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 Questions for Ed Greenwood (2006)
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6675 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2006 :  06:12:49  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Now that THO is out of the firing line for a while (thankfully), I was wondering if she can share any adventuring remembrances with us regarding Myth Drannor? Any stories of brave, heroic deeds against hordes of devils, Banites and worse? Or did the KoMD skulk around trying to avoid the notice of the many dangerous denizens to be found there?

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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81 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2006 :  07:37:27  Show Profile  Visit Karth's Homepage Send Karth a Private Message
THO said:
Hoo-boy, Karth, THAT’S a Realmslore question! (I’ll send it off to Ed straightaway.)

Aw shucks, maw...
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Master of Realmslore

1564 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2006 :  10:08:48  Show Profile  Visit Asgetrion's Homepage Send Asgetrion a Private Message
Well met, Karth!

I think Ed answered the question about "toilet paper" in the Realms last year - if I remember it correctly, he might have said that they commonly use a barrel full of dry hay (or moss?), at least in tallhouses. I may be wrong here, though

"What am I doing today? Ask me tomorrow - I can be sure of giving you the right answer then."
-- Askarran of Selgaunt, Master Sage, speaking to a curious merchant, Year of the Helm
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31798 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2006 :  13:40:39  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Well met, Karth!

I think Ed answered the question about "toilet paper" in the Realms last year - if I remember it correctly, he might have said that they commonly use a barrel full of dry hay (or moss?), at least in tallhouses. I may be wrong here, though

Ed talked about Tallhouses... yes.

Here's the full reply -

"May 23, 2005: Asgetrion, Ed replies very swiftly about tallhouses (he’ll polish off your other requests next time):

Tallhouses vary like all other sorts of numerous buildings. Almost all of them are narrow, and have side walls either touching the side walls of adjacent tallhouses or very close to those walls, with minimal distance (or a ‘sidle-alley,’ which is an alleyway too narrow for any sort of handcart or small conveyance to traverse, only beings agile enough to be able to occasionally turn sideways, twist around obstacles such as downspout pipes, and so on) between one tallhouse and the next.
Beyond that, they vary widely. MOST of them have entrances at both back and front (usually a street-level entrance and a ‘duck-down’ (stone steps, down into a little stone-lined landing) entrance into the cellar. MOST of them have outside stairs linking to the upper floors (often via balconies), and these are more often on the ‘back’ of a tallhouse (dropping down into a walled and gated garden) than on the front or street side, but of course SOME tallhouses face directly onto streets at both ends (so there’s no ‘back,’ only two ‘fronts’). Many tallhouses have garbage or laundry chutes and/or common chimneys, passing from the cellar up through the roof, or to a ‘jarra’ (or roofshed; ‘darshield’ is a more Northerly term, used roughly north of a straight line drawn through Amn and the Lake of Dragons). In snow-heavy areas, tallhouses have steep roofs, sometimes with dormers, but in warmer climes they tend to have flat roofs sporting gardens or water cisterns.

Some tallhouses (about 25 percent) have interior flights of stairs (zigzags), but more often they have a spiral central stair (about 40 percent) or no interior stair at all (35 percent).

The layout of interior rooms, and the facilities, depend on climate and use of the particular building. Remember that most toilet facilities are chamberpots or ‘sluice-privies’ (go into the closet or behind the curtain, sit on the throne, flush when done by pouring jugs of water down the hole). Again, in warmer climes, a pull-chain valve may bring wash or flushing water down from the roof cistern.

Some tallhouses are the dwelling of a single person or family, and will have room uses laid out as the owner (or a previous builder or occupant) desires/desired.

The majority of tallhouses (80 percent) are rental properties, and tend to have one tenant (or tenant family) per floor (65 percent of rental tallhouses), or in some cases (15 percent of rental houses) a floor split between two tenants. However, in some cases, as many as eight business offices share a floor - - and in poorer neighborhoods, a floor may be divided into as many as ten or twelve tiny rooms, all rented to different tenants.

In all cases, each tenant will have their own chamberpots and kitchen facilities, or be forced to use a communal outdoor brick oven and/or privies at the end of the back garden. (In the case of tenants who occupy entire floors, cooking tends to be on a back balcony to minimize fire risks and cooking smells, except perhaps in the coldest winter weather, when warmth is desired.)

Think small iron-cauldron wood stoves with iron legs, resting on layers of stones and used to heat surrounding ‘walls’ of stacked stones that can be carried to beds or other rooms to radiate warmth, with said stoves all having metal-cylinder chimneys led through the rooms horizontally (for warmth and to yield a hanging place to dry damp clothing) to windows where shutters can be opened to let out the smoke.

So saith Ed.

Arndils and Sembian upcountry estates on the morrow.

love to all,

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Learned Scribe

108 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2006 :  16:31:43  Show Profile  Visit Firhyanda's Homepage Send Firhyanda a Private Message


Thanks so much for you replies to my queries regarding the starelves Ed and Lady Hooded One. THO try this if you are fond of Baileys 1 part baileys 1 part butterscotch schnapps’ and 2 parts hot coco my preferred beverage for desert nights by the campfire.
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  01:54:41  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi, all. A few notes from me:
Firhyanda, thank you. I’ll try that, and let you know who takes advantage of mXXX ahem, what happens.
Skeptic, I recall several references re. the Roaring Dragon House, but I can’t find your original question. Consider it removed, in any case.
Verghityax, your Iriaebor locations question remains under NDA. Sorry. Ed will provide lore pronto when he can, but the time is not yet.
Beirnadri Magranth, if you can e-mail the essay, send it to: (the account of a friend of mine, from whom I’ll snatch it up and flip it along to Ed). If you’re talking a paper hard copy, Andrew, I can dig up a WotC mailing address that will EVENTUALLY get it to Ed. Let me know, okay?
And now ’tis time for Ed to speak, this time in response to this from Kuje: “I've been reading a Mesopotamian mythology book and came across An, who is a creator deity that sounds a lot like Ao. Also there's mention of the tablets of fate from this mythology.
"An (Sumerian) A primordial sky-god, regarded as the creator of the world and progenitor or ancestor of all the Gods who followed Him. His attributes are obscure and his rulership of the heavens is vague and ill-defined; He seems to have been a distant figure without much immediate impact on the human world."
So Ed,
Is that where TSR got the idea for Ao, the tablets of fate, and the like for the ToT's?.... or you have no idea. If not, where did they come up with Ao? A lot of people believe that his name is based off of Alpha and Omega, but that seems off to me.”
Ed replies:

I have no idea where TSR got the idea for Ao or the tablets, for that matter (tablets bestowed by the gods and having inherent power appear in many religions). I have heard the Alpha and Omega theory before, yes, but this seems to me more likely; bear in mind that I’d heard of An from my readings, and I know (from poking around in it) that the TSR library had several world mythology and ancient gods “encyclopedias,” so it’s hardly surprising that someone might have found this and “borrowed” it for the ToT. However, this is pure speculation on my part; as I said, I have never heard where Ao came from (even hints), other than obviously both Troy Denning (who wrote the third Avatsr novel) and Jim Lowder (who edited the Avatar novel trilogy) must have been involved.

So saith Ed. Who’ll return with more Realmslore on the morrow.
love to all,
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63 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  03:57:39  Show Profile  Visit Aquanova's Homepage Send Aquanova a Private Message
Greetings, The Hooded One, and to all sages. I do believe that my question is less mentally-stimulating for Ed than some of the others' (ala Kuje).

Realmsmaster Greenwood, my first ever inquiry to you was conceived by two things: my love for the Shadowmasters (and Maskarran/thieves' guilds in general), and my noticing your series of Uthmere articles on Wizards of the Coast's website (which may I add are very informing and pleasing).

My question is, are you currently planning a Telflamm version of the Uthmere series (or just one article) for WotC, or further magnification and detailing the Shadowmasters and their current state of affairs or the sinister and crime-filled world they dwell wherein?

My thanks in advanced, and may the gods be with you.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6675 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  04:37:34  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Not in any way wanting to compare my musings on the Realms with those of Ed Greenwood, I did a city write-up of Telflamm in one of the first Candlekeep Compendiums. That might be a useful starting point for you.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36844 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  07:11:32  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by George Krashos

Not in any way wanting to compare my musings on the Realms with those of Ed Greenwood, I did a city write-up of Telflamm in one of the first Candlekeep Compendiums. That might be a useful starting point for you.

-- George Krashos

And you can find the volumes of the Candlekeep Compendium by clicking the link in my sig.

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Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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27 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  07:34:59  Show Profile  Visit Scarabeus's Homepage Send Scarabeus a Private Message
Originally posted by Dargoth
I reckon Eds basement resembles the Warehouse from the closing scenes of Raiders of the lost Ark

It's indeed better than a crammed room with a 5 feet tall ceiling.

A few weeks ago, there was a question about which characters we would like to see in a novel, or would like to know more about. I asked a few question about Flamsterd and the Moonshaes. Yesterday I stumbled ack upon old Reamls lore scribed on the site of Aja "Yet Another Forgotten Reamls page".
There is an unofficial update of Flamsterd by Ed.
I was quite happy to read more about the wizard. It anwsers some of my questions and stirred even more my desire to learn more about him.

Where does he comes from anyway ? In The Lord of Lowhill story (in Reamls of Valor), Flamsterd is said to have worked great magic with the Eartmother to banish Prince Ketheryll and Skull Castle. This was at the time "when the Moonshaes were a lot of small principalities", before Cymrych Hugh became the first High King of the Moonshaes we can presume. While FR2 does not have a clear timeline, that means that Flamsterd was already powerfull about at least 600 years ago !

Since Flamsterd seems very close to the goddess and works to preserve the Moonshaes. What was he doing (or might have done) in the first Moonshae trilogy ? [I'm asking because my campgain is set around the events of this trilogy. I'm not using the official timeline BTW.]

How can Flamsterd can dream to subtly control power flows of so many characters at once. Larloch, Halruaan elders, some Red Wizards. The task is huge. Focussing on one would be wiser IMO. Does he have a network of is own to help him? If the power flow is shifted so subtly as to not being detected, where is it shifted to and how effective can it be (it's a good occasion to teach us Archmage Power Manipulation 101).

And ... finally, I've got to ask, who's that particular lass he's smitten with ?

Great ... I've flooded you with questions once again. At least I don't do it too often. In the meanwhile the Earthmother will avenge you by flooding me with snow ... or maybe even rain.

Another storm! Brace for impact!
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Beirnadri Magranth
Senior Scribe

720 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  18:29:04  Show Profile  Visit Beirnadri Magranth's Homepage Send Beirnadri Magranth a Private Message
realmslore question: What happened to Windsong Tower during the fall of Myth Drannor? I heard that it was sent flying into the air...

1- where in the city was it located?
2- Who sent it flying?
3- where is it now?
4- did the aerie etc. go as well?

I'm not sure if Ed could answer this bc it might just be a creation of Schend's or something!

"You came here to be a martyr in a great big bang of glory... instead you will die with a whimper."
::moussaoui tries to interrupt::
"You will never get a chance to speak again and that's an appropriate ending."

-Judge Brinkema
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Senior Scribe

804 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  18:53:38  Show Profile  Visit Blueblade's Homepage Send Blueblade a Private Message
I'm away from my rulebooks right now, but I seem to remember that Windsong Tower was one of the "cards" included in the Ruins of Myth Drannor boxed set. So it will have a specific location - - and it will be Ed's creation, too.
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Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  20:33:39  Show Profile  Visit Verghityax's Homepage Send Verghityax a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One
Verghityax, your Iriaebor locations question remains under NDA. Sorry. Ed will provide lore pronto when he can, but the time is not yet.

Hmmm... A long time ago I asked the same type of question about Elturel. Does it mean that Iriaebor was also a part of the project that involved Elturel?
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  21:09:58  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
No, Elturel is under NDA for comics and computer games purposes (outside license), and Iriaebor is under NDA for different computer games purposes and for novel purposes.
Note that I whispered that, and was never here at all to tell you anything about it.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31798 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2006 :  23:55:49  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Note that I whispered that, and was never here at all to tell you anything about it.

Tell us what? My lady... .

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2006 :  03:48:11  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hello, all.
From time to time Ed does some swift housekeeping re. replies, so here we go:
To Pardan, Ed saith:
Hey, you’re welcome. Ask me questions anytime. In fact, asking early is good, because as the questions pile up it’s taking me longer and longer to answer. :}

To Scarabeus and to Dargoth, Ed makes reply:
No, all three SPELLFIRE dracoliches were created by me before I wrote the book; the third was dragged in after the editor asked me to add in the last dracolich battle. I had to do all the writing on SPELLFIRE, just not all the rewriting. Faraer is quite correct in his answer to you. I’d put it this way: because of wholesale changes in Book Department personnel from when I was asked to write the book (and among other things introduce a huge cast of FR characters, “everyone you think is important who can conceivably be dragged in to your story; don’t worry about wordcount, you can make it as long as you please,” so other writers could pick up and use those characters in later books), there was a lot of miscommunication and changes. My original novel was way too long, and two-thirds of it got cut. It was picaresque, with authorial asides and many a soliloquy (mocking commentary) to the reader, and every time a guard or monster got killed, I delved into their life and aspirations so their death would have some impact. All of this was swept away, including the dark horrors (“darkenbeasts”) scene that references to remained in the text, although the worst cuts, in my opinion, were the entire Malaugrym scenes; taking them out made it seem as if Elminster and the Knights heartlessly abandoned Narm and Shandril halfway through the book.
When I redid the book, I was told it couldn’t be a word longer: for every word I added, one had to come out. I did that, sweating blood to put back in as much Malaugrym stuff as I could. And then, when everything was done, the book was editorially shortened to make it thousands of words shorter to match the (shorter) length of line paperback books WotC was then publishing. Grrr. If people would just stick to what they promise and agree on, the world would be a better place.
As for your bonus question: no, I don’t have a new house, I have the old one doubled in size. Which is to say the original basement remains the low-ceilinged horror that it’s always been (except that the furnace and oil tanks were replaced, and a lot of old lead piping cut away and discarded, the glowing mold-covered long-dead spiders skeletally clinging to those pipes going with them). However, I’m typing this at my homebuilt (with some help from IKEA, who sold me a desktop slab) computer desk, while sitting in the “new” half of the basement, in my brand-new dungeXXX study, surrounded by about 14,000 of my 80,000-plus books, so I’m fairly happy. Yet still unable to take the time to hunt down and find a lot of my Realmslore. So Dargoth’s right (and I WILL get to your dracolich question, Mister D) in reckoning that part of my basement (the old part) looks like the warehouse at the end of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK - - squished down to a five-foot-high ceiling size, of course. :}

So saith Ed. Who will return with more Realmslore with his usual enthusiasm, on the morrow.
love to all,
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Learned Scribe

266 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2006 :  05:38:38  Show Profile  Visit Archwizard's Homepage Send Archwizard a Private Message
Hey Ed, since this is my first question, I would like to thank you for giving us the Forgotten Realms. It has been and continues to be immensely enjoyable.

I would like to ask if you had any information on the fairly large island north of Icewind Dale shown on the rough map "A Scholar's View of Abeir-Toril" on page 231 of the 3e FRCS. It is the northernmost island off the coast, sort of set in a shallow bay. It is kind of at the same latitude as the entrance to the Great Ice Sea, but on the Sword Coast rather than at the other end of Faerun.

Since it is in the Scholar's View map, it's probably off scale. Some of the sages at Candlekeep say it might be the isle named Umukek in an update for the FR Interactive Atlas. Others disagree and think it is an island or iceberg north of that. I can't confirm either since I don't have the Interactive Atlas. Any information would be appreciated, I was planning on using it for my own campaign, but would like to know what's already there, if there is anything. Thanks in advance.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6675 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2006 :  06:34:18  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
When I get to visit Ed in the wilds of Canada (that's not an "if", fellow acolytes) I plan on taking a digital photo of this basement cornucopia and having C-Keep host it. I can see the many "I wonder if X, Y, Z is in there ..."-type threads it will generate. And for comic relief we might see if the 6'+ Ed of the Greenwood will pose in the catacombs for us all.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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27 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2006 :  07:49:03  Show Profile  Visit Scarabeus's Homepage Send Scarabeus a Private Message
Originally posted by George Krashos

When I get to visit Ed in the wilds of Canada (that's not an "if", fellow acolytes) I plan on taking a digital photo of this basement

That would be great. Maybe we should all go and give in a few days of our time to help him hunt down and put some order in his Realmslore (If we can decipher his small handwriting) or build whatever he needs to store that properly. Ed, 80 000 books !! That's an awfull lot ! The bookstore at your place must make a good living.

Ed as for Spellfire and editing, it seems rather like a frustrating job in a way, to see 2/3 of one's book swept away. It must be hard. Even more when it happen twice. Maybe THO could edit your books.
Or you could write your text with a few different colors with footnotes like:" If required cut the green supplots first" "If not enough cut the red background stuff". After that you could claim the Editor's paycheck since you did the work for him.
Hummm ... maybe I'm too tired ?
Good day to you all !
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31798 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2006 :  08:12:34  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by George Krashos

When I get to visit Ed in the wilds of Canada (that's not an "if", fellow acolytes) I plan on taking a digital photo of this basement cornucopia and having C-Keep host it. I can see the many "I wonder if X, Y, Z is in there ..."-type threads it will generate. And for comic relief we might see if the 6'+ Ed of the Greenwood will pose in the catacombs for us all.

-- George Krashos

Well Krash, if you can get these images... we'd of course love to see them. Provided Ed approves of course .

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Senior Scribe

565 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2006 :  17:33:03  Show Profile Send Dhomal a Private Message

Truly - a Fan outpouring of assistance in the catacombs - or even in organizing storge locations would be a great idea! LOL

I wonder how long he has been storing stuff in that basement like that - I've had a couple of personal bad experiences with basement storage!

For what its worth - I'd be willing to lend a couple of hands to help!


I am collecting the D&D Minis. I would be more than willing to trade with people. You can send me a PM here with your email listed - and I can send you my minis list. Thanks!

Successfully traded with Xysma!
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2006 :  03:27:00  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, fellow scribes.
I'm sure Ed won't mind about the pictures, George (or do you prefer Krash?). The volunteer help on turning stuff out in the basement, though, might perturb Ed a bit. Some of those spiders are his FRIENDS.
Speaking of whom (Ed, I mean), this time out, Ed replies to Vangelor’s question: “It is implied that the forest of Cormanthor was chosen as the meeting place for what came to be called the Elven Court after the 4th Crown War becuase none of the embattled peoples lived there, or anywhere closer than (at nearest) the Chondalwood.
Does this mean that there were no elven settlements in the great forest before that time? I ask because I'd like to site a small, isolationist, pre-Crown Wars green elf enclave in its ages-old decaying mythal somewhere under Cormanthor's eaves, with the notion being that while the delegates to the original Elven Court may have believed the forest to be "undiscovered country" it was already home to this sylvan people, who wanted nothing better than not to become entangled in the building of kingdoms, much less in the horrific kinslaying that came of it. So is Cormanthor big enough (and long-settled enough) to accomodate a "lost mythal"? Or am I better off putting it elsewhere?”
Ed speaks:

There were indeed elven settlements in the forest before that time, and siting a green elf enclave is the “best” (in terms of matching logic and Realmslore) sort of enclave to place there. Cormanthor is indeed large and long-settled enough to accomodate a “lost mythal.” As to putting it elsewhere: remember that at the time of the fourth Crown War, far more of Faerûn was covered by forests, so any place remote from substantial current human habitation, or “unexpected” (e.g. a now-sunken land, so the mythal remains floating above what is now ocean, or a now-inundated locale, so the mythal and its city are now buried under tones of rock from a long-ago landslide) to folk in the Realms today, could host a “lost” mythal. Whatever best suits your campaign. (The latter choice I outlined can more easily be squared with future Realmslore, because it’s unlikely WotC is going to raise land up out of the ocean, say, just where you’ve put your mythal. But then again . . . :} )

So saith Ed. Unmatched tease that he is.
love to all,
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Learned Scribe

183 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2006 :  06:09:52  Show Profile Send Vangelor a Private Message
Thanks! Yes, I thought green elves the best choice for this location. I am a relative newcomer to the Realms (having preferred to be a worldbuilder myself) but am delighted with the depth, richness and layered history that make Faerûn so convincing. And if I am going to play in someone else's well-loved world, I'd rather take the time to get it right!
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6675 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2006 :  06:57:30  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hi again, fellow scribes.
I'm sure Ed won't mind about the pictures, George (or do you prefer Krash?).

To be quite honest, I much prefer George from your Lady Hooded-ness - "Krash" is a blokey, between mates, moniker that somehow doesn't seem as appropriate tumbling from those (no doubt) ruby-red lips.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2006 :  14:58:56  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Right then.
I’ll lean forward,
part my lips just enough for you to see the tip of my yearning, yielding tongue,
and breathe (longingly, with the faintest hint of a wanton, needful purr), “George.”
Umm. Sounds good, yes?

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Senior Scribe

804 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2006 :  15:05:29  Show Profile  Visit Blueblade's Homepage Send Blueblade a Private Message
Wow! I’m squirming in my seat here, and that wasn’t even directed at me!
I see the librarian in charge of the internet room over yonder is opening the Candlekeep forums (I turned her onto this friendly place a year back), so I’m going to sit back and watch her face and see if SHE squirms. And recrosses her legs. And swallows.
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Learned Scribe

108 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2006 :  15:45:19  Show Profile  Visit Firhyanda's Homepage Send Firhyanda a Private Message

Some questions for Ed.

I have recently read your article on rural realms architecture which I truly enjoyed.

This lead to me wondering about wonders, what would scholars in present day Faerun consider to be the Seven Wonders of the World?

Is the Faerunian sensibility in general more inclined to be impressed by a natural wonder say a two mile high waterfall, or some construction of magic like a flying city?

If I were to ask a waterdavian and a thayen these two questions would I get the same answer or at least an overlapping list?

And what would the oldest living or unloving creature in the world consider the seven wonders of the ancient world to be?

Many Thanks Firhyanda
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2006 :  15:23:31  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hello, all. Intriguing question, Firhyanda. Off to Ed it goes.
This time, Ed’s reply is to Dargoth, re. “A question about the fates of the 3 Dracoliches that Shandril slew in Spellfire: . . . Shandril vanquishes 3 dracoliches (Rauglothgor, Aghazstamn, and Shargrailar), however dracoliches of course aren’t truly dead until their Phylacteries are destroyed. While Rauglothgor’s Phylactery was probably destroyed by the Balhiir (which would have finished him off), Aghazstamn and Shargrailar would have retreated to their respective Phylacteries when their bodies died. Have either Aghazstamn and Shargrailar returned from the dead by possessing a dragon’s body? (It has been 10-15 years since they "died.") Also, can you provide any info on the 3 Dracoliches’ history? Thanks in advance.”
Ed speaks:

Dracolich phylacteries are almost always gems of very large size (too heavy and bulky for a human to easily lift), encased in decorative metal cages to keep them from being shattered, cracked, or chipped in handling, and to discourage plundering adventurers from ever thinking about “just smashing this really big stone that we can’t carry or get out through the doorway, and taking the chips to cut many smaller ones from, and make all our fortunes, lads!” They’re usually fashioned in this manner because to have any hope at all of a dracolich ever being able to find a “new” dead dragon body within range, the phylactery must be located within the hoard-pile it lies upon (so a dragon will seize and claim the phylactery along with the rest of the riches).
This was the case for all three dracoliches featured in SPELLFIRE. Rauglothgor’s phylactery was indeed present in its cavern, and the balhiir did indeed destroy it. Neither Aghazstamn nor Shargrailar the Dark have yet reappeared in the Realms, but their phylacteries survive, so they could quite possibly do so. As for the histories of the three, I’ll be happy to provide career outlines for the trio here, but I’m afraid that topic lies under NDA right now). Which is quite a strong hint in and of itself, yes? :}

So saith Ed. Who is as cunning a rogue as always, I see. (twinkle)
love to all,
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Great Reader

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Posted - 21 Jan 2006 :  15:42:50  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

I’ll be happy to provide career outlines for the trio here, but I’m afraid that topic lies under NDA right now). Which is quite a strong hint in and of itself, yes? :}

Thanks Ed

This particular NDA wouldnt happan to expire in say August 2006 would it?

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

Edited by - Dargoth on 21 Jan 2006 23:05:13
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Learned Scribe

100 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2006 :  17:12:46  Show Profile Send Feanor a Private Message
Greetings. A question for Ed :
- which would be the best swordsmen in the Realms ?
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