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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Italian Archmage Karsus Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 23:42:15
how do I write a link to a specific forum post, so that when I click on the link, I am sent straight to a given post?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mistmaster Posted - 21 Apr 2023 : 08:22:22
Alaundo Posted - 20 Apr 2023 : 07:09:58
Originally posted by Mistmaster

There is a place in the forums for Homebrew material?

Well met

The Running the Realms section may also be suitable for such material and slightly more niche.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 Apr 2023 : 05:02:41
Originally posted by Mistmaster

There is a place in the forums for Homebrew material?

We don't have a specific section for homebrew material, but there's a catch-all section, the General Forgotten Realms Chat area, that you can use.
Ayrik Posted - 20 Apr 2023 : 02:26:28
how do I write a link to a specific forum post, so that when I click on the link, I am sent straight to a given post?
It's doable, but it requires some effort. You basically have to do a quote of a post to get the exact URL, and work with that. I've done it once or twice, but it's easier just to quote them or link back to the general discussion.

I have also done it a few times. The REPLY_ID and TOPIC_ID and FORUM_ID are all encoded in the URL.

But it's a bit of a pain to manually edit URLs. I know most people will be able to find whatever I reference if I give them the thread/page link, and it may actually be more helpful if they can read quotes in the context of the posts and discussions which came before and after.

Candlekeep runs Snitz Forums 2000, which doesn't natively support things like specific thread linking on the frontend UI. It's been a feature mentioned before in nebulous discussions about "Candlekeep 2.0".
Mistmaster Posted - 20 Apr 2023 : 01:29:32
There is a place in the forums for Homebrew material?
Italian Archmage Karsus Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 23:54:30
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
It's doable, but it requires some effort. You basically have to do a quote of a post to get the exact URL, and work with that. I've done it once or twice, but it's easier just to quote them or link back to the general discussion.

If you could show me how, I'd be quite grateful. I'm working on a thing for the wiki, it'd really save us some work.

EDIT: Figured it out! Add octothorpe (#) and reply_id. Hard to find the reply_id on locked threads, gotta find an anchor element with a "name" attribute and an empty text.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Jan 2023 : 23:50:32
Originally posted by Italian Archmage Karsus

how do I write a link to a specific forum post, so that when I click on the link, I am sent straight to a given post?

It's doable, but it requires some effort. You basically have to do a quote of a post to get the exact URL, and work with that. I've done it once or twice, but it's easier just to quote them or link back to the general discussion.

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