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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

1483 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2023 :  03:30:40  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On any fallen dwarven realms (or current ones) east of the Easting Reach

Tolantra — 02/23/2023 3:13 AM

Hi @Ed Greenwood ! I've been rereading Dwarves Deep, which is such a great book. The "lost kingdoms" section is an endless source of adventure hooks, though it's mostly focused on the western and northern Realms. I was wondering if there were any fallen dwarven realms (or current ones) east of the Easting Reach. So, Thay, Thesk, the Great Dale, up through Narfell but before getting to Dareth. Thanks!

Ed Greenwood — 02/26/2023 10:02 AM

I can’t find my notes on lost and fallen dwarf-lands right now, but east of Easting Reach, in the 1490s DR, there are several current small dwarven realms, which might better be described as “clan outposts,” though the dwarves themselves call their holds “kingdoms.” These include (note wording; this is PARTIAL list):

Harheldur (pronounced “Har-HELL-dur”), under the easternmost Sunset (formerly Sunrise) Mountains (bordering Thay), which is home to the Harheld clan. Who among other things mine salt, and forge small tools, bowls, and hinges, trading eastwards and south into Murghôm, not with Thay.

Raskuldin (“Ras-SKULL-din”), under the Ice Peaks (nigh Durpar), which is home to the Darraskh clan. Founded by the famous “clanless” outcast dwarf adventurer Raskuldra “Axehair.” They explore deep into the Underdark, capturing or slaying monsters, and “farm” captive Deepspawn to produce the food they like best (lots of roast rothé).

Fireforges, under northeastern Threskel (the roots of Mount Thulbane), home to the Arforge, Hulhammer, and Tamstone clans. A hot, damp realm of many magma rivers, volcanically warmed caverns, and noisome corrosive gases, where three small clans happily and tirelessly turn out wares for sale, and smelt with volcanic heat, mining mineral veins under Chessenta. Sometimes has “mining territory” skirmishes with Khaelud.

Khaelud (“KAY-lud”), under the Smoking Mountains, home to the Khaelhund gold dwarf clan. A volcanic realm of much smelting. The gases escaping the magma vents here are, generation by generation, sickening and changing (mutating) the dwarven citizens. Khaeldarr attack “intruders” on sight, intruders being anyone who comes near “their” part of the Underdark. They go out to meet traders; traders don’t come too near them.

(Part 2): Ahruukar (“Ar-ROOk-har”) deep under the Thesk Mountains, where the veins of iron give way to hematite deposits (mined as a polishing material), and rich lodes of sapphires, citrines, peridots, and spinels. Home to the gold dwarf Ruuk (pronounced “ROO-k”) clan, who trade with the wider world in Phsant, and are known for being calm and cosmopolitan and practical, long-range planners and philosophers who strive to manipulate the world into busily-trading peace and prosperity, minimizing raiding and outright war; they have none of the arrogance most folk associate with gold dwarves, but are fearless, even when facing dragons.

Graskynar (“Graz-KIN-nar”), under the eastern flanks of the Giantspire Mountains, nigh Narfell. Home to the Graskeld clan, this kingdom is home to a string of deep caverns filled with purewater lakes that the dwarves long ago stocked with fish that they now carefully farm, admitting no predators or sentient lake-dwellers, and carefully controlling how much they net. Blind eels and scuttle-crabs were native to the lakes, and the Graskyn eat these too. A contented, self-sufficient, largely isolationist kingdom that trades some iron with the Nar, and urges all of its restless young dwarves to travel, adventure, and “see the Realms.” Few return.

(Part 3): Qarlondrar (“KAR-lawn-drar”) under the Godswatch Mountains at the eastern end of Semphar, which is home to the Qarshield (gold dwarves), Murrend (gray dwarves), and Tulsark (shield dwarves) clans, and is known for its riches and luxurious standard of living, with many mechanized labour-saving devices in daily household use and the intricate cast iron and alloy devices, tools, weapons, and armour it produces for home us and for export. Qarlondri dwarves control vast iron deposits and huge, efficient dwarf mines that hollow out ever-larger subterranean areas that they buttress and then plant with fungi, so their food farms are always expanding. Qarlondri dwarves see themselves as wisely picking and choosing the best of surface cultures, and planning for inevitable attacks from drow and other Underdark dwellers; several illithid-led invasions have been swiftly and brutally defeated (in part with purchased magic and hired adventurers and wizards). The Murrend clan lives peacefully with their fellow Qarlondri and intensely dislike being called “duergar” or thought of as inherently evil.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 25 Nov 2023 :  05:44:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On who is Elminster's true mortal love

Gahbreeil — 02/23/2023 6:02 AM

@Ed Greenwood Brilliant! 1. I have one Forgotten Realms question, who is Elminsters true mortal love? Not his relationship with Mystra but out of all of his partners, who is the one he loved the most. My favourite self-made supposition is that the Srinshee could be his main romantic interest. 2. As a fellow Tolkien enthusiast, I wonder, who is your favourite character and why? 3. As you are my main inspiration to write, not in writing mind you, to write, Elminster in Myth Drannor was very approachable at the time I first read it and there it went, would you care to read the preview to my book, entitled Gahbreeil and give me your opinion if not a few pointers? 4. Would you play D&D with me?

Ed Greenwood — 02/26/2023 10:04 AM

1. The Simbul was the lady he gave most of his heart to, for the longest, and Storm was his firmest “good friend,” but yes, as of right now, his heart yearns and burns the most for The Srinshee.

2. I hate choosing favourites, but if forced to pick one, it would be Gandalf, for patiently doing this, that, and everything to achieve his mission, and remaining steadfast to it without being corrupted like Saruman. I loved the moment in the Jackson’s Hobbit movies when Radagast warned him that Dol Guldor “could be a trap” and Gandalf muttered, “Of COURSE it’s a trap” and went in anyway.

3. Sure, I’d be happy to read and give you my take. I’m a greedy reader, so I want all the new books and writers I can get.

4. Sure, if we can somehow find the time to get together. Just between you and me, I’m rather enthused with this thing called D&D.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 25 Nov 2023 :  07:15:59  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how are visiting nobles handled by local nobility

Cdawg — 02/22/2023 9:09 PM

Hi Ed! For my question of the day, how are visiting nobles handled by local nobility? What if the visitor moves in? For example, a Cormyrean noble moves to Waterdeep (or the reverse). Does race generally impact this? (Dwarf noble moves to Waterdeep, or elf noble moves to Cormyr).

Ed Greenwood — 02/26/2023 10:08 AM

It depends on both the “native” nobles and the newcomer. How you get treated as a noble has two parts to it: legal rights plus treatment firmly established by local custom, and whether or not a particular individual is “accepted” as belonging to the nobility that should be accorded these rights. As I’ve said in the past, in Waterdeep “coin is king,” so if you show up tossing gold generously to servants and announcing yourself as “Lord So-and-so from Such-And-Such-You’ve-Never-Heard-Of”…servants will treat you like a noble. Genuine local nobles will invite you to their revels and feasts as a curiosity or new, passing entertainment and will take their measure of you—to be shown the door or never invited again if they’re unimpressed. However, in Suzail and Waterdeep, the nobles are used to “from away” nobles (the Rallyhorns and Roaringhorns, just to name two noble houses, have branches in both places). Waterdeep is also very used to “remittance man”-type nobles: outcasts or younger nobility sent out into the world to make their own ways, or who have struck out on their own. So it’s mainly a matter of style; if you fit in, and play the local social and etiquette games, you’ll be accepted unless or until you do something bad to a talkative noble who spreads the word. Race does figure into it in this way: wealthy nobles have the power to “be themselves” more than any other citizens, so if they’re racists or hold odd prejudices, they’re more free to exhibit such behaviour than, say, a shopkeeper who wants to make a sale. So if a crusty old noble aunt who likes to bed handsome young rakes from exotic lands doesn’t like dwarves, or feels gauche and embarrassed around elves, or who simply doesn’t know how to behave, and so doesn’t want to put a foot wrong, may avoid a visiting noble of another race, or be far more silent and reserved than they would normally be, as they very slowly try to get to know the individual stranger/visitor better. (Part 2 follows)

(Part 2): Then they may either react against them, or accept them but have as little to do with them directly or intimately as possible, or accept them fully (and perhaps into their bed) as something exotic and attractive (and “bettering themselves by broadening their own horizons—and look how cosmopolitan and well-rounded and worldly I am!”). And then it comes down to the behaviour of the newcomer/visitor: an elf noble who avoids being arrogant, or a dwarf noble who refuses to be gruff or loudly try to drink anyone under the table, will be looked at with interest—favourable interest.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 25 Nov 2023 :  07:32:58  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On anything about Table Magic

Lucio — 02/26/2023 8:21 PM

@Ed Greenwood First of all thanks for the reply, that was absolute GOLD! Quick question. Can you tell us anything about Table Magic?

Ed Greenwood — 02/27/2023 2:51 AM

You're welcome! Likely near the other end of this year, a Patreon post should be coming up that delves into Table Magic.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 25 Nov 2023 :  07:52:10  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On properties of the "battle-mythals" of the lost elven empires

Cdawg — 02/26/2023 8:49 PM

Hi Ed, can you describe some of the properties of the "battle-mythals" of the lost elven empires, and how they were generated and deployed? Were there other more conventional high magic battle spells that saw use in combat and how were they countered?

Ed Greenwood — 02/27/2023 2:56 AM

Battle-mythals were all short-lived, unstable (with wild magic effects around their roiling edges) mythals that were cast on items that became their central focal point. So they were portable, and the items were often worn or carried by elven bannerlars (standard-bearers). Unfortunately, battle-mythals had a tendency, no matter how carefulyl cast or how the spells that created them were tinkered with, to "drink" life-force and magical energies (so, permanent loss of hp and loss of magical charges or item efficacy lifetime) from everyone fully inside them for more than a round. So they were something of a desperation/sacrificial matter, not popular and oft-resorted-to.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 25 Nov 2023 :  08:04:42  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On seeing Ed's original hand draw map

EvilDMForever — 02/27/2023 12:50 AM

Bonjour M. Greenwood, that was a great idea to create a patreon for the first fan of the Forgotten Realms! So now we may give you some gold pieces for your inspiration and creativity #128513;. I would love to see your original hand draw map. If possible. #9786;#65039; have a good day! (so not a question, but a requesting on dark hidden occult knowledge)...

Ed Greenwood — 02/27/2023 3:04 AM

TSR's coloured photocopy of my original map (except for my original Moonshaes) is on display on the ceiling of the Gamehole, at the Free House Pub in Middleton, Wisconsin (a superb restaurant/bar owned and run by my good friend Alex Kammer, who also helms the great GameholeCon!). Jay Scott (Lord Gosumba) does a regular mapping show with Anna Meyer, THE Greyhawk map artist, and there's an episode where Alyssa Faden and I joined them and we talked for hours about my original Realms maps (city and village and countryside maps, not just the "overview" map). My longtime friends Jeff Thetford and Curry Russell, who do the Mages and Sages podcast with me and a lot of the old-time Realms stalwarts, do contests where we give away photocopies of that original map (the same one TSR coloured) as prizes, so they're out there...and who knows, you could score one in an upcoming contest!
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  06:15:36  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Ed's preferred non-D&D RPG

Ratenef — 02/27/2023 1:38 AM

@Ed Greenwood First, thanks for all the amazing work you've done for DnD and the RPG community. Second, I was wondering if you ever play any RPGs other than DnD? If so, which ones are your preferred non Dnd RPGs?

Ed Greenwood — 02/27/2023 3:10 AM

I play a lot of RPGs, but very seldom these last few years because there's just no TIME. I'm not big on rules, as opposed to acting and storytelling, so it's the adventure chances I'm after. I also have to play lots of games for professional (design) reasons. Right now, I often play Fate Of The Norns (a Viking RPG designed by Andrew Valkauskas, of Pendelhaven Games, which uses runes rather than dice), and classically, I often played Call of Cthulhu (and Trail of Cthulhu, and Chill, and several other Cthulhu-related games), as well as a few Middle-Earth games systems.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  06:27:41  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On what happens to failed paladin aspirants in the Forgotten Realms

Savn — 02/27/2023 10:07 AM

Greetings Ed! I was wondering what happens to failed paladin aspirants in the forgotten realms? Essentially those hopefuls and possible trainees by knightly organizations and goodly churches that for one reason or another fail to become paladins?

Ed Greenwood — 02/28/2023 9:36 AM

They usually become temple guards, or bodyguards for priests of high rank who must travel or appear in public in large cities.

Ed Greenwood — 03/10/2023 11:01 AM

It depends on how they fail. If it’s not a huge transgression, they simply become “holy knights” of the faith, much used as temple guards and bodyguards of high-ranking clerics, retaining their faith and their warrior skills, but not gaining the special abilities of a paladin. Some clerics will bestow spells on a holy knight to protect them, or so that the knight can cast them (a divine version of imbue with spell ability).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:02:16  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Vecna's history Red Wizards, including Szass Tam, or the Shadovar

Ed Greenwood — 02/28/2023 2:15 PM

And an answer for YouTube, Ivan!

Vecna has no history with the Red Wizards, including Szass Tam, or the Shadovar, THAT THEY KNOW OF. The truth is that he’s been spying on them through undead and living agents for the last century, since the Spellplague shook things up and he first started really paying attention to their doings (for a time, he thought they were partially responsible for the Spellplague). But no, he hasn’t been fighting them or seeking alliances with them; Vecna lusts after power, and none of those groups or individuals are inclined to share. And Vecna thinks Szass Tam is a one-trick (that trick being creating undead loyal to him) incompetent; he’s not interested in having anything to do with Tam. (He may be wrong in that judgement.) Vecna is interested in the New Neverwinter conflict only insofar as what it might reveal about unusual or very powerful magic anyone involved has been keeping hidden until now (artifacts, for example).

And you’re very welcome! Realms forever!
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:05:04  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the known whereabouts of any Nether Scrolls as of the 5e era

5eForechecker (Ruf) — 02/28/2023 7:04 PM

Friend Ed! Once again, I feel this question may fall under the NDA shadowlands, but I have to ask: can you tell us the known whereabouts of any Nether Scrolls as of the 5e era? Have any of them moved beyond the continent of Faerun?

Ed Greenwood — 03/01/2023 9:23 AM

You guess rightly: the whereabouts of any Nether Scroll is explicitly covered by no less than three NDAs. Wizards likes to keep those McGuffins on the down low.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:07:43  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the Lords Who Sleep

Lukas JP — 03/01/2023 9:31 PM

Hi @Ed Greenwood, wonderful idea with this Discord, so wonderful to meet and greet with other passionate Realmsians #128578; I have a bit of an odd question, but here goes:

Leaving aside their eventual fate in Beyond the High Road, I wondered if you could share some conceptual lore on the Lords Who Sleep? Did you have an ultimate 'purpose' or fate in mind for them when they were first created, that was never expressed in print?

Ed Greenwood — 03/02/2023 9:49 AM

Yes. However, it’s firmly NDA’d, I’m afraid.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:13:01  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On legitimising claim to Zhentil Keep

DMHWolf_Fzoul's my spirit animal — 02/26/2023 3:39 PM

Hi @Ed Greenwood hope alls well in your corner of the world. Another zhentil keep question if I may. In around 1490DR as the zhentarim and survivor families (mention was made of turning non-survivors away in the darkhold book) reclaim parts of zhentil keep: what if someone has the appropriate paperwork to prove a descendent of a noble house from in Zhentil Keep (eg. Descendent of Chess, aumraeven, etc.) managed to reclaim an ‘ancestral’ holding from the ruins. Who would need to legitimise that claim in order for it to be ‘legit’?

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 10:58 AM

“Might makes right” when it comes to the Zhentarim. So such a claim would only be considered lgit if the rebuilders felt like it. Which in turn means: if they think the “someone” will be a useful puppet or political front or tool, they will treat the claim with solemn honour. Otherwise, they’ll ignore it—and if the claim is then pushed, they’ll casually kill anyone doing the pushing. However, a descendant of Chess WOULD be useful in attracting “old Zhent money” back to the new Zhentil Keep out of nostalgia and respect, so as long as that descendant seems willing to “play along” with the ambitions, schemes, and investments of the rebuilders, their claim would be respected. Politely and respectfully.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:15:15  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Corellon banning high magic

Hey @Ed Greenwood!

We were having a discussion over at #128218;realmslore about high magic and it came up that you said some time ago Corellon could ban some uses of it, like Mystra can do with the weave.

Does that mean that Corellon maintains a kind of "Weave" of some sort that elves use to cast high magic spells?

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 11:00 AM

No. It means that Corellon can block some uses of high magic, by arrangement with Mystra. For the same reasons: to stop mortals trying to upset the entire applecart, or oppress/slaughter lots of rival wielders of magic.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:35:16  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On paladin/sorcerer in Forgotten Realms

Gahbreeil — 03/03/2023 4:01 AM

@Ed Greenwood, one more question before I calm down. Has the dual class of paladin/sorcerer ever been explored in D&D and/or the Forgotten Realms? Any opinion about such class?

Sheepy — 03/03/2023 5:21 AM

@Gahbreeil Page 83 of the 3E City of Splendors: Waterdeep book: "Xale of the Starry Glen: Male aasimar paladin 6/sorcerer 5/Knight of the Blue Moon 5 (Mystra);" He's mentioned in other places in the book, too, but statted up on pages 83-4

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 11:03 AM

And Sheepy has already done the heavy lifting for me. (Thanks!)

So I’ll just add that this dual class IS rare, because folks who have an innate “wield the Art” Gift rarely have experiences in life that give the temperment to put up with paladin training (restrictions of faiths).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:39:28  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the first god in the Toril pantheon invented

DMHWolf_Fzoul's my spirit animal — 03/02/2023 6:03 PM

Hola @Ed Greenwood quick question: what was the first god in the toril pantheon you invented. I’m meaning the first one that came solely from your dome, not ported/reskinned from other settings/mythologies :). Thanks for giving my brain somewhere to hang out #128578;

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 11:30 AM

Selûne, as my first “waking vision” of the Realms after the Storm harping by moonlight in the woods vision was another mysterious woman I didn’t know, a ghostly one (it was Saharel, though I didn’t know her name or background yet) looking up at the moon.

Was she praying?

Well, if she is, then I guess there’s a goddess of the moon.

What would such a goddess be like?

And so on…
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Nov 2023 :  09:45:47  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Alustriel's husband

ASH — 03/03/2023 11:35 AM

Hey @Ed Greenwood Ed, can you tell us what happened to Alustriel's husband, the father of the 12 Tall Ones who had the surname Aerasumé?

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 11:39 AM

That's Steven Schend's tale to tell.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  13:10:42  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the happy helms served at Montalar's Happy House

Sheepy — 03/01/2023 7:15 PM

@Ed Greenwood, the happy helms served at Montalar's Happy House – are such foods served elsewhere, under other names? I was thinking of something similar for a place in Waterdeep

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 11:44 AM

Oh, yes, under many different names. The collective term is “hand pies,” meaning meant to be held in the hand and so could be consumed while walking. The term means a savory pie entirely enclosed in pastry; in the Realms, a sweet hand pie is a “tart” (tarts that have no crust on top are “fingertarts” for reasons now lost to time).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  13:13:05  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the identity and fate of Sharantyr's child

Cdawg — 03/02/2023 6:12 PM

Hi Ed, are you able to share the identity and fate of Sharantyr's child who was intended to serve Mystra?

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 11:49 AM

Sorry, no: a shiny NDA blocks me. For now.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  13:18:24  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how might a random farmer/merchant/noble react if they, through context clues, realized a nearby stranger is a lycanthrope

Malarite — 03/03/2023 10:09 AM

@Ed Greenwood How might a random farmer/merchant/noble react if they, through context clues, realized a nearby stranger is a lycanthrope? Do other details affect what reaction theyd have?

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 12:05 PM

Their reaction will depend on their own previous (and family lore”) experience with lycanthropes, how safe or unsafe they feel considering surroundings, allies or companions present or near, and access to priests (healers) and adventurers. Then it will depend on the behaviour of the “nearby stranger,” and then how beautiful the “nearby stranger” is, and then how calm/confident the random farmer/merchant/noble is (how well they’re armed, if there are barriers, if they’re sober).

So this is an “it depends” answer, but in general: there’d be instant wariness. No turning their back, no not being alert. Then there’d be: what SORT of lycanthrope? A werewolf? Or a weredragon (song dragon)? Or is it a weresnail?
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  13:20:38  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On the relationship between Zhengyi the Witch-King and Szass Tam

Lukas JP — 03/02/2023 11:33 PM

Hey @Ed Greenwood, hope this one isn't NDA #128521; Wondered if you could shed some light on the relationship between Zhengyi the Witch-King and Szass Tam? Given how they were both powerful liches and Red Wizards, they must have been aware of one another - did they work to some mutually benefitial end, was it a rivalry, or something else entirely?

Ed Greenwood — 03/03/2023 12:53 PM

They carefully avoided each other, because neither felt ready to take the other down utterly, and both were too busy with other things they wanted to achieve. And they were unintentionally running interference for each other (distracting other rulers who might otherwise have moved against them).
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  13:26:49  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Elminster and Khelben's preference for putting pineapple on pizza

Sheepy — 03/04/2023 11:46 AM

Whether or not pineapple was a pizza topping. Elminster, I hear, loves a ham and pineapple pizza. Khelben glares at anyone who even mentions putting pineapple on pizza

Ed Greenwood — 03/04/2023 12:49 PM

That is completely true, in canon lore: El loves Hawaiian (ham and pineapple) pizza. Khelben finds it revolting; he's a spicy meats and cheese (or even just three or more cheeses) guy.
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questing gm
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  13:31:40  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On what the biggest argument/confrontation between Khelben and Elminster has been

Lukas JP — 03/04/2023 6:52 AM

Hi @Ed Greenwood and @StevenSchend - could you tell us what the biggest argument/confrontation between Khelben and Elminster has been? Sure they both serve Mystra, but they are two big personalities with different methods after all #128578;

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 2:48 AM

It was over what Khelben suspected (incorrectly) to be Elminster seeking to seduce the ‘returned’ Mystra, to be Mystra’s lover as before. Khelben saw an intimacy that existed not because of physical intimacy, but because Mystra trusted El, and asked him for advice. Khelben resented that closeness, and rebuked El, and El told him the failing was Khelben’s—NOT for not believing El, but for not being sufficiently close and supportive of the goddess. And Khelben knew El was right, so exploded in rage, and El sought to soothe, and Khelben got even angrier.

And the biggest argument between them “behind” that supreme one was, yes, over the Harpers and Moonstars, and Khelben’s tactic in creating the latter: as one of the founders of the Harpers, El was annoyed that Khelben felt he had to control them. El knows that Khelben is a control freak, but thinks this is a failing that it’s beyond high time Khelben outgrew. “Differing styles is fine, but folk are NOT thy possessions to control, or you are worse than the evil ye claim to be fighting.” And of course Khelben went up like a rocket over that. ;}
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questing gm
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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  15:10:03  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On what happens to the souls of vampires, vampire spawn, and liches when they are destroyed in the traditional way

The Entire State of NJ — 02/13/2023 2:41 AM

So to shorten down my prior question on vampires, vampire spawn, and liches, what happens to the souls of both when they are destroyed in the traditional way and how would that interact with true ressurection?

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 3:07 AM

There’s no simple answer to this. It’s another “it depends” reply, because the fate of the souls depends on deeds before undeath, deeds in undeath, and any magical safeguards, preparations, and exposures during undeath.

Souls are never truly gone. Even devourers of souls are only rending them for a period of time, ere they seep out and reform. Though by human measure, that period of time can be long. However, souls “degrade” with many experiences, and only grow stronger as a result of a few (such as contact with the Weave, or certain sorts of vitality/healing/creating magic), so souls can go ‘scrambled’ or insane, and when they return, will have only confused memories (at best) of both what they once were, and friends and foes from their past. They may be unable to properly control certain forms of existence, so a vampire that comes back may drift helplessly, not be able to attack or negotiate, a lich may be a disembodied awareness able only to feebly animate dead body parts like fingers or hands—and neither might be able to call up or control their innate magical abilities.
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questing gm
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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  15:34:26  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On speculating the size and composition of the labor force restoring Zhentil Keep to its former glory

DMHWolf_Fzoul's my spirit animal — 02/18/2023 4:32 AM

Thanks so much for all the lore and this wonderful piece of your brain you have graced us all with @Ed Greenwood. Just another wee question concerning the rebuild of Zhentil Keep. Would you be able to speculate as to the size and composition of the labor force restoring Zhentil Keep to its former glory? Lets say in 1491DR - 1493DR. I'd assume there would be a sizeable contingent of Banites loyal to Fzoul driving the rebuild? If the Zhentarim are turning away refugees (assuming they dont want extra mouths to feed), where would those refugees be from? The Shadovar ostensibly trashed the place over a century ago...

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 3:15 AM

At that time period, the labor force would be small, perhaps forty human overseers (Baneites with Zhentilar bodyguards, overseeing orc and half-orc paid masons, diggers, and the like) busily clearing out certain southeastern fringe areas to use as a work camp (walled materials storage, with a watchtower made from a repurposed spire of a ruined mansion), while a larger Baneite force is scattered all over the north shore ruins, exploring them (every last cellar, even the sewers). On the south shore, some of the docks would already have been cleared and put back into service, to bring in supplies, but rebuilding the bridges linking both parts of the city is in the future.
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questing gm
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Posted - 27 Nov 2023 :  15:38:44  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On how does Rhymanthiin sustain its population and how do people enter and leave the city

#128293;Alter_Myrddin#128293; — 02/12/2023 8:23 PM

Hello @Ed Greenwood. Rhymanthiin is mentioned as serving as a center of magic, knowledge and the unity of the good races of the world. It is still a hidden city however and doesnt appear on any recent maps of the region. It is also mentioned as being as large in population as the city of Waterdeep

My question is how does the city sustain its population and how do people enter and leave the city. Are there permanent portals or is there rituals used to gain entry to the city?. How much do people of the Realms, both good and evil, know of Rhymanthiin. Has anything happened to it as a result of the Second Sundering or some other unknown plot. It seems such an important locale to not be talked about.

Sorry if this question was asked and I missed it

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 3:20 AM

And this is Steven Schend’s baby, and he’s here in this Discord, though he’s as busy as all the rest of us veteran creators and so, lore replies may take some time.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Nov 2023 :  05:33:12  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Ed's contributions in Thay Land of the Red Wizards and the Rashemen Campaign Guide

GDallison — 02/12/2023 7:36 PM

Hi @Ed Greenwood , If i were an obsessed realmslore junkie (which i unashamedly am), and i had just purchased a copy of Thay Land of the Red Wizards and Rashemen Campaign Guide, which chapters etc should i pay extra attention to if i wanted to focus on your contributions?

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 3:47 AM

For both of them I provided root lore that’s throughout, but if you find yourself reading a recipe or a location tour or details of home and habits, as might be found in a Volo’s Guide, you’re likely reading something I penned.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Nov 2023 :  05:35:36  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On 15th century Sisterhood of Silver Fire

Juniper Churlgo — 02/20/2023 5:53 AM

Honored Master Greenwood - is 15th century Sisterhood of Silver Fire under NDA? if not, can you share some updates on what the ladies is up to today?

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 3:56 AM

There is an NDA, unfortunately, involving a computer game license that AFAIK never happened, so I’ll check and hopefully get back to you.

Ed Greenwood — 03/10/2023 11:07 AM

NDA checking still ongoing, but I can provide a little lore. The Sisterhood of the Silver Fire is still active as of 1496 DR. It remains all-female, all human or half-elven, very secretive, and very small (twelve members, at most; two were recently killed, so in 1492 there were fourteen members).

At least two members, Ravauntra Ormrar (brown-skinned and -eyed, and having ankle-length, glossy black hair), who was born in Turmish; and Chalice Swordlake (a chalk-white-skinned, emerald-eyed brunette from Athkatla), are residents of Waterdeep, and fast friends, who work together to blunt Cult of the Dragon activities in the Deep, and relay all they learn of Cult operations and dracoliches and their lairs to other Silver Fire sisters.

One of whom, Yanandra “Bluemantle” Bloumantra, a short, young-looking (often mistaken for a girl due to her petite build and softspoken, shy manners) Tethyrian now based in Secomber, is a very active roving agent against dracoliches all over the Sword Coast North; she leads an all-female adventuring band (many of them halflings) known as the Skullbane Sisters, to destroy dracoliches and plunder their hoards (they don’t know of Yanandra’s membership in the Silver Fire sisterhood). The Skullbaners energetically hunt down dracoliches, sometimes spying on Cult of the Dragon members in hopes of being led to a “bone dragon”—and not into a trap.
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questing gm
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Posted - 29 Nov 2023 :  05:39:46  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On suitably expensive home for purchase in Suzail

Cdawg — 03/03/2023 9:17 PM

Hi Ed, if a nouveau riche decided to move to Cormyr and establish herself in Suzail, what kind of suitably expensive home may be available for purchase (and for how much?)Are there any mansions about? And if she unwisely decided to rapidly try to insert herself into the cut and thrust of Cormyrran politics, how does she best make her entry? Moneylending to cash strapped nobles?

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 4:42 AM

I will eventually do a third Suzail Streets Patreon Post that will touch on this (right now, I’m working on a second one to address Jeremy G’s question about The Goose of Doom), but here are some short answers to tide you over: in the northwestern part of the city (east and west of where the Promenade’s western end curves to the Horngate), in the blocks closest to the wall, are mansions, some quite grand and many renovated often, where non-noble “newcoin” wealthy, noble-wannabes, and high society grandcloaks can often “buy in,” as fortunes fall for some and they sell off and move to less haughty addresses they can live in with lower taxes and fewer servants. The closer you get to the Palace, the more likely you are, if desiring to buy a grand abode, to run into nobles who want to also buy the same address as you do, and they will use all of their clout to beat you into owning it (and usually, matters being as they are in Suzail, win).

Anyone wealthy enough can announce themselves at the door of many Suzailan upper-crust feasts and revels, and get invited in. Thereafter, it’s a matter of their behaviour if they get to stay, or get invited back. This tactic works well if this particular nouveau riche is beautiful, if she makes a “splash” beforehand with a grand entrance in high-fashion attire into an expensive eatery or club along the Promenade to ‘get noticed,’ and if she doesn’t say or do anything too lower-class or against the Obarskyrs or the way things are done in Suzail.

And yes, moneylending to slim-purse nobles, IF she doesn’t personally identify any such nobles publicly, ever, is a VERY good way to “stay in,” once in. Partnering with them (bankrolling them, but letting them take public credit for leading and guiding, without—as they’ll imply—“dirtying their hands” with coin or any details) is even better.

(Part 2): And yes, moneylending to slim-purse nobles, IF she doesn’t personally identify any such nobles publicly, ever, is a VERY good way to “stay in,” once in. Partnering with them (bankrolling them, but letting them take public credit for leading and guiding, without—as they’ll imply—“dirtying their hands” with coin or any details) is even better. Moneylenders will have to be silenced, eventually, but partners, never. Especially if they let the nobles skim money off the partnership and say and do nothing about it; that makes her a trusted ally.
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questing gm
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Posted - 30 Nov 2023 :  13:24:12  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Basal golems and the blood forges that appear in Blood & Magic

Hawakhuri — 03/05/2023 7:55 AM

Hello Mr. ed @Ed Greenwood , my question is about the Basal golems and the blood forges that appear in Blood & Magic. These golems are generated with mana and are created by the art of the forges themselves or do they have to be handled and shaped by a mage? additionally do these forges still exist in faerun?

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 8:19 AM

Basal golems do not have to be handled or shaped by a mage; they "appear" on a blood forge. Though various conflicting tales are told about what sort of entity can create or set up a blood forge, most sages agree that they "appeared" so swiftly that no sages know for sure who constructed them (there are strong adherents to the beliefs that they were brought from other planes, or were spelljammed into Realmspace (the crystal sphere that holds Toril). There are no known blood forges left in Faerûn; they have all been destroyed (a few before the Spellplague, by various magically-gifted folk, some working in teams dedicated to this goal, and all of the rest in wild-magic-spewing explosions, during the Spellplague).
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questing gm
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Posted - 30 Nov 2023 :  13:30:05  Show Profile  Visit questing gm's Homepage Send questing gm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On Ahghairon's apprentices

Sheepy — 03/05/2023 11:47 AM

Greetings, friend @Ed Greenwood! I dig that I was (inadvertently) right with my pizza comment. I've oft been amused by that debate in real-life; I myself rather like a Hawaiian pizza. On a more serious note, though... Did Ahghairon have any apprentices? Can you tell of any of them, if he did?

Ed Greenwood — 03/05/2023 1:57 PM

Yes, he did, and I know I've answered a lore question about this already, but I recall there were several NDAs to be stickhandled around, so I'll have to check and get back to you. This one may take a while.

Ed Greenwood — 03/10/2023 11:03 AM

NDA dodging continues, but one apprentice I can definitely reveal: Haeradauntra the Silent Shadow. A seven-foot-tall, gaunt-thin, usually silent woman who walked behind Ahghairon on the rare public occasions when they appeared together (acting as his rearguard), and so earned her nickname. She mastered planar magic and abjurations, and after his death went planeswalking and has hasn’t been seen since. She was younger than Ahghairon, dwelt with him in his tower, there were the inevitable rumors that they were lovers but nothing more is known on this matter, and she was known to be able to transform herself into a wraith-like “tattered black flying form” and travel in utter silence in this way. When Ahghairon died in 1256 DR, she saw to his body, tidied and sealed his tower, and left Waterdeep, never to be seen again.
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