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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gary Dallison Posted - 29 Jan 2016 : 20:38:40
Just thought I'd post up some of the work of scribes of the keep to help people support their efforts.

The first ones I've noticed of course are those by our own resident realms expert George Krashos (although many probably have them already).

If you find anything else then might as well post it here.

Saints of Impiltur by George Krashos

High History of Impiltur by George Krashos

Swords of Impiltur - Soargar's Legacy by George Krashos

Talona's Touch: Poisons of the Forgotten Realms by George Krashos

Swords of Impiltur: Imbrar's Inheritance by George Krashos

TWC1 - The Maztica Campaign Guide by Theodore Hild

TWN1 - Azure Skies by Theodore Hild

TWM1 - Diamond Eyes - A True World Tale of Betrayal by Theodore Hild

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gelcur Posted - 03 Mar 2024 : 04:47:37
I updated my list up above. I'll up date again at some point.
questing gm Posted - 28 Nov 2022 : 01:48:46
Can also add Ed's latest, Thay: Land of the Red Wizard.
Gelcur Posted - 28 Nov 2022 : 01:25:28
I updated my large list post above to include all the new material, I think I got it all.

Figured people might want an update for Cyber Monday. Personally I'm going to wait till the sale is over to purchase all the new sub $5 items, our scribes deserve full compensation.
George Krashos Posted - 07 Sep 2022 : 14:02:20
And we go again with the Kingdom of the Ghouls.

— George Krashos
George Krashos Posted - 03 Aug 2022 : 15:09:14
I've just released a product on the DMs Guild called "The Magic of Mantles" which revamps some 3E concepts I had back in the day for 5E and provides a bit of Realmslore. Here's the blurb:

"Read on to discover the magic of mantles, a legacy of fallen Netheril and the ancient elven realms of Faerûn. Train in the arcane traditions of the arcanists of Netheril, study a rare spell wielded by the mighty Simbul herself, and seek out ancient enspelled gems created by the Fair Folk.

This article showcases a new arcane tradition—the School of the Arcanist—as well as the spell mantle and a magic item known as a thaelkiira for use by PC wizards and arcane spellcasters. In addition, the article showcases new Realmslore delving into the history of this form of magic and how it might be accessed in today's Forgotten Realms."

-- George Krashos
ericlboyd Posted - 23 Jul 2022 : 00:20:35
Hi all,

George Krashos and I just released a new product at the DMs' Guild called "Nine Jewels of Neverwinter," which you might recognize from Volo's Guide to the North.

Here's the blurb:

Learn the secrets of the Nine Jewels of Neverwinter, whose existence was first revealed by the infamous Volothamp Geddarm. Contained within are secrets of the Netherese known only to the surviving wizards of Windsong Tower, the High Mages of Silverymoon, and the ever-mysterious Manshoon. Lost since the fall of Ascalhorn, these legendary magic items might turn up anywhere in your campaign, unleashing foes long forgotten.
George Krashos Posted - 29 Mar 2022 : 22:31:24
Hi all. Eric Boyd and I have just released a new product at the DMs Guild called "Blessed of the Broken God: Saints of Damara and Impiltur".

-- George Krashos
Gelcur Posted - 14 Dec 2021 : 19:30:32
Right Volume 1 and 2. I had not listed them because Ed was not credited under the "From" section, all the later volumes he was.

Plus later volumes say, "Content and a foreword written by the creator of Forgotten Realms, Ed Greenwood, himself." Where the first two say, "A foreword written by the creator of Forgotten Realms, Ed Greenwood, himself!"

I'd be happy to list them if people think that is more correct.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Dec 2021 : 15:36:36
Originally posted by George Krashos

There's another Amarune's Almanac - forests.

-- George Krashos

Two, actually -- there's also an Underdark one. Ed is credited in both.
George Krashos Posted - 12 Dec 2021 : 14:25:32
There's another Amarune's Almanac - forests.

-- George Krashos
Gelcur Posted - 14 Aug 2021 : 04:26:09
I summarized all of Ed's, George's and Eric's projects in one place. Maybe someone add them to the top of the scroll?

Elminster's Candlekeep Companion $14.95
The Border Kingdoms: A Forgotten Realms Campaign Supplement $14.99
Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim $14.95 (Pereghost's history)
Thay Land Of The Red Wizards $17.99
Rashemen - Campaign Guide $19.95
Halflings & Hops: Gazetteer of Luiren $4.99

Amarune's Almanac: Forests of the Realms Vol1 $9.95 (Foreword)
Amarune's Almanac: The Underdark Vol2 $9.95 (Foreword)
Amarune's Almanac: Grasslands of the Realms Vol3 $9.95 (Content and a foreword)
Amarune's Almanac: Arctics of the Realms Vol4 $9.95 (Content and a foreword)
Amarune's Almanac: Coasts of the Realms Vol5 $9.95 (Content and a foreword)
Amarune's Almanac: Swamps of the Realms Vol6 $9.95 (Content and a foreword)
Amarune's Almanac: Mountains of the Realms Vol7 $9.95 (Content and a foreword)
Amarune's Almanac: Deserts of the Realms Vol8 $9.95 (Content and a foreword)

CCC-GHC-02 Skulljaw Hill $2.99
CCC-GHC-03 Facing the Dark $2.99
CCC-GHC-07 - The River Runs Red $1.99
CCC-GHC-08 - Death In The Ruins $1.99
CCC-GHC-09 - Swamp Of Death $1.99

Umbrous Unpleasantness at Undreth’s Unicorn: A Border Kingdom’s Tale. Pay What You Want
Tyrants in Scarlet: the Founding History of the Zulkirs of Thay Free

George Krashos
Jergal: Lord of the End of Everything $4
Havens of Miyeritar $4
Nine Jewels of Neverwinter $3
Doresirrenth: The Kingdom of the Ghouls $2
The Beckoning Road: Varlo's Guide to the Cities of the Unapproachable East $14.99

Blessed of the Broken God: Saints of Damara and Impiltur $4
The High History of Impiltur Free
Saints of Impiltur Saints of Impiltur Free
Swords of Impiltur: Imbrar's Inheritance $1
Swords of Impiltur: Soargar's Legacy Pay What You Want

Bazaar of the Bizarre - From the Forge $2
Bazaar of the Bizarre - Enchanting Elixirs Bazaar of the Bizarre - Enchanting Elixirs Pay What You Want
Bazaar of the Bizarre - Ilmara's Scrying Stones Pay What You Want
Pages From the Mages - The Burning Tome Pay What You Want
Prayers From The Faithful - Khanor's Prayer Stones Pay What You Want
The Magic of Mantles $2

Talona's Touch: Poisons of the Forgotten Realms $2
Talona's Kiss: More Poisons of the Forgotten Realms $1

Yahdi al Alamat, the Hand of Doom Yahdi al Alamat, the Hand of Doom Pay What You Want
The Lalya Maurshanta Free
Tyrants in Scarlet: the Founding History of the Zulkirs of Thay Free

Eric L. Boyd
Jergal: Lord of the End of Everything $4
Havens of Miyeritar $4
Nine Jewels of Neverwinter $3
Doresirrenth: The Kingdom of the Ghouls $2
The Beckoning Road: Varlo's Guide to the Cities of the Unapproachable East $14.99

Blessed of the Broken God: Saints of Damara and Impiltur $4

Phillip aka Sleyvas
Art - Forgotten Realms Heraldry Free
Breath of Hli'Akwa, the Birth of the Turquoise Dragonborn Pay What You Want
The Complete Red Book of Spell Strategy Pay What You Want
The Kercpa the Tiny Squirrelfolk of the Forgotten Realms Pay What You Want
The Metahel Pantheon of Anchorome Pay What You Want
Races of the Adusgi Forest and Surrounding Environs Pay What You Want
Story Award - Find Kercpa Familiar Pay What You Want
True World Artisan An Artificer Specialization for Plumaweavers, Hishnashapers, and Hornsculptors Pay What You Want
United Tharchs of Toril - Secret Cities & Strange Skyships of Anchorome Pay What You Want

Brimstone Posted - 08 May 2018 : 16:47:45
New Ed Lore Umbrous-Unpleasantness-at-Undreths-Unicorn-A-Border-Kingdoms-Tale
Dalor Darden Posted - 26 Nov 2017 : 21:17:14
Markustay's awesome regional map is now included in the book!

Man, as always his map amazes me!
Markustay Posted - 26 Nov 2017 : 03:28:51
I sent the regional map out to Dalor, so anyone who was kind enough to buy this product, the updated version should be available by tomorrow. Thank you for your support.
Markustay Posted - 25 Nov 2017 : 06:14:40
Even though I worked on the regional map all day, it took a little longer than expected. I got into stuff I probably shouldn't have, but the final product will be that much better for it.

I fleshed-out Chessenta a little bit (it was way too sparse, especially around the lake). After the map is added (tomorrow morning), I plan to do a 1-page map key to be added to the book, and possibly a 'web enhancement' (can a digital book have a web enhancement? Isn't that just 'adding more stuff'? LOL), mostly because I should explain (and point-out) the non-canon bits. I have no time frame on the WE because I am not even sure how detailed I am going to make it. Considering the ties Ixinos has with Chessenta (the 'Greek' flavor), it seems fitting to have a little something about that region anyway.
sleyvas Posted - 24 Nov 2017 : 03:34:03
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by sleyvas

Hmmm, I had never noticed Ixinos before. What original resources is it from? I found a thread you had here in 2008 where you were discussing ties to Akanax, and I'm headed towards there with a very much "girl power" motto (granted, it won't be Amazonian, as they'll have their men). BTW, I'm looking at the 4e map and its missing from there, and it was in the area near Akanul... did you do any involvement of it with Abeir?

The material is "new" but gives no contradiction to existing canon as published by TSR/WotC at all. This particular book is 5e and the "Era of 4e" is somewhat vague in material for Ixinos. The ties to Akanax are EXCEEDINGLY tenuous and ancient...but the Ixinosan culture is decidedly ancient Chessentan/Greek.

As for the 4e Map. Like Ilighon and Wavecrest, Ixinos became part of Turmish's lands during the 4e era due to the receding waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It's all in there though.

EDIT: the original mention of Ixinos is in Gold and Glory under the entry for the She-Wolves Mercenary Company.

Ah, so if it stayed, then that won't work for where I was going. However, with the return of Akanax with a military culture and a prominence of both women and men warriors, I could see ties developing quickly.
Dalor Darden Posted - 23 Nov 2017 : 18:30:36
Originally posted by sleyvas

Hmmm, I had never noticed Ixinos before. What original resources is it from? I found a thread you had here in 2008 where you were discussing ties to Akanax, and I'm headed towards there with a very much "girl power" motto (granted, it won't be Amazonian, as they'll have their men). BTW, I'm looking at the 4e map and its missing from there, and it was in the area near Akanul... did you do any involvement of it with Abeir?

The material is "new" but gives no contradiction to existing canon as published by TSR/WotC at all. This particular book is 5e and the "Era of 4e" is somewhat vague in material for Ixinos. The ties to Akanax are EXCEEDINGLY tenuous and ancient...but the Ixinosan culture is decidedly ancient Chessentan/Greek.

As for the 4e Map. Like Ilighon and Wavecrest, Ixinos became part of Turmish's lands during the 4e era due to the receding waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It's all in there though.

EDIT: the original mention of Ixinos is in Gold and Glory under the entry for the She-Wolves Mercenary Company.
sleyvas Posted - 23 Nov 2017 : 14:47:32
Hmmm, I had never noticed Ixinos before. What original resources is it from? I found a thread you had here in 2008 where you were discussing ties to Akanax, and I'm headed towards there with a very much "girl power" motto (granted, it won't be Amazonian, as they'll have their men). BTW, I'm looking at the 4e map and its missing from there, and it was in the area near Akanul... did you do any involvement of it with Abeir?

EDIT: So, having noted your work around here for a while and of course Markustay as well.... figured I'd buy it. So, I can answer my own question of the above, as an initial glance looks like you didn't fill in much of any history after the spellplague?

I'd like to take this place to Abeir and bring it back and possibly reference your work after reviewing it more. In so doing, I plan on having them being introduced to the worship of Inanna. I'd have them helping "reconquer" Akanax while its on Abeir in say the last 20 years before the transfer back. This new Akanax would have humans, half-elves, half-drow, drow, wood elves, crintri, centaurs, and wemics. The worship of Ramman and Inanna would be prominent in this new Akanax, but also the Red Knight, Eilistraee, and Sehanine Moonbow (whom some see a relationship to the Untheric dream goddess Ningal, who is wife of the moon as Nanna-Sin).
Dalor Darden Posted - 23 Nov 2017 : 00:19:37
The Ixinos book is live now for sure; and even after the addition of the map by Markustay, an updated file notice will be sent to previous buyers.

I'm just happy to finally have it available again for public consumption!
Markustay Posted - 22 Nov 2017 : 19:51:26
Ixinos, Island of warrior-Women is now up on the DMsGuild, by my buddy Anthony Edwards.

I did the map and the cover, and helped a lot with the lore. The map of the island is from the original one I did about a decade ago, but I 'freshened it up' for this 5e release. I am trying to complete the regional map that you see on the cover today, so you may want to wait until after the update (otherwise I can mail you that map separately). You can see a small piece of the map on the cover there. One way or another, it will be 100% complete by Black Friday.

And THAT map will be sized and match the maps I plan for my regional guides, when they start coming out, and also the regional map that will be including in something Krash is working on (so from this point on, all my maps should work together, which is something I've been working toward for a very long time now).
George Krashos Posted - 15 Mar 2017 : 07:59:18
Originally posted by R P Davis

I'm inspired, though, to select a small settlement somewhere in Cormyr or - since George is here! - Impiltur to set another adventure starting location. Now I know about Candlekeep, I can at least run my ideas past people who know infinitely more about the Realms to see if my ideas are contradicted somewhere in canon.

Xaeyruudh is right - don't be scared to put something in. Oh and Impiltur has heaps of room for small towns and a gazillion villages, not to mention ranches and farming collectives in the Uplands. I'd love to see what other people can do with the place.

-- George Krashos
xaeyruudh Posted - 15 Mar 2017 : 03:33:23
Off topic, but I have to throw this in.

R P: it may feel difficult to place a whole new town/city in Cormyr or the Dales, if you want to avoid overwriting things already written in previous editions... but as far as I can tell the 5e Realms are still pretty sparsely detailed. It would be easy for the Spellplague and the Sundering and their associated natural/unnatural disasters and mutant monsters and population movements to have wiped out any given town, which DMs can replace with your work. Writing in 5e also reduces the need to be an "expert" on Realmslore to basically zero. If your settlement makes sense (meaning there's places for people to live and places to work and places to get groceries and equipment) and you can add some ties to other nearby settlements (trade, alliances, rivalries, etc) then it's good stuff.

If you really want a tract of land you can do *anything* with, without any danger of stepping on toes or being contradicted by upcoming WotC products, raise your flags on one of Toril's other continents, or the other planets/moons in Toril's sphere, and create some "keyed" portals from your lands to Faerun. Keyed meaning it requires a certain talisman or spell or time-of-day (or anything else) to use the portals. This handily explains how your civilization has grown and thrived and even interacted with Faerun without anybody on Faerun really knowing anything for certain about your people.

Never shy away from creating new lore.

Please never fall into the trap of thinking that there are no stones left unturned, even in heavily populated areas... that way lies the wrong-headed blasphemy of the 4e design.

My 2 cents. Enjoy the Realms!

Edit: And yes, definitely feel free to ask questions and bounce ideas off us. We have hard noggins!
R P Davis Posted - 15 Mar 2017 : 00:30:23
I have a few things posted to DMs Guild, found here.

Nothing of Realmslore, because I'm not at all qualified, but since it must be Realms to go up on DMs Guild if it's an adventure or location, it's Realms.

Edited to add: One thing I discovered is it's damned difficult to put a town, no matter how small, in the Realms, if it's created of whole cloth. The more I drill down, the more populated the dratted place is. Of course, after I put Eastbrook in Archendale, I found a map of the Dalelands which shows some of my assumptions about distance and stuff are false.

I'm inspired, though, to select a small settlement somewhere in Cormyr or - since George is here! - Impiltur to set another adventure starting location. Now I know about Candlekeep, I can at least run my ideas past people who know infinitely more about the Realms to see if my ideas are contradicted somewhere in canon.
Irennan Posted - 07 Mar 2016 : 04:06:57
Thanks! I didn't post here, because I had already made a thread when Mournblade asked, and thought that it would have been redundant to comment here too.
CorellonsDevout Posted - 07 Mar 2016 : 03:55:06
I enjoyed it
Kentinal Posted - 07 Mar 2016 : 03:47:50
Originally posted by Mournblade

Was the Eilistrae release from a scribe here. It was excellent work.

Yes it was posted by Irennan whom indeed is a scribe here. I also thought it was very good work.
George Krashos Posted - 07 Mar 2016 : 00:23:22
Originally posted by Bulak

Originally posted by sleyvas
Does the pay what you want let you know how many downloads have happened?

Yes it does. The sales report allows you to include free downloads. So you can check how many people paid, but also how many paid + how many didn't.

Yes, the stats on sales and how many people have "donated" on a pay what you want basis are easily accessible.

-- George Krashos
Bulak Posted - 06 Mar 2016 : 11:25:56
Originally posted by sleyvas
Does the pay what you want let you know how many downloads have happened?

Yes it does. The sales report allows you to include free downloads. So you can check how many people paid, but also how many paid + how many didn't.
sleyvas Posted - 06 Mar 2016 : 03:18:06
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by Seethyr

I would like to put it up on DMSGuild for a few dollars, but I feel weird even talking about it here because I am charging. I feel like I'm running around asking friends for money and it doesn't feel quite right - should I feel that way?

Want to charge - charge, don't want to charge - don't charge, it's your call...
If you want some sort of a compromise, that's what Pay-What-You-Want does. Some will pay. Some won't pay, but will recommend to others, so there are more of both. Which is pretty much how it ends up anyway, but without bothering to juggle promotion part and income part.

Does the pay what you want let you know how many downloads have happened? I ask because what I want to put out there is a currently an 86 page PDF, but I figure I have 2 more pages just listing spells for class lists, 1 more page worth of converted spells, a reference page to credit the couple sources that I'm including links to, 4 pages of rituals, 4 more pages of feats, and 4 pages of monsters.... so probably at the end bordering right around 100 pages. However, I'm not real interested in the money (though I'd appreciate some, as it has been an effort... and I've spent about $30 looking at other people's works... only a few have been worth the time)... I am interested in seeing how many people download it and seeing feedback.
sleyvas Posted - 06 Mar 2016 : 03:01:21
Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

It's all right for wanting to charge for something you'very worked hard at. If you're posting a novella on the Guild, that means we're allowed to post stories?

Morally maybe... legally, that could be problems.

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