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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 05 May 2014 :  23:29:50  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
paladinnicolas, you have the right of it: novels and adventures inevitably focus on heroes or adventurers who come into far more contact with "monsters" than average citizens do.
Unless you use the wider definition of "monster" that really means "critter that tried to harm me" and might include swarms of normal rats, spiders, a harmless but frightening snake, and so on.
Caravans coming to a country hamlet or village will bring news of the latest sensational dragonslaying or undead rising to strange the living, or fearsome flying heads that have driven folk away from their homes, or the like. And bold or gruesome (or both) battles against monsters are a staple of tavern talk, after weather and politics and brewing war or coming shortages of ale.
So it may SEEM at times, even to folk in the Realms, that Faerun is teeming with countless monsters . . . but if you trim things back to just what beasts this old merchant or that old fishwife has actually seen, with their own eyes, in life: monsters are very rare in settled areas. In the wilderness, if you're frightened and the beasts you see are unfamiliar, of course, EVERYTHING becomes a monster.
Which is part of the reason they get gossiped about so much, and so many wild rumors grow around them in the process.
(The above viewpoint comes from playing in the Realms for years and listening to Ed talk about the Realms with "his" players, with interested gamers at conventions, and in seminars and panels.)
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92 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2014 :  06:18:13  Show Profile Send paladinnicolas a Private Message
Thanks THO!
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43 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2014 :  12:53:06  Show Profile  Visit Beppe63's Homepage Send Beppe63 a Private Message
Hi all,

I try again to send this question, because no one answered. If by chance the fact that no one has answered is why the question is trivial or useless, please let me know so I put my heart at peace! Thank you. ;)

Apart Dragon Purple patrols what type of encounter are normally possible along The High Road? I'm talking about regular encounters, not wandering monsters.
And possibly how often?

I ask this because the party is traveling from Greatgaunt to Eveningstar.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Senior Scribe

804 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2014 :  15:43:11  Show Profile  Visit Blueblade's Homepage Send Blueblade a Private Message
Beppe, hang in there; I doubt THO will keep you waiting much longer.
One question I have that will affect your question, though: what season? Because in deepest winter, that stretch of road will be pretty much deserted except for patrols and military movements. You mean good weather end of spring,, summer, and early autumn, yes?
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Posted - 06 May 2014 :  20:00:55  Show Profile  Visit Beppe63's Homepage Send Beppe63 a Private Message
Thanks Blublade,

we are at begin of Kythorn.


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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2014 :  18:40:36  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
I've reviewed Ed's newest Realms novel, THE HERALD (sixth and last book of The Sundering), and interviewed him, too. Rather that clutter this Questions thread with queries that could get into spoiler territory rather quickly, I posted them in the Novels forum. Jaunt on over there if you'd like a peek; avoid if you'd rather not.
MILD spoilers, I promise, not blow-by-blow "everything" accounts.
love to all!
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1847 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2014 :  13:19:26  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message
You're killing me Lady THO, you really are. I've avoided even the first chapter release so as to fully enjoy that book from the first to the last page next month. And now you tempt need proper punishment temptress!

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2014 :  16:17:58  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
I'm glad I read it, even though there was indeed one spoiler I wish I hadn't (or, rather, an allusion to something which is a big spoiler, but unfortunately fairly simple to figure-out). Still, it makes me want to read this book even more.

*** WARNING: Spoilers in my question! ***

Question: After reading the review by THO, what would you think is the relationship between your 'Weave Anchors' and the 'Weave Taps' created by Paul Kemp for his novels? Related 'magi-tech'? 'False' anchors, perhaps?

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 08 May 2014 16:18:28
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2014 :  17:55:36  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
Markustay, I'd say...
(SPOILERS in my answer, too!
... that they are related magi-tech. The taps are a way of releasing a lot of Weave energy (like, yes, turning on a tap so water flows), and the anchors are magical bindings that secure the Weave to Toril, in thousands upon thousands of specific spots, tiny local nodes that tack it down, like nails securing an intricate piece of string-weaving to a board. One of the duties of El and other Chosen is to maintain Weave anchors, and in the wake of the Spellplague's destruction and great tears in the Weave and other weakenings of it (some of them deliberate, on the orders of the Most High, to make it easier to drain Weave power), this duty changes from "boring maintenance" to "crucial and thanks to Shadovar attacks, all too 'not boring' maintenance." :}
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2014 :  18:11:12  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
Beppe63, Ed saith:

The High Road is used by woodcutters/foresters and their carts, herb- and mushroom-gatherers (in groups in the vicinity you're interested in, thanks to the relative peril of the area), peddlers (usually with a single wagon drawn by mules, or a "pack train" of three mules or less), and most often by caravans (three to forty wagons, but usually 12-15 wagons) with outriders (armed riders on horseback) who serve as guards and scouts, before and behind. After caravans, Purple Dragon road-patrols (a dozen strong: ten mounted soldiers, with an officer and a low-level War Wizard - - unless "trouble is expected," whereupon the patrols get larger, with priests and a second War Wizard added to twenty-one Purple Dragons) are most frequently encountered. Hope this is of help!

So saith Ed. Who always comes through eventually...
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2014 :  18:12:28  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
And to The Arcanamach:
GO ahead. Punish me. Please. I deserve it.
And you know I'm going to tease and tempt you again . . .

I'm waiting...
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43 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2014 :  18:34:39  Show Profile  Visit Beppe63's Homepage Send Beppe63 a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hi again, all.
Beppe63, Ed saith:


So saith Ed. Who always comes through eventually...

Thanks a lot to you THO and to Ed. :)


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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2014 :  18:37:28  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
You're very welcome. Ed and I both love to talk about the Realms, and help everyone enjoy the Realms more.
(Ed tells me he's hard at work on more Realmslore right now, and of course THE HERALD is coming out soon...)
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Learned Scribe

New Zealand
214 Posts

Posted - 13 May 2014 :  21:57:31  Show Profile Send ksu_bond a Private Message
Quick question, and I believe my first, for Ed:

Given that the Talis Deck originated in DragonLance and then later made an appearance in the Realms, I was wondering if there was any sort of history of the Talis Deck in the Realms. Specifically are there any ties to the Talfir city of Talis and the Talis Deck (or for that matter the term talisman)?

I've got some ideas, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel...

I've already posed this question to Eric Boyd (many, many, many) months ago and have yet to get a reply.

Kind Regards,
[KSU] Bond
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42 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2014 :  04:15:55  Show Profile Send Infamous a Private Message
I was surprised at first when I heard Ed say (at an interview) that Elminster wanted to die. But then I was puzzled. Why, oh why, would he want to die? What is it that he will be able to do then that is out of reach now? Lingering at will in Mystra's realm? Check. Being free from material form? Check. Staying away from the Prime Material Plane and the same plights of human nature replayed over and over? Check. He can do it all now if he wants to, why would death change a thing?

A desire for non-existence I would understand. But death according to Realm's mechanics? I dunno.

So, dearest and most wise Ed, why does El want to die?
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1847 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2014 :  06:20:18  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message
@Infamous: In the novel Blackstaff, Khelben mentions that his spirit needs rest. Presumably, Mystra allows her servants a period of rest before using them for other purposes.

More directly to your question: Why wouldn't he want to die? I mean 1000+ years is a long time. Time spent watching so many friends die. Time seeing so many of your own failures. Time spent watching the same old games played with new players over and over again. Time, methinks, for a person to begin seeing things as inane.

And in all that time he hasn't wavered in his dedication to Mystra's service (well I'm sure he's wavered a bit here and there...but he stayed in the fight over all). In essence, he has worked for over 1000 years with very few days off. The man (and he is a man despite being 'first among the Chosen') is TIRED. The weight of so many years, so many lost friends, so much death, so much responsibility and so many failures are taking a toll.

I don't want El to be retired from the setting (but then again I kind of preferred when he was more mysterious to us, before we learned of the Chosen)...but I see why Ed has put forth this aspect of El's life. It.makes.him.more.real to us.

Just my two coppers. Cheers.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Posted - 14 May 2014 :  14:27:31  Show Profile Send Infamous a Private Message

Thanks Arcanamach, that's a thoughtful response.

I guess my main question is: what is death for an archmage who is also a divine minion? All the realms where the deceased dwell are already available to him. What does he desire he does not already have? What is the siren's call? Beyond a certain point, having a physical body is not the meaning of being alive anymore for an archmage (e.g. El being ashes, and then being his great-grand-daughter).

Would death relieve him from Mystra's service? If no, what purpose would it serve? If yes, why wait for death and not simply retire with her blessings?

I'm not opposed to El dying at all. I just don't understand how DEATH could mean the same thing to a planewalker as it means to us; it feels like a mistaken perspective.
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42 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2014 :  14:52:10  Show Profile Send Infamous a Private Message
In that light, let me rephrase my question.

Dear, most admired Ed, whose insights are plentiful and whose imagination is frightful, could you kindly enlighten us about how archmages and naturally planewalking creatures view death?

I mean, we mortals see death either as a desired rest, or a deprivation from the Prime Material Plane. But archmages (and others)... They already can come and go as they please. They have already visited the planes they would end up in. Some, like Elminster, are already in direct contact with Deities. El could dwell in Mystra's home realm and just retire there without the need for death, couldn't he? Old bodies are not a problem if the magic is strong enough and new ones can be made, stolen, inhabited or possessed. If Larloch dies, what would he lose? If Larloch lives, does it even matter?

What is the psychology of death for a being who has the ability to cross the dreaded threshold (or desired line) at will? What is there to gain or to lose? What about the desire for nothingness or at least temporary oblivion, like a deep sleep?

Many thanks, Ed! -- The Infamous One

Edited by - Infamous on 14 May 2014 15:05:42
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1847 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2014 :  19:19:39  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message
I'll let Ed/THO answer you more directly but I do have an idea of what would happen with El upon his 'death' or retirement. In the Magister accessory (a MUST HAVE if you don't have it), defeated Magisters are faced with Mystra's Choice. There are many options and I would surmise that El would be given those same option (if not more).

He could become a shadowstaff which are stated to deteriorate into oblivion over time as they grow weary.

He could become a magic item/field of energy/or anything you could imagine of the intelligent or non-intelligent variety (giving him a type of oblivion).

He could be reincarnated as a magical creature with or without his memories (again a type of oblivion).

There really is no limit to the ideas of El's fate in this regard. I suspect he would merge with the Weave though. You posit an excellent question.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2014 :  19:31:13  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
We will, of course, have to wait for Ed's answer, but I strongly suspect that The Arcanamach is correct when he says: "I suspect he would merge with the Weave though." To me, the question is: in what manner?
Ed knows, I think.
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43 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2014 :  20:36:53  Show Profile  Visit Beppe63's Homepage Send Beppe63 a Private Message
Hi all,

I do not know if it is the right place to ask this question, and if it were not I apologize and ask you to tell me where to post it, but I wanted to ask if anyone has ever created a full or partial list of the places that are described in the novels. I intend to cities, towns, temples, etc..

I always thought it would be nice to be able to integrate the descriptions of the places of Faerun present in the novels with the narration of the DM. Would like to add picturesque and almost official informations.


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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 15 May 2014 :  05:24:34  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message

I notice that you are able to write at a speed that would take 10 of me. By chance, on one of Elminster's visits, did he make multiple simulacrums of you?

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Posted - 15 May 2014 :  21:53:26  Show Profile Send Infamous a Private Message
@sleyvas, Ed vehemently denies he has simulacra. I have asked at least eight of him and they all give the same answer.
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Posted - 15 May 2014 :  21:57:51  Show Profile Send Infamous a Private Message
About death for quasi-immortal beings:

Sometimes I just want a vacation from being myself. I love being me, mind you; but it is ą chose, because ultimately I am involved with the betterment of myself and my surroundings, and sometimes I... Just... Would love a break. Like not being me for a while.

That would be my request to Mystra. To be something / someone else for 300 years, and then suddenly to regain all my memories and powers, renewed afresh from the weirdest vacation imaginable.
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 25 May 2014 :  15:14:27  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all! Sorry for the silence; I have been off on assignment (real-world job) and Ed has been busier than busy this last tenday...
I bring you Ed's response to Beppe63, re. this: "I do not know if it is the right place to ask this question, and if it were not I apologize and ask you to tell me where to post it, but I wanted to ask if anyone has ever created a full or partial list of the places that are described in the novels. I intend to cities, towns, temples, etc..
I always thought it would be nice to be able to integrate the descriptions of the places of Faerun present in the novels with the narration of the DM. Would like to add picturesque and almost official informations."
Heeeere's Ed:

That's a great idea for enhancing Realmsplay, Beppe, but I fear that nothing extensive enough exists, pulled together all in one place. There are listings (such as temples, taverns, and inns) here at Candlekeep, and the cancelled Realms "encyclopedia" project begun by TSR might have resulted in what you're envisaging, but right now, it remains to be created. (And don't look my way; I'm WAY too busy! Sorry!)

So saith Ed. Who is indeed busy. "Crazy busy" might be a better term. As usual.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 25 May 2014 :  20:43:44  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hi again, all.
Markustay, I'd say...
(SPOILERS in my answer, too!
... that they are related magi-tech. The taps are a way of releasing a lot of Weave energy (like, yes, turning on a tap so water flows), and the anchors are magical bindings that secure the Weave to Toril, in thousands upon thousands of specific spots, tiny local nodes that tack it down, like nails securing an intricate piece of string-weaving to a board. One of the duties of El and other Chosen is to maintain Weave anchors, and in the wake of the Spellplague's destruction and great tears in the Weave and other weakenings of it (some of them deliberate, on the orders of the Most High, to make it easier to drain Weave power), this duty changes from "boring maintenance" to "crucial and thanks to Shadovar attacks, all too 'not boring' maintenance." :}

Hmmmm, so in theory, the weave anchors are hammering in the ley lines of Faerun.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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92 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2014 :  11:19:57  Show Profile Send paladinnicolas a Private Message
Dear Ed and THO, I am planning on DMing a new campaign set in the Forgotten Realms, and I want it to be highly political, reason why I ask the following question: In the book entitled Power of Faerūn, one of whose authors is Ed, it is mentioned that wars often take place in the Realms and that rulers resort to them to further interests or settle disputes. However, the examples provided therein and in novels are mostly related to monster aggressions or acts of mostly evil groups (Zhentarim, etc.). I wonder if there are recent-FR-era examples of wars, conflicts, or cold-war-style espionage and sabotage among city-states and realms of Faerūn between political groups none of which is monstrous or mostly evil. The only example I can recall is the one of supposed Amnian sabotage of Waterdhavian vessels trading with Maztica found in the Lands of Intrigue book. Are there more examples? Thanks!
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43 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2014 :  16:44:19  Show Profile  Visit Beppe63's Homepage Send Beppe63 a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One
Heeeere's Ed:
That's a great idea for enhancing Realmsplay, Beppe, but I fear that nothing extensive enough exists, pulled together all in one place. There are listings (such as temples, taverns, and inns) here at Candlekeep, and the cancelled Realms "encyclopedia" project begun by TSR might have resulted in what you're envisaging, but right now, it remains to be created. (And don't look my way; I'm WAY too busy! Sorry!)

Thanks anyway for the answer. :)


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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2014 :  23:12:11  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
paladinnicolas, off the top of my head, from the era you cite, I can think of:
* the Luskan/Ruathym war;
* ongoing cold-war-style espionage between Amn and Waterdeep, and between Cormyr and Sembia;
* the Horde invasion (the Tuigan horde fighting west through Rashemen, etc. to Cormyr);
* dwarf vs. human spying within the Silver Marches (opposed leaders)
* the Amnian civil war, the Tethyrian civil war, and the eastern Amnian cities that left Amn to join Tethyr;
* the wars and spying and ongoing skirmishing among the various city-states of the Vilhon Reach (and the Emerald Enclave);
* the struggles for power within Marsember (in Cormyr);
* the struggles for power within Baldur's Gate, throughout the 1300s and 1400s
. . . and there are a lot more. The problem with your question is that one side in such conflicts often labels the other side as "evil," and dependin upon which POV Realms novels or lorebooks are written, many conflicts can be deemed the result of "acts of mostly evil groups."
But that list should do for starters...
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2014 :  23:26:09  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all.
slevyas: Yes.
(In theory, the weave anchors ARE hammering in the ley lines of Faerun.) Though Ed tells me it's slightly more complicated than that, for very good future-plot-related reasons that he obviously can't share yet.
After all, we wouldn't want just ANY novice wizard monkeying with the very fabric of reality on Toril, would we?
( Would we?)
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