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3 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2016 :  03:21:25  Show Profile Send btsam a Private Message
Hello Ed and THO:
I am a player from China, and my english is not that standard. Please forgive me.

I have a lot of questions about time travel of official setting, including the Realms to different time points of Earth, and time travel in Earth, etc.

1£©I saw the Q&A mentioned inside - [and is the only way *I* know of to travel from Toril to a particular ¡°past¡± of our Earth (and it should be noted that the Yellowstone past reached seems to be a localized ¡°bubble¡± or demi-plane that does NOT extend to the rest of Earth . . . so, no Elminster striding around the fog-shrouded, gaslit streets of Victorian London confronting Jack the Ripper or working with Sherlock Holmes . . . unless you as DM want him to, of course). This demi-plane has its own passing time, such that if you affect something on one visit, those affects are evident on a later visit, but doesn¡¯t seem to ¡°age¡± onwards with the real-world changes that affected the National Park in our world.]

On the other hand, Chronomancy & the Multiverse by Roger E. Moore mentions - [Certain historical figures of this "magic Earth" may have had limited knowledge of chronomancy, given their reputed predictive or magical abilities (e.g., Nostradamus, Roger Bacon, Michael Scot, Dr. John Dee). Mythical figures with extraordinary magical powers might have time-traveling abilities, too (e.g., Oracle at Delphi, Merlin, Morgan le Fay). Fabled Atlantis, said to have existed in the distant past, might be the home of a Guardians-like force of Temporal Champions. The legendary ogre-witch Baba Yaga has likely been time traveling as well as world-hopping (see DRAGON(R) issue #83, "The Dancing Hut," and the recent module The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga.

There is evidence that Heward and Murlynd (see GREYHAWK campaign) have been to this world, during this and other time periods. Elminster (see FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign) has gates in his "hideout" in Realmspace leading to various times and places in Earth history (see Realmspace, pages 51-52).]

Is there any conflict between these two theories? And "magic Earth" whether and "our world" is the same meaning or not?

2)Will time travel action in the Earth will be discouraged?

3£©¡°Earth¡±where that Realms leads to and ¡°Earth¡±where that Oerth leads to is the same place or not? (or at some time is same) If yes, why Heward and Murlynd can time-travel in Earth?


Edited by - btsam on 19 Oct 2016 03:22:45
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2016 :  04:09:18  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
Certainly not Ed by any stretch of the imagination, but from what I am given to understand, any reference to 'Earth' (rather than 'real world') in a TSR/D&D product is supposed to mean D&D Earth, which is very similar to our world, but NOT our world.

That would apply to both Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms, which already are part of a shared multiverse (via Planescape, Ravenloft, and Spelljammer). One could theorized that this 'magic Earth' is also the Earth of the Gothic Earth Gazeteer (Ravenloft sub-setting), and the Earth of both Gamma World and Boot Hill. One could even throw-in the Earth of the recent Pathfinder (Golarion) Rasputin Must die! adventure path, since Paizo and TSR/WotC have a bit of 'shared history' (not to mention Baba Yaga is pivotal in that adventure, and is D&D canon, AND has appeared in a Forgotten Realms novel.. her hut did, anyway).

I have a theory about that 'time portal' as well, that makes a LOT more sense in light of 4e/5e - that the portal in Yellowstone is CURRENT to the Realms of 1e/2e and later 3e. It never actually moved anyone through time. Many years later, Elminster travels through a 'magic wardrobe' in his tower and visits Ed Greenwood, and begins telling him stories about The Forgotten realms.. the OLD Forgotten Realms.

And, you see, that must be the case, because a hundred years have gone by in the Realms, and we are still getting stories through Ed. If 1e 'Old Grey Box' was current with 1987, then we'd all be dead.

And BTW, I understood you perfectly. Your English is WAY better than my Mandarin.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 19 Oct 2016 04:16:51
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3 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2016 :  07:14:26  Show Profile Send btsam a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

Certainly not Ed by any stretch of the imagination, but from what I am given to understand, any reference to 'Earth' (rather than 'real world') in a TSR/D&D product is supposed to mean D&D Earth, which is very similar to our world, but NOT our world.

That would apply to both Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms, which already are part of a shared multiverse (via Planescape, Ravenloft, and Spelljammer). One could theorized that this 'magic Earth' is also the Earth of the Gothic Earth Gazeteer (Ravenloft sub-setting), and the Earth of both Gamma World and Boot Hill. One could even throw-in the Earth of the recent Pathfinder (Golarion) Rasputin Must die! adventure path, since Paizo and TSR/WotC have a bit of 'shared history' (not to mention Baba Yaga is pivotal in that adventure, and is D&D canon, AND has appeared in a Forgotten Realms novel.. her hut did, anyway).

I have a theory about that 'time portal' as well, that makes a LOT more sense in light of 4e/5e - that the portal in Yellowstone is CURRENT to the Realms of 1e/2e and later 3e. It never actually moved anyone through time. Many years later, Elminster travels through a 'magic wardrobe' in his tower and visits Ed Greenwood, and begins telling him stories about The Forgotten realms.. the OLD Forgotten Realms.

And, you see, that must be the case, because a hundred years have gone by in the Realms, and we are still getting stories through Ed. If 1e 'Old Grey Box' was current with 1987, then we'd all be dead.

And BTW, I understood you perfectly. Your English is WAY better than my Mandarin.

OK. Thanks.
I have also heard of another theory, such as "D&D Earths" more than one, but many; The adventure in the Dragon #100 - "The City Beyond the Gate" describes the Earth there is "no magic" and severe restrictions on outsiders at spell casting, etc. This may be not the case in Gothic Earth.
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34 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2016 :  08:42:16  Show Profile Send lsls a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

And, you see, that must be the case, because a hundred years have gone by in the Realms, and we are still getting stories through Ed. If 1e 'Old Grey Box' was current with 1987, then we'd all be dead.

ED has told us timeflow at different rates in different crystal spheres.

Maybe 4 Years of time passage in Toril equates to only 1 Year in Earth.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2016 :  09:02:47  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
True. But in light of the 4e time change, the Yellowstone portal does make a LOT more sense with this theory. I just like how neat it all worked out, is all. Just another 'fan theory'.
Originally posted by btsam

I have also heard of another theory, such as "D&D Earths" more than one, but many; The adventure in the Dragon #100 - "The City Beyond the Gate" describes the Earth there is "no magic" and severe restrictions on outsiders at spell casting, etc. This may be not the case in Gothic Earth.
Gothic Earth (which I loved, BTW - I thought it was excellent) is a sub-setting of Ravenloft, which uses modified D&D rules, and its already a 'low magic' setting (and IIRC, Gothic earth was even lower magic than RL - more like 'no magic', at least none being done openly). You couldn't even be any sort of wizard class (although I think there was a scholar class that may have allowed someone to unearth 'long buried secrets').

And now I am SO in the mood for a Steampunk game set in Gothic Earth (blended with the equally amazing Deadlands rules, of course).

And to steer this back toward your original query, there is also an island* (in the Pirate Isles) that is one giant 'time portal' that leads to a prehistoric period. Now, one can assume its FR's stone age, but since FR didn't really have an ice age (or giant meteor), it still has dinosaurs, so that could be Earth, or some other world (and the presence of 'primitive elves' doesn't really prove its FR, since elves never really went through anything like a neolithic period on Toril).

*Lurath, pg.62, Pirates of the Fallen Stars
And this only jumped to mind because I'm in the middle of doing a map with those islands on it.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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3 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2016 :  15:22:13  Show Profile Send btsam a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

True. But in light of the 4e time change, the Yellowstone portal does make a LOT more sense with this theory. I just like how neat it all worked out, is all. Just another 'fan theory'.
Originally posted by btsam

I have also heard of another theory, such as "D&D Earths" more than one, but many; The adventure in the Dragon #100 - "The City Beyond the Gate" describes the Earth there is "no magic" and severe restrictions on outsiders at spell casting, etc. This may be not the case in Gothic Earth.
Gothic Earth (which I loved, BTW - I thought it was excellent) is a sub-setting of Ravenloft, which uses modified D&D rules, and its already a 'low magic' setting (and IIRC, Gothic earth was even lower magic than RL - more like 'no magic', at least none being done openly). You couldn't even be any sort of wizard class (although I think there was a scholar class that may have allowed someone to unearth 'long buried secrets').

And now I am SO in the mood for a Steampunk game set in Gothic Earth (blended with the equally amazing Deadlands rules, of course).

And to steer this back toward your original query, there is also an island* (in the Pirate Isles) that is one giant 'time portal' that leads to a prehistoric period. Now, one can assume its FR's stone age, but since FR didn't really have an ice age (or giant meteor), it still has dinosaurs, so that could be Earth, or some other world (and the presence of 'primitive elves' doesn't really prove its FR, since elves never really went through anything like a neolithic period on Toril).

*Lurath, pg.62, Pirates of the Fallen Stars
And this only jumped to mind because I'm in the middle of doing a map with those islands on it.

I love this too.
I love the ¡°literature monsters¡± part of it, style like a Universal Monsters. They have Adept and Mystic, wizards and clerics of MotRD version.
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Marco Volo
Learned Scribe

204 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2016 :  07:09:35  Show Profile Send Marco Volo a Private Message
Hi Ed and THO !

Now that there is a dmsguild, I was thinking : how impossible would it be to convert the mini-campaigns Ed's been running in the public librairy but with the 5th rules ? I'm sure DM are always waiting for mini-campaign "all included" and written by Ed, well... That's sounds like paradise [I mean it].

I don't use the rules of 5th edition, but isn't now the good time because it could be very quick to do, I think, and very rewarding, because fans have been waiting for this for a long time ;)

However, it could be fun to have the "Conventions Adventure" such as Thaldigar's Tower etc... to be released that way. For those who never could go to a Gen Con, or are too young to had this opportunity... And will never know these adventures [Hem, like me].

BUt maybe I'm just dreamin' out loud...

Thanks in advance,

Marco Volo

Edited by - Marco Volo on 31 Oct 2016 07:13:21
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30 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2016 :  16:03:55  Show Profile Send SABERinBLUE a Private Message
As a preamble, I just want to say that I am absolutely stunned by the sheer amount of time you spend on these fan questions, Mr. Greenwood and Lady Hooded. Well above and beyond. Looking over the archives, most questions I might have asked have already been answered. Bravo and many, many thanks.

Building somewhat on a previous question about the post-Sundering state of Candlekeep, I have a more specific inquiry: are there any official (or unofficial) names for the (unnamed in The Herald) Keeper of the Tomes and First Reader? I was writing a PC backstory twelve times the size of God--as is my custom--for a character who was raised in Candlekeep. To this end I've been tearing apart the entire internets and my book collection looking for Candlekeep lore. I eventually threw my hands up and invented the names Vandred Brightcloak and Castor Haladain for Keeper and Reader respectively, but I really would like to know if you had names in mind when you wrote that book. I'm assuming it can't still be Ulraunt and Tethtoril by 1487 DR. Or was the omission (and omissions of this kind) a deliberate step taken to avoid clashing with possible table canon that various players have going?
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United Kingdom
55 Posts

Posted - 02 Nov 2016 :  12:35:31  Show Profile Send Gareth a Private Message
Hello Ed and the wonderful THO,

I have a question, well more like a series of interlinked questions regarding The Tower High in Zhentil Keep.

Through the novels and in the Ruins of Zhentil Keep boxed set we see the description of some parts of the tower, as well as a "alleged" map of the Tower High (I say alleged, as even though its Canon, I have a feeling that much of the history and the Zhentarim related information is deliberately false from an ingame view- especially anything related to Manshoon).

Did the Knights ever enter the Tower High? Are there secrets of the Tower that have not been described that can be told? What are the other parts of the compound like (It seems that there are several other towers attached to the walls- is there a gate house into the compound etc).

Lastly, and apologies for the many questions so far- Did Manshoon have the compound built, or did it have a previous owner?

Many thanks

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 04 Nov 2016 :  23:56:24  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
According to the lore, the River Chionthar is supposed to be navigable by ship all the way from the Sword Coast to Iriaebor. However, I just noticed there is a 'falls' along the river (in Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast) just passed the Berdusk bridge.

Is the illustration incorrect, or is there something else going on there?

EDIT: Just re-read the Iriaebor entry -
This city is sometimes called the Overland City because it's the easternmost outpost of the Vale and carries caravan trade on the Dusk Road over the rapids and cataracts of the upper Chionthar, linking up with the Trader's Road that runs east to the Sea of Fallen Stars. Barges cannot get any farther upriver than the lower docks of Iriaebor.

So ships cannot make the entire journey, but I had assumed barges could - is that 'falls' a spot where portage is required? Given the nearness of Berdusk, is this something that is arranged in Berdusk? The 3e map doesn't even show Berdusk on the river, but I am assuming that's inaccurate as well - the city map shows THREE separate bridges crossing the Chionthar. So are the bridges high-enough to clear the barges, or is that where portage would begin (if such is required, pending my initial question)?

I suppose, considering the changes with the 3e map, and everything else that came after, those 'rapids' may have been cleared, which is why they are no longer shown. Might be easiest just to leave them off my map then.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 05 Nov 2016 02:59:38
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 05 Nov 2016 :  00:52:37  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message
Originally posted by SABERinBLUE

As a preamble, I just want to say that I am absolutely stunned by the sheer amount of time you spend on these fan questions, Mr. Greenwood and Lady Hooded. Well above and beyond. Looking over the archives, most questions I might have asked have already been answered. Bravo and many, many thanks.

Building somewhat on a previous question about the post-Sundering state of Candlekeep, I have a more specific inquiry: are there any official (or unofficial) names for the (unnamed in The Herald) Keeper of the Tomes and First Reader? I was writing a PC backstory twelve times the size of God--as is my custom--for a character who was raised in Candlekeep. To this end I've been tearing apart the entire internets and my book collection looking for Candlekeep lore. I eventually threw my hands up and invented the names Vandred Brightcloak and Castor Haladain for Keeper and Reader respectively, but I really would like to know if you had names in mind when you wrote that book. I'm assuming it can't still be Ulraunt and Tethtoril by 1487 DR. Or was the omission (and omissions of this kind) a deliberate step taken to avoid clashing with possible table canon that various players have going?

A backstory twelve times the size of WHICH god? Details matter.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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30 Posts

Posted - 06 Nov 2016 :  21:13:01  Show Profile Send SABERinBLUE a Private Message
Originally posted by sleyvas
A backstory twelve times the size of WHICH god? Details matter.

Remember that one time during the Time of Troubles that Torm turned into the Megazord basically and had a Godzilla fight with I think Bane? It's like that.

Seriously the thing is like 20 pages long. I'm out of my mind. The longer I make it the more likely it is that I'll die in the first session. I know this and it deters me not.

Oh as a followup to my question, I did finally notice that in Confrontation at Candlekeep the First Reader is identified as Quinlapp, so the First Reader in The Herald is almost certainly the same guy.
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Senior Scribe

763 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2016 :  08:38:11  Show Profile Send KanzenAU a Private Message
Hi Ed and THO, I hope you're both keeping well.

Can either of you share any details about Mirt and the use of his ship the Morning Bird during the elven Retreat?
What type of ship was it, has it survived the years, and was it Mirt's work during the Retreat that made him known as a Sha'Quessir?
I'm also interested in what type of wood is used to make ships on the Sword Coast if you can share!

Thanks as always, the contributions you both make here are valued highly!

Regional maps for Waterdeep, Triboar, Ardeep Forest, and Cormyr on DM's Guild, plus a campaign sized map for the North
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 07 Dec 2016 :  06:51:13  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message
Suffering THO withdrawals. Hoping all is well in the North! Also hoping the addition of more questions will serve as an appropriate summoning spell.

Can Ed shed light on hitherto-glossed-over followers of unusual/unexpected religions among the elite (rulers, nobles, prominent merchants/wizards/etc) of Faerun, circa 1350-1375ish? Maybe something that's part of the home game (obviously don't spoil anything for the players!) but TSR rejected or forgot about. I'm looking for cases where it's a secret or at least mostly unknown. Something like... the lord of Reddansyr is part of a bat cult and ensures his community's independence by getting secret briefings from the giant bats who fly out of the jungle at night to lurk on certain rooftops in Westgate and further abroad and relay messages to him, perhaps by "sonar" which he can interpret because he's a werebat, or a princess of Damara venerates Ulutiu as an aspect of Istishia or a powerful white dragon (whether the divine figures are actually related or not, preferably not) and works quietly-and-successfully toward the Great Glacier reclaiming the cold lands. The sort of thing that reaches far enough to generate clack in neighboring realms, but remains thus-far unseen, and might create a stir if it were more widely known or understood.

Just realized that I'm looking for political upheaval to distract me from the allegedly real world. Maybe I should just write my own crazyness.

Still... we're in a terrible THO-drought here.
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Senior Scribe

490 Posts

Posted - 07 Dec 2016 :  22:11:21  Show Profile  Visit createvmind's Homepage Send createvmind a Private Message
Hi All,

In your minds eye can you share what the spellplague possibly/likely did to stasis and Imprisonment spells throughout faerun.

To demoncyst in faerun?

What likely happened to eternal sun spell cast by Amaunthor Chosen?

To the city Khelben sacrificed himself to raise in the High Moor?

To the floating haven of the Gold dragon protectors of Silverymoon?

Most of Halruaa was destroyed but what about the city of Imaskari in the Underdark with all its layered magic?

What happened to the Crossroads and Backroads in Faerun?

And just from your own realms, what would you say was released into faerun that had been sealed away for thousands of years unknown to most?

Side question, what happens to Celestials bodies when they die and do most of them concern themselves with hygiene as outwordly beings?

How were the Kir-Linan affected by the Spellplague in your mind?

Thank you always.

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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 09 Dec 2016 :  05:52:41  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message
Originally posted by createvmind

Hi All,

In your minds eye can you share what the spellplague possibly/likely did to stasis and Imprisonment spells throughout faerun.

I'm interested in Ed's take on some/all of these too, but my opinions (at least until Ed or others chime in with cool ideas):

Stasis spells and effects: ended, probably explosively.
Imprisonment spells and effects: ended, Not explosively -- "victims" woke up surrounded by rock/earth and either escaped or... didn't.
Demoncysts: unaffected by the Spellplague; access to individual cysts may have been opened/closed by consequences of the Spellplague, though.
Amaunator's sun: ended, maybe explosively but perhaps turned into a brief "black hole" instead; unattended objects within a small-ish radius sucked into the Astral or Ethereal or Shadow plane, or Amaunator's home plane; only lasts an instant.
That High Moor City: see mythals, if it has one; other spells/wards dispelled, maybe explosively; no other extraordinary effects.
Floating Haven: unless it's held up by a draconic power of magic, it probably fell.
Deep Imaskar: I see no way that this city/realm survived. Their magic would have ended (unless there's an Imaskari power of magic still in the Realms) and even if that wasn't explosive it seems like the cavern would have collapsed.
Crossroads and Backroads: unaffected; these are products of Fey magic and were created independently of the Weave.
Released mysteries: interesting question; I haven't thought about it...
Celestials: hygiene? haven't thought about this either.
Kir-lanan: good question! I like the idea of them being unaffected by the Spellplague. They wouldn't get spellscars, or be vulnerable to attacks launched by spellscars or spellplagued objects/creatures. They would frolic in the chaos and destruction of areas that were hardest hit by the Spellplague, being immune to its effects but gleefully leading adventurers into areas of nastiness.

Just my thoughts. Looking forward to hearing from Ed. Maybe this question should be opened in a new thread though, if we're going to be replying to it?
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2492 Posts

Posted - 14 Dec 2016 :  07:31:58  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
Hello, dear Ed and Lady THO, I have a few questions (draconic in nature)

What was doing Bahamut during the Tyranny of Dragons? I find difficult to believe he was doing nothing while Tiamat was threatening the world...

In that same vein, what happened with the Dragonfall War? Dragons of Faerun mentions that both dragon deities were preparing for a new battle in this conflict, but this event was never mentioned again in official sources (Tyranny of Dragons was a wasted opportunity to rekindle the war...)

Also about the Platinum Dragon, now that Tyr is alive again, is Bahamut still the god of justice? (his divine position in 4e) Does the two gods coexist, or have they different roles?I know Torm and Bahamut are good friends and that, what kind of relationship have Tyr and Bahamut?

About dragonborn, Have the two species, the dragonborn of Tymanther and those of Faerunian origin (known as dragonborn of Bahamut) encountered yet? What kind of opinions have the two races about each other? Does the dragonborn of Bahamut have anything to do with the Platinum Cadre?

Can a dragonborn of Tymanther undergo the Rite of Rebirth and become a dragonborn of Bahamut?

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...
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Master of Realmslore

1600 Posts

Posted - 19 Dec 2016 :  17:16:32  Show Profile Send Barastir a Private Message
Dear Ed and THO,

I have a question regarding Myth Drannor. Why are devils (baatezu) and demons (tanar'ri) the fiends found in Myth Drannor around the 1360s, if the Army of Darkness was originally composed by daemons (yugoloth)? Were did the daemons go, and when and why were they replaced by the other fiends? Miss you guys, hope everything is alright with you.

"Goodness is not a natural state, but must be
fought for to be attained and maintained.
Lead by example.
Let your deeds speak your intentions.
Goodness radiated from the heart."

The Paladin's Virtues, excerpt from the "Quentin's Monograph"
(by Ed Greenwood)
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Gary Dallison
Great Reader

United Kingdom
6369 Posts

Posted - 19 Dec 2016 :  18:25:13  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message
I believe the answer to the question about devils lies at least partially in the OGB, and is explained in later books.

Around 1356/7 the high imperceptor of bane opened a gate to hell and so the devils began pouring into myth drannor. I forget if the knights of myth drannor succeeded in closing the gate the same year.

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2 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2016 :  12:50:11  Show Profile Send Ereus a Private Message
So I am new but familiar with FR lore, The being of light Overgod Ao visited, will we ever learn more about him? Is he just the god^3 or is he a truly omnipotent being?
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2016 :  14:51:14  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

I believe the answer to the question about devils lies at least partially in the OGB, and is explained in later books.

Around 1356/7 the high imperceptor of bane opened a gate to hell and so the devils began pouring into myth drannor. I forget if the knights of myth drannor succeeded in closing the gate the same year.

The Gate to Avernus was opened by Banites on orders from the High Imperceptor in 1346 DR and shut by the KoMD in Uktar of 1357 DR.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Senior Scribe

490 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  04:21:48  Show Profile  Visit createvmind's Homepage Send createvmind a Private Message
What is this dm guild you folks speak of?
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Master of Realmslore

1600 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  13:02:45  Show Profile Send Barastir a Private Message
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by dazzlerdal

I believe the answer to the question about devils lies at least partially in the OGB, and is explained in later books.

The Gate to Avernus was opened by Banites (...)

-- George Krashos

Thank you both, let's wait for the complete answer - why there are Tanar'ri, and were went the yugoloth?

As for the DM's Guild, createvmind, check the link.

"Goodness is not a natural state, but must be
fought for to be attained and maintained.
Lead by example.
Let your deeds speak your intentions.
Goodness radiated from the heart."

The Paladin's Virtues, excerpt from the "Quentin's Monograph"
(by Ed Greenwood)
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2 Posts

Posted - 24 Dec 2016 :  19:14:01  Show Profile Send Ereus a Private Message
Ok I have a question regarding the wish spell, how does the mechanics work in universe though? since it is rather easy to create infinite wish loops with it, Can the infinite loops like that be done in story, and one last thing The diamond needed, If the spell was in a modern day verse were people grow diamonds, would the ingredient for the spell change? Like is the value people place on the stone part of the spell?
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Marco Volo
Learned Scribe

204 Posts

Posted - 27 Dec 2016 :  09:14:44  Show Profile Send Marco Volo a Private Message
Hi Ed and THO

I'm running a Waterdhavian campaign, and I don't find any information about "Tehmak's Coaches" in South Ward.

Any chance you can help me with it ? ;)

Thanks you,

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 30 Dec 2016 :  19:10:08  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
One more day and this thread closes... and it is the shortest 'Ask Ed' thread in this forum's history.

I'm not even seeing a point in opening a new one for next year.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Gary Dallison
Great Reader

United Kingdom
6369 Posts

Posted - 31 Dec 2016 :  08:53:06  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message
Well its been a very busy year for Ed, and everyone deserves a break every now and then.

Im sure once his new project (TEGG) is firmly established he will be back to help shepherd his first brain child through the dark times.

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The Sage
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Posted - 31 Dec 2016 :  13:28:19  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Well met

Could I please ask that my fellow scribes refrain from posting any more requests for lore to Ed and THO as this scroll will soon be sealed [this then allows THO to better synchronise the crossover into the upcoming 2017 scroll]? You may soon resume your requests in the 2017 scroll which I will open shortly.

Thank you.

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 31 Dec 2016 :  14:07:17  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
And with that being the case, and since Australia has now entered 2017, please be aware that this scroll will now be closing, with Ed's Realmslore answers and The Hooded One's grace and charm starting fresh in a new scroll for 2017.

Casts Seal Scroll.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

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