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 Weather patterns in and around the Moonsea?

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varyar Posted - 11 Jun 2024 : 23:13:27
Hey all.

My current Realms Explored project for the DM's Guild is a look at Yűlash. I'm planning to include a short section about the climate and it got me wondering what books might have information about that. The only one I have at hand is the 3E FRCS and it only says the winters are harsh and that the Moonsea (or at least the parts close to shore) sometimes freezes over. Do any other books go into more detail about the topic?
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TBeholder Posted - 21 Jun 2024 : 15:26:46
Let's also not forget how much local weather is pushed and pulled all around the place.
To the West is Anauroch (High Ice after flooding by the Sarrukh, then presumably most instances of Mavin's Worldweave ever cast, then lots of Lifedrain, then Shade tampering).
To the East is the Great Glacier. To the Southeast, Thay.
In between various mythals (Cormanthor and Elven Court, yes, but Narathmault long before that, and it's not entirely clear where exactly the Dracorage mythal is and how much its area affects just for maintenance) and possibly lesser spell fields. Some of those are decaying and went haywire long ago.
varyar Posted - 19 Jun 2024 : 13:28:41
Originally posted by TomCosta

3E Mysteries of the Moonsea has a full half page on weather on p5-6.

Ah, that's perfect - thank you!
TomCosta Posted - 17 Jun 2024 : 17:32:40
3E Mysteries of the Moonsea has a full half page on weather on p5-6.
varyar Posted - 16 Jun 2024 : 12:05:10
I’ll have to check that out! I played the game long ago but that’s about it.

At the moment, I’m sort of basing the local conditions on Buffalo/WNY, lake effect snow included. More specifically, cold winds coming south from the gap between mountains north of Thar pick up moisture from the Moonsea and then dump it across the western part of the south shore of the sea (Yűlash to Elventree, more or less).
Seravin Posted - 16 Jun 2024 : 09:45:51
I just went through my 2nd edition supplement the Moonsea and couldn't find references to the various climates. I imagine the FR Wiki on climate is likely from the 3e FRCS. We didn't get an Elminster Ecology or Volo's guide to the area, sadly!

Pools of Twilight does reference the storms that blow in off the Moonsea and lead to snow squalls along the coast in autumn, and that moving inland (even further north) can mean less deep snow on the roads from Phlan to Cormanthor.

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