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The Red Walker
Great Reader

3567 Posts

Posted - 12 Aug 2010 :  02:55:50  Show Profile Send The Red Walker a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Wooly and I have been speculating on another scroll what the source of Bran Skorlson's personal grudge against Khelben was.

Can you shed any light on that?

And can you let us know what you have been up to? Any writing?

A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men - Willy Wonka

"We need men who can dream of things that never were." -

John F. Kennedy, speech in Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 1963
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Master of Realmslore

1864 Posts

Posted - 27 Aug 2010 :  02:35:51  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I understand that much of the Zhentarim lore in Cloak & Dagger was your work. If I am wrong, please inform me whom I should pester in preference for an answer.

When Fzoul Chembryl sent Ruinlord Glorganna to Reth, approximately how large was the expedition? How many priests, how many mages, how many soldiers, etc.? Was anyone else present whose name we might know from other Realslore (Ragnoth, perhaps)?

And once Fzoul's position was more secure and the Baneson's desires more evident, did Fzoul send any support to Reth?

After all, Fzoul expected her to establish a brand new temple in a city which did not know the worship of the Baneson at all and then expected her to begin ruling the city behind the scenes a mere two years later. Unless he was entirely out of touch with reality, he must have committed quite a lot of resources to this process.

Did the return of Bane have any impact on the long-term plans for the Church in Reth and then the Vilhon Reach? Did it result in resources being diverted away from the city or further support being sent?

Finally, how large would the Temple of Dark Eyes be in 1373 DR? How many priests and how many followers? How do they operate? Where is their focus to gain power? Is it in gaining control of the underworld? Direct overtures to the slave traders? Straight at the Seven Senators?

If you hadn't thought about some of that, I quite understand that anything you post would be merest speculation.

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

Forgotten Realms fans, please sign a petition to re-release the FR Interactive Atlas
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Master of Realmslore

1864 Posts

Posted - 02 Sep 2010 :  01:00:51  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In the Cloak & Dagger supplement, it is noted that even the Shield Council believe that Helanna Darkstorm is a timber and ore merchant from Chondath.

Where in Chondath do they believe she came from? Did she do any business in Chondath before ascending to the Shield Council? Does anyone know her there? Where are her businesses located?

If I had to guess, I'd say that the place that best fits 'timber and ore merchant' from Chondath is Reth, seeing as it both imports metals from Impiltur and mines the Akanapeaks itself, as well as logging in the Nunwood. Other possibilities might be Hlath and Iljack, I guess.

Did you have any idea when you wrote it or is it intentionally left open?

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

Forgotten Realms fans, please sign a petition to re-release the FR Interactive Atlas
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Learned Scribe

256 Posts

Posted - 02 Sep 2010 :  05:04:14  Show Profile Send jornan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I too want to know what your next novel is going to be about and when we can expect to see it.
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2010 :  15:57:34  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Menelvagor

Well, I recently started rereading Blackstaff, finally managing to get my hands on it. Since when I last read it, I was in 6th grade, ther'll probably be lots of questions. Just so you have fair warning.
So, what can you tell us (anything? everything?) about Ashemmi, Sememmon and (I think) their son, Ashemmon? Also, are they the 'black-haired man straining against chains, his elf lover tortured before him by a shorter man in a mask' seen in Khelben's vision as he was Chosen?

Yes, that's S&A in that vision. As for anything else on their son Ashemmon, I've no permission to give out official info from WotC at the present time, alas.

What are the 'three truths, seven secrets, nine soulnames and thirteen omens' Mystra imparted on Khleben when he was Chosen?

Do you need to know them, honestly? That sentence was really just an author's flourish in wanting a fairy tale conceit of secrets mortals are not always meant to know. While some are mapped out in my notes (and remain NDA so as not to limit others working in the Realms today), most are more flourish than fact.

Still, if you need to know, some of the things, like at least two of the soulnames, are hidden in plain sigh inside both of my Blackstaff novels (look to quotes or comments, not exposition).

Lastly, who were the others in Khelben's vision - the bald man with an emerald in his eyesocket is probably Gamalon, and I assume the two I mentioned above are Ashemmi and Sememmon - but who're the 'white-bearded wizard with a red streak of hair at his lower lip, the dark skinned man with a dead right eye and a gold brand on his left temple,and the toothless old woman awash in the filth of the gutters despite her rich robes'?

They are three characters totally open for DMs to flesh out themselves. Think of them as my lessons learned from our Friendly Neighborhood Bearded One--they are the three doors opened after I closed a few doors in settling some of Khelben's past.

What I can tell you is this (off the top of my head):

A) They are all important to magic and Mystra (though at least one of them is a "were") and so they're more apt like characters Ed detailed in Secrets of the Magister;

B) All have been wizards or sorcerers at some point in their careers, though the lady left arcane magic behind for decades;

C) They are not all good people;

D) None of them has ever held a government or official post in any extant country of today's Realms (i.e. none of them are power players like Fzoul or Manshoon or Vangerdahast, etc.); and

E) Two of the three of them were present in the raising of New Rhymanthiin (and thus might be rejuvenated and active there still, if you so choose). The third has not had a heartbeat in more than two centuries nor a body for eight decades (though, it being the Realms, this has not stopped him from being an active player...wherever you choose to put him).

Hope that helps (and it's more than I'd planned to tell); and no, I'm not going to give you their names (as I think it's more fun for folks to find ways to fit them into their campaigns that way).


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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2010 :  19:18:18  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Red Walker


Wooly and I have been speculating on another scroll what the source of Bran Skorlson's personal grudge against Khelben was.

Can you shed any light on that?

Since Steven has not tackled it, I'll pop in.
One option, two words.
1. Arilyn Moonblade
2. Harper Schism

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Great Reader

2449 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2010 :  19:24:34  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bran's grudge is significantly older than the Harper Schism. The Schism happened in part because of Bran's grudge, not the other way around.

It's at least as old as Arilyn, but I've always thought it was older than that, dating back to when Bran, Z'beryl, and Elaith were all (relatively) young adventurers. But I'll shut up now and see if Steven wants to shed any more light on this.

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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30 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2010 :  20:56:31  Show Profile  Visit Enwy's Homepage Send Enwy a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I was recently rereading the TSR "Cloak and Dagger" supplement, and was wondering if there are any official lyrics to the song by Fandar Alabon featuring the line "The Kiss of Steel in Darkness" (whether it be a lyric or the song's title itself) as mentioned in the opening line of the "Shadow Thieves" segment. It's an odd question, but it's a small thing I'm dieing to find.

Thank you,


Bran thought about it. "Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?"

"That is the only time a man can be brave," his father told him.

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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2010 :  20:58:37  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
do you have any new FR books in the works?

I'd ask you to read to read something for me, but you likely won't have the time either...

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit

Edited by - sfdragon on 13 Oct 2010 22:30:27
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Senior Scribe

377 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2010 :  22:23:40  Show Profile Send Elfinblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good to see you back on the boards Steven. Your loresmithing has been missed :)
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althen artren
Senior Scribe

780 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2010 :  17:14:37  Show Profile Send althen artren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
indeed, how is the little one sleeping?
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Senior Scribe

352 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2010 :  22:07:36  Show Profile  Visit Menelvagor's Homepage Send Menelvagor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks, Steven. Those are actually great answers, of the kind of which I've hoped for. I can now work with them as I want in my game. And welcome back to the Keep.

"Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?
Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly.
How much less them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation in the dust, are crushed before the moth?" - Eliphaz the Temanite, Job IV, 17-19.

"Yea, though he live a thousand years twice, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?" - Ecclesiastes VI, 6.

"There are no stupid questions – just a bunch of inquisitive idiots."

"Let's not call it 'hijacking'. Let's call it 'Thread Drift'."
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Senior Scribe

South Africa
757 Posts

Posted - 15 Oct 2010 :  09:48:39  Show Profile  Visit Kyrene's Homepage Send Kyrene a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Did you ever receive my email asking questions about Calimport? I emailed it a while ago (through the "Email Poster" button I think), but seem to not have made a note of when, nor copied what I had asked in it. Should I attempt a re-ask in this scroll (ie. how limited is your time here at the 'keep anyway) if the answer is "No"?

Lost for words? Find them in the Glossary of Phrases, Sayings & Words of the Realms
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  15:34:54  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Menelvagor

Just a few questions gathered quickly, since I'm hurrying. I'll add the rest later:
What secrets are there between Ilbaereth and Maerdrym that Tsarra couldn't hear?

Well, there's still some story elements in this answer that would trod upon NDA lore. Let's just say that Khelben was a master at rooting out old secrets that he could hold over people's heads long centuries after they'd felt safe such lore would never come to light.

What was the story of the widow at Lord Raventree's funeral?

Not much story, really--just an overly emotional display of grave site diving, clothes-rending, and such normally restricted to florid Gothic novels.

Why wasn't Malchor Blackstaff in the end?

I'd discussed this early on with Ed and we agreed it wasn't quite the right fit for Malchor's destiny. It also closed him off to other potential stories AND would have had some not-small impact on his family. And since Bob Salvatore used the Harpells from time to time, we didn't want to tie Bob's hands by linking the Blackstaff to that bloodline/family.

Honestly, I would have liked to work more with Malchor, but in truth, he's not my character with which to play (as he was one of the original FR player characters, IIRC).

Besides, how much difference would people have seen if the Blackstaff simply became yet another dour, bearded white man? I wanted the shift from Khelben to Tsarra (or whomever) to be more of a sea change than simply a name change.

Why are fireflies considered a sign from Oacneth/Corellon?

Don't have access to FOMD right now, but I recall that Oacenth's body was never recovered but dissolved into a swarm of fireflies. Ever since, fireflies have been associated with that old coronal, just as dragons are loosely associated with the rulers of Cormyr.

What is the prophecy mentioned by Elminster of the Three becoming Many?

One to which I've no immediate attribution or history, I'm afraid, other than its literal truth of the three-souled Tsarra-Khelben-Danthra casting the spell that would become of the reunion of Many (i.e. the revival of Rhymanthiin's peoples).

What were the contortions placed on Ashemmi by Manshoon, and why?

Manshoon's use of a helm of alignment change and various other manipulations and shadow plays (early on) made Ashemmi a useful pawn versus many of Manshoon's enemies. In short, he did this simply to show Sememmon that Manshoon (not he) was in control of their fates.

Who were Araermal Phyalandrar's byblows? And is his name a refrence to 'philanderer'?

I don't have any names for his bastard children, nor do I have an exact count. More open lore for folks to develop on their own. And yes, I'll admit that my brain was too literal the day I named him, resulting in far too punnish and direct a name for old Araermal.

Sorry I'm not filling in more blanks; due to the space and time (and the fact that I wrote all this 5+ years ago) of the climax of the novel, I was writing very quickly to tie up the book and tossing in things that felt right, even if I didn't always come up with tons of lore behind them.


For current projects and general natter, see
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  15:38:00  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sfdragon

Hi Steven, How's Life treating you these days??

Doing great, thanks for asking. Oscar's a happy little guy who's growing like a weed and seems to be on the verge of figuring out the mechanics of crawling soon. (Yes, I fear this development, honestly.)

How're you?


For current projects and general natter, see
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  15:53:46  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Menelvagor

Finally managed to organize my last questions regarding Blackstaff:
Who are the 6 Argent Guardians, the 9 Who Remain, and the 12 Mysteries?

Again, this was me going all faerie-tale convention as an author. I do have some notes about some of them, but they'll take some time to unearth, polish up, and present here (assuming, after I check, they don't contain some NDA material that'll clam me up again).

Still, I have to ask--isn't that line a bit more interesting by NOT knowing the details of those? If they're considered powerful oaths and vows among Mystra's Chosen, isn't that more intriguing than actually knowing the exact details? After all, even crazy-powerful wizards and godly servitors ought to have some legends and powers that cow them...and detailing them simply reduces their impact (at least in my opinion). What say you, folks?

Who is Asraf yn Malik el Kahaman yi Manshaka? How does Tsarra know him? And what do 'yn', 'el' and 'yi' mean? Son of? From?

Tsarra only knows of him as one of Khelben's Tel'Teukiira (and he was first mentioned in CLOAK & DAGGER); he's a former Harper turned vampire turned Moonstar who operates (?) among the southern Realms for Khelben. As for his name, it is "Asraf, son of Malik of the (house/family) Kahaman from Manshaka."

What can you tell us more of the Chapel of the First Magister?
What can you tell us of Myaaklyr's 4th Sermon From Myrjala to the Arathenes? When was it given? What were those before it? Who was Myaaklyr? Who were the Arathenes?

All this I do have some notes on and would like to develop further, but for now, it's under NDA (and is woefully incomplete). I'm going to inquire about writing some or all of it up for Steve Winter at DDI and seeing if he'll be interested in allowing some old lore out from under an NDA. We'll see how this goes.

The short answer to cover a lot of your questions, though, is to think of ecclesiastical distinctions, sermons, and church politics in the early days of any religion, and that'll fill in some blanks on what you're asking there.


For current projects and general natter, see
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  16:00:18  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Elfinblade

Steven, scribes.

I was wondering about a spell that Khelben cast in 'Blackstaff', as Malek. In the spell duel with Varret Tryshaln, where Khelben cast one of his 'simplest and newer spells', the spell that manipulated the cloth of Varret's robes, cloak and hood, thus constricting him. Is this spell to be found in any rulebooks, or have you jutted it down elsewhere? I would love to know the stats and name of that particular spell.


I never detailed it as a full spell, as I kept thinking of it as a cantrip/Level 0 spell fit for apprentices. After all, did you think that wizards in training didn't have to do laundry for their masters? That's the core of this spell--a simple magic that wrings fabrics and woven materials and would be marvelously effective if said fabrics were immersed in water. In the context used, the spell also proves handy for distracting a wizard from completing a spell. Mechanically, it's nothing more than causing the fabric to bunch up, but it's still enough to slow, hamper, or stop someone's exact movements.

That, to me, was a core idea for Khelben--he always found more ways to use the simplest magics in unexpected ways, rather than come up with more name-level big-boom spells. (Or, to quote the Great Red Dragon from Jeff Smith's BONE, "Never use an ace when a two will do, kid." )



For current projects and general natter, see
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  16:19:33  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Had some time the past few days to cover some long-standing questions here (thanks for your patience, folks), but time's going to get short again soon. Still, I wanted to make sure folks weren't totally neglected or thinking me stand-offish.

On some of the questions above (SOFS related), I'll need to dig deep into my notes, as I may have the full answers therein, but it'll take some time to unearth.

Short answers on some other hanging questions:

I always saw the friction between Bran & Khelben to be less instigated by any one particular incident and more a clash of personalities. You've all been in a situation where you're working with someone and (s)he just rubs you the wrong way for no apparent or immediate reason, right? That's how I saw Bran's problems with Khelben--nothing in particular but decades spent compiling one complaint or irritation after another until it hit the wall with the Schism. As for whether or not Khelben felt the same way or gave it much thought at all, he never said.

I don't have much more lore/thoughts on the Zhentish plans or actions in Chondath and Reth, sorry. Seems like your questions and thoughts have more depth and detail than I've put to the Zhent question in at least 10 years, honestly. Go with your gut as per the size and contingent of invaders, but keep this in mind--Fzoul MAY have set up Glorganna's tasks as a test as much as they were a goal. Whether she succeeded or failed was irrelevant as much it was a way to either temper her as an ally or destroy her as a less-capable pawn. (Remember that Fzoul, as much as he was a priest of Bane, learned a lot of tricks and maneuvers from Manshoon, a guy who knew how to expand his power and reduce that of anyone he couldn't control, often in one or two simultaneous moves).

Sorry Enwy--no lyrics from this writer. Perhaps from Ed, as I suspect the name came from a chapter heading from one of his novels?

For all else, pray more patience, as I either don't have the answers at hand, said answers are trapped behind NDAs, or I have not enough time to spend herein right now.

Take care, gentles, and thanks to all those asking for my next work. I did publish some work in Pathfinder #33 and 35 via Paizo, but it's too soon to talk about any upcoming work. Trust that you all will be among the first to know of it, when it happens or can be made public.


For current projects and general natter, see

Edited by - Steven Schend on 16 Oct 2010 16:25:15
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  16:23:01  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kyrene


Did you ever receive my email asking questions about Calimport? I emailed it a while ago (through the "Email Poster" button I think), but seem to not have made a note of when, nor copied what I had asked in it. Should I attempt a re-ask in this scroll (ie. how limited is your time here at the 'keep anyway) if the answer is "No"?

It may have gone astray, Kyrene, so apologies (either due to technology or this one's faulty memory).

Please do ask again here and I'll answer as soon as I can; bear in mind I doubt I'll be able to detail anything on NPCs of the city and their current fate, as I've not kept up on exactly what's happened down Calimport way (and I don't want to step on any NDA toes, given that certain authors have major characters tied into the city).


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Senior Scribe

377 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  17:16:29  Show Profile Send Elfinblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wonderful tidbits Steven. Thanks for taking your time to answer
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Senior Scribe

352 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2010 :  18:27:16  Show Profile  Visit Menelvagor's Homepage Send Menelvagor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you very much for the answers, Steven. As I said, I'm actually glad you didn't answer some of them, because I have some ideas of my own I may want to incorporate. After all, when you're on a plane search for info about a Chosen of Mystra from Myth Drannor, you may have help...

"Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?
Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly.
How much less them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation in the dust, are crushed before the moth?" - Eliphaz the Temanite, Job IV, 17-19.

"Yea, though he live a thousand years twice, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?" - Ecclesiastes VI, 6.

"There are no stupid questions – just a bunch of inquisitive idiots."

"Let's not call it 'hijacking'. Let's call it 'Thread Drift'."
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Senior Scribe

South Africa
757 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2010 :  08:23:30  Show Profile  Visit Kyrene's Homepage Send Kyrene a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend

Please do ask again here and I'll answer as soon as I can; bear in mind I doubt I'll be able to detail anything on NPCs of the city and their current fate, as I've not kept up on exactly what's happened down Calimport way (and I don't want to step on any NDA toes, given that certain authors have major characters tied into the city).


Nothing that specific. It’s more some general clarifications, so that I can add the relevant phrases and terms to the ‘Realmspeak’ glossary.

Alright, if I recall correctly, the most important question would be, what language are words like “amlakkhan,” “jhasina” and “Nallojal” in? Am I right in assuming it’s Alzhedo?
A “shyk” is described as being a rank of major, whereas a “qayadin” a general. However the latter is specifically stated as being either one in the “Sadimmin” (Calimshan’s army) or “Qysaghanni” (the syl-pasha’s guardians). Does the same hold true for a “shyk,” or would one only find that rank in the regular “Sadimmin”?
What is the difference between the “Nallojal” (Calimshan’s navy) and the “Qysanallojal” (the Imperial Navy of Calimshan)?
A “ralbahr” is described as being a rank of admiral in the “Nallojal”. Is there also one for the “Qysanallojal”?
Is “bicenta” (a gold coin of Calimport) of the same language as the examples in the first question, or is it a Common word? Can you recall where I might read about other currency used in Calimshan (or Calimport specifically)?

I think that was the gist of it. I’d appreciate any answer you can give when you have the time.

Lost for words? Find them in the Glossary of Phrases, Sayings & Words of the Realms
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 26 Oct 2010 :  11:30:16  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"Jhasin" and "jhasina" are most certainly alzhedo.

Here goes my own question to Mr. Schend:
Maybe he could reveal something about Khelben Arunsun the Younger, including his planar travels. Would it be possible to meet him in Sigil? What would his levels be? Circa 15? 20?

I know there's an NDA on Khelben Ravencloak, so yes or no to the questions would be enough.

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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althen artren
Senior Scribe

780 Posts

Posted - 24 Nov 2010 :  21:44:24  Show Profile Send althen artren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So Steven, how are you holding up Pops? Feel 10 years older yet with your
first kid?

This should be a simple question. We know that Tsarra cannot duplicate all
the powers that Khelben had, due to she is a non-Chosen, lower level, and
a sorcerer/arcane archer to boot. So, intimite enemies of the Blackstaff
might see different tactics that may make them question, "What?"

So the meat of the question is, does the "office" of the Blackstaff have powers
that can be used by whoever is the current Blackstaff represenative? Similar to
what Ed has said about the Mage Royal office in Cormyr where Vandy's success can
call upon distant wands or hanging spells or whatnot?
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althen artren
Senior Scribe

780 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2010 :  00:07:55  Show Profile Send althen artren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Also I have found some conflicting info about Khelbens timeline
and would like u to clarify:

808-816DR As Malek Aldhanek in Stornater (Blackstaff Novel)
809-816DR As Cloistered Monk At Candlekeep (Cloak and Dagger) Found out the danger in the prophecies.

Another question: Why would Khelben worry about cleaning out spelljamming wrecks out of the Inner Sea
in the 900's DR?

1118DR Linked newly built Blackstaff Tower to Silver Safehold (C&D)
1150DR Builds Blackstaff Tower (Grand History)
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2010 :  11:19:44  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by althen artren

Also I have found some conflicting info about Khelbens timeline
and would like u to clarify:

808-816DR As Malek Aldhanek in Stornater (Blackstaff Novel)
809-816DR As Cloistered Monk At Candlekeep (Cloak and Dagger) Found out the danger in the prophecies.

Another question: Why would Khelben worry about cleaning out spelljamming wrecks out of the Inner Sea
in the 900's DR?

1118DR Linked newly built Blackstaff Tower to Silver Safehold (C&D)
1150DR Builds Blackstaff Tower (Grand History)

Seconded. I'm in the process of describing Khelben in Polish to my friends and I'm trying to dig up as much as possible about him.

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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17 Posts

Posted - 14 Dec 2010 :  09:28:28  Show Profile Send LetumLux a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Who is Asraf yn Malik el Kahaman yi Manshaka? How does Tsarra know him? And what do 'yn', 'el' and 'yi' mean? Son of? From?

Tsarra only knows of him as one of Khelben's Tel'Teukiira (and he was first mentioned in CLOAK & DAGGER); he's a former Harper turned vampire turned Moonstar who operates (?) among the southern Realms for Khelben. As for his name, it is "Asraf, son of Malik of the (house/family) Kahaman from Manshaka."

Is there a feminine naming convention like this, also?
yn = son of
??? = daughter of

Thanks in advance!
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 25 Dec 2010 :  10:58:56  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll pop in and ask if Steven could share something more about:
a) Arun Maerdrym (Khelben's father)
b) the Duel-Ring of Ghuraxx, mentioned in Blackstaff pg. 112
Thanks in advance,

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Dalor Darden
Great Reader

4211 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  21:31:04  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I had a question regarding the landmark called the "Echoing Canyons of Kush" that is on the coast of Calimshan between Almraiven and Suldophor...

What are the Echoing Canyons of Kush? Can you provide any details?


I almost forgot the other reason I needed to ask questions of you!

Tharsult. Is it safe to assume that Tharsult is a safe port of call for a pirate who needed to sell goods gained at the expense of others? Is it dominated at all by the Rundeen...anything at all would be great! Many thanks!

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!

Edited by - Dalor Darden on 17 Jan 2011 21:35:34
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Posted - 09 Feb 2011 :  15:14:46  Show Profile  Visit Bahgtru's Homepage Send Bahgtru a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I was wondering if there is any thing in the works that would be Orc centric and might involve crossover with the Astral Sea and Gruumsh's role as God of Destruction and Chaos and war with Bane?

Also, did Hartsvale survive the Spellplague and are the descendants of Brianna Hartiwick and Tavis Burdrn still the rulers?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by - Bahgtru on 12 Feb 2011 15:43:37
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