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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 30 Jan 2018 :  00:43:29  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hello again, all.
Sunderstone, Ed saith this:

While there's much local (Calauntan) gossip about the Duke having giant blood in his heritage, and it may very well be true, no one alive knows. His mother and father both stood more than six feet tall, and he had a seven-foot-something uncle (all three are dead now), so it's definitely family genetics. However, the Duke has two (infant) sons, and thus far they're of normal stature.

Baldorar, when Ed was starting out (before D&D) he wrote descriptions of each place, and the characters there. When beginning as a D&D DM, he write exhaustive descriptions (the precursor of what became "boxed text" to be read aloud at the gaming table), so he'd know how to portray (act) this or that character. But by 1979 or so, with the Realms filling his head, I suspect he improvised more than anything else...from thoughts jotted down AFTER each game session, for "how the world would probably react" (to what the PCs had done) for the next game session.

And that's it from me for now, as the blizzard is getting bad right now and I must get out behind the wheel and break trail through it...
love to all,
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 30 Jan 2018 :  00:48:46  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
...And DenverJack, thank you! It's good to be back! The nature of my day job means I'll probably not be as loquacious as in days of yore, but I WILL try to get to Candlekeep more often than in 2016 and 2017!
Right, off into the Great White North...
love to all,
P.S. Ed has just finished work on a big Realms project that word of which may or may not leak out before 2018's GameholeCon, and he's currently deep in the enjoyable toil of writing his second Stormtalons novel. Those hungry for Realms fiction can find Ed's first two Mirt tales on DM's Guild.
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Learned Scribe

104 Posts

Posted - 01 Feb 2018 :  00:40:28  Show Profile Send Sunderstone a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hello again, all.
Sunderstone, Ed saith this:

While there's much local (Calauntan) gossip about the Duke having giant blood in his heritage, and it may very well be true, no one alive knows. His mother and father both stood more than six feet tall, and he had a seven-foot-something uncle (all three are dead now), so it's definitely family genetics. However, the Duke has two (infant) sons, and thus far they're of normal stature.

Baldorar, when Ed was starting out (before D&D) he wrote descriptions of each place, and the characters there. When beginning as a D&D DM, he write exhaustive descriptions (the precursor of what became "boxed text" to be read aloud at the gaming table), so he'd know how to portray (act) this or that character. But by 1979 or so, with the Realms filling his head, I suspect he improvised more than anything else...from thoughts jotted down AFTER each game session, for "how the world would probably react" (to what the PCs had done) for the next game session.

And that's it from me for now, as the blizzard is getting bad right now and I must get out behind the wheel and break trail through it...
love to all,

Thank you!
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Learned Scribe

104 Posts

Posted - 01 Feb 2018 :  00:45:58  Show Profile Send Sunderstone a Private Message
To THO and ED,

In the Gold and Glory Realms Accessory these individuals are listed as lieutenant unit leaders in the Flaming Fist. Does Ed have any descriptions or background for these persons he could share?

Lendali Firehair
Herculus the Hammer
Morgan Redwing
Skot-sar of Berdusk
Kalvistalk the Hunter



Edited by - Sunderstone on 02 Feb 2018 00:26:08
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2488 Posts

Posted - 01 Feb 2018 :  18:19:44  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
Thanks for your answers, THO (and Ed!). Perhaps I didn't made those questions, but I'll use the answers nonetheless.

Originally posted by The Hooded One

P.S. Ed has just finished work on a big Realms project that word of which may or may not leak out before 2018's GameholeCon, and he's currently deep in the enjoyable toil of writing his second Stormtalons novel. Those hungry for Realms fiction can find Ed's first two Mirt tales on DM's Guild.

Now that you mention this, Ed said something similar on TEGG's Youtube channel. I was unsure because my ability to translate listened English is worse than my written English, but this pretty much confirms it.

BTW, just for shiggles.

Yesterday Ed hinted that something happened to Dagult Neverember (related with dragon's fire). When someone asked if this was a spoiler for the MMO, he said: "Nope. Unless you have access to a TARDIS. ;}"

And to my own remark on the topic, he said this:

Me: This was written by the true Alagondar Heir, I presume.
Ed: That would be TELLING. ;}

Also, Ed has just confirmed on Twitter that Neverwinter Nights is the name of an in-universe newspaper in the Realms (Neverwinter's newspaper, obviously).

"There's a LOT about Neverwinter that's never been published. For instance, "Neverwinter Nights" was the name of a broadsheet (newspaper) published in the city. TSR asked me if it was okay if a licensee used it for the name of their computer game. I don't think the wider world..."

You can check the whole stuff:

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...

Edited by - Zeromaru X on 01 Feb 2018 18:23:33
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Senior Scribe

776 Posts

Posted - 02 Feb 2018 :  00:18:50  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message
Zeromaru, Ed has mentioned the "Neverwinter Nights" broadsheet before;

Originally posted by THO in Ask Ed 2009

"Neverwinter Nights" itself was originally the name of the local Neverwinter city newpaper (Ed actually published some issues of it, just for fun for his players), until the name was "given" to BioWare. So Ed named the game before it was a game - - and before there was a BioWare, too!

And greetings and salutations to The Esteemable Ed and The Habile THO! A couple of relatively obscure questions, if you don't mind;

(In the 1300s timeframe) Do any of the docks and wharves of Waterdeep have names? Like the "West India Docks" of London or "Fisherman's Wharf" in divers places. And if so, what are they and how did they come to be named so and such?

Also, when Palace (or Lord's Alliance) duties call for it, who helps Piergeiron into his dress mail? Palace functionaries? Promising squires at the temple of Tyr, rewarded with the opportunity? Madieron Sunstone? Similarly, when he is out campaigning, who helps him with his battle panoply?

(I suspect the answer in both cases is Madeiron, though my own personal canon is that Aleena took it upon herself to dress her father, as soon as she was big enough to lift his chestplate and helm. But Piergeiron doesn't seem the type to take his only daughter out campaigning, so the second part of the question still stands).

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Learned Scribe

104 Posts

Posted - 02 Feb 2018 :  00:45:08  Show Profile Send Sunderstone a Private Message
Originally posted by AJA

Zeromaru, Ed has mentioned the "Neverwinter Nights" broadsheet before;

Originally posted by THO in Ask Ed 2009

"Neverwinter Nights" itself was originally the name of the local Neverwinter city newpaper (Ed actually published some issues of it, just for fun for his players), until the name was "given" to BioWare. So Ed named the game before it was a game - - and before there was a BioWare, too!

And greetings and salutations to The Esteemable Ed and The Habile THO! A couple of relatively obscure questions, if you don't mind;

(In the 1300s timeframe) Do any of the docks and wharves of Waterdeep have names? Like the "West India Docks" of London or "Fisherman's Wharf" in divers places. And if so, what are they and how did they come to be named so and such?

Also, when Palace (or Lord's Alliance) duties call for it, who helps Piergeiron into his dress mail? Palace functionaries? Promising squires at the temple of Tyr, rewarded with the opportunity? Madieron Sunstone? Similarly, when he is out campaigning, who helps him with his battle panoply?

(I suspect the answer in both cases is Madeiron, though my own personal canon is that Aleena took it upon herself to dress her father, as soon as she was big enough to lift his chestplate and helm. But Piergeiron doesn't seem the type to take his only daughter out campaigning, so the second part of the question still stands).

Better question is who helps Madeiron Sunderstone into his plate mail? For whoever or how many, I assume they need a ladder!
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Senior Scribe

776 Posts

Posted - 02 Feb 2018 :  01:34:58  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message
I think we've discovered the real reason Piergeiron wore the Guardian's Gorget. "Walking Statues" my foot, more like "Madieron's Dressmaids," amirite?

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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2488 Posts

Posted - 02 Feb 2018 :  23:06:22  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
Originally posted by AJA

Zeromaru, Ed has mentioned the "Neverwinter Nights" broadsheet before;

well, I was not aware of that...

BTW, a reddit user compiled some of Ed's tweets about the islands surrounding Chult. I see fitting sharing that info here:

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11896 Posts

Posted - 02 Feb 2018 :  23:47:13  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

sleyvas, I'll have to check with Ed and get back to you, but I do know that Ed had older relatives who were trained in (British) heraldry, so I'm sure that had an influence, though the published Realms downplayed heraldry because "heraldry was Greyhawk" at TSR, back then.
And I know Ed has been all over the world (Australia, Germany, the UK many times, the Scandinavian and Baltic countries) in his almost 60 years.
And I don't THINK Ed and Santa are the same person, but you never know... ;}
love to all,

Lol, no, the Santa thing came from an old friend of mine who came from Canada. He made sure to tell us that that North Pole was actually in Canada, and therefore Santa is Canadian. Of course, he then made sure to tell my girlfriend's daughter that all Canadians know Santa

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2018 :  00:29:27  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

P.S. Ed has just finished work on a big Realms project that word of which may or may not leak out before 2018's GameholeCon, and he's currently deep in the enjoyable toil of writing his second Stormtalons novel. Those hungry for Realms fiction can find Ed's first two Mirt tales on DM's Guild.

Oh, the tease, the tease!

Sweet water and light laughter
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Dalor Darden
Great Reader

4211 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2018 :  05:06:14  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message
Hey Ed and THO!

Been a while, but something has been itching at me for a few days now and I can't seem to answer the question for myself.

I feel like originally the Orcs of YOUR Forgotten Realms worship Gruumsh and the other Orc Gods...but in everything I can find, there is no mention of Gruumsh in the Realms until the Orcgate Wars.

I had always just assumed before; but now everything I seem to find before the Orcgate Wars shows the Orcs following Demons, Devils and so on.

How did you originally envision the religious practices of Orcs (and Goblinoids in general) in your original material versus how you now use them in your writing and musings about the Realms?

Thank you both so much for your time!

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 11 Feb 2018 :  04:13:30  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
I know he's not going to come around and answer, but just for shiggles...

We know (I think) that Toril has regular eclipses, right? I believe I recall reading about that, probably here at the 'Keep. Regular Solar eclipses.

But do Lunar eclipses occur?

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 11 Feb 2018 17:41:55
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Great Reader

4690 Posts

Posted - 11 Feb 2018 :  13:30:41  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

I know he's not going to come around ans answer, but just for shiggles...

We know (I think) that Toril has regular eclipses, right? I believe I recall reading about that, probably here at the 'Keep. Regular Solar eclipses.

But do Lunar eclipses occur?

Logic says yes. However depending on size and distance of bodies might not be total eclipse.

"Small beings can have small wisdom," the dragon said. "And small wise beings are better than small fools. Listen: Wisdom is caring for afterwards."
"Caring for afterwards ...? Ker repeated this without understanding.
"After action, afterwards," the dragon said. "Choose the afterwards first, then the action. Fools choose action first."
"Judgement" copyright 2003 by Elizabeth Moon
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Learned Scribe

104 Posts

Posted - 11 Feb 2018 :  16:12:55  Show Profile Send Sunderstone a Private Message
Originally posted by Kentinal

Originally posted by Markustay

I know he's not going to come around ans answer, but just for shiggles...

We know (I think) that Toril has regular eclipses, right? I believe I recall reading about that, probably here at the 'Keep. Regular Solar eclipses.

But do Lunar eclipses occur?

Logic says yes. However depending on size and distance of bodies might not be total eclipse.

Amazingly Earth is the only planet in our Solar System that can have a total Solar and Lunar Eclipse. The math doesn't work our for any other planets, even ones with multiple moons.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 11 Feb 2018 :  17:45:43  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
Originally posted by Kentinal

Originally posted by Markustay

I know he's not going to come around and answer, but just for shiggles...

We know (I think) that Toril has regular eclipses, right? I believe I recall reading about that, probably here at the 'Keep. Regular Solar eclipses.

But do Lunar eclipses occur?

Logic says yes. However depending on size and distance of bodies might not be total eclipse.
Except for one thing... and that's the reason why I ask this.

Obscure science and math aside, I suppose I should rephrase my question - IF all the math worked out perfectly for a Lunar eclipse, would we actually get one?

From Wiktipedia:
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra (shadow).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 19 Feb 2018 20:43:15
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2488 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  08:25:56  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
Hi dear THO and Ed.

I like to know about the Neverwinter Nine. When they were founded? Were they all humans, or there were members of other races? Besides the ones from Neverwinter Nights 2, there was another notable member of the order?

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  20:42:46  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
I think Mirt may have been a member. Not sure why I think that, though.

Perhaps because somewhere its stated that all of them became Bluefire objects? I'm not even sure where I got that idea from, because its certainly not anything I would have come up with on my own.

And because we're supposed to be asking questions: Ed, what/who do you picture being in Halruaa before the Netherse went there and founded that country?

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 19 Feb 2018 20:53:14
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Dalor Darden
Great Reader

4211 Posts

Posted - 19 Feb 2018 :  23:00:53  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message
The people living in Halruaa I thought were the same as the people native to Dambrath?

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2488 Posts

Posted - 20 Feb 2018 :  00:10:22  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
According to Shinning South (3.xe), they were people from Lapal that fled from the yuan-ti and hid themselves behind the Walls.

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...
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Zeromaru X
Great Reader

2488 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2018 :  19:31:54  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message
As for this...

Originally posted by Markustay

I think Mirt may have been a member. Not sure why I think that, though.

Perhaps because somewhere its stated that all of them became Bluefire objects? I'm not even sure where I got that idea from, because its certainly not anything I would have come up with on my own.

Nope, as of the current Realms, they are resting at peace in a tomb designed for them under Castle Never, the Vault of the Nine. It seems that Valindra wants or wanted (I dunno, as the 4e storyline got screwed with 5e) to transform them into death knights, but she was unable to do so by 1479 (the starting date of the Campaign Setting). I believe in the MMO she eventually gets to do it, as the concept art of the game have this cool pic about them, but I dunno. I cannot find the quest in Youtube (I do no play the game, as I'm not a fan of MMOs).

I'm intrigued about them because, according to Neverwinter Nights 2, Halueth Never had his own Neverwinter Nine back in the 1st century DR, and since Neverwinter Nights 2 seems to be in conflict with Ed's and George's lore, I want to know actual Realmslore about them.

I believe there also was a second (or third) generation of the Nine after Nasher's time, that served his descendants (if we go by what the NCS says), but I don't know if Ed was involved in the lore for Neverwinter in 4e.

Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world...

Edited by - Zeromaru X on 21 Feb 2018 19:35:21
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 22 Feb 2018 :  01:46:34  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

I think Mirt may have been a member. Not sure why I think that, though.

Perhaps because somewhere its stated that all of them became Bluefire objects? I'm not even sure where I got that idea from, because its certainly not anything I would have come up with on my own.

And because we're supposed to be asking questions: Ed, what/who do you picture being in Halruaa before the Netherse went there and founded that country?

The Nine and the Neverwinter Nine are two different groups.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 11 Apr 2020 08:21:31
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 26 Feb 2018 :  23:41:58  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
So we're not doing 'sevens' anymore?

Originally posted by Zeromaru X

According to Shinning South (3.xe), they were people from Lapal that fled from the yuan-ti and hid themselves behind the Walls.
Cool - I didn't think they were Dambrathi, but I couldn't remember why.

But the question still stands - What was there before the Lapalese fled to there? Anything or anyone?

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 27 Feb 2018 00:02:54
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11896 Posts

Posted - 26 Feb 2018 :  23:53:29  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

So we're not doing 'sevens' anymore?

From Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

Mystra, goddess of magic NG
Arcana, Knowledge
Symbol Circle of seven stars, nine stars encircling a
flowing red mist, or a single star

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 27 Feb 2018 :  00:05:41  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
The 'Seven' is actually her 'mothers' symbol, and since she usurped (sort of) that power, she uses the Seven.

Which makes me think that the 'Seven' are something that has 'passed on', and now nine have passed on. Chosen?

Or its an edition thing.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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8 Posts

Posted - 05 Mar 2018 :  09:09:50  Show Profile Send Baldorar a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hello again, all.
Baldorar, when Ed was starting out (before D&D) he wrote descriptions of each place, and the characters there. When beginning as a D&D DM, he write exhaustive descriptions (the precursor of what became "boxed text" to be read aloud at the gaming table), so he'd know how to portray (act) this or that character. But by 1979 or so, with the Realms filling his head, I suspect he improvised more than anything else...from thoughts jotted down AFTER each game session, for "how the world would probably react" (to what the PCs had done) for the next game session.

I've realised I haven't thanked you yet! :) So thanks! Even more than in the Realms themselves (which I love), I'm more interested in the creative force (or should I say 'forces'? ;-) )that propeled them specially in their early years. That's why I'm always curious in how Ed and you hguys did things back then.

Edited by - Baldorar on 05 Mar 2018 09:12:25
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4 Posts

Posted - 06 Mar 2018 :  15:42:42  Show Profile Send Irrevrykal a Private Message
Hello, THO (and Ed, by extension). Is the inn of Horl's Horn (in Iliphanar, from 2012's Forging the Realms), or Selgaunt's Horl Street, connected to the doppelganger mule breeder Horl (also from Forging the Realms)? Or are they by chance connected to Horl Bryntwynter, the trader/Cormyrian spy in Halfhap (Swords of Dragonfire)?
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Senior Scribe

776 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2018 :  23:11:31  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message
Howdy-Hey THO,

On the ninth (and final) page of the old City of Splendors: A Novel of Waterdeep review topic <>, you describe a number of things that got cut from the final presentation of that novel, including:

an entire Gemcloak and his subplot, throughout

Would Ed be willing (able, really) to share anything on this character, and what their general plot was?

(late edit)
Also, in the 2015 Ask Ed Thread <> you passed along a reply about banking in Waterdeep that said, in part;

The Plinth....have always functioned as banks.

Given the Plinth's status as an all-faiths, "hands-off" arrangement, who is in charge of those transactions?


Edited by - AJA on 16 Mar 2018 00:36:51
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Gary Dallison
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United Kingdom
6369 Posts

Posted - 09 Apr 2018 :  20:16:47  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message

Quick question that is probably a lot more difficult than I'd imagine as I'm not sure if you had conceived of Jhaamdath way back when.

Could you possibly impart the name of the ethnicity of the people of ancient Jhaamdath. Given that the name Jhaamdath comes from Jhaam as the first warlord of the Dath dynasty I'm not sure that the people could be called the Dath but I just thought I'd check.

Also have you given any consideration to how the name Chondath came about. Is it a corruption of Jhaamdath or was there a Chond the long forgotten scion of the Dath dynasty who helped save many people during the tsunami and its immediate aftermath (or maybe sometime later during the chaotic centuries after the tsunami.

Hope everything is alright with you and yours and any thoughts you have on the matter would be most welcome.

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Great Reader

3287 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2018 :  18:29:11  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message

What can Ed share about his Border Kingdoms project for Adventure League? I saw that someone posted about it in one of the Forgotten Realms Facebook groups this morning.


"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep

Edited by - Brimstone on 01 May 2018 19:08:53
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