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Master of Realmslore

1272 Posts

Posted - 04 Feb 2005 :  00:43:49  Show Profile  Visit DDH_101's Homepage Send DDH_101 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Baker, the mysterious Malkizid that is mentioned in the Forsaken House, is he the same one as the solar who was branded and thrown into the Nine Hells?

The reason I ask is because I'm looking at the Lost Empires exerpt at WotC right now and they mentioned this in the Crown Wars timeline:

-30000 The War of the Seldarine begins. Araushnee is cast down into the Demonweb Pits, where she becomes the demon-goddess Lolth. The solar Malkizid is branded and thrown down into the Nine Hells.

-10900 Malkizid, the fallen solar, becomes the secret patron of the Vyshaan lords. The Third Crown War begins. Aryvandaar, now known as the Vyshaantar Empire, invades Shantel Othreier.

-9200 The Fifth Crown War begins when the Vyshaantar Empire rebels against the proclamations of the Elven Court, which direct the elves of Aryvandaar to repudiate their Vyshaan rulers. Malkizid abandons House Vyshaan and retreats to the infernal planes.

Is this why Malkizid is allied with the daemonfey against the elves of Faerun?

"Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy target." -Mask
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Feb 2005 :  05:18:10  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Looks like the cat's out of the bag re Malkizid ...

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Posted - 19 Feb 2005 :  02:27:18  Show Profile  Visit Sequestered's Homepage Send Sequestered a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello Mr. Baker! I love LEoF, it's amazing. I asked Ed Bonny on his thread this question, and George Krashos responded that you dealt with this part of the Netheril chapter. The Spell Mantle feat on p. 112 says that one can activate a hung spell as a spell-like ability; does that mean that it is not a single use magic item like the Contingent Spell feat in UE? That seems to make more sense, going back to the Mantle spell in Secrets of the Magister, but I would like to know what you think. Your time and help is greatly appreciated!

You think you're hot sh*t in a champagne glass now, but you're really cold diarrhea in a Dixie cup!---The Monarch
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 Feb 2005 :  13:53:47  Show Profile  Visit Ty's Homepage Send Ty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Baker,

I can only say that I have been very impressed on both the Last Mythal novel and the LeoF. Superb work on both projects.

As for a question, I remember some time ago on the WotC boards you mentioned the Land of Alabaster Towers. Now, I've found the little reference in LoeF but now I'm even more curious.

Was this particular realm taken from Ed's original notes regarding the rise of Netheril? Is there more history to this place than is mentioned in LoeF? My primary reason for asking is that it appears from the text as though this land of wizards predated the rise of Netheril by some length of time and wasn't 'annexed' until the Netherese had discovered the World Serpent Skins. If that's the case, it certainly sets the stage for the possibility that there were more advanced human realms capable of unique and powerful magic in the North prior to the rise of Netheril. Thoughts? Tidbits not covered by NDA's?
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 22 Feb 2005 :  15:32:26  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Since I included the details about the Land of Alabaster Towers, I'll take the liberty of replying. I built this reference off a one-line toss away by Ed in Dragon #227, page 37, the article about the Athalantan Campaign. I always thought it was a shame it wasn't used in the Netheril boxed set, so I tried to weave it into Netheril's history in a way that is consistent with FR10 - Anaurouch, pages 53-54, in the write-up of Rasilith.

So, other than those to refs, this is new Realmslore.


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Posted - 05 Mar 2005 :  00:57:22  Show Profile  Visit shoonvii's Homepage Send shoonvii a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr. Baker,


Just finished Condemnation and loved it! Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but have we ever been clued in as to which Matron of House Faen Tlabbar was killed in Condemnation?

Are Matron Ghenni and Matron Ghenni'tiroth one and the same? Ghenni'tiroth died some 14-15 years ago in Realms time in Siege of Darkness.

I'm just curious if it was an honest mistake, and if so how would you rationalize what exactly happened as per Realms canon (might it be that it was the eldest daughter, Ghilanna, that was killed?); or if there was an off-camera explanation as to how Ghenni'tiroth rose from the dead - only to be killed again 14-15 years later.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 05 Mar 2005 :  03:39:33  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's actually something I've been wondering myself...I've figured Ghenni was Ghilana's sister or somesuch and desposed her or that Ghilana died of some other circumstances...
Also, any inspirations for the character of Nimor? I thought his whole war with Menzoberranzan was well done, especially with how it went with Horgar and Kaanyr...Zammzt too (Shame he apparantly wound back up in Ched Nasad though)
Also, Mr. Baker: Any tantalizing ints to drop us on Farthest Reach? Any chance of other old Evermeet characters making appearances (Such as Kymil Nimesin, perhaps?) And on that note, I'd love to see more of Fflar's battle with Aulmpiter in writing
I know I can't expect a straight up, specific answer, but tantalizing hints are always fun! Please keep writing because I am certainly looking forward to reading
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Rick Day

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Posted - 15 Mar 2005 :  16:32:10  Show Profile  Visit Rick Day's Homepage Send Rick Day a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just wanted to say thanks for forsaken house it was a great read and felt true to the realms.

Three things we live by: truth within our hearts, strength in our hands and fulfilment on our tongues
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Mar 2005 :  15:02:12  Show Profile  Visit khorne's Homepage Send khorne a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just wanted to thank you for this absolutely magnificent novel, Mr Baker. Oh, and it`s good that a sun elf is the main character. I have read so much about evil and racistical sun elves that I nowadays rank them(the entire subrace)lower than zombies.
Ps. PLEASE humble house Veldann and their ilk!

If I were a ranger, I would pick NDA for my favorite enemy
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Learned Scribe

121 Posts

Posted - 23 Mar 2005 :  00:55:10  Show Profile  Visit Smyther's Homepage Send Smyther a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Finished Forsaken House a few days back - the best book I've read in a LONG time (maybe since City of Ravens).
Speaking of which, I know that the elves trilogy is supposed to be epic in scope (at least it seems that way), so might there be a possibility of a Jack Ravenwild cameo?...

So sayeth the Smyther, the Dark Bard of Amn.
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Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  01:32:36  Show Profile  Visit Sorenna_Melruth's Homepage Send Sorenna_Melruth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm wondering if Fflar is going to encounter any of his line, since his wife was pregnant with her first child when they came to Semberholme, and later on in the novel he was asked to think of his wife and there's a good possiability there are other Melruth's running around out there.

History is written by those who survive such terriable times,and every person is a hero, and every person is a villan it depends on who's telling the tale.
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Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  18:45:43  Show Profile  Visit malchor7's Homepage Send malchor7 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And now for something completely different(!)

Mr. Baker, I asked Ed about Scyllua Darkhope, and he suggested she might have been one of your creations. Is this true and, if so, how do you pronounce her name? Ed *guessed* something like SILL-ah or SILL-oo-ah, but he would defer (DEFER, ladies and gents) to Scyllua's creator.

Enjoy your work. Keep it up! (As though you needed my encouragement )

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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  21:31:48  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Short answer: I think I crossed up my drow matrons. It probably should have been Ghilanna. Sorry for the confusion.

Originally posted by shoonvii

Mr. Baker,


Just finished Condemnation and loved it! Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but have we ever been clued in as to which Matron of House Faen Tlabbar was killed in Condemnation?

Are Matron Ghenni and Matron Ghenni'tiroth one and the same? Ghenni'tiroth died some 14-15 years ago in Realms time in Siege of Darkness.

I'm just curious if it was an honest mistake, and if so how would you rationalize what exactly happened as per Realms canon (might it be that it was the eldest daughter, Ghilanna, that was killed?); or if there was an off-camera explanation as to how Ghenni'tiroth rose from the dead - only to be killed again 14-15 years later.


Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  21:33:08  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Sorry, no plans for a Jack Ravenwild cameo. Epic struggles of elves against ancient evils seems like something he'd stay far, far away from.

Originally posted by Smyther

Finished Forsaken House a few days back - the best book I've read in a LONG time (maybe since City of Ravens).
Speaking of which, I know that the elves trilogy is supposed to be epic in scope (at least it seems that way), so might there be a possibility of a Jack Ravenwild cameo?...

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  21:37:07  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It's been a few years, but IIRC, I only contributed the most basic aspects of the character ("It'd be nice to have an important blackguard somewhere, since 3rd Ed. brings back antipaladins. Maybe she's an evil Joan of Arc.") Duane Maxwell and Sean Reynolds (I think) did most of the work on fleshing out her history and stats. I definitely remember that Duane was really stoked about the character and did some early work on her.

The good news is, you'll see a fair amount of Scyllua in The Farthest Reach. More than that I won't say right now.

Originally posted by malchor7

And now for something completely different(!)

Mr. Baker, I asked Ed about Scyllua Darkhope, and he suggested she might have been one of your creations. Is this true and, if so, how do you pronounce her name? Ed *guessed* something like SILL-ah or SILL-oo-ah, but he would defer (DEFER, ladies and gents) to Scyllua's creator.

Enjoy your work. Keep it up! (As though you needed my encouragement )


Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  21:38:43  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Jeeze, and I forgot to answer the question. I pronounce it "sill-LOO-ah," but "skill-LOO-ah" or "SILL-oo-ah" seem OK too.

Originally posted by malchor7

And now for something completely different(!)

Mr. Baker, I asked Ed about Scyllua Darkhope, and he suggested she might have been one of your creations. Is this true and, if so, how do you pronounce her name? Ed *guessed* something like SILL-ah or SILL-oo-ah, but he would defer (DEFER, ladies and gents) to Scyllua's creator.

Enjoy your work. Keep it up! (As though you needed my encouragement )


Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Learned Scribe

121 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  22:55:20  Show Profile  Visit Smyther's Homepage Send Smyther a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by RichardBaker

Sorry, no plans for a Jack Ravenwild cameo. Epic struggles of elves against ancient evils seems like something he'd stay far, far away from.

Mmm. Didn't think so. Darn.

So sayeth the Smyther, the Dark Bard of Amn.
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Learned Scribe

173 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  23:24:03  Show Profile  Visit Paec_djinn's Homepage Send Paec_djinn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The good news is, you'll see a fair amount of Scyllua in The Farthest Reach. More than that I won't say right now.

It would be great to see the Zhents playing a role in Farthest Reach. I don't know whether she'll be on Sarya's side on not but I can see reasons why Sarya needs her. On the other hand, I also see reasons why Scyllua would be happy to fight Sarya's army.

It'll be interesting to see which side the Zhents play. (That is assuming Scyllua is plays as much as a role as I assume and she includes her army in it)
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62 Posts

Posted - 05 Apr 2005 :  18:16:28  Show Profile  Visit malchor7's Homepage Send malchor7 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by RichardBaker

The good news is, you'll see a fair amount of Scyllua in The Farthest Reach. More than that I won't say right now.

I am SO looking forward to that one, now. YES!

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Prince Forge of Avalon
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  05:08:32  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dear Mr Baker,

It's been months since I've been on the boards, but 1 thing I wanted to say was a BIG Thanks for The Last Mythal Series, I finshed that book in a day, and I'm really looking forward to The Farthest Reach.

It is by far one of the BEST FR Novels I've ever read!
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Senior Scribe

476 Posts

Posted - 22 May 2005 :  12:44:34  Show Profile  Visit Snotlord's Homepage Send Snotlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello Rich,

I saw a discussion on the wotc boards about an rules-lite FRA-style book, and just wanted to give you my thoughts, for what it is worth.

The cities section in Forgotten Realms Adventures is IMO the single most useful 50 pages of realmslore ever published (apart from the setting books). It covers a huge area and it covers all the important stuff for using the cities as bases for adventures (colorful inns, mages for hire, local churches, a few npcs, current events). FRA can be used for a vast number of campaigns, and even if a Volo's Guide probably would be better for a specific area, I cannot imagine any FR DM who would be without an updated book on the cities of the Heartlands or the Sword Coast (or two books!).

I would like to see 20-30 cities, updated to the current timeline, a campaign journal on recent events (like in the PGtF, both from novels and otherwise) and a chapter on fully stated iconic heroes and villains from the realms.

Four pages would be sufficient to get anyone started, if you stick to the format in FRA. A single page for a really good map for each city would be wonderful. You have probably noticed that some fans are concerned about the lack of maps (gosh, I sound like a Hollywood mom), and this is a product that cannot skimp on maps. The maps in the FRA are not all that pretty, but they give a very good idea of the layout of the cities. The Silverymoon map in Silver Marches is a very good updated look on the old FRA maps, while the city maps in UE is more lacking. I hope you agree with me. A good city map is IMO essential for a city based campaign.

Hope this have given you some ideas. I really liked Forsaken House and City of Ravens. I hope you continue writing FR stuff.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  14:24:31  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Snotlord

...I cannot imagine any FR DM who would be without an updated book on the cities of the Heartlands or the Sword Coast (or two books!).
I'll second that. I'd prefer both, but if we had to be particular, I'd say concentrate on the Heartlands rather than the Sword Coast... we've got a Waterdeep sourcebook coming afterall and it'll probably briefly mention the current status of some of the surrounding regions of the city itself.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  14:30:40  Show Profile  Visit Snotlord's Homepage Send Snotlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A Cities of Sea of Fallen Stars book would also be great. It would be a slight change of focus compared to the Heartlands, and include areas with little coverage like the Old Empires, the Vilhon Reach and so on...
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Prince Forge of Avalon
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  21:15:10  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd have to second the whole Sea of Fallen Stars idea also, after reading Maiden of Pain, I was really intrested in getting more info on Chessanta and it's cities.

But to be realitic I'm happy to get any regional sourcebook that they will make, can't wait for Waterdeep.
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts

Posted - 09 Jun 2005 :  22:29:01  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met

A message from Heitan34...


I truly enjoyed "The Last Mythal" and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I have a question regarding your opinions on the game stats of Fflar Starbrow Melruth.

You "guessed" at his stats as between 15th and 20th level....wouldn't they be a tad higher considering that he singlehandedly defeated 12 nycaloths before takig on a 21+ CR Nycaloth Commander in Aulmpiter?

As far as his classes/prestige classes, have you considered the Champion of Corellon PrC detailed in the recent D&D hardbound "Races of the Wild"? Take a look at the PrC as it really seems to fit in with Fflar's character.

I'd really like to hear more of your opinions reagrding what's shaping up to be one of the cooler characters presented in recent FR novels.

Candlekeep Forums Head Moderator

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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 15 Jun 2005 :  23:38:25  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
For purposes of The Last Mythal, I decided to regard "Fall of Myth Drannor" as not always 100% accurate as far as what "really" happened in the last days of the city. Maybe Fflar got a couple of nycaloths himself, maybe he helped with a couple others, but the bards remember it as an even dozen.

RE: Champion of Corellon, well, I wrote the class! It seems like a fine fit for Fflar. I didn't mean to exclude any fighter-friendly multiclassing/prestige classes when I gave my quick quess on his class and level.

Anyway, glad you're enjoying the book!

Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

A message from Heitan34...


I truly enjoyed "The Last Mythal" and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I have a question regarding your opinions on the game stats of Fflar Starbrow Melruth.

You "guessed" at his stats as between 15th and 20th level....wouldn't they be a tad higher considering that he singlehandedly defeated 12 nycaloths before takig on a 21+ CR Nycaloth Commander in Aulmpiter?

As far as his classes/prestige classes, have you considered the Champion of Corellon PrC detailed in the recent D&D hardbound "Races of the Wild"? Take a look at the PrC as it really seems to fit in with Fflar's character.

I'd really like to hear more of your opinions reagrding what's shaping up to be one of the cooler characters presented in recent FR novels.

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Learned Scribe

173 Posts

Posted - 16 Jun 2005 :  09:55:27  Show Profile  Visit Paec_djinn's Homepage Send Paec_djinn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Richard, I just wanted to say that after reading Condemnation, my love for your work prompted me to pick up Forsaken House and City of Ravens and damn were they good! You are like one of the best FR writers IMO.

Anyway, I really liked the Game of Masks in City of Ravens. Any history on this and where it's held usually (as in whether it's held outside the Raven's Bluff area)?

Besides, I'm looking forward to reading Farthest Reach. Which reminds me, what Realms novels/short stories are you working on and how fares the final book of your Last Mythal series? Final Gate I believe.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 16 Jun 2005 :  12:15:31  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by RichardBaker

For purposes of The Last Mythal, I decided to regard "Fall of Myth Drannor" as not always 100% accurate as far as what "really" happened in the last days of the city. Maybe Fflar got a couple of nycaloths himself, maybe he helped with a couple others, but the bards remember it as an even dozen.

Funny how so many bard tales come out to round numbers like a dozen, ten, etc.

For my part, I have no problem with your decision to regard FoMD as less than entirely accurate. In my Realms, I tend to view the tales/legends of elven history as not entirely accurate as well. That decision has helped alleviate any DM tension when it comes to having to know the precise date or figure for some event and resulted in some fun moments in my own campaigns.


RE: Champion of Corellon, well, I wrote the class! It seems like a fine fit for Fflar.

No wonder I and others on here enjoyed the class.

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67 Posts

Posted - 17 Jun 2005 :  13:01:12  Show Profile  Visit monch9's Homepage Send monch9 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Interestingly enough, out there in the WOTC boards, we have conversions to 3.5 on some of the Last Mythal characters which utilizes the latest sourcebooks. Links below for two of them.




Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

A message from Heitan34...


I truly enjoyed "The Last Mythal" and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I have a question regarding your opinions on the game stats of Fflar Starbrow Melruth.

You "guessed" at his stats as between 15th and 20th level....wouldn't they be a tad higher considering that he singlehandedly defeated 12 nycaloths before takig on a 21+ CR Nycaloth Commander in Aulmpiter?

As far as his classes/prestige classes, have you considered the Champion of Corellon PrC detailed in the recent D&D hardbound "Races of the Wild"? Take a look at the PrC as it really seems to fit in with Fflar's character.

I'd really like to hear more of your opinions reagrding what's shaping up to be one of the cooler characters presented in recent FR novels.

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Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

129 Posts

Posted - 22 Jun 2005 :  21:29:40  Show Profile  Visit RichardBaker's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Glad you liked 'em!

The Game of Masks was described in the 2nd Edition "City of Raven's Bluff" sourcebook. The specific game (matching up the kings, colors, kingdoms) I thought up for the book. Every few tendays the folks who arrange the masquerade think up another "party game" to entertain everybody, or so I understood. I would expect that at least some other Realms cities might have a similar tradition.

As far as what else I'm doing these days, well, I've got a short story that will appear in Realms of the Elves, and I'm currently hard at work on Final Gate. Just getting started, really, I'm only a couple of chapters in so far.

Originally posted by Paec_djinn

Hey Richard, I just wanted to say that after reading Condemnation, my love for your work prompted me to pick up Forsaken House and City of Ravens and damn were they good! You are like one of the best FR writers IMO.

Anyway, I really liked the Game of Masks in City of Ravens. Any history on this and where it's held usually (as in whether it's held outside the Raven's Bluff area)?

Besides, I'm looking forward to reading Farthest Reach. Which reminds me, what Realms novels/short stories are you working on and how fares the final book of your Last Mythal series? Final Gate I believe.

Rich Baker
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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