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 Magic Jar Question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Morte Posted - 03 Nov 2005 : 23:08:38
A few questions on the follow situations, and thanks for the help in advance.

Can a character who's body is dead (below -9) continue to cast Magic Jar to from "the possessed body" (so he dont have to return to his own body)?

How do it work with Contingency if the condition is: the character drops to 0 hit points or below, unconscious. What if the character then goes below -9 on one attack?

Is it possible to posses a soul???? (The character can sense it says the description)

How to a spell-alike ability with magic jar function (The Arch Mage is able to do this)????
(with spell-alike ability you don’t need a focus, I know I have asked this question before, but hope for new answers)

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Morte Posted - 04 Nov 2005 : 14:50:29
Originally posted by Morte
Can a character who's body is dead (below -9) continue to cast Magic Jar to from "the possessed body" (so he dont have to return to his own body)?

This is my big Question, because the wizard the almost function as a Lich, except that the spell can be ended my a dispel magic. I think this is a big problem in the spell.

Originally posted by Morte
How do it work with Contingency if the condition is: the character drops to 0 hit points or below, unconscious. What if the character then goes below -9 on one attack?

I think his trigger is set to, if he looses his conscoius. What would happen if he goes below -9 in one attack then?
Kentinal Posted - 04 Nov 2005 : 03:14:17
Originally posted by Arivia

Originally posted by Kentinal

Well if you set Contingency to triger magic Jar when hit points reach -9 it can work. The wording would be near death because PCs do not know what a hit point is (they do know that they have been hurt, they do not know the game rules).

The biggest problem with using Contingency in this way as it would need to be set for other conditions, closest living thing, most powerful thing within range, etc.

The nearest might be at -8 (BTW I object greatly to minus hit points at all, but it is part of the rule set) life might be maintained a few moments as another strikes in battle. Going for the strongest within range the save might turn you into a dead character because of save of traget (this infers that the PC did not stablise at -9 and/or someone does strike to make the character -10 or lower).

It doesn't work because Contingency is limited in 3.5 to only triggering spells that affect you-you're the only target.

I think you are reading that wrong, but not a good day for me.

This appears to be the most important text " The spell to be brought into effect by the contingency must be one that affects your person and be of a spell level no higher than one-third your caster level (rounded down, maximum 6th level). "

Moving spirit/soul/mind from one body to another certainly should be a spell that effects the PC person, but indeed might go about the intent of the nerfed spell. Not sure how I would rule on what does work escape or healiing spells clearly will. If Contingency is only limited to range self it tends to be far less useful then it was in the past. *shrugs* Be as it will be.

Arivia Posted - 04 Nov 2005 : 02:56:12
Originally posted by Kentinal

Well if you set Contingency to triger magic Jar when hit points reach -9 it can work. The wording would be near death because PCs do not know what a hit point is (they do know that they have been hurt, they do not know the game rules).

The biggest problem with using Contingency in this way as it would need to be set for other conditions, closest living thing, most powerful thing within range, etc.

The nearest might be at -8 (BTW I object greatly to minus hit points at all, but it is part of the rule set) life might be maintained a few moments as another strikes in battle. Going for the strongest within range the save might turn you into a dead character because of save of traget (this infers that the PC did not stablise at -9 and/or someone does strike to make the character -10 or lower).

It doesn't work because Contingency is limited in 3.5 to only triggering spells that affect you-you're the only target.
Kentinal Posted - 04 Nov 2005 : 01:50:14
Well if you set Contingency to triger magic Jar when hit points reach -9 it can work. The wording would be near death because PCs do not know what a hit point is (they do know that they have been hurt, they do not know the game rules).

The biggest problem with using Contingency in this way as it would need to be set for other conditions, closest living thing, most powerful thing within range, etc.

The nearest might be at -8 (BTW I object greatly to minus hit points at all, but it is part of the rule set) life might be maintained a few moments as another strikes in battle. Going for the strongest within range the save might turn you into a dead character because of save of traget (this infers that the PC did not stablise at -9 and/or someone does strike to make the character -10 or lower).
Arivia Posted - 04 Nov 2005 : 00:30:19
Magic Jar and Contingency don't work unless you're planning to displace your own spell.

Considering your original body is specifically mentioned as appearing to be dead, and that there are contingencies in the magic jar spell in the case of the spell ending while your body is dead, yes.

No, you can only take over bodies(although arguably, with the stuff from the BoVD, you could try to take a soul's body in larval form)

It would make sense to rule that the focus is needed-I think there's a ruling on this somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can find it.

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