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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 05 Mar 2005 :  17:38:45  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The PrC has a divine focus.


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Posted - 05 Mar 2005 :  22:38:49  Show Profile Send Torkwaret a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry Eric, but you is a bit incoherent

Do you mean a PrC of your design, that we will find in CoR ??

Ok, I have another question, but...let's say it is covered by a "kind of" NDA.

You created someone for CoR, let's call him "Your Brainchild".
Is he very powerful ??

Thanks !!

...Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin...

Edited by - Torkwaret on 05 Mar 2005 22:39:15
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Posted - 06 Mar 2005 :  00:23:11  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Id say Erics responding to my question about whether the 1 Prc he did for COR is "Cleric focused"

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

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Posted - 06 Mar 2005 :  00:41:32  Show Profile Send Torkwaret a Private Message  Reply with Quote

...Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin...
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The Simbul
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 09 Mar 2005 :  06:31:18  Show Profile  Visit The Simbul's Homepage Send The Simbul a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Precisely how detailed will City of Splendors be compared to other regional sourcebooks?

Will we get Knowledge (Local) DC's or details about local merchants and businesses?

Will the extensive population grant Waterdeep a higher gp limit for purchases items than a standard (25,000 people) metrpolis?

Will we see full NPC stat blocks (as opposed to those single-line AL/race/sex/class/LVL listings), maybe perhaps say Laeral Silverhand (if you do then please, please, please include her Name and Song Attunement and her Analyze Dweomer/Wild Magic effect on touched items touch special abilities).

Also I saw a brief mention of the Teleport Cage spell in the online Undermountain articles. From what I gather it will affect Conjuration (Teleportation) spells. I am not sure how the final version is worded, but I thought I would let you know that several of the translocational spells normally blocked by dimensional lock and dimensional anchor are NOT of the Conjuration (Teleporation) subschool (which really bugged me when it came to the effects of Weirdstones in the PGtF). Mainly Gate, Astral Projection, Tree Stride, and Shadow Walk can allow someone to gain access to a location where Conjuration (Teleportation) spells are arointed, denied, blocked, etc, unless the ward also has the specific mentioned ability to block those other spells that dont belong to the said subschool.

Well wishes and good adventures,
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Great Reader

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Posted - 13 Mar 2005 :  08:25:02  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A unussual question for Eric

What would Mykruls stats and class levels been in 3.5ed terms as of the end of the time of Troubles?

The 2ed Waterdeep module lists his stats as being

23rd level Wizard
S: 16, Int 18, Wis 23, Dex 15, Con 25, Cha 9

Faithes and Avatars lists him as being

38th level cleric, Fighter 28, Wizard 25
Str 20, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 9

Thanks in advance

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Posted - 19 Mar 2005 :  10:14:41  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another question for Eric

Where was Borems Lake of Burning Blood and when did it disappear?

F&P says it was within the pre Dale reckoning kingdom of Jhaamdath which it goes on to say puts it within the vicinity of Sembia

However Jhaamdath doesnt have any settlements in Sembia (the Chondathans emigrants dont arrive in modern day Sembia until circa -200 after Jhaamdaths destruction

The map dated -626 DR in LEOF also doesnt have any large lakes in or around modern day Sembia that dont exist today

Thanks in advance

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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82 Posts

Posted - 21 Mar 2005 :  20:27:44  Show Profile Send Torkwaret a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dear Eric

Since it's only a month and a half 'til the release of CoR, could you share a handful of hints and\or a Table of Contents with Us ??

...Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin...
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 22 Mar 2005 :  10:49:35  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Simbul


Sorry to be slow to reply, but I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to talk about the book yet (probably not at all) and I'm not sure what you were getting at with a few of your questions, so my answers may seem blindingly obvious.

Precisely how detailed will City of Splendors be compared to other regional sourcebooks?

It's a book about a city, not a region. It's 160 pages. In other words, it details a particular city far more than any city detailed in a regional sourcebook.

Will we get Knowledge (Local) DC's or details about local merchants and businesses?

Both? (I'm guessing your asking this question as an either/or, but I'm not sure exactly what the specific trade-off is that you are inquiring about.)

Will the extensive population grant Waterdeep a higher gp limit for purchases items than a standard (25,000 people) metrpolis?

I'm not sure how this ended up in the editor's hands.

Will we see full NPC stat blocks (as opposed to those single-line AL/race/sex/class/LVL listings), maybe perhaps say Laeral Silverhand (if you do then please, please, please include her Name and Song Attunement and her Analyze Dweomer/Wild Magic effect on touched items touch special abilities).

There are some of both, more the latter than the former.

Also I saw a brief mention of the Teleport Cage spell in the online Undermountain articles. From what I gather it will affect Conjuration (Teleportation) spells. I am not sure how the final version is worded, but I thought I would let you know that several of the translocational spells normally blocked by dimensional lock and dimensional anchor are NOT of the Conjuration (Teleporation) subschool (which really bugged me when it came to the effects of Weirdstones in the PGtF). Mainly Gate, Astral Projection, Tree Stride, and Shadow Walk can allow someone to gain access to a location where Conjuration (Teleportation) spells are arointed, denied, blocked, etc, unless the ward also has the specific mentioned ability to block those other spells that dont belong to the said subschool.

Thanks for the insight. The spell does what I wanted it to do, no more, no less. The fact that there may be or may not be other wards in place is a separate issue.

Well wishes and good adventures,



Edited by - ericlboyd on 22 Mar 2005 10:50:45
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 22 Mar 2005 :  10:55:38  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

A unussual question for Eric

What would Mykruls stats and class levels been in 3.5ed terms as of the end of the time of Troubles?

The 2ed Waterdeep module lists his stats as being

23rd level Wizard
S: 16, Int 18, Wis 23, Dex 15, Con 25, Cha 9

Faithes and Avatars lists him as being

38th level cleric, Fighter 28, Wizard 25
Str 20, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 9

Thanks in advance

No clue. Sorry, but I've never liked detailing avatars, so the play-balance rules usually flee from my head as soon as I'm done with that part of a god book. (If a god like Myrkul were to appear in my campaign, it would go like this: "Somehow you've drawn the ire of the god of the dead. As you look about you, thousands if not tens of thousands of undead of every variety claw their way out of the ground and begin to keen in an unholy chorus. As you descend into madness and feel the life draining from your body, you wonder what horrible fate awaits you in the afterlife.")

I would suggest finding analagous gods in F&A and looking how they translated into 3e for F&P. I would ignore the stats in the Waterdeep module.


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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 22 Mar 2005 :  10:58:48  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Another question for Eric

Where was Borems Lake of Burning Blood and when did it disappear?

F&P says it was within the pre Dale reckoning kingdom of Jhaamdath which it goes on to say puts it within the vicinity of Sembia

However Jhaamdath doesnt have any settlements in Sembia (the Chondathans emigrants dont arrive in modern day Sembia until circa -200 after Jhaamdaths destruction

The map dated -626 DR in LEOF also doesnt have any large lakes in or around modern day Sembia that dont exist today

Thanks in advance

All good questions. Implicit in your assumption is that the Lake of Burning Blood is a "real lake". I'd suggest that maybe it's a moveable lake (in other words, the lake is the "avatar" of Borem). Alternatively, it could be the lake is created by opening a blood-spewing portal. When the portal closes/moves, the lake drains away.


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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 22 Mar 2005 :  11:01:14  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Torkwaret

Dear Eric

Since it's only a month and a half 'til the release of CoR, could you share a handful of hints and\or a Table of Contents with Us ??

Nope on the TOC. ;-)

Sorry, but if Rich is going to decline (on the Wizards boards), then I certainly am. (Plus, I haven't seen a final version of the project.) Like Rich, I contributed a handful (in my case 3) NPCs. Granted, those NPCs include a monster write-up, a PrC, magic items, a new spell, etc., but it's still 16 pages of a much larger book.

As for a hint? I'll give one, but that's it. One of the NPCs is mentioned briefly in the 2e product "Pages from the Mages" and has never been detailed before in print.



Edited by - ericlboyd on 22 Mar 2005 11:03:42
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Great Reader

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Posted - 22 Mar 2005 :  11:31:32  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I do believe Ill put my money on Shandaril

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Mar 2005 :  22:44:28  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmm, nice guess Dargoth. Shandaril is certainly a nicely evil creature. She'd be rather good to see in 3.X format and with more back story.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Posted - 23 Mar 2005 :  00:10:40  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To back up my guess I asked Ed about her a couple of months ago and I seem to recall one of those Vile NDA came up

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  13:32:05  Show Profile  Visit Snotlord's Homepage Send Snotlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello Eric Is the events in Neverwinter Nights incorperated in the upcoming Waterdeep book?

I'm a big fan of the FR computer games, and was very pleased to see the nod to the bhaalspawn saga in LEOF, so I was hoping that this is a beginning of continuing trend.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  14:42:53  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry, but no. Built on game products, articles, and novels only.


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Gray Richardson
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 11 Apr 2005 :  04:32:45  Show Profile  Visit Gray Richardson's Homepage Send Gray Richardson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eric, this question has been bugging me a long time, and with the release of Lords of Madness, I can't stop dwelling on it.

In Driz'zt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark, you mention that around -11,000 DR Illithid refugees from planet Glyth arrive in Spelljammer ships and colonize the Underdark.

While I can imagine other possible explanations for why Illithids might be refugees, the overwhelming implication is that they are fleeing from the Gith slave rebellion.

So I gotta ask you, is that why they were fleeing and if so does that mean that the Gith slave revolt (at least with respect to the FR cosmology) can be dated to roughly sometime around or before -11,000 DR?
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 11 Apr 2005 :  20:05:18  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good question Gray.

I honestly don't remember why I picked the date. I would check out the 2e product "Realmspace" which details Glyth to see if there's anything in there.

I think I picked the date to make Oryndoll one of the first illithid settlements in the Realms and allow it to have an effect on Deep Shanatar that wasn't planned for by the dwarves. In other words, if Oryndoll was already there, then the dwarves would have planned differently (maybe moved their settlements, etc.). If it wasn't there at all, then we wouldn't have had the creation of the duergar, derro, etc. In other words, they arrive, and that's a diruptive effect on Shanatar's future history.

In other words, I think I picked the date for the results of their arrival, not because of their departure. That said, it's certainly worth building on that and saying "why did they leave". Presumably there's more to it than "ooh, tasty brains over on that planet, let's party!".


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Gray Richardson
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 11 Apr 2005 :  20:50:29  Show Profile  Visit Gray Richardson's Homepage Send Gray Richardson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, well, thanks for your thoughts.

I think if you had called them just settlers or colonists it would never have bugged me so. But the fact that you called them "refugees" from planet Glyth has caused it to preoccupy my imagination ever since.

If they are refugees then they were forced to flee, right? They weren't just typical colonists or invaders as mind flayers are wont to do.

I checked the Realmspace book and found no clues. Glyth is happily held by Mind Flayers in the current era (happy for them anyway). If they were forced to flee some 12 centuries ago, then they were able to recolonize it at some point.

I had thought that if it was the Gith rebellion that caused them to flee as refugees, then maybe they were able to move back in after the Githyanki left to settle in the Astral and the Githzerai immigrated to Warrior's Rest.

But of course the Oryndoll flayers could have just been fleeing from internal strife with other flayers, or there could have been a war with the elven space fleet, the beholders of H'Catha, or even the spelljamming fleets of Kara-Tur.

While the Gith rebellion is not the only possible explanation it is the one that appeals to me the most.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 03 May 2005 :  00:03:31  Show Profile  Visit Verghityax's Homepage Send Verghityax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dear Eric,
I've got a question concerning Faiths & Avatars. I know it may be silly, but in the part of the book where Auril is described, there are the formal titles of the clergy in the House of Auril's Breath in Glister. After the Postulant, there is Votre. I would like to know, what this word means. I could not find Votre in any dictionary. Please, help me on this matter.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 May 2005 :  19:04:24  Show Profile  Visit Octa's Homepage Send Octa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Getting back to the Glyth issue- Grey why not just make them a sect of mind flayers that got run out, there could be a million reasons for this- One Elder Brains followers who bucked the system, worshipped a different god, got too soft on the humans, etc... etc....etc.....and were therefore forced to leave.

Also I think its implicit that the homeworld of the Gith remains in the hands of the Mind Flayers, and that they only achieved their fecundity on the astral plane, after hiding scared for a couple of hundred thousand years or so.
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Master of Realmslore

1073 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2005 :  20:22:12  Show Profile  Visit khorne's Homepage Send khorne a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eric, Malkizid is a fallen Solar. Do you know why he Fell?

If I were a ranger, I would pick NDA for my favorite enemy
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82 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2005 :  22:29:56  Show Profile Send Torkwaret a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Perhaps...he tripped...

I'm sorry, really sorry, but I couldn't help myself

But I double up on Khorne's question (and please Eric, don't make the answer sound like a:" well I actually can't talk about that subject 'til CoR is released and infact everything is described there with great detail")

...Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin...
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 04 May 2005 :  23:02:16  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khorne

Eric, Malkizid is a fallen Solar. Do you know why he Fell?

He was hanging out with bad kids, and succumbed to peer pressure. Your mom was right about that stuff, you know...

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Gray Richardson
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 May 2005 :  00:16:25  Show Profile  Visit Gray Richardson's Homepage Send Gray Richardson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Octa

Getting back to the Glyth issue- Grey why not just make them a sect of mind flayers that got run out, there could be a million reasons for this- One Elder Brains followers who bucked the system, worshipped a different god, got too soft on the humans, etc... etc....etc.....and were therefore forced to leave.

Oh you could definitely do that. I agree there could be lots of reasons that the squids were forced to flee. I am just enamored of the possibility they could have been fleeing from the Githyanki revolt. If true it would help put a date to an epic event that has not ever really been established in a chronology.
Originally posted by Octa

Also I think its implicit that the homeworld of the Gith remains in the hands of the Mind Flayers, and that they only achieved their fecundity on the astral plane, after hiding scared for a couple of hundred thousand years or so.
Could be, information in the Guide to the Astral Plane seems to indicate that following the revolt the Gith whipped the illithids' collective squiddy posterior off of thousands of planets across the multiverse(s) breaking their empire and forcing them into hiding below ground and out of the way places.

After the Gith people immigrated to the Astral, it left the flayers free to reclaim some of their lost territory, which may explain why the planet Glyth is again an illithid controlled world in the current era.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 May 2005 :  01:45:44  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khorne

Eric, Malkizid is a fallen Solar. Do you know why he Fell?

Eric didn't do the write-up on Malkizid, so he either doesn't know the answer to your question or more likely won't tread on another designer's turf by spilling the beans. Patience, gentlemen, patience.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 06 May 2005 :  03:58:19  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by khorne

Eric, Malkizid is a fallen Solar. Do you know why he Fell?

He was hanging out with bad kids, and succumbed to peer pressure. Your mom was right about that stuff, you know...

Malzikid sat too close to the television and his face "got stuck like that." Let this be a lesson to ye....

Either that or it was the clove cigarettes of the Aryvandarran....


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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2005 :  03:59:07  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Verghityax

Dear Eric,
I've got a question concerning Faiths & Avatars. I know it may be silly, but in the part of the book where Auril is described, there are the formal titles of the clergy in the House of Auril's Breath in Glister. After the Postulant, there is Votre. I would like to know, what this word means. I could not find Votre in any dictionary. Please, help me on this matter.

Ed actually made up that particular title, so I had to send a query to the Sage of Greenwood himself. ;-)

Donning my imitation hood ;-), hehas this to say:

Yes, I made up "Votre." It's an entirely invented word
(though there are similar French words), meant to
evoke the Latin word "Votive" (which has a surviving
religious meaning in the Catholic church of
Christianity today). There's no Latin in the Realms,
and no Catholicism, of course, so I had to invent
words that suggested, rather than swiping words that
"didn't fit" the fantasy setting or that could offend
true believers of any faith in the real world. Volia:
votre. :}


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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2005 :  04:00:28  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
well I actually can't talk about that subject 'til CoR is released and infact everything is described there with great detail")

Well, I actually can't talk abou that subject 'til CoR is released. In fact, everything is described therein with great detail! :-D

Fortunately, CoR seems to be out!


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