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 Cormanthor: The First Flowering

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
varyar Posted - 13 Nov 2024 : 16:05:11

Cormanthor: The First Flowering
A Historical Sourcebook for Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons

Before the Retreat...
Before the Crown Wars...
Before the Sundering...
There was the First Flowering.

Cormanthor: The First Flowering is a historical sourcebook for your Forgotten Realms game, one easily adapted to homebrew campaign worlds. It contains everything you'll need to run a game set in Toril's deep past or an adventure or full campaign exploring the ancient mysteries.

Dive deep into the history of the Forgotten Realms and explore the hidden history of the vast and ancient forest that will one day become the heart of elvish life on Faerūn. This book guides you to carve out your own legends in a forgotten time and place. It includes:

* An overview of life among the forest elves of the First Flowering
* A full listing of weapons and gear from the ancient world
* Ten new magical items suitable for any era
* The lost history of ancient Cormanthor
* A detailed geography of both the forest and the nearby regions, including encounter tables
* The many kindreds of Cormanthor, including a new type of elf -- the Feyblooded
* The archfey powers worshiped by the ancient elves
* A full-color map and illustrations by Robert Altbauer, Franziska Wenzel and Jenny Dolfen
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
varyar Posted - 02 Jan 2025 : 18:16:04
Hello and Happy New Year!

Cormanthor is on sale for half price through Jan 7 - I hope you give it a look!
varyar Posted - 21 Nov 2024 : 13:50:51
Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!
DoveArrow Posted - 21 Nov 2024 : 01:08:50
I just downloaded it. I have only had a chance to read a few pages but what I've read so far is superb. You have a wonderful writing style. It sounds like an official product. I also love the artwork. I can't wait to delve into the rest. I'll leave a full review when I'm done.

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