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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 04 Dec 2021 :  02:25:20  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On dragons in Waterdeep in early 1500s DR

Dec 4, 2021


Greetings, sage ! Could you share what are some of the dragons in Waterdeep in early 1500s DR? (Both being allowed by the Dragonstaff or by less..legitimate means, and if they're aware of each other). Thank you! Have a lovely day!


Sure. As I go look for my notes, check my tweets of young "deployable" nobles of these last few days: there's a steel dragon in there.

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 04 Dec 2021 :  02:32:13  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On ministers of external affairs in Baldur's Gate

Dec 4, 2021


Just delivered this painting to my client.

Meet Valeera Gallion, a wild magic sorcerer and one of the four ministers of external affairs in Baldur's Gate. A power player business and politics wise.




Also: What, the Gate is down to four, now?

My, the assassins have been busy. ;}
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Dec 2021 :  23:25:27  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Laeral staying in Mirt's mansion

Dec 5, 2021


Wait… what? Laurel Silverhand is in Mirt’s Mansion? Why isn’t she in the palace? And where the heck is poor Mirt?


In my last few novels, we saw Mirt emerge after being "away" for nigh a century, to find that Laeral had been installed in Mirt's Mansion (the Masked Lords assumed him dead). Yes, she has rooms in the Palace (there are suites for some guests and Masked Lords to stay over a night or three, as well), but after Neverember, many Masked Lords were more comfortable knowing the Open Lord isn't in the Palace every instant (so she couldn't turn it into a fortress and suddenly slam the doors on them).

Mirt discovered this upon returning to his home via one of his "back doors." He built the place with several secret entrances and self-contained apartments, so he's quite content to use one of them when he's in the city; these days, as I recounted in my recent Mirt short stories, he's usually somewhere else in western Faerûn, carrying out a mission for Laeral (think of him as an old, fat, wheezing, gruff James Bond). Mirt's quite happy with his new life; it helps him forget his lost Asper and the Waterdeep he knew, of a century ago.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 06 Dec 2021 :  23:56:21  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On published operas

Dec 4, 2021


Hi @TheEdVerse more of a creative question on arts and crafts in the Realms. Can you share any of the opera names and maybe details on them? So far I just found 2 operas mentioned by Jeff Grubb and Kate Novak.


Back in September 2020, I tweeted details of "the big four" operas that get perfomed over and over: The Lovelorn Knight, Alvaericknar, The War Of Three Castles, and Downdragon Harr, and mentioned many more.

The tweet chains are really long, though, and I'm about to lose power.


This is great! I’ll dig em up!! (There we’re big for mentioned somewhere in printed realms right? Maybe Elminster’s FR?)


Most of my own prior published Realmslore opera mentions were couplets or lone lines, in chapter-head quotations in my novels.


Ok @TheEdVerse I gotta ask… those halfling operas… haunted bedpan? What’s that one about??


Hin culture has a strong streak of toilet humour.

In that opera, the bedpan is enchanted, and "clings" to emotional (dramatic) moments in the lives of those who've used it. "Replaying" them audibly for later users to hear, and (comically) misinterpret. Chaos ensues.


Are you sure it’s a comedy and not horror?? Eyes


Heh. It replays some frightened moments and some violent confrontations, yes, but they are NOT "actually using the bedpan" moments.

Though I hear some actors are from time to time flushed with pride.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 06 Dec 2021 :  23:59:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Nergal

Dec 7, 2021


@TheEdVerse can we have any more info on the Archdevil you introduced, Nergal? Always a big fan of the devils in general


See page 20 of issue 75 of The Dragon (later known as DRAGON Magazine), in the first part of my "The Nine Hells" article. (The second half is in issue 76, and then in issue 91 I revisited the Hells and answered reader questions.)
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 07 Dec 2021 :  00:05:20  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On unknown Realmsian fungi of note

Dec 7, 2021


Ed, seeing this massive coral tooth fungus made me wonder if you could share any heretofore unknown Realmsian fungi of note?



See the Amarune's Almanac series on the DM's Guild for the flora and fauna of various biomes across Toril (yes, far more than fungi).

I've shared some here in the past, but I'll (ahem) root around for more.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 07 Dec 2021 :  00:14:47  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Plane of Dreams and Plane of Mirrors

Dec 7, 2021


Greetings Great Sage,

I was perusing the Dragon Magazine archives for more information on the Plane of Mirrors and the Plane of Dreams.

The former amounted to about a sentence, and the latter popped up in more lurid sources.

Thus I ask whether you can shed light!


Hi! Sure!
There’s a very good overview of the Plane of Dreams here:

As for the Plane of Mirrors, all that’s been officially published is summarized ably at the FRWiki.

Here we go with how I described it in a long-ago (1980) RPGA module (an official GenCon charity adventure, so canon):

Its entrances/exits (and windows) are mirrors, both natural and artificial reflective surfaces. When you’re within it, it seems to be an endless corridor, with walls, floor and ceiling lined with a myriad hodgepodge of different-sized windows (to beings on the “other side” of each of them, these are mirrors).

Radiant energy “leaks” into the Plane from the Positive Material Plane (yes, the PMP exists, as a transitive plane akin to the Plane of Mirrors but “thicker,” and looking like a void of endless white glowing mist) constantly, repairing the mirrors and any damage to the surfaces that hold them (actually, within which they float). There are no growing things (food) native to the mirror plane, but many creatures have found their ways into it through the mirrors/windows, and some remain in it for a time, healing (the radiant energy benefits living things that aren’t necrotic/negative). They have brought a lot of items with them, over time, including food, and some of these things are still to be found in “the mirror realm” (or “Mirrorland,” as the dwarf adventurer Bueryndin called it).

The ”floor” of the Plane of Mirrors is actually its border with the Ethereal Plane; if you breach the floor BETWEEN mirrors/windows (which lead to wherever the other side of a particular mirror/reflective window is), you pass into the Ethereal Plane. Amid a sparkling chaos of particles borne on swirling air, and a chiming//tinkling of those tiny particles clashing and rebounding.

Fresh air drifts through all of the mirrors/windows, replenishing the air of the Plane of Mirrors constantly, and occasionally imbuing it locally and temporarily with smoke, fog, and scents from the air “it’s coming from.”

It’s possible to store things in the Plane of Mirrors, but only by encasing them in mirror/reflective-surfaced coffers, coffins, or chests. Otherwise, they eventually drift through a mirror/window into the“otherwhere” on the far side of that surface.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Dec 2021 :  23:24:07  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the aftermath of the war in Thay

Dec 8, 2021


Hey @TheEdVerse what can you tell me about the aftermath of the war in Thay? Does the council of Zulkirs still exists under Szass Tam? Are the red wizards only necromancers now? There are some stuff about the pre-war and the during war Thay, but not much about post-war Thay.


Watch this space for announcements about the release of a new sourcebook on Thay at the DM's Guild, from @GHC_and_Tacos and @warfteiner and me. Soooooon...

(Yes, there are still zulkirs.)


What I can say unequivocally about our Thay project at this point is that things are going down in the heart of Eltabbar (city) in the Daerath Market. Criminal things? Oh yes. Criminal things.



Look at that handoff. Better than NFL caliber.

So, probably only seen by twoscore Thayans.

So it's likely the "decoy" handoff, not the real one. So she probably won't count her fingers, afterwards.

Oh, Thay is SO much fun.

Edited by - questing gm on 08 Dec 2021 23:36:08
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Dec 2021 :  23:32:29  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the origins of the Candlekeep symbol

Dec 9, 2021


@TheEdVerse halp! I cannot seem to find an explanation on the origins of the Candlekeep symbol.

Can you enlighten this aspiring Avowed?



Sure! In real life, the origins are that I drew it on a piece of paper in my father’s den one day in the spring of 1971. (Yes, before D&D existed.)

In the Realms, the eye of Oghma stares at you over a shield (field) a smaller eye of Deneir peering through (the rune known as Omma:) the diamond-shaped opening that denotes Inspiration and Insight (sentients imagining things, seeing the world in a new way in light of what they see, and displaying writing it down to pass on to/inspire others).

Below it is the double-ended line of Binding, representing Ogham the Binder AND what he stands for: universal understanding by binding minds together with shared concepts.

And beneath that is Authem, the rune for speculation, mystery and pondering mysteries, and the question for knowledge and the pursuance of creations.

Putting Omma and Authem together has always meant both prophecy and trying to discern the meanings of prophecies, and libraries and the drive to record and preserve the thoughts and deeds of others, to pass on.

So, before Candlekeep was founded, Omma could be found drawn above Authem on compilations of Alaundo’s prophecies, and chapbooks written by sages about interpretations of those prophecies. The founders of Candlekeep added the eyes and the line of Binding.

The mantle, blank motto scroll, and ornate shield header are heraldic embellishments, not seen on every depiction of the sigil of Candlekeep.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 11 Dec 2021 :  02:51:59  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On shape of Waterdeep's mythal

Dec 11, 2021


@TheEdVerse what's is encompassed by the Waterdeep mythal? If the city borders are expanded, does the mythal follow? Is it a dome over the city or a pillar, perhaps the geometric dimensions of the walls? I may have broke the mythal in my game, guidance is appreciated!


It's an egg-shaped sphere extending down through the 1st level of Undermountain, forming a dome high in the air above the summit of Mount Waterdeep, from the outermost breakwater along the city walls and Cliffedge (E boundary of the City of the Dead, North Ward, etc.


It is my general perception that the Waterdeep plateau is holed as a swiss cheese with dungeons and the only thing keeping it structurally safe is the mythal.

Without it, prepare for landslides, earthquakes, sinkholes, realestate sliding into the seas and general mayhem.


Indeed! There are massive physical dwarf-built pillars and braces, and powerful elven magics that do the most to hold the whole area up from sinkhole collapse and inundation by the sea, but the mythal is both anchored in the elven magics, and bolsters them.

There are so many layers of magic, and so many interwoven Weave-anchors, that no one living remembers them all (Weavemasters can see them), and no one can cast enough spells, quickly enough and in the right locations, to collapse the wards and mythal and supporting magics. The last to try were the Twisted Rune, and they were then surprised to discover their efforts alerted Azuth and Mystra and several of her servitors, all more magically powerful (and loaded with battle-magics) than the Rune members.

Hence the caution and operating behind the scenes that most of the Twisted Rune members have practised ever since. ;}

Edited by - questing gm on 11 Dec 2021 03:29:05
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 11 Dec 2021 :  02:58:16  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On elvish word for raven/crow

Dec 11, 2021


@TheEdVerse what is the elven word for raven/crow? And does it have any symbolic meaning besides the animal?


The Elvish word for raven is thimron (of old, it was thimril), and for crow is harauk.

(“Harkel” is birdcall.)

Either bird denotes cunning, watchfulness, state of always alert, aware of surroundings, but only the raven means old, worldly wisdom (as does the owl, but the owl is more farsightedness, philosophy, and reasoning, whereas the raven is more ‘master the moment.’
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 12 Dec 2021 :  23:56:26  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On druidic circles in the Neverwinter Woods

Dec 13, 2021


With regards the druidic circles located in the Neverwinter Woods, is there any with a specific name?


The Woods in the later 1400s DR has no less than three active druidic circles.

Nigh the city, the Watchers of the Wood is dedicated to preventing its spread (and refuse dumping and other civic despoiling of the forest).

Herrevan’s Seven, in the southeast, is a secretive group bent on “gardening” a particular long-abandoned, collapsed dwarven mine (now an open-to-the-sky ravine) into a rich local sylvan habitat (and herb nursery).

Dundar Herrevan secretly supplies several herbalists in Neverwinter, but they are sworn to give a false tale (about one “Red Lhaevur, of Secomber,” actually a now-dead foe of Herrevan) as to the source of their herbs.

And the third circle, at the northeasternmost end of the wood, is the Ghost Ring, the undead remains of druids who still meet in a glade they were guarding, long after being slain by the Twisted Rune, who by happenstance met and conferred there, and wanted all witnesses eliminated.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 13 Dec 2021 :  22:32:55  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Common name of meals

Dec 13, 2021


@TheEdVerse I can remember that dawnfry was breakfast and evenfeast was the evening meal, but I was wondering if there were local names for meals and what the common names ofd all the meals are.


There are many local names for meals, and regional race-culture names, too (hin and gnomes and dwarves and elves and giants all having various terms), but these are ALL fading away as the 1400s DR draw to a close, and Common Tongue names spread in usage.

And they are:

Vraeken=any pre-dawn meal (i.e. something eaten to begin a journey early, or upon arising for farmwork; often prepared the night before and left ready, or even simmering on a hearth).

Dawnfry = breakfast

Highsunfeast (often shortened just to “highsun,” which is also the Faerunian name for noon) is the midday meal.

Eveningfeast (usually shortened to just “evenfeast”) = the main evening meal.

Nightsup is any meal taken at night (often when one must work late, or “wait up” for someone to arrive in the wee hours, or some task, or some anticipated event).


Tuthslake is any snack at which one has the opportunity to drink (not necessarily alcohol) as well as munch.

Tuth = pause to drink (e.g. tea), but NOT munch.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Dec 2021 :  23:33:57  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the Blade Kingdoms

Dec 16, 2021


Hi @TheEdVerse, are Blade Kingdoms under NDA? If not, is there any lore for them (not included in the novel) you can share? Or at least 15th century DR snippets?


The Blade Kingdoms are indeed under NDA. Hence my silence about them, down the passing years.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Dec 2021 :  23:56:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Ao being patron of warlocks

Dec 16, 2021


@TheEdVerse per the current ruling clerics of Ao do not receive divine power from him due to how detach he is from mortals. However warlocks, in this case Celestial Warlocks, tap into power beyond imagining. In FR, would it be possible that Ao would be a patron?


It's possible (meaning he could become one), but thus far, Ao has shown no interest whatsoever in being a patron.


Are warlocks somehow able to siphon power from beings without detection? I understand how impossible it would seem especially with someone as powerful and all seeing Ao is. But he has shown that things can be taken from him without immediate knowledge, such as the tablets.


Absolutely not. EVERYONE feels a power drain, and patrons can feel where it's coming from, if it's a warlock doing it.

The most subtle power drains are those baked into buildings, that work on those within them (many "haunted houses" and "creepy tombs" are examples).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Dec 2021 :  02:18:41  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On favorite monster

Dec 17, 2021


@TheEdVerse who is your favorite monster?


Oooh, I can't pick just one. SO many rulers in the running. ;}

Oh, you mean beasties?

Well, that'd likely be Old Augra, who can shapeshift from greatwyrm to beholder to boneclaw night hag. And has been around in the Realms for about 4000 years, flying under the radar.


Is he evil, or can we hang?!


Heh. She's evil, all right. Though she'd probably tell you, "What is evil? I just did what I had to, to stay alive and fend off those trying to do me ill."
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Dec 2021 :  02:20:52  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On border of Waterdeep

Dec 18, 2021


Hi @TheEdVerse, any chance of learning where the borders of the Watereep region are? How far out does the Lord's rulership extend?


Officially, at the city walls.

Unofficially, the city's mounted soldiers have always patrolled multiple times daily out as far as Amphail to the NE, the Rat Hills to the S, and beyond Maiden's Tomb Tor; they enforce the will of the Lords that far.

This is bolstered by SOME city nobles, who have country estates along roads leading out of the Deep, whose house guards (hired warriors) enforce the Code Legal (because the Lords have in the past made it clear that if they enforce any other code, they'll "get it").
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Dec 2021 :  02:10:33  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Waukeen temple in Waterdeep

Dec 18, 2021


Thanks so much! If I can squeeze one last question in about my favourite city, is there a House of All Plenty in the Deep, or do the Waukeenar operate out of the multi faith temples?


Thanks so much! If I can squeeze one last question in about my favourite city, is there a House of All Plenty in the Deep, or do the Waukeenar operate out of the multi faith temples?

The shop is "Waukeen's House," and stands on westfront The High Road, three doors north of Lamp Street (Castle Ward). The doorwarden's name is Rondur Hauvryn, his title is Coinar, and he reports to Preceptress Chauvarra Drilkend, she of the eaglebeak nose.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 20 Dec 2021 :  01:11:26  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just wanted to say thanks for keeping on with this, questing gm. As I said to Wooly awhile back, I'm very glad to see these being collected here even as I do not envy anyone trying to keep pace with Ed's Twitter output

Your efforts are definitely appreciated!

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 20 Dec 2021 :  02:30:00  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

Just wanted to say thanks for keeping on with this, questing gm. As I said to Wooly awhile back, I'm very glad to see these being collected here even as I do not envy anyone trying to keep pace with Ed's Twitter output

Your efforts are definitely appreciated!

I greatly appreciate it, too. QG is doing a much better job of staying on top of it than I was!

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Dec 2021 :  07:06:12  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

Just wanted to say thanks for keeping on with this, questing gm. As I said to Wooly awhile back, I'm very glad to see these being collected here even as I do not envy anyone trying to keep pace with Ed's Twitter output

Your efforts are definitely appreciated!

Glad to be of service and appreciated. I'm also working backwards to collect and compile all his tweets into a searchable-friendlier form.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Dec 2021 :  07:17:20  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On "runt" in Goblin/Hobgoblin

Dec 20, 2021


Do goblins (hobgoblins specifically) have a word in their language for a "runt?"


In the Realms, "kuhul" (pronounced "KUH-hull") is "weakling" in Goblin (in Orc, it's "krehl" [see Sons of Gruumsh, p16]).

"Born weak"/"puny" is "urkuhul."
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Dec 2021 :  23:35:34  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Bovril

Dec 21, 2021


@TheEdVerse does Bovril exist in Faerun?


Not the trademarked stuff, but a salty horse- or mule-meat paste used in soups, stews, and spread inside torn-open holes in hot buns has been sold in the Heartlands and Sword Coast for centuries. Increasingly supplanted with oxen meat, and used for making "beef tea."
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Dec 2021 :  23:52:01  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Volo's birthday

Dec 21, 2021


Has Volo's birthday been established? I've got an astrologer PC who'd like to provide his horoscope.


Volo has given various evasive answers to this over the years, but according to Storm, whose Harpers once traced his past, he was born on Highharvestide (between Eleint and Marpenoth).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Dec 2021 :  23:59:20  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On other continents

Dec 21, 2021


Greetings @TheEdVerse, trying to channel some heaty debate into positive enlightenment. Could you tell us how other (published and unpublished) continents were discovered outside of Faerun? I'm sure an answer for this would be the best Christmas gift for many this year. Mx Claus


This one runs aground on the rocks of disagreements over what’s a continent, and what’s really an archipelago with one or two really big islands, but Alaundo put it at fourteen, and Elminster said, “That’s good enough for me.”


So Anchorome, Laerakond, Osse, Katashaka, and Arandron, Kara-Tur, Maztica and Zakhara are argued as islands? That should give us something to think about. Thanks and Merry Christmas!


Well, no, we actually know all of those are continents from established lore and are not islands. The only exception is Anchorome. That one is a massive archipelago, but the continent north of Maztica was mistaken for Anchorome, except it isn't.


I ain't going to argue with Ed....or El!


"So Anchorome, Laerakond, Osse, Katashaka, and Arandron, Kara-Tur, Maztica and Zakhara are argued as islands?"

Nope. Not what I said.

Luis hath the right of it.


How were these 'agreed' continents discovered? Sailing expeditions? Divinations? Spelljamming? Portals? Strangers from distant lands?



People LIVE on them.

They looked down between their feet, and there the continent was. ;}

Before the rise of humans, dragons flew free. Elves had airships before spelljamming ships. And networks of gates (portals) linking various Realms continents predate the lands that flourish today. So SOME folk on the Realms have always known the gross/general layout of landmasses, if not every nook and cranny of even the continent they spend most time on.

There have been constant migrations of all sentient races and "beasts" in almost every direction, down the passing ages, but the Realms isn't historical Earth: humans did not "colonize" the globe to try to build empires.


The debate was why we know so little about these continents than the planes (if true). I suspect it had more to do with lack of documentation/chronicling than sources of knowledge (like aforementioned people). Or is there other reasons for secrecy/mystery (other than NDAs Face with tears of joy)?


Travel between most continents is difficult (the gate networks are largely forgotten or hidden or controlled) due to harsh terrain and prevailing weather, and long distances. The few who "make it" (e.g. fartraveled merchants) don't want to encourage competition.

Add to that the abundance of monsters and sentients who prey on any sort of critters passing by, or who just don't like intruders, and you have travel at a trickle. And on top of THAT, place this: (control of) knowledge is power. Rulers don't WANT everyone to readily know alternatives, and where sources of desired things are.

And to that, add that communications is and continues to be lousy, with word of mouth from peddlers and other travelers the main news sources. The game gives us a distorted view of ease of travel and communications due to magic, which is unaffordable or simply unavailable to the vast majority of sentients. Most in the Realms are either farmers or foragers; they are tied to terrain they know, and don't move around much unless forced to. So they see little of the world and are limited to what they're told. Which tends to be embellished and unreliable tavern-talk, or information they have to pay for (sages and tomes). If you're not desperately interested in getting elsewhere, that's a low-priority luxury spend.


You have said that this Scholar's View is not an accurate map of Toril's continents. Not asking to see one, but curious to know if any explorer has braved all the perils you mentioned to chart an accurate one? Or maybe a few? (hidden away, of course Winking face)


I don't think any wayfarer has done the Grand Tour with an eye to mapping. Dabron Sashenstar did so, deliberately "exploring" to map out trade routes, for much of Faerûn, but little beyond that. Balduran set sail looking for forests that could be logged etc. and there have been many like him, but they are seeking resources/income, not touring to see many alternatives and what's where; when they find what they're looking for, they stop looking.

As for that Scholar's View, I like it as a piece of art. I have no idea why it was substituted for the thumbnail "master map" that existed at the time.

Here's what's wrong with what is generally accepted of what we know about the continents of Toril: the assumption (Faerûn-centric) that Faerûn must be the largest continent; the assumption that we have to have real-Earth analogues, and Gamer X wants Australia represented, so we have to have something called Osse; and the assumption that Laerakond appeared in the Abeir/Toril conjunction, plopping down or rising up in empty ocean, and when the Second Sundering was over, it was back in Abeir and there was "just ocean" at that spot. I see the Scholar's View art as an attempt to fancifully put continents that look like a twisted projection of real Earth's continents into the Realms, because we have to have real-world equivalents and analogues. Except we don't. And trying to have them unnecessarily borrows all sorts of real problems with gamer audiences, when instead we could have a lot more CREATION going on. What it does get right is when it suggests that there are a lot of seas crowded with large and small landmasses (chains of islands, etc.) rather than big honking chunks of land with even bigger empty oceans between.


Also, a sage has worked painfully to create this rendition, any comments?



It's pretty. :}

It has the problems I pointed out: trying to echo real-Earth landmasses, having too much empty ocean and not enough small landmasses, Osse as this huge continent "bottom right" to equal Australia.

Sorry. It might be a nice world to visit, but it's not the Realms.


Would it be safe to say at the current state of lore known about the other landmasses (big or small), any representation of Toril derived from them would be incomplete at best?


Yes. That's putting it nigh-perfectly: "incomplete at best."

I have a master full-globe map (faint pencil, Mercator projection with all of the faults that has) dating from 1982. TSR had at least two updates of that (subsituting their Moonshaes for mine, then substituting KaraTur, Zakhara, and Maztica for what I had in those locations; that's why it's not as simple as my saying "Here's my One True Original" to you, because the published Realms diverged so much from my original.


If it were up to you, would you remove Kara-tur and the other continents that TSR added and use your continents instead? Hypothetically speaking of course, like if you had 100% control of the official Realms.


Yes, because in doing so I'd remove the whole real-world cultures thing. And because when they were welded on, they ended up too close (too little distance between) to Thay, et al.


I’m curious now, is your Kara-tur (where Kara-tur is now if that makes sense) equivilant “fantasy Asia” or is it something else?


No, it's not fantasy Asia. I'm never thinking real-world equivalents when creating the Realms.

It has more mountain ranges, deserts, vast grasslands, and jungles than the parts of western Faerûn seen in the published Realms.

So it's a whole lotta something else. ;}


By any chance could we see this original map, or is it locked behind another dreaded NDA?


It's locked behind the doors of my big shipping container, about 680 stacked-to-the-high-cube-ceiling boxes in. And I'm busier than I've ever been in my life; I have less than no time to go searching, right now (beyond the already-promised-here Realmslore searches already going)

- Edited on 21/12/21 to add new tweets
- Edited on 23/12/21 to add new tweets
- Edited on 15/7/22 to add new tweet

Edited by - questing gm on 15 Jul 2022 16:02:39
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Dec 2021 :  00:13:10  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Waterdhavian noble holdings outside of Waterdeep

Dec 21, 2021


@TheEdVerse is there a catalog of Waterdhavian noble holdings outside of Waterdeep? It would be great to know where the various families winter as well… #realmslore #waterdeep


No, for the very good reason that the nobles don't want everyone to know every property they own, and may be found. ;} The largest ranches up the Amphail road are of course well-known, and most families own grand homes in Athkatla and other cities as well as rural.
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 21 Dec 2021 :  17:00:12  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by questing gm

On Waterdhavian noble holdings outside of Waterdeep

Dec 21, 2021


@TheEdVerse is there a catalog of Waterdhavian noble holdings outside of Waterdeep? It would be great to know where the various families winter as well… #realmslore #waterdeep


No, for the very good reason that the nobles don't want everyone to know every property they own, and may be found. ;} The largest ranches up the Amphail road are of course well-known, and most families own grand homes in Athkatla and other cities as well as rural.

Can I wager to add something to Ed's comment here?

Any PCs looking to find far-flung noble-held properties and lands might do well to go drinking with scions of the lesser branches of said families. A few drinks, flattery, and kindness might get some of them to vent about the places about which the family knows but THEY aren't welcome to visit without a direct invite…

For current projects and general natter, see
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Dec 2021 :  03:50:29  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On creation of dracoliches (as concept)

Dec 23, 2021


Dear Dungeon Master, I once again draw on your legendary knowledge. Can you shed a light on knowledge regarding the fearsome Dracolichs? Forgetting them can be dangerous and extremely convenient to these creatures’ plans. Thank you again master

As the guy who created dracoliches, I can shed lights. ;} What did you want to know?

@OregonRolledA20 created dracoliches or you CREATED the concept of Dragonliches?


Indeed. Both. ;}


Im very curious what prompted the creation


In one of my Realms short stories in the time before D&D (1972, I think) I had a talking, flying skeletal dragon that could hurl spells.

Later (circa issue 80 of DRAGON) I sat at dinner with Jeff Grubb and several other TSR staffers, talking about making dragons cool lasting adversaries for PC parties who were powerful enough to kill dragons with (relative) ease (in, you know, a game called Dungeons & DRAGONS), and I remembered my dragon from my old story (note: there had been undead dragon skeletons and even zombie dragons in GenCon adventures before that, and I'd even had undead dragon skeletons in Undermountain back in 1977 and 1978) and decided to make a powerful spellhurling undead dragon "monster"...and an in-Realms source for them (the Cult of the Dragon).

I've had fun with liches over the years. I was asked to create a non-evil lich for Spelljammer (Archliches, in LOST SHIPS), but creating alhoon/illithiliches (mind flayer liches) was my own gleeful little evil deed. ;}
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Dec 2021 :  04:07:53  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On waystops along the Way of the Manticore

Dec 23, 2021


Well again @TheEdVerse,

Ed, to your knowledge are there any waystops along the Way of the Manticore that are noteworthy for holding some sort of popular-to-travelers library?

Thank you so much, as always. :good vibes:


No. The Way of the Manticore was built as an empty, open road (on its own elevated embankment, in several swampy places) flanked by pairs of manticore statues but NO buildings at all.

Travel along it is time to think and reflect.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Dec 2021 :  04:16:56  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Lolth's substances

Dec 23, 2021


Besides the blood of men, what substances might Lolth partake in on a day off? Asking for a friend.


Lolth is fond of spidervenom wine (dark green, very rare, peppery-cinammon-y in taste) and of moondrop cheese (a little like gouda in consistency and looks, but the light green hue of honeydew melon, and rather like Stilton in taste). For more substantial feasts, if she can get it, aboleth tail.
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