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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  11:46:07  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Knightfall

Eric, I have followup questions about the Noble Houses of Waterdeep WE.

How firm are the alignments and deities listed for each house in the table? What happens if a young noble from, say, House Agundar decides to shun the ways of Talos. Would he or she be ostracized from the family?

I would say relatively weak.

As in there's a "default" alignment and a default "deity", but, to some extent, family comes first no matter what they believe. If a young noble is of diametrically opposed alignment and or worship, he or she will find a lot of things about their family distasteful. However, unless they openly break from the family or shove their diametrically opposed faith in everyone's faces, their family won't care that much.

Also, when a house lists Holdings outside of Waterdeep, does that mean that the noble house is considered ennobled in that community? Or does the noble house have to be listed under the Ennobled heading to be considered ennobled in other lands.

For example, the Roaringhorns are listed as having holdings in Amphail* and the County of Valashar. The house is listed as ennobled for not only Waterdeep (948 DR), but also for Cormyr (1016 DR) and Tethyr (1369 DR). Now, I realize that in Tethyr it would be a given that the house is both ennobled and has holdings, but what is the family's status in Cormyr?

Is it as simple as being ennobled with no holdings? Or was it simply a not-enough-space consideration for the PDF?

Ed's a better expert than I, but let me give my best shot. (I think there was something on this in the 2e boxed set by Steven.)

A noble house of Waterdeep is only "noble" in Waterdeep, unlisted in the "Ennobled" heading. So House Amcathra is only "noble" in Waterdeep, even if they having listed holdings in Silverymoon.

A few houses (e.g. Roaringhorn) are ennobled elsewhere as well (e.g. House Roaringhorn) and tend to be large sprawling families.

Even if they are ennobled only in Waterdeep, Waterdhavian noble houses usually have holdings up and down the Sword Coast, and many spend their winters in Amn or Tethyr. After all they are merchant nobles and no one likes to winter in Waterdeep if they can afford to be elsewhere.

A member of House Amcathra could expect to be treated like a lord in Amphail or any surrounding community (probably from Leilon to Daggerford and from the coast to Secomber), although technically they are not ennobled in those lands.

A member of House Amcathra who tries to use his title and expect deference in Baldur's Gate or Tethyr or Silverymoon is going to get a reaction based on circumstances. If they hold something valuable that the listener wants (e.g. a trade concession), they are likely to get fawning deference. If they are acting pompous in front of people who don't care, they are likely (at best) to muttered jokes about "Lord of the Northwest Pigsty" or the like or (at worst) to get a beating in a back alley. Basically most lands (Tethyr, Waterdeep) are used to visitors from far-off places (e.g. the Moonsea, Impiltur, the Border Kingdoms) who sport modest or fancy titles and claim nobility in some far-off land. Those titles mean only what the circumstances warrant.


Also, what's your opinion regarding adding in new noble houses to Waterdeep? (I'm in the process of adding roughly 12 new houses for the homebrewed version I'm working on.) What sort of prejudices would a nonhuman family face in becoming ennobled in the city? (FYI... I asked these questions on the thread for Ed, and THO, too.)

*Controlled through its proximity to Waterdeep, I assume.

Ed's a better expert, so I would defer to him. I think there may be some details in the 2e boxed set, but I don't recall exactly.

In general, I think Waterdhavian society expects its nobles to be human. Half-breeds are not welcome, and non-humans are really not welcome. I think Elaine might touch on this in "Dream Spheres".

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Senior Scribe

382 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  12:04:48  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Knightfall

The Noble Houses of Waterdeep web enhancement for "City of Splendors: Waterdeep" notes that Chostal Nandar has a younger brother named Horingar "Elfslayer" Nandar. Did Ed create that character or did you?

Don't recall, but I suspect it has something to do with the implications of this article:

Dragon #270, p 94

Hi Eric, thanks for the info. Although I'm a WotC subscriber, I can't find Dragon magazine articles or back catalogue anywhere on the net. If you have any advice for this, I'd be very grateful!
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  14:38:14  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
While I won't advocate for illegal file-sharing, you'll find that googling "Dragon 270 pdf" is pretty helpful.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Oct 2014 :  23:58:50  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your answers, Eric. Very helpful.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  00:14:20  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Eric did you manage to squeeze any Deity specfic spells from F&A, P&P and DhD into Champions of Ruin?

I didn't write the spells chapter. Not sure if any were drawn from the 2e material or not.

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Senior Scribe

878 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  10:56:52  Show Profile Send Demzer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mr Boyd,

is there anything you can share about Nathlekh, City of Cats, to expand upon what's on Powers & Pantheons?
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36835 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  13:43:25  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Demzer

Mr Boyd,

is there anything you can share about Nathlekh, City of Cats, to expand upon what's on Powers & Pantheons?

It's got the highest per capita number of litter boxes of any place in the known multiverse. And the most terrified rodent population, too.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2014 :  03:00:58  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Demzer

Mr Boyd,

is there anything you can share about Nathlekh, City of Cats, to expand upon what's on Powers & Pantheons?

Hey, Eric, I want to echo Demzer's request here. At the time P&P came out, this didn't twink my meter too much, but after playing a half dozen different Kerran in EQ2 over several years, the idea of cat people is something I'd like to incorporate more into the realms as a "not so humanoid" race option. To your knowledge, was there some prior work that you pulled upon for this, or was this made up whole cloth?

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2014 :  04:45:42  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Demzer

Mr Boyd,

is there anything you can share about Nathlekh, City of Cats, to expand upon what's on Powers & Pantheons?

While awaiting Eric's possible reply, I'll offer up these little extra tidbits from Tom Costa as posted on the REALMS-L back in 2001:-
According to the Nobanion entry in Power's and Pantheons, "Nathlekh, City of
Cats, is located at the western end of the Gulthmere Forest and the northern
edge of the Shinging Plains on the banks of the Lake of the long Arm.
Overrun with felines of all breeds, this city is loosely governed by the
Council of Cat Lords. Numerous wemics, werelions, and weretigers are
citizens of Nathelkh in addition to the mysterious Cat Lords who rule. Twin
temples of Nobanion and Sharess dominate the religious activity of the city,
although a temple of Malar the Beastlord is rumored to exist in the city's

"The Pride of Nobanion, his temple in Nathlekh, is a vast pillared structure
built on the city's acropolis. Constructed to evoke the impression that is
is a natural extension of the granite plug extending up from the city's
heart, this portocoed and colonnaded structue is festooned with statues of
lions in varius poses. Numeroous real lions wander the temple's halls and
gardens, but they never molets the citizenry unless provoked. Nathelekh's
judiciary, a trio of greater lammasu, holds court within the Pride of
Nobanion on a weekly basis."

In addition, more information on Nobanion, wemics, the Shining Plains, and
the Gulthmere (though not Nathlekh) can be found in the Vilhon Reach
supplement. If you want to go further, there was an excellent "Ecology of"
article in the May 1990 issue of Dragon Magazine on wemics that dealt with
their culture, as did "Elminster's Ecologies: The Battle of Bones, Hill of
Lost Souls" supplement (in the Hill of Lost Souls portion of the supplement,
specifically). Aside from perhaps a random tidbit located in a magic items
lore somewhere that I can't recall, that's got to be about it.

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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2014 :  13:18:43  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What's in Powers & Pantheons is pretty much it, as far as I can recall, although it's possible Steven built on it in Lands of Intrigue or Empires of the Shining Sea. I didn't take as good of notes as I wrote Powers & Pantheons, so I can't reconstruct my original reference.

I seem to recall there was a stray Ed reference to a "City of Cats" or wemics of the Shining Plains (maybe a Polyhedron "Everwinking Eye" column or something more obscure), but no other details.

As for why I picked it: I needed a place to put a temple of Nobanion, plus I knew there were some folks who liked cat-like races (I think there was some race of catfolk in 2e), so I decided to pick it as an out-of-the-way, but logical place to put any feline race the DM wanted. It's one of those cities in the old FR Atlas that clearly fell "between" product areas and thus was unlikely to ever be detailed in print, so that made it a good candidate as well.

In short, it's a cat-themed city. Run with it. :-)

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2014 :  19:22:45  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Catfolk have popped-up all over the place in the Realms (there was even a story centered around them in Cormyr), and in the far east, there is an entire cult dedicated to felines (The Black Leopard Cult), as well as few beast-cults, including at least one down in Zakhara and another in Maztica.

The reference about Nathlekh was in Vilhon Reach, IIRC.
EDIT: Nope, I just checked it. It mentions Nathlekh only in passing.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 06 Oct 2014 19:27:32
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2014 :  19:49:12  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Catfolk have popped-up all over the place in the Realms (there was even a story centered around them in Cormyr), and in the far east, there is an entire cult dedicated to felines (The Black Leopard Cult), as well as few beast-cults, including at least one down in Zakhara and another in Maztica.

The reference about Nathlekh was in Vilhon Reach, IIRC.
EDIT: Nope, I just checked it. It mentions Nathlekh only in passing.

I think I had the old comics in mind. There was a scene in Anauroch with catfolk.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  12:54:23  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Markustay

Catfolk have popped-up all over the place in the Realms (there was even a story centered around them in Cormyr), and in the far east, there is an entire cult dedicated to felines (The Black Leopard Cult), as well as few beast-cults, including at least one down in Zakhara and another in Maztica.

The reference about Nathlekh was in Vilhon Reach, IIRC.
EDIT: Nope, I just checked it. It mentions Nathlekh only in passing.

I think I had the old comics in mind. There was a scene in Anauroch with catfolk.

Huh, this is odd enough I thought I'd mention it.... just opened my update for the Southlands kickstarter by kobold press. Next update to include

"And up next is a big, detailed map of Per-Bastet, the crossroads City of Cats! "

Sounds like something I can just steal and use hopefully.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  14:33:06  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Are there any 3rd party splatbooks covering catfolk?


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  21:14:42  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fellfire

Are there any 3rd party splatbooks covering catfolk?

The Miniature's Handbook, then expanded on in Races of the Wild.

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Kris the Grey
Senior Scribe

422 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2014 :  01:46:06  Show Profile Send Kris the Grey a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I was doing a bit of research on Myth Drannor and I happened upon an old website of yours. In your "Key to Myth Drannor" you mention an adventure "Myth Drannor Hit & Run" (complete with a link). Unfortunately the link is dead and I can't seem to find any reference on the web to the adventure in question.

Any guidance on what it was and where I might track down some more information about it?

Kris the Grey - Member in Good Standing of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, the Arcane Guild of Silverymoon, and the Connecticut Bar Association
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2014 :  02:11:59  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kris the Grey


I was doing a bit of research on Myth Drannor and I happened upon an old website of yours. In your "Key to Myth Drannor" you mention an adventure "Myth Drannor Hit & Run" (complete with a link). Unfortunately the link is dead and I can't seem to find any reference on the web to the adventure in question.

Any guidance on what it was and where I might track down some more information about it?

Hmm. Guessing you found this web page:

That's actually Sylvain's web page. He was a long-time fan of the Realms and a participant in the old mailing list from around 1995.

His site is still up and has a lot of old gems if you poke around.

As for that adventure, I can't seem to find it on my computer, because I think I wrote it on a Mac I didn't transition files off of after leaving grad school.

It's possible Sylvain has it if you email him and point out the link is broken.

Alternatively, if the archives exist for that old Realms list, you might be able to search them.


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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2014 :  08:28:12  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think my first (poor) attempt at a PC - with the original name "Raven" - is on that site somewhere.

Baby steps in the Realms.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 10 Oct 2014 08:29:04
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Duneth Despana
Learned Scribe

273 Posts

Posted - 16 Oct 2014 :  15:08:50  Show Profile Send Duneth Despana a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I just created this scroll( trying to find more information on Clan Auzkovyn.

Since they were Vhaeraunites like the Dragon's Hoard featured in 'Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark' and the trade organization had an enclave in the High Forest during the time Clan Auzkovyn still inhabited it, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on what relations the two organizations might have had if any, and in general if you could help me in my quest for more lore on the Clan.

Thank you in advance and thanks for your great contribution to the Realms.

« There is no overriding « epic » in the Realms, but rather a large number of stories, adventures, and encounters going on all the time. [...]. Each creative mind adds to the base, creating, defining, and making their contribution to the rich diversity of the Realms. [...]. But Ed built the stage upon which all the plays are presented. Thanks Ed. » -FR Comic no.1
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2014 :  00:55:21  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's what I have so far on the history of Clan Auzkovyn. (Note I'm worrying more about their history before they got to Cormanthor than after. I also don't promise to not make any changes as my thinking evolves in the project I'm writing (for fun) right now.)

Year of the Dark Mask (1171 DR): Year of the Dark Mask: Araumycos withdraws beneath the Lost Peaks, opening a passage between the mines of Rornfaern and the Underdark.
After centuries of migrating through the Underdark, the Vhaeraun-worshiping drow of Clan Auzkovyn, named for their founder, Tluth Auzkovyn, use this newly opened passage to reach the High Forest, intent on establishing a small fastness of their own in the Realms Above. Within a tenday, more than half the drow are dead of some mysterious affliction, and the survivors are forced to flee eastward, in the face of escalating attacks by the centaurs of Clan Glengallop and allied korred tribes.
In the decades that follow, Clan Auzkovyn establishes a string of failed settlements west of the Star Mounts. Each time the drow claim a new home, they are driven forth by relentless attacks by various wood elf tribes.

Year of the Gate (1341 DR): Misstyre Auzkovyn discovers a portal (the Harp Gate) in the western High Forest, amidst the ruined spires of the Tower of Swirling Shards. (The tower with the portal is a new locale, but matches the location described where the drow are found in The North, page 51.)

Year of the Unstrung Harp (1371 DR): A vanguard of drow warriors of Clan Auzkovyn departs the High Forest via the Harp Gate, arriving in Battledale through a previously unguarded portal beneath the Abbey of the Sword. They are followed soon after by the rest of the clan.

Core References:

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3e), pages 121, 125.
Faiths & Pantheons, page 152.

Related Discussion:

1) Why Year of the Dark Mask? FRCS (3e) says "about 200 years ago" and "Year of the Dark Mask is perfect.

2) Why the Lost Peaks? The North: The Wilderness, page 55, lists that as one of the three ways into the High Forest from the Underdark. It's closest to where the drow eventually end up Rornfaern is my tentative name for the forgotten dwarfhold beneath the Lost Peaks. The plague associated with that dwarfhold explains why the drow would not retreat back into the Underdark when attacked by the wood elf tribes.

3) What's the deal with the Harp Gate? See the story of two portals in Faiths & Pantheons, page 152. To explain the ability of Clan Auzkovyn to "create a second portal" (which they haven't done since), I'm assuming the Harp Gate is a portal closely associated with song magic that can latch on to existing portal terminuses. So, the first group came through the "current" destination of the Harp Gate, ending up in the Underdark beneath what is now the Abbey of the Sword. After that terminus seemed "problematic" due the presence of the Tempuran defenders, the clan's vanguard then had their fellows back in the High Forest retarget the Harp Gate to a new portal terminus north of Battledale.


Edited by - ericlboyd on 21 Oct 2014 00:56:50
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Duneth Despana
Learned Scribe

273 Posts

Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  07:27:22  Show Profile Send Duneth Despana a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Great! Thanks!

I love the Araumycos and Rornfaern (which I'd love to learn more about) part and that you too have spotted the year of the Dark Mask coinciding with the rough timeline we're given about the clan.

Where can I find information on the Harp Gate? Nothing turned up on google...

I actually feel it's safest to assume that the Dragon's Hoard, Clan Auzkovyn and Misstyre's band are three different groups of vhaeraunites, (I will ask Ed Greenwood and Steven Schend which one of them wrote the Misstyre paragraph in 'The North') since Misstyre's band is only a hundred strong and clan Auzkovyn are 3,500 -after- their losses coming to Cormanthor.

I wonder what the sylvan races' (including centaurs and korreds) reaction to drow on the surface would be? would those that travel between Faerie and Faerūn mistake them for Svartalfar or Unseelie elves? Do the sylvan races hold the same grudge after the Crown Wars as the non-drow elves do (maybe this is just me lacking well known realmslore, but how much were non elven sylvan species implicated in the Crown Wars?)
Markus Taylor wrote this: "BTW, Drow fear Fey (I assume Seelie) - it was in that Halruaa series by Elaine." but I have not read the book in question.

Is it sure Auzkovyn is a surname (in regards to the clan founder)?

Thanks again! Keep us updated on your project ^_^ !

Originally posted by ericlboyd


Don't want to clutter Elaine's thread to much maybe take further questions to other scroll?

I think the two groups are unrelated other than worshipping Vhaeraun, being active in roughly the same location at different times, and having leaders with similar names.

The Dragons Hoard is active near Trollbridge circa 1361 DR. They move on to skull port. The "shattered" reference in DDGttU is referring to the aftermath of Hurricane Liriel.

Now this me making connections. Savage Frontier says no drow, page 50. The north says Misstyres drow are up by River dessRin in 1369.

FRCS says Clan Auzkovyn arrive circa 1171 DR fight wood lives for 200 years and then leave via portal. There aren't woo doves over by where Misstyres band is.

I would say Misstyres is leader of Clan Auzkovyn in 1369. He lads clAn west say from wood elves, finds a portal, and leave in 1371 DR.

Note also Abey of the Sword write up in F&P.


Originally posted by Duneth Despana

Heya, Eric.

Nice catch! I feel a little stupid for not thinking of the difference in dates -_-' ... ;-P

This just makes me even more curious about the link between the two, and also... if not the events of 1361 DR what caused the band to go from 'established' (1369DR) to 'shattered' (1370).

A heartfelt thank you for your answer!

Originally posted by ericlboyd

So, by chance, I was literally trying to figure this out this morning.

I note the following: Nisstyre dies in 1361 DR (when Daughter of the Drow is set). Misstyre is mentioned in 1369 DR (when The North is written).

Therefore, despite the similarities, I don't think they can be the same individual unless that was Elaine's intent and there's a deeper story.

Originally posted by Duneth Despana

Thank you for such a quick reply ^_^. If not you, could you point me to which writer/designer has authority on the subject?

« There is no overriding « epic » in the Realms, but rather a large number of stories, adventures, and encounters going on all the time. [...]. Each creative mind adds to the base, creating, defining, and making their contribution to the rich diversity of the Realms. [...]. But Ed built the stage upon which all the plays are presented. Thanks Ed. » -FR Comic no.1
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2077 Posts

Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  11:07:13  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Although it's not named, there's a bit on Rornfaern in The North: The Wilderness, page 55, and Silver Marches, page 28. I also think one could deduce by the location and timing that the fall of Rornfaern was due to its discovery by the fey'ri in 46 DR and subsequent destruction by them in 144 DR.

The "Harp Gate" is a new idea. More later. But think portal with variable terminus, which can be tuned with song magic.

I'd be wary about assuming three groups.

1) Clan Auzkovyn's arrival in Cormanthor was broken into 2 groups: the vanguard that showed up beneath the Abbey of the Sword and the larger group that showed up by a dfiferent portal terminus north of Battledale later. That's why Misstyre's group works at 100 while the balance work at the larger number.

2) FR5, page 50 says "This subterranean elven subrace does not dwell here, but it has long been sus- pected that the forest hides an entrance to Menzoberranzan, one of the dark elves#146; Deepearth cities."

3) "The North: The Wilderness", page 51, says "There is *an* established tribe of approximately 100 Vhaerun-worshiping drow ..." (emphasis mine)

I'm just assuming "Auzkovyn" is the surname, as it makes it easier (for me at least). Note also that some tribes (of any race) use clan names as surnames, so it seemed logical.

I'm sure the non-evil fey, for the most part, hate the drow, but maybe not as intensely as the Fair Folk.


PS For the curious, I'm doing a write-up of the High Forest and some adventures, like I did for Under Illefarn Anew. Clocking in at 176 pages so far. Will grow significantly before I'm done.

Originally posted by Duneth Despana

Great! Thanks!

I love the Araumycos and Rornfaern (which I'd love to learn more about) part and that you too have spotted the year of the Dark Mask coinciding with the rough timeline we're given about the clan.

Where can I find information on the Harp Gate? Nothing turned up on google...

I actually feel it's safest to assume that the Dragon's Hoard, Clan Auzkovyn and Misstyre's band are three different groups of vhaeraunites, (I will ask Ed Greenwood and Steven Schend which one of them wrote the Misstyre paragraph in 'The North') since Misstyre's band is only a hundred strong and clan Auzkovyn are 3,500 -after- their losses coming to Cormanthor.

I wonder what the sylvan races' (including centaurs and korreds) reaction to drow on the surface would be? would those that travel between Faerie and Faerūn mistake them for Svartalfar or Unseelie elves? Do the sylvan races hold the same grudge after the Crown Wars as the non-drow elves do (maybe this is just me lacking well known realmslore, but how much were non elven sylvan species implicated in the Crown Wars?)
Markus Taylor wrote this: "BTW, Drow fear Fey (I assume Seelie) - it was in that Halruaa series by Elaine." but I have not read the book in question.

Is it sure Auzkovyn is a surname (in regards to the clan founder)?

Thanks again! Keep us updated on your project ^_^ !

Originally posted by ericlboyd


Don't want to clutter Elaine's thread to much maybe take further questions to other scroll?

I think the two groups are unrelated other than worshipping Vhaeraun, being active in roughly the same location at different times, and having leaders with similar names.

The Dragons Hoard is active near Trollbridge circa 1361 DR. They move on to skull port. The "shattered" reference in DDGttU is referring to the aftermath of Hurricane Liriel.

Now this me making connections. Savage Frontier says no drow, page 50. The north says Misstyres drow are up by River dessRin in 1369.

FRCS says Clan Auzkovyn arrive circa 1171 DR fight wood lives for 200 years and then leave via portal. There aren't woo doves over by where Misstyres band is.

I would say Misstyres is leader of Clan Auzkovyn in 1369. He lads clAn west say from wood elves, finds a portal, and leave in 1371 DR.

Note also Abey of the Sword write up in F&P.


Originally posted by Duneth Despana

Heya, Eric.

Nice catch! I feel a little stupid for not thinking of the difference in dates -_-' ... ;-P

This just makes me even more curious about the link between the two, and also... if not the events of 1361 DR what caused the band to go from 'established' (1369DR) to 'shattered' (1370).

A heartfelt thank you for your answer!

Originally posted by ericlboyd

So, by chance, I was literally trying to figure this out this morning.

I note the following: Nisstyre dies in 1361 DR (when Daughter of the Drow is set). Misstyre is mentioned in 1369 DR (when The North is written).

Therefore, despite the similarities, I don't think they can be the same individual unless that was Elaine's intent and there's a deeper story.

Originally posted by Duneth Despana

Thank you for such a quick reply ^_^. If not you, could you point me to which writer/designer has authority on the subject?


Edited by - ericlboyd on 22 Oct 2014 11:08:10
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  11:16:54  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Count me as one of the curious. Where can we get hold of these write-ups and adventures and Illefarn Anew. I would love to get my hands on them

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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  11:24:48  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
According to a certain mister Krashos, Eric's been waiting patiently to see if WotC will publish them.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

Head admin of the FR wiki:
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  11:55:45  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, that is not the news i wanted to hear. Much as i understand Eric wants to be paid for his wonderful work (and i wish i could pay him to get a copy now) i imagine that WoTC will sit on this forever and ever and ever and then NDA everything about Illefarn before forgetting that it ever existed.

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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  12:11:04  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dazzlerdal

Oh, that is not the news i wanted to hear. Much as i understand Eric wants to be paid for his wonderful work (and i wish i could pay him to get a copy now) i imagine that WoTC will sit on this forever and ever and ever and then NDA everything about Illefarn before forgetting that it ever existed.

You'll see it soon.


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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  12:34:26  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Awesome, in which case i will shut up and wait.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  12:57:02  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What is “Under Illefarń Anew?


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  13:25:28  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fellfire

What is “Under Illefarń Anew?

I rewrote Under Illefarn, the old 1e FR module, for a campaign for my kids.

It turned into a 305 page 3.5e campaign sourcebook / adventure for the Shining Vale.

I think it turned out pretty well. I'll make it available in the near future.


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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Oct 2014 :  15:20:35  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Groovy. It goes without saying, really, that I too would love to see that High forest project in prińt


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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