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 Tethyr: Ten Black Days. Qui bono?
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Regar Khorvaen

21 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2019 :  12:06:14  Show Profile Send Regar Khorvaen a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I'm reading the old 2e supplement "Land of Intrigue". It's interesting. Full of ideas. I read the chapter about 10 black days. That was a short but highly violent time when the royal family, the aristocrats and the army was annihilated. It was partialy the work of conspirators, but the surprising thing is it generated a wave of popular uproar. Peasant masses attacked castles and manors and killed every noble they found.
I think it's surprising it happened so fast and furious. Was there a god behind it? There is a mention of a Malar's avatar being seen. Could have been an alliance of gods?
Also it's amazing all this rage happened... But nobody used the result. Nobody took the throne. It just started a 20 years anarchy.
Anybody has more info about it?


58 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2019 :  15:40:16  Show Profile Send The_Silversword a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As far as I know you have the best, most complete source on the events already with the Land of Intrigue box set. While I believe that there was no mention of any gods actively inciting the bloodshed, it would make sense for some of them to do so. Aside from Malar, I could definitely see Talos having a hand in the destruction as well.

Honestly I think most of it was just made up to give Elminster's scribe, Lhaeo, a cool backstory, I could be wrong about that though, and there might be a lot more going on there than meets the eye.

I survived the Spellplague and all I got was this stupid sig.
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Posted - 15 Dec 2019 :  17:38:41  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Backstabbing was already rampant, obviously. And when everyone tries to double-cross everyone else, no one is going to be content. So once it started rolling, it rolled all the way downhill.
Possible divine involvement is listed there.
But also, Knights of the Shield trying to grab power?
Calimshan and maybe Amn won't mind some troubles in Tehyr either. Oryndoll isn't far either.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
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It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Regar Khorvaen

21 Posts

Posted - 17 Dec 2019 :  07:19:53  Show Profile Send Regar Khorvaen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lands of Intrigue sugests it was a power game between Bane (who supported the coup) and Beshaba, Myrkul and Malar, who wanted to prevent a powerful pro-Bane tyranny, and undermine other gods. Temples of Bane, Bhaal, Helm, Oghma, Lathander and Mystra were destroyed during the Black Days.

Curiously Amn and Calimshan didn't take the chance to grab some Tethyr land during the Anarchy. Amn was busy with the Dragonspear Wars, and the Time of Troubles also diverted everybody atention.

Knights of the Shield serves Gargoth, a god of strife. Probably they backed the anarchy, to some level.

I think the Interregnum is a good time to have some PCs grabbing some power. Becoming Carrion Counts just to lose the throne next week. Like in a Robert E Howard tale, you start the story as a war chieftain with 10.000 slayers at your service, plate armour and coffers full of gold, and you end it nailed to a cross with only a dirty loincloth!
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Posted - 05 Mar 2020 :  08:52:56  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Seeker Khorvaen,

It was really a French Revolution. They got tired of the Royalty and nobility and took them out. It was definitely a strong plot by many actors to make this happen; however, the real good stuff is the Reclamation War that happened 20 years later. That ultimately led to the Queen Zaranda taking the throne with Lhaeo (King Haedrak).

I do have to agree that the fact Calimshan didn't jump in to take some land was odd. I mean, I know they wouldn't want refugee's running south, and a completely unstable nation-state is not desired, but at the same time, they could moved just over the river border.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Regar Khorvaen

I'm reading the old 2e supplement "Land of Intrigue". It's interesting. Full of ideas. I read the chapter about 10 black days. That was a short but highly violent time when the royal family, the aristocrats and the army was annihilated. It was partialy the work of conspirators, but the surprising thing is it generated a wave of popular uproar. Peasant masses attacked castles and manors and killed every noble they found.
I think it's surprising it happened so fast and furious. Was there a god behind it? There is a mention of a Malar's avatar being seen. Could have been an alliance of gods?
Also it's amazing all this rage happened... But nobody used the result. Nobody took the throne. It just started a 20 years anarchy.
Anybody has more info about it?

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