T O P I C R E V I E W |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 23 Nov 2024 : 21:09:59 Another idea I had. Note that taking the Silver Blood feat (Champions of Valor) may be wise unless unnecessary, and this is primarily focusing on Evil-aligned/Malarite lycanthropes.
1) Shield Dwarf Paladin of Clangeddin Silverbeard who's got substitution levels for the Order of the Crescent Moon (Champions of Valor).
2) Ranger with levels in Foe Hunter (Masters of the Wild, focus on Shapechangers) and has Shapechanger as their top Favored Enemy.
3) Cleric of Selûne with the Moon domain. Might also have levels in the Silverstar prestige class (Faiths & Pantheons), namely if they're a lycanthrope themselves. Also may be a member of the Order of the Crescent Moon like the Paladin above.
4) Rogue armed with weapons that bypass lycanthropic Damage Reduction and/or that overpower their Fast Healing. The Crippling Strike, Defensive Roll or Opportunist special abilities may also help in some situations (barring any need for Improved Evasion, Slippery Mind or a bonus feat).
5) Sorcerer or Wizard with spells like Remove Curse or Break Enchantment to cure afflicted lycanthropy and otherwise can protect from or help defeat lycanthropes in combat.
Anything else, up to the player and/or the DM to decide. |
11 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 29 Nov 2024 : 21:56:59 quote: Originally posted by DoveArrow
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Anyway, back to D&D... So I'm not overly sure what classes like, say a Bard, Druid or Warlock could really do that would help immensely against lycanthropes. I can't think of any specific abilities, spells, etc. that specifically targets such.
Bard... I think that's just the problem in general. What can they do that would help immensely period?
As for druid, master of many forms might be good. According to Complete Adventurer, it makes you immune to any transmutation effect. I don't believe it's explicitly stated that lycanthropy is a transmutation effect. However, it's a supernatural ability that transforms you into another creature. That sounds like transmutation to me.
Well, afflicted Lycanthropy can be removed with Remove Curse or Break Enchantment, as I previously stated in the Sorcerer/Wizard entry. 
Oh and warlock with deteriorating blast. That would knock out the werewolf's damage reduction.
Maybe.  |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 29 Nov 2024 : 16:59:20 Oh and warlock with deteriorating blast. That would knock out the werewolf's damage reduction. |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 29 Nov 2024 : 16:52:43 quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Anyway, back to D&D... So I'm not overly sure what classes like, say a Bard, Druid or Warlock could really do that would help immensely against lycanthropes. I can't think of any specific abilities, spells, etc. that specifically targets such.
Bard... I think that's just the problem in general. What can they do that would help immensely period?
As for druid, master of many forms might be good. According to Complete Adventurer, it makes you immune to any transmutation effect. I don't believe it's explicitly stated that lycanthropy is a transmutation effect. However, it's a supernatural ability that transforms you into another creature. That sounds like transmutation to me. |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 28 Nov 2024 : 03:30:48 Anyway, back to D&D... So I'm not overly sure what classes like, say a Bard, Druid or Warlock could really do that would help immensely against lycanthropes. I can't think of any specific abilities, spells, etc. that specifically targets such. |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 28 Nov 2024 : 00:55:29 quote: Originally posted by The Sage
This reminds me of an issue in Surfer’s 90’s Marvel series, in the 73 or 74 if memory serves, during the bombastic moments of that comic book era… Silver Surfer fought off a group of evil, murderous werewolves… the Society of Howls, I think they were called? Anyways, the first attacker that tried to bite at him on his arm… turned to dust immediately and blew away in the winds of the desert planet.
The Sage |
Posted - 27 Nov 2024 : 23:12:44 quote: Originally posted by DoveArrow
quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
quote: Originally posted by DoveArrow
I'm noticing a distinct lack of the Silver Surfer in this party. 
Well, that's Marvel Comics, not D&D.
Yes, but you gotta admit, having him in your party when going up against lycanthropes would be pretty useful. 
This reminds me of an issue in Surfer’s 90’s Marvel series, in the 73 or 74 if memory serves, during the bombastic moments of that comic book era… Silver Surfer fought off a group of evil, murderous werewolves… the Society of Howls, I think they were called? Anyways, the first attacker that tried to bite at him on his arm… turned to dust immediately and blew away in the winds of the desert planet. |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 27 Nov 2024 : 01:40:23 Seriously, though, it's been a long time since I played in a 3.5 game. I don't know the classes well enough anymore to provide many thoughts on the matter of character builds. |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 27 Nov 2024 : 01:38:16 quote: Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
quote: Originally posted by DoveArrow
I'm noticing a distinct lack of the Silver Surfer in this party. 
Well, that's Marvel Comics, not D&D.
Yes, but you gotta admit, having him in your party when going up against lycanthropes would be pretty useful.  |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 27 Nov 2024 : 01:30:52 quote: Originally posted by DoveArrow
I'm noticing a distinct lack of the Silver Surfer in this party. 
Well, that's Marvel Comics, not D&D. |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 26 Nov 2024 : 23:04:28 I'm noticing a distinct lack of the Silver Surfer in this party.  |
Galuf the Dwarf |
Posted - 26 Nov 2024 : 22:56:49 No comments or suggestions, anyone?  |