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Master of Realmslore

1103 Posts

Posted - 11 Jul 2006 :  01:11:03  Show Profile  Visit GothicDan's Homepage Send GothicDan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I saw some very applicable aspects of the dual class system that are not present in 3E. Mind you, it was hardly perfect, but I think 3E makes things way too easy, mechanically speaking, while not trying to account for certain intangibles.

But, different gaming style. One's far nerdier than the other. :)

Planescape Fanatic

"Fiends and Undead are the peanut butter and jelly of evil." - Me
"That attitude should be stomped on, whenever and wherever it's encountered, because it makes people holding such views bad citizens, not just bad roleplayers (considering D&D was structured as a 'forced cooperation' game, and although successive editions are pointing it more and more towards a me-first, min-max game, the drift away from 'we all need each other to succeed' will at some point make it 'no longer' D&D)." - ED GREENWOOD
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 11 Jul 2006 :  01:26:17  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GothicDan

Ah, 2E. Where it took a decade of real life play to reach 20th level. :)

Good stuff.

Why, it took the Sage over 13 years of real-time to proceed from 1st level to his retiring status as a 22nd level character -- the last three years saw Rastromo as an NPC, but still...

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage

Edited by - The Sage on 11 Jul 2006 01:27:16
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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 12 Jul 2006 :  22:28:30  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GothicDan

Ah, 2E. Where it took a decade of real life play to reach 20th level. :)

Hey, you guys must cheat... we've been playing a campaign (most of us with same characters) for 13 years, and are all still around 14th or 15th level - and we switched to 3e years ago!

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

1796 Posts

Posted - 13 Jul 2006 :  03:15:25  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by GothicDan

Ah, 2E. Where it took a decade of real life play to reach 20th level. :)

Hey, you guys must cheat... we've been playing a campaign (most of us with same characters) for 13 years, and are all still around 14th or 15th level - and we switched to 3e years ago!

Huh... Hate to break this to you buddy, but either your DM is DEFINITELY witholding proper XP awards to you guys or your party is extremely unfocused and prefer taverns, petting zoos and pie-eating contests rather than exploring dungeons...
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Senior Scribe

476 Posts

Posted - 13 Jul 2006 :  03:43:25  Show Profile  Visit Sanishiver's Homepage Send Sanishiver a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Foxhelm

I was wondering this question. Could a PC reach epic levels after six years of character time?
There's no hard and fast rule against it. Remember, the rate of advancement in any DnD game (regardless of edition) is up to the Dungeon Master.

Granted, in 2E you had illogical rules that limited advancement depending on a PC's race, but thankfully such silliness has been done away with. But I digress.

As an example, consider my campaign: It began just after the release of Third Edition in 2000, with the characters at 1st level. Fast forward six years of real time and the characters range in level from 18 to 21.

However, in game time only ~3 years have gone by.

So yes it is quite possible, and also quite believable from an in-game standpoint, both for players and a DM.

Originally posted by Foxhelm

How much adventuring would they have to do? Would it help if they were adventuring on the planes? Just curious.
Well, planar adventures provide no more or less XP than any encounter on any other plane; it’s all up to the DM to set the encounters of course. However, it is possible for PCs to adventure on a Plane where time flows differently (i.e., time goes faster on Plane X while the PCs adventure there, so back on the material Plane less time goes by, but when the PCs return they’re more powerful than they would have been).

Lastly, I've found that the rate of advancement slows considerably in 3E once a group of players reaches Very High Level/Epic Level.

J. Grenemyer

09/20/2008: Tiger Army at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz. You wouldn’t believe how many females rode it out in the pit. Santa Cruz women are all of them beautiful. Now I know to add tough to that description.
6/27/2008: WALL-E is about the best damn movie Pixar has ever made. It had my heart racing and had me rooting for the good guy.
9/9/2006: Dave Mathews Band was off the hook at the Shoreline Amphitheater.

Never, ever read the game books too literally, or make such assumptions that what is omitted cannot be. Bad DM form, that.

And no matter how compelling a picture string theory paints, if it does not accurately describe our universe, it will be no more relevant than an elaborate game of Dungeons and Dragons. --paragraph 1, chapter 9, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene

Edited by - Sanishiver on 13 Jul 2006 03:50:23
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Master of Realmslore

1103 Posts

Posted - 13 Jul 2006 :  03:53:38  Show Profile  Visit GothicDan's Homepage Send GothicDan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Huh... Hate to break this to you buddy, but either your DM is DEFINITELY witholding proper XP awards to you guys or your party is extremely unfocused and prefer taverns, petting zoos and pie-eating contests rather than exploring dungeons...

My first/best/longest DM didn't award XP for combat unless it in some way tested our character's abilities and pushed them into new boundries where they had to really use their heads or expand their techniques. :)

Man, he was awesome.

And... We played our characters like people. Sometimes people in the real world like to take vacations, go for a trip, stay in and rest for a day, etc. I guess I just learned to play D&D in an environment that was more novel-feeling than game-y.

Planescape Fanatic

"Fiends and Undead are the peanut butter and jelly of evil." - Me
"That attitude should be stomped on, whenever and wherever it's encountered, because it makes people holding such views bad citizens, not just bad roleplayers (considering D&D was structured as a 'forced cooperation' game, and although successive editions are pointing it more and more towards a me-first, min-max game, the drift away from 'we all need each other to succeed' will at some point make it 'no longer' D&D)." - ED GREENWOOD

Edited by - GothicDan on 13 Jul 2006 03:58:30
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Senior Scribe

942 Posts

Posted - 29 Jul 2006 :  09:17:43  Show Profile  Visit Zanan's Homepage Send Zanan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GothicDan

Ah, 2E. Where it took a decade of real life play to reach 20th level. :)

Well, considering that we played the Night Below campaign in 8 months and managed level 9 (paladin), I guess the remaining 12 levels to 20 wouldn't take a decade in real life, just a decent enough adventure . But I have a gut feeling that we're not exactly discussing anything that has to do with the topic of this thread, do we?

Cave quid dicis, quando et cui!

Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!

In memory of Alura Durshavin.

Visit my "Homepage" to find A Guide to the Drow NPCs of Faerûn, Drow and non-Drow PrC and much more.
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Senior Scribe

942 Posts

Posted - 24 Sep 2006 :  14:52:44  Show Profile  Visit Zanan's Homepage Send Zanan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Though not exactly 100% FR related, this is a question for Ed Stark, Eric Mona, and/or James Jacobs:

The yochlol have seen their fourth version (since creation) being published in the Fiendish Codex I. They look far more capable now, but the statblock misses the Level Adjustment information. Maybe they are not intended for use as characters - the 3REsized yochlol of the Monsters of Faerûn book had LA +6, an ECL of 12 - but it would be a necessary information nonetheless, given equipment and all. I would rate them alongside erinyes these days, but maybe you can give a more official answer to that question.

Thanks in advance,


(Also posted at the WizBoards, one reply is enough though. Will make sure the WizBoarders will receive it.)

Cave quid dicis, quando et cui!

Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!

In memory of Alura Durshavin.

Visit my "Homepage" to find A Guide to the Drow NPCs of Faerûn, Drow and non-Drow PrC and much more.
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Senior Scribe

942 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  18:10:14  Show Profile  Visit Zanan's Homepage Send Zanan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, since a few designers read these threads and may have a word on this too, and more direct access to those in power at the Wizards, could we re-introduce the alignment rules for worshippers and clergy as they were detailed for each and every faith in the books of the Faiths & Avatars series? We already have exceptions to the one-step-rule (Sune paladins (FRCS), Selûne paladins (Champions of Valor)) and in essence, it would not change exceedingly much at all. A two page list in a upcoming work remotely linked to the religions, or an updated and enhanced Faiths & Pantheons would do the trick. And, after all, if it gets printed as a new rule it wouldn't be much more than what the one-step-rule did to the FR clergies before.
Most faiths would remain untouched, for the alignment restrictions of F&A were not that different in all cases, though we could at last have those much longed after LG paladins of Corellon, or LE monk/clerics of Kiaransalee. Apart from more freedom (developement) for some new classes and PrC.

It is all set and done, ready for copying, and even explained in text e.g. whether a faith has paladins or not. IMHO, the simpler way of the one-step-rule is somewhat inadequate for such a developed setting as the FR.

Cave quid dicis, quando et cui!

Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!

In memory of Alura Durshavin.

Visit my "Homepage" to find A Guide to the Drow NPCs of Faerûn, Drow and non-Drow PrC and much more.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

704 Posts

Posted - 09 Oct 2006 :  02:05:38  Show Profile  Visit EytanBernstein's Homepage Send EytanBernstein a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zanan

Well, since a few designers read these threads and may have a word on this too, and more direct access to those in power at the Wizards, could we re-introduce the alignment rules for worshippers and clergy as they were detailed for each and every faith in the books of the Faiths & Avatars series? We already have exceptions to the one-step-rule (Sune paladins (FRCS), Selûne paladins (Champions of Valor)) and in essence, it would not change exceedingly much at all. A two page list in a upcoming work remotely linked to the religions, or an updated and enhanced Faiths & Pantheons would do the trick. And, after all, if it gets printed as a new rule it wouldn't be much more than what the one-step-rule did to the FR clergies before.
Most faiths would remain untouched, for the alignment restrictions of F&A were not that different in all cases, though we could at last have those much longed after LG paladins of Corellon, or LE monk/clerics of Kiaransalee. Apart from more freedom (developement) for some new classes and PrC.

It is all set and done, ready for copying, and even explained in text e.g. whether a faith has paladins or not. IMHO, the simpler way of the one-step-rule is somewhat inadequate for such a developed setting as the FR.

I think there are enough options between feats (especially the ones in Complete Adventurer that allow you to multiclass between seemingly conflicting classes), prestige classes that allow restricted classes to multiclass freely, and optional rules - Paladins of Freedom for instance. You can always submit this as an idea to Dragon. I can't honestly say whether or not they would accept it, but the worst that happens is the say no. - the official website of Eytan Bernstein
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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2006 :  18:42:31  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by GothicDan

Ah, 2E. Where it took a decade of real life play to reach 20th level. :)

Hey, you guys must cheat... we've been playing a campaign (most of us with same characters) for 13 years, and are all still around 14th or 15th level - and we switched to 3e years ago!

Huh... Hate to break this to you buddy, but either your DM is DEFINITELY witholding proper XP awards to you guys or your party is extremely unfocused and prefer taverns, petting zoos and pie-eating contests rather than exploring dungeons...

Considering that in that particular campaign (in those good ol' AD&D days) we have exterminated the whole Unseen, killed Elaith, battled and killed an avatar of Iyachtu Xvim, fought and killed Frostrune (twice!), romped through the Ruins of Hellgate Keep, slain several great wyrms, killed about a thousand monsters, plus won the war against the Sythisillian Horde... maybe you've got a point there

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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Forgotten Realms Designer

704 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2006 :  22:00:14  Show Profile  Visit EytanBernstein's Homepage Send EytanBernstein a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by GothicDan

Ah, 2E. Where it took a decade of real life play to reach 20th level. :)

Hey, you guys must cheat... we've been playing a campaign (most of us with same characters) for 13 years, and are all still around 14th or 15th level - and we switched to 3e years ago!

Huh... Hate to break this to you buddy, but either your DM is DEFINITELY witholding proper XP awards to you guys or your party is extremely unfocused and prefer taverns, petting zoos and pie-eating contests rather than exploring dungeons...

Considering that in that particular campaign (in those good ol' AD&D days) we have exterminated the whole Unseen, killed Elaith, battled and killed an avatar of Iyachtu Xvim, fought and killed Frostrune (twice!), romped through the Ruins of Hellgate Keep, slain several great wyrms, killed about a thousand monsters, plus won the war against the Sythisillian Horde... maybe you've got a point there

Darnit! I'll have to scrap that entire story arc out of my next product :) - the official website of Eytan Bernstein
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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2006 :  14:24:47  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by EytanBernstein

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by GothicDan

Ah, 2E. Where it took a decade of real life play to reach 20th level. :)

Hey, you guys must cheat... we've been playing a campaign (most of us with same characters) for 13 years, and are all still around 14th or 15th level - and we switched to 3e years ago!

Huh... Hate to break this to you buddy, but either your DM is DEFINITELY witholding proper XP awards to you guys or your party is extremely unfocused and prefer taverns, petting zoos and pie-eating contests rather than exploring dungeons...

Considering that in that particular campaign (in those good ol' AD&D days) we have exterminated the whole Unseen, killed Elaith, battled and killed an avatar of Iyachtu Xvim, fought and killed Frostrune (twice!), romped through the Ruins of Hellgate Keep, slain several great wyrms, killed about a thousand monsters, plus won the war against the Sythisillian Horde... maybe you've got a point there

Darnit! I'll have to scrap that entire story arc out of my next product :)

Naw you can still do it all and just make it a dream for the character who has it, a mushroom, or alcohol induced dream!

Of course i have to say that I loved 2E it took for ever if you were the last guy there and got stuck with the cleric to advance(Grumble), but if you were the thief hehehehe then you were off like a rocket. I don't know i like some of the changes, but i think the novel adventures feel you got from 2e was more enjoyable than 3ed. But thats just me! besides i conqured (4th level), and lost(6th level) Battledale so what do i know.

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Senior Scribe

942 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2006 :  20:21:42  Show Profile  Visit Zanan's Homepage Send Zanan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As this scroll has several addressees, I'll put it into this shelve ...

Dear Sages!

More recently a discussion at the 'more official' scriptorium arose with regard to those Elven masters of magic called the High Magi. While the tome called Races of Faerûn spoke of a number of less than a dozen able to cast the epic magics required*, a recent writing describing the stories of valiant heroes trying to save the Last Mythal is said to up the number of the high magi to a margin somewhere around 80. While I have yet to read that passage again with my own eyes - the books are with another scholar these days - I would like to ask you which number is closer to the truth these days. Given the recent turmoil due to appearances of shadow-humans and demon-elves in their midst, the return to the shores of Faerûn, and the like, the focus is back on the children of Corellon. Some information about the current state of affairs would thus be essential to some of the good folk reading this.

Signed, sealed, and delivered by


*The Elven High Mage - PrC entry.
** must have taken the Touch of Benelovence feat or having a particularly good day at the office.

Cave quid dicis, quando et cui!

Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!

In memory of Alura Durshavin.

Visit my "Homepage" to find A Guide to the Drow NPCs of Faerûn, Drow and non-Drow PrC and much more.

Edited by - Zanan on 23 Oct 2006 20:22:39
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Lord Karsus
Great Reader

3745 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2006 :  23:28:17  Show Profile Send Lord Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-Hey, you guys are the FR Designers, so methinks this is the best place to ask:

How do you all explain the absence of Potions of Longetivity in the Realms today? Drow being able to retain their magics on the surface was explained by Elaine. Nothing was ever mentioned about thousands of potions/scrolls and whatever else suddenly disappearing? Is there some kind of conspiracy, or is it something that just slipped the mind and will go on without explanation? I'm thinking it's a conspiracy...:)

(A Tri-Partite Arcanist Who Has Forgotten More Than Most Will Ever Know)

Elves of Faerûn
Vol I- The Elves of Faerûn
Vol. III- Spells of the Elves
Vol. VI- Mechanical Compendium
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Great Reader

7915 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2006 :  23:34:48  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dagnirion

-Hey, you guys are the FR Designers, so methinks this is the best place to ask:

How do you all explain the absence of Potions of Longetivity in the Realms today? Drow being able to retain their magics on the surface was explained by Elaine. Nothing was ever mentioned about thousands of potions/scrolls and whatever else suddenly disappearing? Is there some kind of conspiracy, or is it something that just slipped the mind and will go on without explanation? I'm thinking it's a conspiracy...:)

Ed has said they still exist even though the rules changed. :)

May 10, 2005: Thanks for reminding everyone, kuje31: yes, there’s still longevity magic in the Realms. Rules changes don’t alter established lore. Even if your PCs can’t find or get potions of longevity, or you as players can’t find them in the rulebooks, it doesn’t mean NPCs in the established Realms (such as Mirt, Durnan, Filfaeril, and dozens more) didn’t find and imbibe (or even store, for future use) them in the past.

Rules should never trump accumulated Realmslore (our collective imagined ‘reality’).

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2006 :  01:45:42  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Dagnirion

-Hey, you guys are the FR Designers, so methinks this is the best place to ask:

How do you all explain the absence of Potions of Longetivity in the Realms today? Drow being able to retain their magics on the surface was explained by Elaine. Nothing was ever mentioned about thousands of potions/scrolls and whatever else suddenly disappearing? Is there some kind of conspiracy, or is it something that just slipped the mind and will go on without explanation? I'm thinking it's a conspiracy...:)

Ed has said they still exist even though the rules changed. :)

May 10, 2005: Thanks for reminding everyone, kuje31: yes, there’s still longevity magic in the Realms. Rules changes don’t alter established lore. Even if your PCs can’t find or get potions of longevity, or you as players can’t find them in the rulebooks, it doesn’t mean NPCs in the established Realms (such as Mirt, Durnan, Filfaeril, and dozens more) didn’t find and imbibe (or even store, for future use) them in the past.

Rules should never trump accumulated Realmslore (our collective imagined ‘reality’).

Ed also discusses the relationship between longevity magic and certain characters and races in both his '04 and '05 replies.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 25 Oct 2006 :  20:39:22  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Dagnirion

-Hey, you guys are the FR Designers, so methinks this is the best place to ask:

How do you all explain the absence of Potions of Longetivity in the Realms today? Drow being able to retain their magics on the surface was explained by Elaine. Nothing was ever mentioned about thousands of potions/scrolls and whatever else suddenly disappearing? Is there some kind of conspiracy, or is it something that just slipped the mind and will go on without explanation? I'm thinking it's a conspiracy...:)

Ed has said they still exist even though the rules changed. :)

May 10, 2005: Thanks for reminding everyone, kuje31: yes, there’s still longevity magic in the Realms. Rules changes don’t alter established lore. Even if your PCs can’t find or get potions of longevity, or you as players can’t find them in the rulebooks, it doesn’t mean NPCs in the established Realms (such as Mirt, Durnan, Filfaeril, and dozens more) didn’t find and imbibe (or even store, for future use) them in the past.

Rules should never trump accumulated Realmslore (our collective imagined ‘reality’).

That last line is why I included that whole scene with Maskar Wands drinking a longevity potion in BLACKSTAFF as well.


For current projects and general natter, see
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Senior Scribe

577 Posts

Posted - 25 Oct 2006 :  20:42:43  Show Profile Send WalkerNinja a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ooo... the ever subversive Steven Schend flouting 3.X conventions! Vive la Revolucion!

*** A Forgotten Realms Addict since 1990 ***
Treasures of the Past, a Second Edition Play-by-Post game for and by Candlekeep Sages--
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

1796 Posts

Posted - 26 Oct 2006 :  03:31:18  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On that note, I'd like to see what the 3.5 version of a potion of longevity would look like... or an elixir of youth... :)

Bet the price would be pretty up there! (i.e. back in 2E, campaigns seemed to take place over several decades, with fighters often getting strongholds at 9th-level... now, most 20-level progressions happen within a decade! potions of longevity might have fallen into disuse due to the fast pace of life, and due to people achieving great heights earlier in their lives... the years of Myth Drannor perhaps slowed humans' pace down as they matched the pace of elves, leaving them wanting for longevity magic so they could live long lives as well...)

I know... I ranted again...

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Lord Karsus
Great Reader

3745 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2006 :  03:51:22  Show Profile Send Lord Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-Well, it's good to know that they're still around.

(A Tri-Partite Arcanist Who Has Forgotten More Than Most Will Ever Know)

Elves of Faerûn
Vol I- The Elves of Faerûn
Vol. III- Spells of the Elves
Vol. VI- Mechanical Compendium
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Prince Forge of Avalon
Learned Scribe

117 Posts

Posted - 04 Feb 2007 :  06:20:59  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Quick question- I just happened to notice the History of the Realms book listed on the 2007 relase scheudle and I'm not familiar with Brian James- But It made me think didnt Mr Steven Schend do a history of the realms here already? Just wondering....
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Prince Forge of Avalon
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Feb 2007 :  06:41:53  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok please forgive my complete STUPIDITY!!!! and ingnore my last post, I should have know it was member from rite here at CK! I just couldnt remeber who.

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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 04 Feb 2007 :  13:09:12  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Prince Forge of Avalon

Quick question- I just happened to notice the History of the Realms book listed on the 2007 relase scheudle and I'm not familiar with Brian James- But It made me think didnt Mr Steven Schend do a history of the realms here already? Just wondering....

Yes and no. The book they're doing this year is Brian R. James' work, methinks.

Back around 1998 or 1999 or so, I was the coordinator on a preliminary attempt to codify and enyclopedize the history of the Realms. It never saw print, and in fact never made it beyond the roughest of data collation stages. When WotC realized how complex and how expensive it would be (3 full time staffers PLUS 12-25 freelance researchers for 1-2 years to do 4 192 pg books), they canned the idea. Too bad, really. I would have loved to have seen these books. Would have gone totally and completely mad getting them done, mind you, but it would've been great.

who has long since passed on the mantle of being the FR history guru

For current projects and general natter, see

Edited by - Steven Schend on 04 Feb 2007 13:12:50
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Prince Forge of Avalon
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Feb 2007 :  15:05:42  Show Profile  Visit Prince Forge of Avalon's Homepage Send Prince Forge of Avalon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow Steven, I certainly would have bought that product regargless of price!! Too bad really....
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts

Posted - 04 Feb 2007 :  16:24:43  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend

Back around 1998 or 1999 or so, I was the coordinator on a preliminary attempt to codify and enyclopedize the history of the Realms. It never saw print, and in fact never made it beyond the roughest of data collation stages. When WotC realized how complex and how expensive it would be (3 full time staffers PLUS 12-25 freelance researchers for 1-2 years to do 4 192 pg books), they canned the idea. Too bad, really. I would have loved to have seen these books. Would have gone totally and completely mad getting them done, mind you, but it would've been great.

who has long since passed on the mantle of being the FR history guru

Well met

Aye, I was one of the freelance researchers on this project and had high hopes for the end result. Without a doubt, the encyclopedia would have been amazing. I believe one (perhaps two) volumes were the actual history, whereas there was to be a volume on geography and one on NPC's. I certainly enjoyed my time on the project, 'tis a shame it was canned but I can understand the reasons why

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Brian R. James
Forgotten Realms Game Designer

1098 Posts

Posted - 04 Feb 2007 :  23:02:50  Show Profile  Visit Brian R. James's Homepage Send Brian R. James a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I’ll echo that I too would have loved to see this encyclopedia of the Realms. I can only imagine the kind of monument undertaking that would have been.

On a personal note, Steven Schend's early works were instrumental in peaking my interest in the Realms and its rich history. I owe a big thanks to Steven, for without whom the Grand History would have never been written.

Brian R. James - Freelance Game Designer

Follow me on Twitter @brianrjames
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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 04 Feb 2007 :  23:30:03  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Asgetrion sticks his head into the Grand Library

"*Ahem*, My Lord Alaundo... maybe Brian could be promoted to a 'Forgotten Realms Designer'? I think... Aaahhhh.... please, not the Staff! Not the Staff!"

Asgetrion tumbles backwards into the corridor, barely managing to *dodge* the Staff of the Irritated Moderator

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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Senior Scribe

565 Posts

Posted - 05 Feb 2007 :  02:34:00  Show Profile Send Dhomal a Private Message  Reply with Quote

i whole-heartedly agree with Asgetrion about a title for brian, but designer is not exactly what he has done.

perhaps giving him the moniker, "Historian" would be more apt. :)


I am collecting the D&D Minis. I would be more than willing to trade with people. You can send me a PM here with your email listed - and I can send you my minis list. Thanks!

Successfully traded with Xysma!
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51 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2007 :  06:04:24  Show Profile  Visit Mandras's Homepage Send Mandras a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I am quite desperately trying to get some data about the following questions. Originally I thought that James Lowder is the author that created Maskul and Xeno Mirrormane. He told me that this was not the case and suggested that perhaps it was designed by Ed Greenwood, I tried the questions there but got no reply so my last hope is to post them here:

What is known about the Mirrormane family (the most notable members are brothers Maskul and Xeno who were the high priests of Cyric's Temple in Zhentil Keep)?

What are the origins and roots of the Mirrormane family? What was it's social class and wealth before Time of Troubles? Were they nobles or merchants or just plain commoners who made quick career after the rise of Cyric?

Was this family somehow tied or connected with Cyric before his godhood?

What did the family do before the time of troubles?

Were the Maskul and Xeno members of Church of Bane before the ToT?

Are any other members of this family designed?

Best Regards,


PS! I apologise for multiple postings but I would really appreciate if I could found out who originally designed this family and does he have any more data about this topic?

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Oscar Wilde
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