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 ALFA for Neverwinter Nights(2)
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Posted - 04 Mar 2006 :  20:47:58  Show Profile  Visit Blackwill's Homepage Send Blackwill a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Note: The following information is being posted with consent and permission of grand visor Alaundo and his fellow scribes. We thank the Candlekeep team for their review and interest in the ALFA project.


A Land Far Away, also known as ALFA, is a highly successful, multi-server, online world for Bioware’s Neverwinter Nights. With Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming release of Neverwinter Nights 2, preproduction for the NWN2 incarnation of ALFA's dynamic and persistent online world has begun—and promises to retain, if not exceed, the quality of success found with the first edition of Neverwinter Nights.

ALFA's mission is to provide an immersive, persistent world for the purpose of high-quality online role play within the Forgotten Realms setting. ALFA recreates the Forgotten Realms in digital form. ALFA servers dot the map of Faerūn, both above ground and in the shadows of the Underdark. Each server represents a distinct area of the continent of Faerūn — be it the barbaric reaches of the north, the depravity of the Underdark, or the urban corruption of the great cities of Faerūn. Each server is linked to those nearest to it by a portal system, so that player characters may cross the dangerous marches of one server to its border, and then travel far away, if travel be in their nature.

ALFA's credo is that adventure lies in playing out a character's life in all its depth: honour and depravity, love and hate, and the blood and sweat that comes with existence in embattled Faerūn. ALFA game masters create their servers with this in mind; offering possibilities such as static or live quests, gambling, crafting an item, learning a trade, and, of course, the ever present danger of irreversible death to shape the characters' lives.

Joining ALFA
To join ALFA, one needs to fill out their application form, which can be found here: An alternate method of joining is to log on to ALFA's Open Application Server and interact with the players and DMs there.

Current ALFA needs
ALFA is actively recruiting more members into its large and highly committed role-playing community. ALFA is also looking for more builders and scripters to help create its expansive world for Neverwinter Nights 2. Community members are free to apply to become DMs, builders, or coders for any of the server teams.

ALFA is also looking for artists to carve out a piece of the atmosphere of the Forgotten Realms, to be used as promotional wallpaper, website and signature banners, and building guides for creatures and landscapes. ALFA's lead administrator on the ALFA forums is the contact for interest of this sort.

External Links
ALFA Home Page:
ALFA Forums:

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