), dealing with possible origins, history, personality, society etc.

For instance mountain orcs or hobgoblins, and then focus on the differences between say mountain orcs in the spine of the world and mountain orcs in Thar.

I'm just a bit unsure as to how much it has to be canon. If i phrased the non canon bits as speculation or sagely investigations (which could then be due to the unreliable narrator) would that be okay?
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 06 Nov 2013 : 07:05:40
Originally posted by Alaundo

Indeed, the Candlekeep Compendium will make a return and hopefully gather momentum again.
This is great news.
Alaundo Posted - 01 Nov 2013 : 11:02:28
Well met, dazzlerdal

Indeed, the Candlekeep Compendium will make a return and hopefully gather momentum again.

Generally, the staff of the Compendium produce regular articles for each volume, but we do have new members of submissions. Feel free to email me with your ideas or submission.

The format/font etc. matters not, as the editors address this aspect. As to editions/locations etc, we sometimes have a theme and initial round of suggestions and approvals, but so long as it's Forgotten Realms, then you can't go far wrong!
Gary Dallison Posted - 25 Oct 2013 : 19:50:02
I was wondering a few things about the candlekeep compendium.

Firstly will there be another one.

Secondly can anyone submit articles for the compendium

Thirdly, if anyone can submit articles are there any rules about submission such as a specific font, format, layout, areas of interest, areas to avoid, editions/era specific lore.

I was only wondering because I love this site and the compendium was one of the things I looked forward to each year, and if there is anything I can do to help speed things along I will gladly offer my services.

Plus I have a few ideas for articles that would make my decade if they ever found their way into a future compendium.
Alaundo Posted - 15 Jul 2013 : 19:12:05
Originally posted by silverwolfer

am going to drag this from the depths, would it be possible to have a download all option, and just make it one large file?

Well met

Aye, it's possible, silverwolfer However, I'd say the most we would go to would be to download a year's volumes (i.e. four) in one file. I'll look into flagging required volumes as part of Candlekeep v2.0 would actually be quite useful overall to select individual articles and downloads throughout the site.
The Sage Posted - 30 Jun 2013 : 04:30:17
Originally posted by Lothlos

any chance of a new issue?

It's slowly, o' so very slowly, in the works.
Lothlos Posted - 29 Jun 2013 : 16:49:49
any chance of a new issue?
silverwolfer Posted - 01 Jun 2013 : 06:56:26
am going to drag this from the depths, would it be possible to have a download all option, and just make it one large file?
Alisttair Posted - 10 Oct 2011 : 21:28:09
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Alisttair

If so Alaundo, I hope my work still has a place on the shelf.

Well met

Aye, Alisttair. Once i've cleared a few things up regarding our standing with the Compendium, and secured a few things, then i'll be in touch and reinstate the Compendium chamber for the scribes involved

sounds good Alaundo
Alaundo Posted - 02 Oct 2011 : 18:26:45
Originally posted by Alisttair

If so Alaundo, I hope my work still has a place on the shelf.

Well met

Aye, Alisttair. Once i've cleared a few things up regarding our standing with the Compendium, and secured a few things, then i'll be in touch and reinstate the Compendium chamber for the scribes involved
Zireael Posted - 23 Sep 2011 : 19:44:22
Originally posted by Thelonius

Good those issues might be seither solved, skipped or rounded Looking forward to another Compendium

Seconded completely!
Thelonius Posted - 23 Sep 2011 : 10:27:39
Good those issues might be seither solved, skipped or rounded Looking forward to another Compendium
Fellfire Posted - 23 Sep 2011 : 10:15:55
CKCX. It is about time.
Alisttair Posted - 22 Sep 2011 : 23:01:21
If so Alaundo, I hope my work still has a place on the shelf.
Thieran Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 11:03:47
Alaundo Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 10:53:19
Well met

Aye, a splendid set of volumes of lore. Work had commenced for Volume X, but as The Sage stated, various reasons halted it's production.

However... I am unlocking the door, blowing off the dust and looking at recommencing this as part of Candlekeep v2. After recent discussions and work picking up again, watch this space...Candlekeep will be changing, mark my words
The Sage Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 01:44:50
Originally posted by Brian R. James

Woah! Has it really been four years? I think it's time to get the band back together.

You're not going to start by singing "On The Road Again," are you?
Brian R. James Posted - 27 Jul 2011 : 21:30:25
Woah! Has it really been four years? I think it's time to get the band back together.
The Sage Posted - 27 Jul 2011 : 05:51:12
Originally posted by Khelben

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Click on the link in my sig.

Thx Rupert - it looks great but why did this creative work stop in 2007?

Lack of contributions, mostly. Also, several regularly contributing scribes, such as myself, often found ourselves with less and less time to devote to such projects.

Then, finally, with the coming of 4e in 2008 and the restructuring of Wizards' Open Gaming License, it became somewhat precarious for fan sites, such as, to continue publishing fan-based sources without an official mandate to utilise such Intellectual Property from the license-holder.

Couple these kinds of problems/issues together, and we're still largely in a kind of limbo about how to proceed with the Compendium.
Khelben Posted - 26 Jul 2011 : 21:26:03
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Click on the link in my sig.

Thx Rupert - it looks great but why did this creative work stop in 2007?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Jul 2011 : 20:12:14
Originally posted by Khelben

So where can I get the CandleKeep Compendium....? (not hoping for a Power Word Kill...)


Click on the link in my sig.
Khelben Posted - 26 Jul 2011 : 19:14:04
So where can I get the CandleKeep Compendium....? (not hoping for a Power Word Kill...)

Markustay Posted - 28 Dec 2010 : 23:33:35
Yes, you've gotten the gist of the situation.

The pre-4e 'fansite policy' doesn't exist, AFAIK. It basically amounts to "just ignore them, unless they do something we don't like". To clarify, they RARELY 'went after' anyone, unless they were re-producing copyrighted material, making money off of a Hasbro-owned Intellectual property, or were producing something for the 4e rules set (in other words, using their new, NON-OGL rules to produce new D&D material).

We will never see a fansite policy, simply because it is better for them from a legal standpoint to never create one. Once you lay down the rules, the first thing people do is find ways around them; without ANY rules allowing fans to use their IP, (in any way, shape, or form) they can 'pick & choose their battles'.

Not only do we produce material directly related to their most lucrative IP, but the name of this site is even their property. We exist at their mercy, and without knowing what will 'piss them off', we can do nothing.

Sadly, so it goes.
irinotecan Posted - 27 Dec 2010 : 03:38:46
OK I'm sort-of new here (not really, but not active enough to fully understand what's been going on); but I'm reading through and seeing something about "waiting for WotC's fansite policy" WRT anymore Compendiums getting published.

Can someone explain to me what the importance is of this policy is? My understanding is that the Compendium is largely unofficial realmslore, correct? Is there really need to worry about non-canon "fanlore" if Wizards doesn't give it an official blessing, so long as it's labeled as such? Is the worry here that Wizards/Hasbro could get mad enough to invoke "copyright infringement" and yank the domain? And is this why, in general, it seems that the realmslore/fanlore scrolls have stagnated here since '07?

One other thought, since I suspect there is a strong likelihood of someone just saying, "That's a correct analysis of the situation". If I am right about this, what is the harm of running with WotC's pre-4.0 fansite policy until they tell us otherwise?

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