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Great Reader
4454 Posts |
Posted - 08 Mar 2016 : 10:02:34
Now this isn't a "true" RPG per-se but HeroQuest (for those who don't know) is a lite and enjoyable fantasy boardgame with VERY strong roots based on your standard RPG. It has classes, magical items, quests, monsters, a DM, combat, and dice. It does lack genuine role-play as its more tailored to a boardgame than an open-ended RPG but most of the components are there.
With that said, I was wondering if anyone has ever played the game and used the outside setting as the Forgotten Realms? I was able to procure a used copy of the game (at a mere $85!) and it's currently being the game of choice these past 2 weeks. The game has a setting of sorts buts it's just a mere backdrop to give references for the game and has zero relevance to the game-play. So by adding more setting intensive things it might create more depth than just a boardgame.
And if all else fails cosnider this tread a sort of all-purpose location to talk about HeroQuest and the fun times it can foster!!
-Happy gaming
Senior Scribe
505 Posts |
Posted - 02 Apr 2016 : 02:25:36
Hey Diffan, I have played HeroQuest, and it really works as a dungeon crawl. I may recommend, if you're going to go that route, is to use the physical and mental skills to try for interactions.
I have run the beginning of the dungeon a couple of times for my kids, they seem to enjoy it. It's a great stepping stone into RPG's. |
"These people are my family, not just friends, and if you want to get to them you gotta go through ME." |
Great Reader
4454 Posts |
Posted - 17 May 2016 : 10:16:53
Thanks for the reply. We've played a few times, on and off, and so far they're through the 4th adventure. I've allowed advanced characters at the expense of gold and items and that has seemed to work pretty well. We currently have a Cleric, Paladin, Assassin, and Barbarian. Not much magic but healing everywhere. The Elf is a lot of fun too. |
Senior Scribe
955 Posts |
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