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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
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Posted - 25 Feb 2005 :  18:40:51  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Well met

This being a collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to a new author of the Realms, namely - Erik Scott de Bie, author of the upcoming novel for the new Fighters Series - Ghostwalker, as well as contributing to the Realms of Dragons II anthology..

Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this author.

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Edited by - Alaundo on 25 Feb 2005 18:41:48

Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

4598 Posts

Posted - 25 Feb 2005 :  19:21:14  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm going to go ahead and anticipate a question, because it's one I get asked fairly frequently (or, rather, people just get confused fairly frequently and guess, and are usually wrong).

My name. de Bie.

Indeed, my last name has that little space in it. It's French, or Dutch, depending on your definition, derived from my Huguenot ancestors (a few centuries ago, Dutch people living in France to avoid religious persecution, running back and forth, etc.). It's a version of the French meaning "of the cleft," which can be translated as "of the mountains / hills," since my paternal ancestors were horse thieves who descended (you guessed it), from the hills to menace the towns of France.

Pronounciation: deh (like "duh," except a little more elegant sounding) bee (as in the insect).

I've gotten everything from Debbie to Deb to de Bi (a comment on sexuality, perhaps?) to DeBri, to DesBris (RAS?). I turn away solicitors looking for a "Debbie Eric who lives here?"


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 25 Feb 2005 :  21:40:59  Show Profile  Visit Paec_djinn's Homepage Send Paec_djinn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I know the book's still a long way from publishing but can you give us some details on the book?
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
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Posted - 26 Feb 2005 :  10:01:55  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met

Thank ye for the explanation, Erik, it certainly made me chuckle.

I believe that thy novel is based on a Prestige Class? We you assigned this particular PrC by WotC or did ye have a choice? In addition, where there any other specifics which ye were told to include within the story?

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Lord Rad
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Posted - 26 Feb 2005 :  10:11:15  Show Profile  Visit Lord Rad's Homepage Send Lord Rad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Welcome Erik.

Where in the Realms is Ghostwalker set?

I'm not really up on PrC's, (and I don't have my Realms resources to hand at the moment), so what can you tell us about Ghostwalkers?

Thanks for your time.

Lord Rad

"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 27 Feb 2005 :  02:26:38  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I had a choice among half a dozen fighter-type prestige classes, some from the Realms, some from the basic D&D universe. Ghostwalker was my choice. I was tempted to do a Purple Dragon Knight, since I'm quite keen on the ideals of knighthood and whatnot, but I didn't think the best way to start my Realms writing would be with a book called "Purple Dragon." (It sounds like an FR heretic to say this, but it carries some unpleasant associations for those who aren't in the know. Big Purple dinosaur.)

Ghostwalker is set in and around Quaervarr, which is in the Moonwood, about thirty miles north-by-northeast (I believe) of Silverymoon, in the Silver Marches. Rugged frontier landscape, separate from civilization, streak of independence; central to the western-ish feel of the novel.

Ghostwalker is a prestige class from Sword and Fist (don't think it's been reprinted in 3.5, but who knows?), describing a warrior who is dark, mysterious, and terribly anonymous. His powers are derived from an eerie mysticism / connection with the ethereal realm, and they're all based around his uncanny resolve. He can paralyze his opponents with a glance and a word, he can walk through shadows, he can take on ghostly form, and (the hallmark of the class) against an opponent who has previously injured him (down to 50% of his hit points) he can call upon what's known as "painful reckoning," infusing himself with uncanny strength and speed (translates to +1/class level on attack, damage, and AC against that opponent). So a 5th level ghostwalker would have +5, a 10th level +10, etc, etc. All his abilities, however, go away if his true name is known to an opponent, which is why he is inherently a loner.

It's really a cool prestige class -- a kind of lone avenger, the shadowy figure who appears on the fringes of town to pursue justice or vengeance, good or evil, which is exactly the feel I'm going for in the novel.

For another take on ghostwalkers, you can check out James Davis, who's writing Bloodwalk, which also features a ghostwalker. He'd have his own take on it.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Murray Leeder
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Posted - 27 Feb 2005 :  02:55:23  Show Profile  Visit Murray Leeder's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Sounds like a cool novel, Erik... High Plains Drifter in the Realms?

All of the Fighters novels are based around interesting prestige classes. Son of Thunder is non-standard in that it doesn't have the class as a name. Unlike Erik, I wasn't given any choices. I won't reveal what the prestige class is, but I had to modify it so extensively to fit my needs that I suspect few readers will actually realize what it is, anyway. I guarantee it won't harm the enjoyment of the novel.
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 28 Feb 2005 :  01:30:40  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

High Plains Drifter in the Realms?

Indeed, that's one of the movies I usually pull out to describe it. Also Kill Bill, Tombstone, and Unforgiven, with just a dash of Matrix-style action and mysticism reminiscent of Crouching Tiger. Largely western-style, with swords and sorcery.

That said, there isn't a vast abundance of spellslingers in Ghostwalker. Mostly toe-to-toe warriors who may or may not have magic at their disposal -- in keeping with it being a "Fighters" novel.

None of those movies, by the way, necessarily describe anything about the plot or the themes I'm going for -- it's just my indirect style of fashion of describing the "feel" without revealing, well, anything, really. I should keep it a mystery, because that's what it is.

Son of Thunder is non-standard in that it doesn't have the class as a name. I won't reveal what the prestige class is, but I had to modify it so extensively to fit my needs that I suspect few readers will actually realize what it is, anyway. I guarantee it won't harm the enjoyment of the novel.

Sounds good -- the Prestige class will just be a mystery, eh? Guess I'll have to read and find out.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"

Edited by - Erik Scott de Bie on 02 Mar 2005 03:09:11
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Murray Leeder
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 28 Feb 2005 :  17:00:10  Show Profile  Visit Murray Leeder's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Sounds good -- the Prestige class will just be a mystery, eh? Guess I'll have to read and find out.


Not strictly a mystery, but I don't want to reveal too much just yet. I also introduced a secondary character he's a more conventional version of this class (it comes from Masters of the Wild, if anybody's curious). Let's say that, in this instance, I don't think the prestige class will be the book's main point of interest, but rather the fact that it's the first novel about the Uthgardt. Everyone loves Uthgardt, right?

Oh, and plus it'll be probably the Realms novel in which Sememmon has the largest role.

Edited by - Murray Leeder on 28 Feb 2005 17:07:51
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 28 Feb 2005 :  18:03:53  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I know I love the Uthgardt. Ever since Wulfgar showed up in that one guy's writing (), I've been intrigued by them, and wanted someone to do a work that focused on them. This makes me look forward to Son of Thunder even more.

And Sememmon, who's just cool.

Thanks, Murray, for the info.

Anyone have more questions for me? I can ramble about my writing for days at a time, if it please you.


P.S. If anyone else has seen that picture of me on WotC, yes, that is a real sword, and yes, it's done in the English style of the 12th-14th century or so.

Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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James P. Davis
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Posted - 28 Feb 2005 :  21:21:14  Show Profile  Visit James P. Davis's Homepage Send James P. Davis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
P.S. If anyone else has seen that picture of me on WotC, yes, that is a real sword, and yes, it's done in the English style of the 12th-14th century or so.

You know, I almost sent in a picture as well when Phil said they could post one on the announcement and the picture I considered also involved swords (and daggers and battle axes and etc....I have a living room wall covered in weapons). On reflection those two pictures side by side would have been uncanny, lol!

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Lord Rad
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Posted - 28 Feb 2005 :  22:42:35  Show Profile  Visit Lord Rad's Homepage Send Lord Rad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sememmon eh? What is his current situation? Did he just go missing after being pushed out of the Zhentarim by Fzoul?

Is this story to be set in the current timeline?


Oh, and i'm looking forward to reading about the Uthgardt too, it'll be nice to get gritty and dirty for a change

Lord Rad

"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 28 Feb 2005 :  23:01:17  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

Everyone loves Uthgardt, right?


Originally posted by Murray Leeder

Oh, and plus it'll be probably the Realms novel in which Sememmon has the largest role.

Ooh... Now that's a selling point for me!

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Murray Leeder
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 01 Mar 2005 :  02:38:21  Show Profile  Visit Murray Leeder's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lord Rad

Sememmon eh? What is his current situation? Did he just go missing after being pushed out of the Zhentarim by Fzoul?

Is this story to be set in the current timeline?

Yes and yes. I believe it will actually take place a tiny bit before the current timeline (before Forsaken House, for instance), just because I needed it to take place in the autumn.

Sememmon and his evil elf ladylove Ashemmi quit Darkhold and went into exile after Fzoul tightened his hold on the Zhentarim. But Sememmon is not without his resources, and, you'll discover, still retains some contacts within the Western Zhentarim at the very least.

But why not discuss this on my scroll, rather than Erik's?
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 01 Mar 2005 :  18:01:35  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

[quote]But why not discuss this on my scroll, rather than Erik's?

A first rate idea! Though I don't object to sharing my scroll -- Murray's is just where you're more likely to find the answers you seek.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  03:34:06  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Erik Scott de Bie:


"The Greater Treasure" in Realms of the Elves

I just noticed this the other day in your signature. Are there any details you can provide on this story?
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  04:35:19  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Erik Scott de Bie:


"The Greater Treasure" in Realms of the Elves

I just noticed this the other day in your signature. Are there any details you can provide on this story?

Only a couple.

"The Greater Treasure," assuming I don't end up rewriting the whole story, chronicles the adventure of an elven treasure hunter to find a certain artifact. Joining him on his quest are his ruthless, sorcerous sister and a mysterious, alluring lady thief. Along the way, he must confront his own soul in order to determine which is more important to him: love or honor, family or self.

It's still in first draft form, but that's the general gist. A little sword play, a little magic, some demons -- everything that makes the Realms memorable.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  05:07:17  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
"The Greater Treasure," assuming I don't end up rewriting the whole story, chronicles the adventure of an elven treasure hunter to find a certain artifact. Joining him on his quest are his ruthless, sorcerous sister and a mysterious, alluring lady thief.

This lady thief an elf as well? And what subrace is the brother/sister combo?


It's still in first draft form, but that's the general gist. A little sword play, a little magic, some demons -- everything that makes the Realms memorable.

Demons? Daemonfey?

When is your draft due? I figured the story might be a work in progress with the publication date still some time off.



Thank you as always for taking the time to answer my questions.

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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  05:20:54  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
This lady thief an elf as well? And what subrace is the brother/sister combo?

All three are elves. I do so love the race, with its myriad subraces. Brother and sister are suns, children of Evermeet, the thief a moon, child of the wide Realms.

Demons? Daemonfey?

Now that would just be telling. My only hint on the subject is that, in addition to Richard's Forsaken House, I admire Monte Cook's Book of Vile Darkness a great deal. You'll see what I mean.


When is your draft due? I figured the story might be a work in progress with the publication date still some time off.

Definitely a work in progress. 1st draft for all of us in the anthology (I think, anyway) is due within the next couple months.

Thank you as always for taking the time to answer my questions.

You're quite welcome. I enjoy answering (or parrying) questions, and it goes with the territory. Thank you for taking an interest.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  05:44:11  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
All three are elves. I do so love the race, with its myriad subraces. Brother and sister are suns, children of Evermeet, the thief a moon, child of the wide Realms.

Ah sun elves, no wonder you mentioned ruthless in a previous post.


Now that would just be telling. My only hint on the subject is that, in addition to Richard's Forsaken House, I admire Monte Cook's Book of Vile Darkness a great deal. You'll see what I mean.

Monte Cook is an excellent game designer. I'll have to see if my player still has a copy of BOVD. Thank you for the hint.


You're quite welcome. I enjoy answering (or parrying) questions, and it goes with the territory. Thank you for taking an interest.

One last question to answer or parry (good wording there)...Is this story to be set in current Realms time?
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  14:02:50  Show Profile  Visit Paec_djinn's Homepage Send Paec_djinn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmm, I wonder if any other authors are so willing like Mr. de Bie here to give teasers on their stories. It's quite a long way till RotE but the teasers he's given is quite significant. Not that I mind a little teasers.
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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  16:04:43  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Paec_djinn

Hmm, I wonder if any other authors are so willing like Mr. de Bie here to give teasers on their stories. It's quite a long way till RotE but the teasers he's given is quite significant. Not that I mind a little teasers.

Try another author's thread and see how charming you can be.
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  18:56:57  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Paec_djinn

Hmm, I wonder if any other authors are so willing like Mr. de Bie here to give teasers on their stories. It's quite a long way till RotE but the teasers he's given is quite significant. Not that I mind a little teasers.

Try another author's thread and see how charming you can be.

I'm quite susceptible to a good charm, but I'm not giving really big teasers either. . . or am I?

In regard to timeline, I'll just say that the stories in RotE can be set in any timeline up to the present, from the distant past (very significant to elves) to the Last Mythal. My story coincides with another, somewhat important event of the last, oh, I don't know, forty years? Let's say, second half of the 14th century.

Guess that doesn't narrow it down much.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 30 Mar 2005 :  20:06:38  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
I'm quite susceptible to a good charm,

So is it the charm itself or the messenger that has the biggest impact on you?


but I'm not giving really big teasers either. . . or am I?

Well even a whisper can seem like a shout when one has received nothing but silence so far on a matter.

Gee, that almost made authors sound like the Spider Queen being silent from her followers.


In regard to timeline, I'll just say that the stories in RotE can be set in any timeline up to the present, from the distant past (very significant to elves) to the Last Mythal.

I hoped they would cover a sweeping period of time like the Realms of the Dragons anthology. I also hope like that tome actual dates are shown at the start of each story.


My story coincides with another, somewhat important event of the last, oh, I don't know, forty years? Let's say, second half of the 14th century.

Guess that doesn't narrow it down much.

Good enough and nice to know. Thank you again.

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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 31 Mar 2005 :  20:07:53  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

So is it the charm itself or the messenger that has the biggest impact on you?

Since I know almost nothing about the messenger, I'll have to say the charm. It's great that you've taken a keen interest.

For those who are curious, I've started up a new blog over on livejournal, with a little biographical info about me and some more stuff about my writing. Find it at:


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 31 Mar 2005 :  21:55:42  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
Since I know almost nothing about the messenger, I'll have to say the charm. It's great that you've taken a keen interest.

The interest is fueled when someone is friendly and polite. You are both, which often is too often a rarity online. I look forward to reading some of your work come May.


For those who are curious, I've started up a new blog over on livejournal, with a little biographical info about me and some more stuff about my writing. Find it at:

A very nice blog. My sympathy towards being separated from your wife. I had to deal with that myself several years back.

Always nice to see an author with a sword in his hand. The artist's skill with a sword is something I prefer to know before commenting on his/her work.

And as for “I’ll eviscerate you in fiction!” Sounds like something someone named Chaucer once said.
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 01 Apr 2005 :  00:40:22  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

The interest is fueled when someone is friendly and polite. You are both, which often is too often a rarity online. I look forward to reading some of your work come May.

A very nice blog. My sympathy towards being separated from your wife. I had to deal with that myself several years back.

My thanks and my thanks. Yes, it's very unpleasant, but it's only for a couple more months.

Always nice to see an author with a sword in his hand. The artist's skill with a sword is something I prefer to know before commenting on his/her work.

My wife, incidentally, took that picture. The concept is inspired by an old RAS pic he had in his novels. The sword's actually mine, and while I've never actually fought an opponent with broadswords, I am a fencer (foil) -- not as accomplished as RLB, of course, but still.

And as for “I’ll eviscerate you in fiction!” Sounds like something someone named Chaucer once said.

I've been known to make that threat to people at times -- and been known to follow through.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 30 Apr 2005 :  21:59:47  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just a brief update (about a month has gone by -- it was time!): RotDII is hitting (some) shelves, though the official release date is Tuesday, May 3, in most cases. I wish I could comment more on the other stories, but since I haven't procured a copy myself, that's a little problematic.

Anyway, from what I've been hearing about how other people are reacting, it's a great anthology, filled with some strong talent.

I won't plug my own story (arrogance), though I'll answer questions. I will, however, plug all the stories of my fellow contributors. Seriously speaking, we've got some strong writers here.

I am a fencer (foil) -- not as accomplished as RLB, of course, but still.

Now I do saber too. It's totally choice.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 06 May 2005 :  01:40:54  Show Profile  Visit RaVeN101's Homepage Send RaVeN101 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hey Erik

you said earlier that you got to choose from a dozen or so prestige classess to write about. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind saying what the other class choices were.

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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 06 May 2005 :  05:45:48  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by RaVeN101

you said earlier that you got to choose from a dozen or so prestige classess to write about. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind saying what the other class choices were.

I honestly don't remember. I know Purple Dragon Knight was one of them, but that's the best I can do without digging out the letter. I'd recommend asking one of the other Young Dragons. James M. Davis might know -- he and I both did ghostwalkers in our novels, so I think we were part of the same group, but he also did a Blood Magus, so. . .

Oh. One small announcement. It seems a rather devoted fan (O-Love, it seems) has obtained (somehow -- from Amazon?) what appears to be the cover art for what appears to be Ghostwalker.

Oh, and it seems Master of Chains is on there too.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"

Edited by - Erik Scott de Bie on 06 May 2005 05:54:04
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James P. Davis
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 06 May 2005 :  06:54:51  Show Profile  Visit James P. Davis's Homepage Send James P. Davis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I honestly don't remember. I know Purple Dragon Knight was one of them, but that's the best I can do without digging out the letter. I'd recommend asking one of the other Young Dragons. James M. Davis might know -- he and I both did ghostwalkers in our novels, so I think we were part of the same group, but he also did a Blood Magus, so. . .

Geez, I remember Purple Dragon Knight as well, but that's about it. And yeah, my original submission was for the Ghostwalker book, featuring a ghostwalker and a blood magus, but Phil took to the villain a bit more (which happens alot with my bad-guys/ darker POV preference) and then came Bloodwalk for the Wizards. Not so much a story change, just a shift in focus that I was more than happy to oblige.

Cool cover Erik, that Swanland guy does some great work!


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