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Posted - 07 Jun 2004 :  13:30:25  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks, all.
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Posted - 07 Jun 2004 :  15:10:51  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by PaulSKemp

Thanks, all.

My pleasure. Feel free to thank the scribes who complimented you with a detailed outline of WOTSQ Book VI: Resurrection.
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Posted - 14 Jun 2004 :  23:07:18  Show Profile  Visit Monsoon28's Homepage Send Monsoon28 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Heya Paul, really enjoyed Dawn of Night.

Your depiction of the Shadowlands was wonderfully done, made me want to adventure there, sometime soon.

Anyway, will we be seeing alot of devolopement with Magadon? What with his parentage, it creates a future story arch if not with in this series, possibly with another?

Secondly, have you and the 'Coast' gathered together to stat the current cast of character's for a web-enhancement (or something, Sojouner excluded)?

Thx again for a really interesting series, and I have to admit, that this cast of character's up among my favourites in the realms.


'The only thing I know is that I know nothing' -Socrates

Edited by - Monsoon28 on 14 Jun 2004 23:10:40
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 15 Jun 2004 :  13:42:23  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Monsoon28

Anyway, will we be seeing alot of devolopement with Magadon? What with his parentage, it creates a future story arch if not with in this series, possibly with another?

Secondly, have you and the 'Coast' gathered together to stat the current cast of character's for a web-enhancement (or something, Sojouner excluded)?

Thank you, Monsoon.

As to Magadon: I do hope to develop him and his story more in future books. I think he's an intriguing character and would be pleased to write more about him. Obviously, he will appear prominently in Book III of the Cale trilogy. After that, assuming he survives ( ), I would like to revisit him. We'll have to see what happens.

I have not formally statted out the characters, though I have sketched some details for use as reference. The problem I always have with putting statistics to the characters is this: both the characters and the gaming materials change over the course of the books. So, how I might have (for example) statted Cale at the end of Twilight Falling is not necessarily the way I would stat him today (as a result of both changes in gaming products and changes in my interpretation of the character). I have not had any request from WotC to provide game stat write ups for the characters in the series, though I may offer to do so(perhaps for Dragon magazine) after the series concludes (and after I've finished the sixth WotSQ novel).

Thanks again.


Edited by - PaulSKemp on 15 Jun 2004 13:47:29
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Posted - 15 Jun 2004 :  14:18:58  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by PaulSKemp
(and after I've finished the sixth WotSQ novel).


How is that going by the way?
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 15 Jun 2004 :  18:26:14  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

How is that going by the way?

Going very well. I'm exceedingly pleased with how the book has turned out.

Oh, and "Annihilation" by Phil Athans is an excellent novel. There is a scene in the book that I thought BRILLIANTLY done. I won't spoil it except to say that it involves a certain Archmage.

But don't take my word for it. July will be here soon and then you'll see for yourself.

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Posted - 15 Jun 2004 :  18:34:04  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by PaulSKemp

Going very well. I'm exceedingly pleased with how the book has turned out.

Glad to hear that. If you ever need a second opinion and have a draft handy....


Oh, and "Annihilation" by Phil Athans is an excellent novel. There is a scene in the book that I thought BRILLIANTLY done. I won't spoil it except to say that it involves a certain Archmage.

Which character are you enjoying writing about the most?


But don't take my word for it. July will be here soon and then you'll see for yourself.


It is a great series and your comments make me look even more forward to the next two novels. Have you talked to any other FR authors from the series as you write this novel? Or do you just communicate with Mr. Salvatore in his capacity as consulting editor?

Thank you again for your time in responding and best of luck in the future.
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 16 Jun 2004 :  20:15:45  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Which character are you enjoying writing about the most?

Sirius,I like all the characters a great deal, but I will confess to having a favorite. I don't want to tell you who it is though, for fear of suggesting something about the substance of the book that may or may not be true. Ask me again after Resurrection hits the shelves, okay?


Have you talked to any other FR authors from the series as you write this novel? Or do you just communicate with Mr. Salvatore in his capacity as consulting editor?

I have consulted primarily with Phil Athans, though I have exchanged a couple of emails with Thomas, Richard, and RAS. All of them have indicated a willingness to field whatever questions I may have, and I appreciate that a great deal.

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Posted - 16 Jun 2004 :  21:08:27  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by PaulSKemp
Sirius,I like all the characters a great deal, but I will confess to having a favorite. I don't want to tell you who it is though, for fear of suggesting something about the substance of the book that may or may not be true. Ask me again after Resurrection hits the shelves, okay?

Damn! I see your Sense Motive is better than my Gather Information. Sigh, oh well, I tried.


I have consulted primarily with Phil Athans, though I have exchanged a couple of emails with Thomas, Richard, and RAS. All of them have indicated a willingness to field whatever questions I may have, and I appreciate that a great deal.

That's nice to hear. I know you were a part of the group that produced the wonderful Sembia series. I recall reading more than one Sembia author also express wonderful cooperation and exchanges between with others involved in the series. For what it's worth, I feel that such a characteristic has helped make both the Sembia and WOTSQ series stand out as some of the finest Realms writing.

Cheers and thanks again.

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Posted - 17 Jun 2004 :  17:22:52  Show Profile  Visit Monsoon28's Homepage Send Monsoon28 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
Damn! I see your Sense Motive is better than my Gather Information. Sigh, oh well, I tried.

Maybe you should work on your Intimidate instead.

Back to Paul, will you by chance be doing any more short stories for Dragon Magazine in the near future? Next, what can you tell us about Midnight and your involvement in this world. From the brief read-up I did, I was left with a impression of the Wheel of Time story, but where Shai-Tan wins (Darkness from the north...)
Looks interesting and i'm looking forward to it.
Lastly (not really a question) in your WOTSQ novel Ryld better kick some...or i'll sic Sirius on you!


'The only thing I know is that I know nothing' -Socrates

Edited by - Monsoon28 on 17 Jun 2004 17:24:07
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 18 Jun 2004 :  16:34:28  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Monsoon28

Back to Paul, will you by chance be doing any more short stories for Dragon Magazine in the near future?


Dave Gross and I have been kicking around ideas for a Cale-Radu Malveen short story for Dragon. Dave has had a lot on his plate lately (being the new editor of Amazing Stories, and all) and I have too, with WotSQ and the Cale novels. I understand that the folks at Dragon are interested in the idea, so Dave and I just need to get the show on the road. I guess that's not really the *near* future, but it's something, anyway.

If that story finds its way to light, it will be set in the timeline after the events in Lord of Stormweather but before the events in Twilight Falling.

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Posted - 20 Jun 2004 :  23:04:37  Show Profile  Visit Feiht's Homepage Send Feiht a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd like to say I really appreciated and enjoyed the use of math in this second book. Being a math instructor, it was nice to see math get employed in a novel. Though, I did notice a number with a mis-used and in it.
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 21 Jun 2004 :  13:35:56  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Feiht

Though, I did notice a number with a mis-used and in it.


I'm not surprised. It's a little-known fact that I attended law school to avoid math.

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Posted - 21 Jun 2004 :  17:17:18  Show Profile  Visit Monsoon28's Homepage Send Monsoon28 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by PaulSKemp
Dave Gross and I have been kicking around ideas for a Cale-Radu Malveen short story for Dragon.

Sounds great too me, maybe finally Radu will get his 'comeuppance'.

I'm with Feiht, I really enjoyed your use of the 1000th prime-number, it really added flavour to the story, much like your use of racial philosophies and language origins.

'The only thing I know is that I know nothing' -Socrates
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Posted - 26 Jun 2004 :  16:08:13  Show Profile  Visit VEDSICA's Homepage Send VEDSICA a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Paul,in your recent interview with WOTC.You stated that you have spoken with Voronica about possibly getting Cale and Tazi hooked up again.Would you care to elaborate further please.Is this concrete?Is this just talk?I think it would be agreat read.Oh,and Sirius Black,on another thread pointed me this way,and asked me to ask you for an outline of RESSURECTIONUmmmm!!Any chance of that happening????

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Valondil the Ranger
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Posted - 26 Jun 2004 :  23:37:51  Show Profile  Visit Valondil the Ranger's Homepage Send Valondil the Ranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Kemp,

I was wondering, though this question might not be in any way related to what the current conversation is about, what your favorite fantasy authors now? Are there any that you read from normally right now when you have the time? Also, what are your favorite fantasy/scifi authors in general, not mattering whether you continue to read from them or not?

Thank you for your time.

--Your humble ranger,

Check out my webpage at
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Posted - 26 Jun 2004 :  23:47:01  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Valondil the Ranger

Mr. Kemp,

I was wondering, though this question might not be in any way related to what the current conversation is about, what your favorite fantasy authors now? Are there any that you read from normally right now when you have the time? Also, what are your favorite fantasy/scifi authors in general, not mattering whether you continue to read from them or not?

Thank you for your time.

Some of Mr. Kemp's answers in his latest WOTC Interview addressed these subjects.
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 28 Jun 2004 :  13:35:26  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Ved, at this point, I would characterize a Tazi-Cale reunion as a little more than talk, a little less than concrete. Both characters need to wrap up the current events in their lives. After that, we'll see. At the end of the day, it's a call for WotC's book department to make, not we mere writers.

Valondil, in terms of epic fantasy, I enjoy GRR Martin. But in terms of prose, imagination, and mood, I'm a big fan of Michael Swanwick. He writes both fantasy and sci-fi and I enjoy both. Judith Tarr's short stories are also on my list, for the same reasons as Swanwick.

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Posted - 28 Jun 2004 :  16:20:38  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by PaulSKemp

Ved, at this point, I would characterize a Tazi-Cale reunion as a little more than talk, a little less than concrete. Both characters need to wrap up the current events in their lives.

Don't you mean for Cale that he also has to survive his current situation? I realized when you made the comment about a possible reunion that it was at the "little more than talk" stage. However, in these talks with Voronica Whitney-Robinson, are you two thinking of possibly writing a joint novel together?


Valondil, in terms of epic fantasy, I enjoy GRR Martin.

So, how are you doing with the wait for a A Feast for Crows?
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Valondil the Ranger
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 12 Jul 2004 :  23:09:38  Show Profile  Visit Valondil the Ranger's Homepage Send Valondil the Ranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Kemp, I was wondering how you came about to writing for WotC. Did you send them a random piece of your writing and they liked it enough to invite you in to write in the Realms, or what?

Thanks a lot.

--Your humble ranger,

Check out my webpage at
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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  02:38:16  Show Profile  Visit Ordin_Solandar's Homepage Send Ordin_Solandar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Greetings Mr. Kemp!

What is the likeleyhood of Paul Kidd writeing d&d stories now that Greyhawk has been discontinued?

What years do the events transpiring within war of the spider queen encompass?

In regards to the 6th book what is the likelyhood of Gromph being bumped off by either Quenthel, Pharaun, or the Sarthos demon?

Was the term "Dwarfen bronze" thought up specifically for Ryld's armour (The terminology hadn't appeared in the realms before) and if so how durable do the authors believe it to be? Is it an element similar to cupridium as found in L.E. Mondessitt jr. "recluse series"

Seriously though I am curious, what do you think about the return of Lloth in book 5 of wotsq. Was it to premature or does it make the plotline of the 6th book easier to orcestrate?

Any how thank you kindly for devoteing the time and effort to answer some of our questions, it is much appreciated!

Its easy not to care what people think, it harder to try!
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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  02:46:04  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ordin_Solandar
What years do the events transpiring within war of the spider queen encompass?

Player's Guide to Faerun gives a timeline for the WOTSQ events that took place up to the point of that guide's publication. Everything listed in the timeline had a date of 1372 DR with 16 Uktar as the last date given.
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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  03:46:10  Show Profile  Visit Ordin_Solandar's Homepage Send Ordin_Solandar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmm so the events co-incide with Elminsters daughter then, most interesting. Thanks for the heads up Sirus, now I have to think up another battery of questions for Paul S Kemp.

Did RAS or the other editors ever dictate exactly what Triel's orders regarding exactly where Jeggreds alligances. I have heard alot of supposition on this issue over at ranging from: Do as Quenthel bids, see that the adventurers die at the most opertune moment, procreate an army of demi dreagoths, ect?

Did Mel Odom give you any notes or ideas regarding WOTSQ when he resigned as author for the concluding book?

During the events transpiring in book 6 will Jalynfein the Spider Mage: Male Drow Wiz20/Acm4, one of the few drow mages with stats greater then Gromph, ever take an interest the invaiding forces? Or has his character been deleted because I have seen no mention of him since his dealings with Zaknefein in "Realms of the Underdark" or was it "Infamy"?

Valas Hune second in command to Kimmuriel, or Kimmuriel in disguise. How much is Bregan de Arthe being payed for his services?

Its easy not to care what people think, it harder to try!
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  14:20:54  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Valondil the Ranger

Mr. Kemp, I was wondering how you came about to writing for WotC. Did you send them a random piece of your writing and they liked it enough to invite you in to write in the Realms, or what?

Thanks a lot.


The short answer is, "Yes." You can find the longer answer in this interview on the Wizards' website:
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  14:29:26  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
That's a lot of questions, most of which I cannot answer. Still, here goes:

Originally posted by Ordin_Solandar

Greetings Mr. Kemp!

What is the likeleyhood of Paul Kidd writeing d&d stories now that Greyhawk has been discontinued?

I have no idea.

What years do the events transpiring within war of the spider queen encompass?

Sirius answered above.

In regards to the 6th book what is the likelyhood of Gromph being bumped off by either Quenthel, Pharaun, or the Sarthos demon?

No comment.

[quote]Seriously though I am curious, what do you think about the return of Lloth in book 5 of wotsq. Was it to premature or does it make the plotline of the 6th book easier to orcestrate?

Resurrection was the hardest book I've ever written, but also one of the most rewarding. The metaplot really had no bearing on the difficulty. And I think Lolth's return was perfectly timed.

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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  14:38:24  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote

You're seriously challenging my messageboard-fu. As you can see below, my fu is mighty indeed.

Originally posted by Ordin_Solandar
Did RAS or the other editors ever dictate exactly what Triel's orders regarding exactly where Jeggreds alligances. I have heard alot of supposition on this issue over at ranging from: Do as Quenthel bids, see that the adventurers die at the most opertune moment, procreate an army of demi dreagoths, ect?

No. Like all drow (or half-demon, half-drow) Jeggred's allegiances change as the situation changes. Loyalty, as such, is rare to non-existent among the typical drow. As for the particulars of Jeggred's motivations, you'll have to wait for "Resurrection."

Did Mel Odom give you any notes or ideas regarding WOTSQ when he resigned as author for the concluding book?

Nothing from Mel.

Valas Hune second in command to Kimmuriel, or Kimmuriel in disguise. How much is Bregan de Arthe being payed for his services?

A lot, no doubt.
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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  15:40:25  Show Profile  Visit Ordin_Solandar's Homepage Send Ordin_Solandar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fu? Not sure I understand the term, but thanks for replying to some of my more out there questions. Glad to hear that you are having fun with "ressurection"!

Its easy not to care what people think, it harder to try!
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  17:02:25  Show Profile Send Sarelle a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ordin_Solandar

Seriously though I am curious, what do you think about the return of Lloth in book 5 of wotsq. Was it to premature or does it make the plotline of the 6th book easier to orcestrate?

*wince* Ermm... thanks for that Ordin.

In future, please warn (and/or disguide by colouring beige) of SPOILERS and the book/s they are connected to. You've just gone and spoilt a huge part of that series for me. I'll just have to try deperately to forget, now.

Well... I'd normally colour this beige... but a bit late now.

Chair of the The Rightful Return of Monster Deities to FR Society (RRMDFRS)

My character, drawn by Liodain: Sarelle / Sarelle (smaller)
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Posted - 13 Jul 2004 :  23:46:15  Show Profile  Visit Ordin_Solandar's Homepage Send Ordin_Solandar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry Sarelle wasn't intending to spoil anyones' reading experience, I was just curious. "Forgive the Newbie please!"Beige a?

My question was posted in regards to the name of book six "Ressurection" I thought that Lloth would return in that book or not at all. After all the Justicar in Paul Kidd's book "Queen of the Demon web pits" did kill Lloth. Or more correctly Escalla his fairy girlfriend; it would have been kewl if there was some cross over causing her absence in WOTSQ because of her death in the Greyhawk book series!

Warning if you haven't read the Justicar Series please do not read the following quandry to Mr. Kemp! Mighty is his question answering fu!

Mr. Kemp do events that occur in the outer planes or abyss have reprcussions in the storylines of other D&D worlds? After all demons and dieties seem to stratle many book universes: Demigorgon,Lloth, ect. If so did the death of Lloth in the Justicar series have any influence on why she dissappeared?

Its easy not to care what people think, it harder to try!

Edited by - Alaundo on 14 Jul 2004 09:58:18
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 14 Jul 2004 :  15:14:08  Show Profile Send Sarelle a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ordin_Solandar

Sorry Sarelle wasn't intending to spoil anyones' reading experience, I was just curious. "Forgive the Newbie please!"Beige a?

My question was posted in regards to the name of book six "Ressurection" I thought that Lloth would return in that book or not at all. After all the Justicar in Paul Kidd's book "Queen of the Demon web pits" did kill Lloth. Or more correctly Escalla his fairy girlfriend; it would have been kewl if there was some cross over causing her absence in WOTSQ because of her death in the Greyhawk book series!

Warning if you haven't read the Justicar Series please do not read the following quandry to Mr. Kemp! Mighty is his question answering fu!

Mr. Kemp do events that occur in the outer planes or abyss have reprcussions in the storylines of other D&D worlds? After all demons and dieties seem to stratle many book universes: Demigorgon,Lloth, ect. If so did the death of Lloth in the Justicar series have any influence on why she dissappeared?

Now I'm confused - if you haven't read Book 5, why did you believe 'Ressurrection' referred to Lolth?

Oh, and Phil Athans has said that though the events in Queen of the Demonweb Pits were actually the catalyst for the WOTSQ books (along the lines of - if Lolth died in Greyhawk, how would that affect other books). However this reasoning was a little odd... as the book was never considered Greyhawk canon (I don't think). Anyway, 3e FR has FR's Lolth different from Greyhawk's Lolth - so such a chain reaction was made impossible.

However the idea did spawn Lolth's Silence.

And one more thing - it was only a small one, and I have no intention of reading the book, but you did just SPOILER part of Queen of the Demonweb Pits, without warning about a spoiler. Please try to remember in future.

Chair of the The Rightful Return of Monster Deities to FR Society (RRMDFRS)

My character, drawn by Liodain: Sarelle / Sarelle (smaller)

Edited by - Sarelle on 14 Jul 2004 15:16:10
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