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Alexander Heppe

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Posted - 10 Mar 2004 :  16:17:34  Show Profile Send Alexander Heppe a Private Message  Reply with Quote
well has a release dat of April 1st. Mmh, I see no way that novel can be shipped to Europe faster than it´s beeing published in the states...

By the way, this novel is one of those products I´ve been looking forward most this year. And the teasers offered by the Author himself sound more than promising. I can truly feel those great Lizards of Legend come to life in Faerún at last...

Will we meet old friends, like some of the Wyrms of the North, I wonder...
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Posted - 10 Mar 2004 :  16:50:48  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alexander Heppe

well has a release dat of April 1st. Mmh, I see no way that novel can be shipped to Europe faster than it´s beeing published in the states...

WOTC doesn't have a European division or European printers?

One question for Mr. Byers. Did WOTC approach you about writing this trilogy? Or were you the one who approached them? Thanks in advance for any answer. From Sembia, to drow, to rogues, to dragons. Interesting progression.
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 10 Mar 2004 :  17:57:59  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
WotC approached me and said, we would like you to do the next "Realms-Shaking Event" trilogy. We want it to focus on the dragons of the Realms, we want it to involve a Rage of Dragons (or at least the threat of one), and we want it to tie in somehow to the fact that according to prophecy, 1373 DR is to be the Year of Rogue Dragons.
I took it from there, devising a plot that met the requirements.
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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  04:58:59  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

WotC approached me and said, we would like you to do the next "Realms-Shaking Event" trilogy.

Did they really use that term? It's just a bit funny because, as I'm sure you've seen, people can be a bit harsh towards RSE.

But, don't worry, if they don't like this one, tell them to take it up with the prophecy makers or the dragons themselves.
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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  06:01:02  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks RBL

Just regarding Dragon rages: I was under the impression that they only happaned every 100-200 years and there was one not long ago (Theres mention of a rage in the old Grey FR boxset, I believe it occured in 1357-8 Dale Reckoning) which is less than 20 years ago, Elaine tied the event to a Comet called the King Killer which when it appeared in Torils skys caused the Dragons to rage if Torils solar system is similar to ours then there should be at least 75 year gap between the King Killers appearances (75 years is how long Haleys comet takes to complete a circuit of our a solar system)

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  06:23:50  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Sirius: Yes, the WotC folks did use the "RSE" term. Apparently they don't feel it's inherently negative, and it does in fact describe the kind of story I'm telling.
Dargoth: I was already aware of the facts you mentioned (actually, if memory serves, it's usually more like three hundred years between Rages), and any seeming anomalies or inconsistencies are addressed (explicitly or implicitly) as the story unfolds. More than that, I can't say here without spoiling some of the surprises.
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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  08:33:54  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Dargoth: I was already aware of the facts you mentioned (actually, if memory serves, it's usually more like three hundred years between Rages), and any seeming anomalies or inconsistencies are addressed (explicitly or implicitly) as the story unfolds. More than that, I can't say here without spoiling some of the surprises.

Ah ok, why do I get the feeling this isnt a "Natural" Dragon rage

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Lord Rad
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  08:34:25  Show Profile  Visit Lord Rad's Homepage Send Lord Rad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr Byers, sir...

How much work have you done on the other two books in the series? This may sound stupid, but has the whole plot been laid out and notes made as to the final outcome of the RSE already?

I only ask due to something I mentioned somewhere previously about Mel Odem having to change the outcome of the Threat from the Sea Trilogy and that it also appears that the Return of the Archwizards Trilogy also built up and up only to be toned right down in the last novel.

Oh, and im EXTREMELY giddy about this series, sounds like its gonna be BIIIIIIIIIG!!!!

Lord Rad

"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"

Edited by - Lord Rad on 11 Mar 2004 08:35:43
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  15:09:01  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
In broad, general terms, the entire trilogy was outlined and approved before I started writing Book One.
Obviously, Book One (The Rage) is finished. I've turned in Book Two (The Rite), and now my editor will either approve it as is or (more likely, alas) ask for some revision.
Once I put The Rite to bed, the next step will be to create a detailed outline of Book Three (The Ruin) and get my editor's approval. The overall trilogy outline that's already approved covers the essentials of how things are supposed to turn out, why, and how, but leaves other matters vaguer than is evidently consistent with editorial peace of mind.
I suppose it's not IMPOSSIBLE that, at the eleventh hour, WotC might decide that they want the trilogy to end differently, but I consider it highly unlikely. At the very beginning of the project, I had a phone conference with Phil Athans, Peter Archer, and other WotC honchos, I told them what I had in mind, and everybody was cool with it.
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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  16:11:09  Show Profile  Visit BrokenRulz's Homepage Send BrokenRulz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Any more Scarred Lands books on the horizon? Those were pretty good.

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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  17:16:33  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers
Once I put The Rite to bed, the next step will be to create a detailed outline of Book Three (The Ruin) and get my editor's approval.

A general question please to Richard Lee Byers regarding the above post. On average, how large is an outline you create for one of your WOTC works? I'm asking because I vaguely recall another author mentioning on the old WOTC boards an outline done and the size was astonishing. Thank you in advance for any reply.
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 11 Mar 2004 :  18:44:24  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Broken: Glad you enjoyed the Scarred Lands books. I would love to do more, but at this point, there are no plans for any. White Wolf would have to decide they want them, obviously, and the sad truth of it is that the Dead God Trilogy didn't sell very well. When that happens, a publisher is often able to contain his enthusiasm at the prospect of sequels.
But who knows, maybe someday.
Sirius: I don't have the knack for the extremely terse novel outlines that some people can generate, but with practice, I've gotten somewhat pithier. The outline for The Rage is fourteen pages (double-spaced, of course.) But it includes an explanation of the concept for the whole trilogy, and an overview of how the entire story is going to play out. The outline for The Rite is eleven pages.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 14 Mar 2004 :  05:20:30  Show Profile  Visit VEDSICA's Homepage Send VEDSICA a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Two more weeks,and counting Richard.Can't wait for The Rage!!!C'mon Richard maybe a little sneak preview,or somethin!!!Wait,you're going to say that we have waited this long.We can wait another two weeks.Darn secretive authors!!!

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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 14 Mar 2004 :  15:08:27  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
"Darn secretive authors?" Vedsica, in the immortal words of Adrian Monk: You'll thank me later.
But with regard to a teaser, you did notice that I posted the back-cover and blurb-page copy a few posts back, right? There's also another note about the trilogy somewhere on these boards, one I posted several weeks ago. To save you the trouble of hunting for it, let me repeat the gist: In the trilogy, we're going to visit parts of the Realms that haven't seen much play in the fiction of late. Some may even be virgin territory. We'll feature races and classes that are similarly underexposed, in a story that concerns both a threat to all of contemporary Faerûn and the exploration of a primoridal mystery, and a clash with a legendary archvillain as well. It's also got more dragons than you can shake a staff of wizardry at.
So I hope everyone will check it out.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 14 Mar 2004 :  18:54:07  Show Profile  Visit VEDSICA's Homepage Send VEDSICA a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry for not reading above Richard.I was kind of thinking ahead of myself,and just started typing without reading.I can't wait for it to release.

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Posted - 15 Mar 2004 :  03:24:22  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just read the online sample chapter of The Rage. Gasp! I liked the sample chapter at the end of The Black Boquet. However, this new one is even better and clearly shows how scary dragons can be.

To Richard Lee Byers, a question, did you reference any past or present gaming material when writing scenes for this novel and the forthcoming ones in the trilogy? Or is the attack that one character suffers as a child all from the twisted imagination of an author's mind?

Thanks in advance and if the rest of the novel shows dragons as scary as this latest portion did, you are going to make many people happy.
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 15 Mar 2004 :  04:58:10  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I didn't know there was a sample chapter up online. Glad to hear it.
Anyway, Sirius, to answer your question (if I understand it correctly), I write all my FR fiction with the appropriate reference materials ready to hand. However, the scene you read is not a retelling of an incident I found in another source. I made it up my own self. The same is true of the rest of the plot (although the story line does make reference to past events in the history of Faerûn.
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Posted - 15 Mar 2004 :  05:05:02  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We wouldnt be visiting the lovely Dwarven town of Glen in your Year of the Dragon trilogy would we Rich?

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Posted - 15 Mar 2004 :  15:45:03  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers
Anyway, Sirius, to answer your question (if I understand it correctly), I write all my FR fiction with the appropriate reference materials ready to hand. However, the scene you read is not a retelling of an incident I found in another source. I made it up my own self. The same is true of the rest of the plot (although the story line does make reference to past events in the history of Faerûn.

Apologies, didn't mean in asking whether it was a retelling or reaccounting from another work, but exactly what you said at the first part of the post, whether or not you used any reference materials when writing a scene like that. Thank you for the reply.
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 15 Mar 2004 :  17:04:09  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Leery as I am of giving stuff away, I guess it does no grievous harm to say that The Rage has no scenes set in Glen.
Now satisfy my curiosity, Dargoth: Out of all the locales in the Realms, what is it about Glen that prompted you to ask about it in particular?
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Posted - 15 Mar 2004 :  23:25:59  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Leery as I am of giving stuff away, I guess it does no grievous harm to say that The Rage has no scenes set in Glen.
Now satisfy my curiosity, Dargoth: Out of all the locales in the Realms, what is it about Glen that prompted you to ask about it in particular?


About a week ago I asked Ed (through Hidden one) about the Dragon egg trade in that little dwarven town (one of my players plays a Dwarf from that town so he would know about the trade) anyway in my question to Ed I asked him whether the trade was still going on in 1373 and how it was that Glen had not been subjected to continued attacks from the Cult of the Dragon or even a full blown dragon rage (I imagine even evil Dragons dont like having there young stoleon and sold by "Lesser species")

Anyway Eds response was "yes it is suprising but I cant talk about because it may effect realms product thats in the works"

So Im assuming hes talking about your Year of the Dragon Trilogy

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 16 Mar 2004 :  21:19:19  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Dargoth: If Ed was indeed referring to my trilogy, it was probably simply because he knows that I'm messing around with dragons here, there, and everywhere across the Realms, so Tiamat only knows where I might strike before I'm through. It wasn't because I've put out the word that I have specific plans for Glen.
Although now that you've called my attention to it, it is an interesting locale, and Book Three isn't entirely plotted yet. Hm, I wonder if WotC would let me Tilverton-ize the place...
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Posted - 16 Mar 2004 :  21:59:46  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Dargoth: If Ed was indeed referring to my trilogy, it was probably simply because he knows that I'm messing around with dragons here, there, and everywhere across the Realms, so Tiamat only knows where I might strike before I'm through. It wasn't because I've put out the word that I have specific plans for Glen.
Although now that you've called my attention to it, it is an interesting locale, and Book Three isn't entirely plotted yet. Hm, I wonder if WotC would let me Tilverton-ize the place...

Careful Rich you'll end up with a Reputation like Troy "Death Star" Denning

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Mar 2004 :  22:14:44  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hehe, good one. Troy Denning, "Destroyer of Worlds"!

No offense meant, just harmless fun.

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 17 Mar 2004 :  00:26:26  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Early on, when the WotC folks and I were discussing the trilogy, I proposed rebuilding Tilverton, then blowing it up a second time, just to really puzzle and annoy people. Alas, cooler heads prevailed.
My other great unused idea for the trilogy related to the titles of the individual novels. WotC came up with the idea that each title would be a variation on: The A-Four-Letter-Noun-Beginning-with-the-Letter-R. (To make the covers look nifty in a uniform kind of way.) Then I had to generate a list of acceptable four-letter R nouns, a task greatly complicated by the fact that I needed to avoid words used previously in the titles of D&D novels. That let out The Rune, The Ruby, and a bunch of other possibilities. After much thought (and a certain amount of frustration), I proposed: The Rash. I figured we could have a skin disease figure prominently in the plot, and have fantasy's first sword-and-sorcery dermatologist be one of the heroes. Sadly, this idea too was rejected.
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Posted - 17 Mar 2004 :  04:13:25  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Early on, when the WotC folks and I were discussing the trilogy, I proposed rebuilding Tilverton, then blowing it up a second time, just to really puzzle and annoy people. Alas, cooler heads prevailed.

How did Mr. Athans and others take that idea? A really quick staff would have paused for dramatic effect and said, "No, but what about the same idea only make it Evereska?"
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 17 Mar 2004 :  04:16:31  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
They laughed.
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Prince Forge of Avalon
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Mar 2004 :  19:27:28  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dear Rich,Richard, Mr Byers, (what do you prefer?)

It seems I'm reading alot of your books lately, Dissolution, Black Bouquet. I have to say I've really enjoyed them, and the characters from Black Bouquet REALLY came alive for me. I loved how Aeron used his brain, what a slick guy, he has to be my favorite rogue! I want to read more about him! Sefris what a nasty lady, ok thers NO WAY you can call her a lady!
Anyway you get the idea, I'm really looking forward to The Rage, I'll be getting that ASAP. So thanks, and here's a fanboy wanting to see an enraged Nexus hehe,any idea what you'll be working on after your Rogue Dragons trilogy?

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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 21 Mar 2004 :  21:23:13  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Prince, thanks very much for the kind words. I appreciate it.
I'd definitely like to write more aobut Aeron, but there are no plans at this time. It all depends on whether WotC's interested in seeing more of him.
Which sort of leads in to your next question. I've got no idea what I'll be writing after I wrap up The Year of Rogue Dragons. I'll be optmisitc and say that I imagine WotC and I will get together on another FR project. It's not inconceivable that White Wolf will offer me something, also, or that I'll get a chance to do something in somebody else's shared world. If none of that comes through, well, I have ideas for non-franchise books, and I guess it'll be time to get cracking on those proposals.
And, I prefer Richard.
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Prince Forge of Avalon
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 23 Mar 2004 :  05:29:10  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dear Richard,
Thanks for responding, I'm sure with your skill and ability you will be working again with WOTC on some more FR books, I think they'd be stupid not to! I think The Rage will be very popular with FR fans etc!

Spoiler question.
I'm curious as to how you see Aeron, in your mind.
How did you come up with the idea for his personality etc. Where do you see Aeron going after the end of Black Bouquet and do you see this event as having changed his character or reinforcing the way he is?
Thanks alot

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