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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 06 Feb 2022 :  01:28:11  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On what to call rock music

Feb 6, 2022


Mr. Greenwood, but a question remains, what would the realmers call such a music? Thank you!


To folk of the Realms, just "music." They don't tend to speak/think of musical genres/movements as we do, just in terms of social norms: thudding drums, wailing warhorns, and unison shouts = goblinkin; drums and metallic percussion = dwarves; flutes and harps and soft-voiced harmonies = elves, ditties and/or plainsong = humans or halflings, dronesong (with warhorns) = giants. Within local society (e.g. a city), musical shifts tend to be discussed linked to individuals or groups, the same way real-world sports speak of "the X era," where X is the name of a dominant athlete (like Jordan in basketball, or Favre or Brady in football). In the Realms, dance fads and fashions do get named, and their associated music with them, like lammuer (slow waltzes), tonsets (slow formal courtly dances), and whirls (reels). Folk in the Realms also distinguish between "elder-time" or "ancient" tunes and songs, "traditional" tunes or styles of music, and "newclang" (innovative and fresh, seen as either good or bad depending on personal taste).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 06 Feb 2022 :  23:32:36  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On a good character following a deity with an evil alignment

Feb 6, 2022


Hi Ed. In the Realms, did you see any issue with characters of one alignment, say a good character following a deity with an evil alignment? Thanks!


None at all. All sentient individuals in the Realms believe in ALL of the gods.

A paladin or cleric might have problems staying with their alignment if they devote themselves in service to a deity of a markedly different alignment.

Alignment works best as a DM guide.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 07 Feb 2022 :  00:29:32  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Mystra spells patterns and components tapping into Mystryl’s designs

Feb 7, 2022


Dear @TheEdVerse if I’m a current spellcaster and time-travelled to the Netherese time, would I be able to access that version of the Weave? Or my current Mystra spells patterns and components would not be able to tap into Mystryl’s designs?


Yes, you would be able to access the earlier Weave; what we call arcane magic is one method of tapping the Weave. However, some of the spell effects might differ from what you're used to, in surprising ways.


The spell effects should be similar to how magic worked in 4e, right? I mean, magic during the post-Spellplague/pre-2nd Sundering period was cast using the old Netherese methods.



The difference isn't in the spellcasting, it's localized differences in the Weave itself, from the time of Mystryl to the time of Mystra.

Edited by - questing gm on 07 Feb 2022 08:01:59
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 07 Feb 2022 :  07:48:30  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On magical blockchians monitored by Mystra and myths in the Realms

Feb 7, 2022


Are their magical blockchians monitored by Mystra and myths in the Realms?

@JeremyECrawford What is a D&D NFT?


A magical "blockchain" in the Realms is an ancient Imaskari invention of dovetailing "hanging" spells (cast but not yet triggered) so that triggering one causes it to take effect AND trigger a second "hanging" spell, which takes effect and triggers a third spell, and so on, in a chain. The term applies to chains of defensive or warding ('blocking') spells, usually cast to defend an item (e.g. a door) or an area against destructive magics.

The only "NFT" I know of in the Realms is Nchaser's Fog Triath, a spell that creates a solid-seeming (but actually composed of fog) image of a lord or leader known to the caster; the image moves and gestures in unison with the real person, no matter how distant they may be (as long as they're on the same plane).

However, Jeremy is Rules Lord, not me. :}
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 07 Feb 2022 :  07:59:12  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On two major currents along the Sword Coast

Feb 7, 2022


Hey @theedverse - if I'm reading things right, there are two major currents along the Sword Coast - a warm current from the south, and a cold current from the NW, and they meet near Waterdeep which is why its always foggy there and why it's easy to sail there? Is that right?


Yes, that's right. :}


Wonderful! In What season is the fog most prevalent? :)


It varies with the overall weather, but usually in the middle of winter and middle of summer (so, Midwinter and Midsummer) the winds are lowest, so the fog is thickest; the closer one gets to the midst of spring or fall, the stronger the winds, so less fog persists.

And Midwinter is usually worse than Midsummer, as sun burns off fog and is stronger/hotter in summer at that latitude than in winter.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 10 Feb 2022 :  04:46:17  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On reasons nobles, who aren't indebted, would die of disease in Faerun

Feb 10, 2022


@TheEdVerse @ChrisPerkinsDnD is there a "good" reason nobles, who aren't indebted, would die of disease in Faerun?

It's the *one* part of "The Godcatcher" I keep overthinking. Two nobles withering away to featherlung while healers look on bugs the gamer in me.


Many possibilities. Here are a few:

They mistrust healers or healing magic and won't use them.

They fear far worse from a family curse they've been told about since toddlers, if they let healing magic be cast on them.

The residues of various magics cast on them in the past "twist" healing magics awry to advance the featherlung rather than quell it.

Foes are covertly either reinfecting them or casting magics on them that quell the healings that get cast.

In dreams, they've seen themselves turned into monsters by magic cast on them, and so will refuse it.

In dreams, they've seen themselves or the head of the family or an ancestor they revered deemed "unclean"/unworthy in the eyes of a deity once magic was cast on them, and so refuse it.

And so on.

In the Realms as in real life, people are people. They may hold odd or illogical beliefs or views, and so won't always do what's most prudent or safe or logical.

And that goes DOUBLE for nobles.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2022 :  09:19:40  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the width of Stone Bridge

Feb 17, 2022


Hi Ed. There are questions re the width of the Stone Bridge. While FR5 and the 3E FR Campaign Book say it is 100 ft. wide, other source like FR11 say it’s 6 paces broad (later source have made it 6 ft.). FR11 had bad editing errors, was it supposed to be 60 paces?


Yes. Someone's 60 paces worked out at dwarf-mason-measured 100 feet. So, 100 feet wide.

Some unreliable Realms narrators have trouble believing non-humans in the past could build anything really big (dwarves=short=small).

Some of those people still own their kneecaps.


What does FR11 mean?


All old TSR non-hardcover products had product codes as well as SKU numbers: FR1 was Waterdeep and the North, FR2 the Moonshaes, and so on. FR11 was Dwarves Deep.

- Edited on 18/7/2022 to add new tweets

Edited by - questing gm on 18 Jul 2022 05:53:50
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2022 :  23:52:29  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On what a group of beholders is called

Feb 18, 2022


If a group of crows is called a murder, and a group of owls is called a parliament, what’s a group of beholders called?


A "gaze" of Beholders? Wait, do Beholders ever "gather"? Ed Greenwood would be the guy to ask.


Yes, the term of venery for beholders is indeed a "gaze" (but as it's a bardic term far more than seen in the field, it tends to be "a gaze of eye tyrants"). Terms of venery for the Realms were part of my original Realms turnover in 1986.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2022 :  00:20:15  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by questing gm

On the width of Stone Bridge

Feb 17, 2022


Hi Ed. There are questions re the width of the Stone Bridge. While FR5 and the 3E FR Campaign Book say it is 100 ft. wide, other source like FR11 say it’s 6 paces broad (later source have made it 6 ft.). FR11 had bad editing errors, was it supposed to be 60 paces?


Yes. Someone's 60 paces worked out at dwarf-mason-measured 100 feet. So, 100 feet wide.

Some unreliable Realms narrators have trouble believing non-humans in the past could build anything really big (dwarves=short=small).

Some of those people still own their kneecaps.

so assuming a "human pace" from our world is the same size of 30 inches, then a "dwarf pace" is 20 inches. Seems right. Of course, inches and feet are our vernacular and there's probably an entirely different word in use there to cover smaller measurements than "a pace".

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Edited by - sleyvas on 18 Feb 2022 00:22:09
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 20 Feb 2022 :  23:21:35  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the lifespan of a dryad

Feb 18, 2022


I'm having trouble finding anything official that lists the lifespan of a Dryad.

Do you have any insight into the normal lifespan of this species? I would assume they have a long life span but I see nothing to back that up.


This seems to have vanished from the game, but originally was VERY clear: they bond with one tree more than all others (they "go into" it at will), and their lifespan matches that tree's lifespan (chop down the tree = dryad dies: a plot point in an early GenCon adv).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Feb 2022 :  22:17:55  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On globally recognised symbol for aid or medical care

Feb 22, 2022


Great Sage @TheEdVerse, the red cross symbol is almost globally recognised for aid or medical care. Is there such a symbol used within the Realms?


Many healing potions in the Realms display a circle device on the vial or the wax seal over the stopper. That unadorned, simple circle means healing, and is the closest thing to a "beneficial medical aid" rune or badge.

Some healers and "physics" (sellers of medicines, ointments, bandages, and splints) display a banner or signboard with that circle surrounded by radiating rays (simple lines running outwards) to denote medicine.
(Clergy don't, as it's assumed.)
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Feb 2022 :  03:59:09  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On unlockable gratings in the sewers of Waterdeep

Feb 22, 2022


Hey @TheEdVerse - within the context of the sewers of Waterdeep, what's an "unlockable grating"? Is that a grating that covers the 12' span of sewer water, the 3' walkway or both?



It spans the entire cross-section. Newer sewers vary from small pipes (1'+ across) and crawl-tunnels (3' across) up to main trunks, with most tertiaries being oval (long-axis horizontal) in cross-section, 20' across with 15' being flow channel (5' walkway on 1 side).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Feb 2022 :  22:10:17  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On holidays in Faerûn

Feb 22, 2022


Published game settings do NOT have enough holidays.


True. However, all across Faerûn, everywhere I can think of that's settled and ruled has more holidays than, say, modern USA. And that's not including all the holy day festivals of the various faiths.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Feb 2022 :  22:21:11  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how could Thay get its army to say the sword coast

Feb 22, 2022


Hey @TheEdVerse this is a great book. Bought it. Love it. If I could ask one question though.

How could Thay get it's army to say the sword coast? It seems like a rough, long trek. Is there an artifact they could use or like would circle magic work?


That was the secret reason for all the enclaves across Faerûn: mass teleport from Thay to a known, secured, private destination. Used for "strike forces" (like an adventuring band) rather than undead legions, though. Sending an army provokes reactions best avoided.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2022 :  22:09:12  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On male offspring to "soak/take" damage for the parent Hag

Feb 23, 2022


HI Ed, would the various Hags in your realms be able to develop magic that they place/imbue into their male offspring to "soak/take" damage instead of the parent Hag? If yes, what would be active range?


Yes, and range would be line of sight. As in, any distance as long as the hag and the soaker can see each other without magical or mechanical aid. (In practical battlefield terms, pretty close and free of cover.)
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Feb 2022 :  22:13:16  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On heraldry spotted in Deepwater Harbor

Feb 23, 2022


Hey @TheEdVerse - you wouldn't happen to recognize this heraldry, would you? Spotted in Deepwater Habour.



Yes, that’s the badge of the Redrark Trading Coster, based in Ruathym and Amn (home ports are Ruath Port and Athkatla). Founded by pirates, and still sail armed for war. The “redrark” is a fish-hunting coastal and island hawk.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 24 Feb 2022 :  23:29:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the year in Thay Land of the Red Wizards

Feb 24, 2022


It says in the book 150 years after the spell plague, does that put it at 1535 DR or was that over zealous rounding. I think Salvatores last book was 1490 DR. Decent into Avernus 1492.


That's overzealous rounding. ;}

The book has to be set in 1497 DR, or a year or at most 2 years later.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 24 Feb 2022 :  23:32:47  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On accuracy of this map

Feb 25, 2022


Hey Ed, how accurate is this map?


Odd "flattened" projection, missing a LOT of islands in the oceans, and the entire northern bit is different than the Realms ("the Endless Ice Sea" is a glacier atop land, NOT water, Sossal is landlocked not coastal, etc.). Also, the Alamber Sea area is a bit "off."
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 27 Feb 2022 :  01:13:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On running Nethjet with Thay Land of the Red Wizards

Feb 27, 2022


Many folks have asked what’s inside LAND OF THE RED WIZARDS, our new Thay book. Alex shared the Table of Contents, and I point them to that, but then they say something like: “Yes, but say the PCs are in Suzail chasing a foe blunder through a gate into the city of Nethjet. What’s in your book that’ll help a DM run play in Nethjet?”

Well, on page 12 you’ll find a passing culinary note about the popularity of ‘adorned’ honey in Nethjet. Then on page 39 and especially page 40, our tour of all the tharches of Thay describes Nethjet and its rival city Nethentir (which itself gets rather more attention on Page 39).

Then on page 60 and 61, the busy and far-travelled half-elven Thayan merchant Shelmazra Hornwyntur (who? Well, that’s her on the cover, in blue, pointing at the map) takes the reader to Nethjet and shares her favorite places to trade, stay, shop, eat, see, and stay away from.

Major streets are named, she tells us what meets the eye and ear and nose, and even where to pray if you want to be seen doing so.
In short, all a DM needs, unless Nethjet is going to become a longterm haunt of the PCs.

And if Nethjet DOES become a longterm haunt of the PCs, don't worry: there's all the REST of the book to draw on.

That introductory adventure Alex designed COULD happen in Nethjet.

Dar'lon Ma's next little scheme to shake the rulership of Thay COULD unfold in Nethjet.

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 27 Feb 2022 :  01:21:55  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Elvish translation of "Raven Heart."

Feb 27, 2022


Ed, I am trying to find the Elvish translation of "Raven Heart." I have seen FR references to "Arael" for "Heart." Can you point me to a full translation?


Sure. "Thimrael" is Elvish for "Raven Heart." Thimron is raven in modern Elvish and thimril is the older version, but either combines the same way with arael (=heart).

The lexicons remain unpublished as they're works in progress, largely helmed by @gkrashos
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 27 Feb 2022 :  01:35:17  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On clearly names individuals such as Sirikhan on the Zulkir counsel

Feb 27, 2022


I am a bit confused by the new book on Thay. Pg 25 says there are vacancies on the counsel but page 23 clearly names individuals such as Sirikhan. Does this mean that they are not official Zulkirs and only claimed the title themselves?


Ah. We should clarify the page 25 wording. This section refers to vacancies on Dar'lon Ma's council of "shadow zulkirs" (rebel Thayans putting themselves forward as alternatives to Szass Tam's zulkirs). See the 2nd-last sentence.

Whereas on page 23 you're reading about Szass Tam's incumbent zulkirs.


Thank you that makes sense. And also gives a bigger rivalry than I thought


If Dar'lon Ma and fellow separatists strode into Thay to take over right now, Szass Tam would destroy them. So they're scheming and building strength and waiting, in part for Szass Tam to get busy with HIS next grand magical scheme (like the Dread Ring in the past) so their moment will be "right."

One way to weaken and harass Szass Tam is to work against his underlings, so he ends up with all undead (no independent thinking, can be overloaded because Tam can be), and a great way to do that is to dupe or manipulate adventurers into acting against said living underlings. Adventurers such as (ahem) Player Characters. ;}
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 28 Feb 2022 :  23:34:55  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Ed's "home" Realms campaign

Mar 1, 2022


The way I understand it, @TheEdVerse started his Forgotten Realms campaign in the 1340s. Maybe the historians @GameholeCon know more about that? I think that would be a fun time to start a game, though I suppose there isn't much info available...


I did, and I'm right here, and happy to help. The Gray Box and FR Adventures should give you the baseline stuff (and most of the 3e FRCS tome is good lore for the 1340s DR), and I can answer lore queries. The "home" Realms campaign has reached the early 1360s.

If you're into novels, SPELLFIRE and my Swords of Eveningstar trilogy "take you there" (to the Dales and Cormyr) at this time.


That’s awesome. The 2e setting box I have is great because of the maps really let you run a sandbox. My only complaint is lack of random encounter tables #128521;


And the cool lay over hex thingy!


Heh. The one thing I insisted upon. I didn't want maps that were "wargame hexes" all over, when I could have beautiful things that non-gamers could be intrigued by, and characters could stare at in taverns.

- Edited on 1/3/2022 to add new tweets

Edited by - questing gm on 01 Mar 2022 08:28:47
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 02 Mar 2022 :  00:01:19  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the Skull of Alaundo

Mar 2, 2022


My PCs are on the hunt for the skull of Alaundo. Here's where I am putting it for them, gives us a chance to revisit Port Nyanzaru as a group, we had fun running ToA.



You do know Alaundo's still using it, yes? ;}


Someone should tell @EricLoganBoyd ! His skull was a set piece in the 1999 Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark.

So is Alaundo a weave anchor, like Volo?


No. Very few Weave ghosts are anchors. Anchors are either things (usually not portable) or entities (mobile), but Weave ghosts are "of the Weave," so using them would be the Weave anchoring itself (like cling film sticking to itself but nothing else=getting tangled).




Heh. Alaundo is a Weave ghost (spectral undead) still tied to his skull (can speak through it, when he wills). The rest of the time, he's just an invisible presence, flying silently about watching and listening and unleashing thunderwave and chill touch attacks.

Alaundo can use his skull as a "watching and listening outpost" for him while he's elsewhere. And he can also cast the few attacks and magical effects he can muster through it (beyond the attacks, such things as dancing lights, message, etc.).


Is he interested in eternal life, or would he want to eventually rest? What’s he up to? Does he still come up with prophecies?


He's interested in finding out ever more about the world, in hopes of regaining the Voice within him (whose identity he's never known, and yearns to learn) that gave rise to his prophecies.

(He felt special, and wants to feel so again.)
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Mar 2022 :  02:16:07  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On gnome and halfling crossbreeding

Mar 5, 2022


Inquiring Minds need to know: Can Gnomes and Halflings crossbreed among themselves? Or with the taller races, for that matter?


Indeed they can. This topic arises repeatedly, but Gary Gygax actually tackled it in one of his long-ago DRAGON columns. In the Realms, I long ago decided that most offspring of such unions "look like" one parent or the other sufficiently to visually blend in, but nay have unique abilities.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Mar 2022 :  02:27:28  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On missing sigils and the Mantle spell in FOR13, Secrets of the Magister

Mar 5, 2022


@TheEdVerse hi! I was reading FOR13, Secrets of the Magister, and near the start it says that throughout the book there are sigils belonging to magisters. However, I could only find two illustrations that contain sigils. Were they cut in editing, or are they hidden somehow?

A second question. The Mantle spell in the same book says it grants Telekinesis, Teleport without Error, and other powers as levels progress. How often could those powers be used?



They were cut in editing. I'd have to go looking to find my sheets and sheets of them.

Mantle powers: vary with the caster, but a good rule of thumb: 4-6 total uses of powers daily (within 24 hours) , so if you telekinese 3 times, you only have 1 to 3 "slots" left.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Mar 2022 :  02:41:50  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the cover of Thay Land of Red Wizards

Mar 5, 2022


And thank you @Artie_Pavlov for tweeting this closeup of the cover, because it gives me a dandy opportunity to share a little more about the scene:

In the scene on our cover, Britt Martin brings us a tense trade negotiation in the street foyer of a merchant cabal’s office in the Thayan city of Eltabbar—dickering so exacting that the dates and wine are running out, and evening is drawing down.

From left to right, around a table on which trading maps of regions in Chessenta are spread out, we see Bezunthyn Phrul, a Red Wizard senior in years but of middling rank, “standing witness” to all that’s said, but impassively saying nothing.

Next to him, the half-elven merchant Shelmazra Hornwyntur, Thayan born and an influential and rising member of the Ang Harrad merchant cabal, leans forward to point out where the first shipments should go, and by which route.

Beside her, the aging Ang Harrad merchant Albrynd Mrethem (once the able right hand of Ang Harrad herself, before her sudden and suspicious demise), keeps an intent eye on a skull floating nigh the shoulder of the chief Red Wizard negotiator, trying to gauge the lich’s reactions to what’s being said.

He’s trying to do so because as everyone in the chamber knows, the skull is that of the Red Wizard lich Hauzrym, often sent to watch and listen for Szass Tam himself. If the ruler of Thay is taking a personal interest in Ang Harrad dealings, the Ang Harrad cabal may soon find itself used in some dark plan.

Also intent on anything the skull might say, as well as Hornwyntur’s plans, is the young Red Wizard Lazurmrella Hlaree, who’s led the negotiations on behalf of the Red Wizards. Who are seeking to limit what the Ang Harrad ships, and to have everyone they ship it to clearly identified, so such outlander contacts can be measured for usefulness and what influence may be brought to bear on them. Hlaree is acutely aware that in this, her first important negotiation, she’s being judged by all her fellow Red Wizards.

Continuing around the table, Red Wizard Harazulkh Orblaun has had enough of the contrary nature and curt refusals of important senior Ang Harrad merchant Alamrund Draug, and is now forcefully mingling not-so-veiled threats with trading details into Draug’s ear.

For his part, Draug is looking away at us, as we look in on the scene, and wondering if we can be seized upon as a distraction. He needs one, for although he’s drained his wine for the sixth time, things aren’t going any better…

(There. That ought to give any DM enough to portray all of these NPCs in a PC's first meeting with any of them. :} )


Damn, Ed, that is a lot of yummy lore just from one image!


Hitherto untold Secret of the Realms: I do this for all the TSR and later WotC art included in Realms products, to make every scene a "little lore sink."

What each character (monsters included) is trying to do or is concerned with, what's being eaten and drunk, etc.


oh hey @TheEdVerse, who's this handsome feller?



That's the projected image of the nearby (usually JUST above the roof of any building it appears in) floating skull of the Red Wizard lich Hauzrym, sent by Szass Tam to watch and listen to a meeting or event.
Or as most Thayans call the skull, more simply, "Trouble."


What do red wizards use to prevent scalp sunburn?


Believe it or not, there's a cantrip.
Thayans and slaves often risk heatstroke.
Our sourcebook is about 900 pages too short for in-depth coverage of all known Red Wizard spells.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Mar 2022 :  02:47:08  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On starting wars between Baldur's Gate and Amn in late 15th century DR

Mar 5, 2022


What would it take to start a war between Baldur's Gate and Amn in the late 15th century?

Sarevok nearly succeeded with the Iron Crisis but a lot has changed since then. Are tensions still high enough for a credible plot?


My judgment would be that both places are too concerned with making coin and dealing with local troubles/problems for an "overall war." But both places would look the other way if merchants or merchant cabals started "unofficial wars" with elements "in the other place," particularly if such skirmishes are fought by proxies (hired mercenaries and bands of adventurers [HINT HINT]).

Both sides can benefit from any gains, but avoid the costs of full mobilization and trade barriers/sanctions. Beware targeted assassinations.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 06 Mar 2022 :  03:05:47  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Continuing thanks on this, questing gm. You, as with Wooly before, are doing true yeoman's work here.

We all know Ed's not gonna stop, but I'm sure I don't speak only for myself why I say, we're happy you're doing your best to keep up.


Edited by - AJA on 06 Mar 2022 03:06:12
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36835 Posts

Posted - 06 Mar 2022 :  04:45:07  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AJA

Continuing thanks on this, questing gm. You, as with Wooly before, are doing true yeoman's work here.

We all know Ed's not gonna stop, but I'm sure I don't speak only for myself why I say, we're happy you're doing your best to keep up.

I'll echo this. Questing GM is doing a far better job staying on top of this than I was, and I'm happy to let him do it!

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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 06 Mar 2022 :  13:09:55  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's fun reading Ed's tweet when he answers them and there should be more sites keeping track of them (Sage Advice is about a few months late of crawling through Ed's #realmslore tweets) and making them easier to find. I've completed my compilation of his tweets into a searchable form, so now it's just in update mode with the latest tweets, and thinking what to do with it.

I'm eyeing of compiling So Saith Ed answers here, but that is another madness to descend into.
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