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 ASMODEUS, Lord of the Nine Hells

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Storyteller Hero Posted - 14 May 2022 : 01:55:40
On this Friday the 13th of 2022, the 13th lore pamphlet in the Gods of the Realms series on Dungeon Masters Guild has been released, including one of the most detailed overviews of the plane of Baator AKA the Nine Hells ever published.


ASMODEUS, Lord of the Nine Hells #10023; Forgotten Realms 5e

(Please forgive the typo of "Lords" on the page if the site hasn't fixed it yet)

This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Asmodeus, god of sin and devils in the Forgotten Realms. Updated to post-Sundering status quo. A compilation of lore based on established canon lore published across all editions of Dungeons & Dragons, combined with non-canon gap fillers.

This document contains the following:

• a poem for Asmodeus worshippers

• lore about Asmodeus and his exarchs

• lore about Asmodeus' realm

• the tenets of Asmodeus' faith

• lore about the clergy of Asmodeus

• two special feats for clerics and paladins that worship Asmodeus

• two signature magic spells for clerics and paladins that worship Asmodeus

BONUS: Two extra spells of infernal origin.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Delnyn Posted - 22 Nov 2024 : 22:00:45
Ao was a very much hands-on entity who has carte blanche authority to run Realmspace as seen fit. Ao would not face any retribution from the luminous being for putting Asmodeus under his thumb. Multiversal power means nothing when dealing with Ao in Realmspace.
Storyteller Hero Posted - 19 Jan 2023 : 09:26:42
Originally posted by Ayrik

Are these details specific to Asmodeus's priests in the Realms? Do they apply to his priests on other worlds? Has he established his diefic station on other worlds? How are Asmodeus's priests affected on the plane of Baator itself?

Sorry for the super late reply:

I had to fill in a lot due to a relative scarcity of details in the lore for the priests. The term "mordai" for Asmodeus' priests is however from the 4e FR Campaign Setting. It's up to the DM whether to make the details in the pamphlet apply to other worlds.

The faithful of Asmodeus would get special treatment, as countless positions would be available in the bureaucracy of the Hells, and cities provide all sorts of opportunities. There's a box text in the Afterlife section (The Long Walk, p33) for warriors who served the cult in life, which I used to flesh out how Asmodeus produces pit fiends from his blood as briefly mentioned in 3e Tyrants of the Nine Hells; I tweaked it a bit to make the pit fiends created from Asmodeus' blood start out as more than just random spawns with potential mental weaknesses (due to lack of experience, memory, willpower, etc.).

Originally posted by Delnyn

I still am getting used to the idea that Asmodeus ever wanted to be a Realms god. Why would he put himself under Ao's thumb? He had a great deal with the gods via the Pact Primeval.

Asmodeus is a multiversal deity with a special multiverse purpose as Warden of the Nine Hells, so his role in the Cosmic Balance would make him one of the participants that Ao would have to keep mostly hands off. Ao does not truly rule, as he's basically a glorified Cosmic Gardener for Realmspace, so there are rules by which he can and can't act, and Asmodeus is one to take advantage of any rules system in his favor.

TheIriaeban Posted - 05 Aug 2022 : 22:40:19
Basically. There isn't a detailed plan laid out but there is a end goal that is worked towards.

That is one of the things that I like about having gods active in the Realms. They can have representatives (open and known or unknown/hidden) be the driving force behind the story to progress their own goals. AND, those story nudges may seem to be counter to what would be expected by the god but may actually put something else in the right position to really help the god decades from now. That "long planning" is a great way to keep the gods mysterious since the players won't be able to figure out what is going on.
Delnyn Posted - 05 Aug 2022 : 21:03:14
Would that plan be in the article Jergal:Lord of the End of Everything?
TheIriaeban Posted - 05 Aug 2022 : 15:07:07
Originally posted by Delnyn

I still am getting used to the idea that Asmodeus ever wanted to be a Realms god. Why would he put himself under Ao's thumb? He had a great deal with the gods via the Pact Primeval.

Maybe he figured out part of Jergal's plan and this is part of his to make sure that no one takes away something that he has already decided is his.
Delnyn Posted - 04 Aug 2022 : 23:11:21
I still am getting used to the idea that Asmodeus ever wanted to be a Realms god. Why would he put himself under Ao's thumb? He had a great deal with the gods via the Pact Primeval.
Ayrik Posted - 14 May 2022 : 05:38:40
Are these details specific to Asmodeus's priests in the Realms? Do they apply to his priests on other worlds? Has he established his diefic station on other worlds? How are Asmodeus's priests affected on the plane of Baator itself?

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