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Great Reader

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Posted - 13 Sep 2015 :  21:34:52  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, it is a waste. I remember all the excitement coming from the various authors after GenCon 2012, when the Sundering was announced, when (IIRC) WotC said that the Realms would be back in their creator's hands, and that the authors would be given more free room for stories that they wanted to tell. Paul even wrote a post on his blog about the Realms returning to their roots. Then a lot of that simply evaporated...

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 13 Sep 2015 21:35:44
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Forgotten Realms Author

808 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2015 :  14:06:51  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Veritas

Never at this point. As I understand it, WotC and Paul had a dispute over compensation. Paul says they're paying the talent below market rate. Unless WotC budges on the policy, it doesn't look like we'll be getting any more Paul books in Faerun, which is a true shame. To me, Paul is one of the most talented and in-depth writers to pen a Realms tome.

This is so. At this point, I don't have a lot of hope, which bums me out. But so it goes.

I'm glad I was able to contribute to the Realms for so many years, tell stories I'm proud of, and interact with all of you. :-)
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Senior Scribe

490 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2016 :  21:58:10  Show Profile  Visit createvmind's Homepage Send createvmind a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you sir, you've written most of my fav realms books short of Ed.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Aug 2016 :  21:17:59  Show Profile Send Firestorm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We miss you

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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 21 Aug 2016 :  15:49:25  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Paul, was there any official notice given to you and other established authors that had contributed profusely in the Realms, why after the Sundering series, there would practically be no more novels published? Why it would be relegated two maybe only two novels per year and why after so many Bob would get to play in the sandbox?
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Forgotten Realms Author

808 Posts

Posted - 30 Aug 2016 :  21:44:52  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bruce Donohue

Paul, was there any official notice given to you and other established authors that had contributed profusely in the Realms, why after the Sundering series, there would practically be no more novels published? Why it would be relegated two maybe only two novels per year and why after so many Bob would get to play in the sandbox?

No, but I wouldn't expect to receive something like that, either. As for the second part of the question: I don't have any visibility into WotC, their plans, thinking, etc., so I can only answer that I don't know.

I'd love to return to Vasen and Erevis and crew one day.
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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 10 Sep 2016 :  08:26:28  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I sure hope so too Paul, any project to be honest that they would give you in the Realms I would love to see you back.

I was wondered Paul, if there was a dream story line or concept that you always wanted to do in the Realms and if so what that might be?
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The Masked Mage
Great Reader

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Posted - 02 Nov 2016 :  08:14:02  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I started re-reading your Erevis Cale Trilogy.

I had completely forgotten Sephris. First - let me say he is one of my favorite characters in any realms novel. Second - as this is only my second time reading the series, it is the first time I am reading the parts with Sephris having read the later parts of Cale's story.

I am amazed by how much of what he says can be taken as prophecy/foreshadowing for your later works. Some examples of what I mean:

"You're the first. One of the five. Were you aware of that?"

"...a gift from a god can be a difficult burden for a man to bear. Such is the case with Sephris." ... Cale could think of nothing to say. He didn't know why the priest had just told them what he had.

Also, (please forgive the Babylon 5 geek in me), was there any intent on your part to make Sephris similar to the Zathras character. He too had knowledge that no one else could understand and so was thought of as insane. Also, as the central character in the time travel sub-plot of the series, Zathras was the voice of Fate and the character who recognized "The One" as Sephris recognized the First and Second of Five. The similarities just made him pop into my mind so I wondered if that was intentional as well.


Edited by - The Masked Mage on 02 Nov 2016 08:33:34
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Forgotten Realms Author

808 Posts

Posted - 16 Dec 2016 :  19:42:24  Show Profile  Visit PaulSKemp's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Masked Mage

I started re-reading your Erevis Cale Trilogy.

I had completely forgotten Sephris. First - let me say he is one of my favorite characters in any realms novel. Second - as this is only my second time reading the series, it is the first time I am reading the parts with Sephris having read the later parts of Cale's story.

I am amazed by how much of what he says can be taken as prophecy/foreshadowing for your later works. Some examples of what I mean:

"You're the first. One of the five. Were you aware of that?"

"...a gift from a god can be a difficult burden for a man to bear. Such is the case with Sephris." ... Cale could think of nothing to say. He didn't know why the priest had just told them what he had.

Also, (please forgive the Babylon 5 geek in me), was there any intent on your part to make Sephris similar to the Zathras character. He too had knowledge that no one else could understand and so was thought of as insane. Also, as the central character in the time travel sub-plot of the series, Zathras was the voice of Fate and the character who recognized "The One" as Sephris recognized the First and Second of Five. The similarities just made him pop into my mind so I wondered if that was intentional as well.


Thanks, TMM. You know, I remember Zathras and I loved B5, but I can't say with any certainty if he influenced my portrayal of Sephris. It's definitely possible. Often, if I'm watching/reading something I really like at the time I'm writing a book, bits of what I'm watching/reading bleed into the book (for example, some Battlestar Galactica leaked into my first Star Wars novel, CROSSCURRENT).
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36835 Posts

Posted - 17 Dec 2016 :  04:11:53  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zathras had one of the best lines from B5: "Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people's needs. Very sad life. Probably have very sad death. But at least there is symmetry."

That was an awesome show, and there are certainly much worse places to draw inspiration from.

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Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 17 Dec 2016 04:13:03
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