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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bookwyrm Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 05:45:46
I just wanted to start a thread just for questions that anyone has regarding Dungeons & Dragons and Forgotten Realms rules. You know the small little things that you've never quite figured out, or would like to have clarified -- but by people who aren't paid to do that. This isn't a thread for "why is Bard the favored class of the gnome race now?" -- it's for questions like "in order for my character to hit someone, does the attack roll have to be greater, or can it just be equal?"

So ask away. As Mumadar said, the only stupid question is the one not asked.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 24 Feb 2004 : 03:22:30
That's it...thanks for the reference...
Bookwyrm Posted - 22 Feb 2004 : 23:59:24
I have a listing of spells that gives which D&D source they first appeared in; the notation for this was DR-A5 p23.
SiriusBlack Posted - 22 Feb 2004 : 16:31:15
Originally posted by The Sage

Now, in that Dragon Magazine Annual #5 tome, did it mentioned which issue of DM that distracting ray spell was detailed in...?

If you're referring to the distracting ray found in Annual #5, pages 23-24 of Rays of Light by Stephen Schubert, I got the impression that article was the first time the spell was detailed. It gives everything: description, level, components, casting time, etc.
The Sage Posted - 22 Feb 2004 : 13:30:44
Sounds great...I hope they come in handy.

Now, in that Dragon Magazine Annual #5 tome, did it mentioned which issue of DM that distracting ray spell was detailed in...?
Bookwyrm Posted - 21 Feb 2004 : 18:12:14
I was just asking, since a side comment my other character (a half-elven wizard, late of Silverymoon and the Lady's College) made about the training he'd undergone. After all, I'm sure that concentration would have been an important part of it, so that a spell mishap wouldn't occur and wreck the city. Anyway, I was thinking that other than that distracting ray spell found in Dragon Magazine Annual #5, there ought to be other ways to test a spellcaster's focus. I just wanted to make sure that subdual/nonlethal damage would work for that.

Perhaps I'll cook it up and place a few scrolls for sale in the Shop.
The Sage Posted - 21 Feb 2004 : 05:35:33
That's pretty much how I've always interpreted it, although I think there's some conditional factors involved.

On a related note, there's supposed to be some alternate rules on this in Unearthed Arcana I believe.
Bookwyrm Posted - 20 Feb 2004 : 17:56:20
Just to be sure: subdual/nonlethal damage would cause a spellcaster to make a concentration check to cast a spell, right?
Bookwyrm Posted - 20 Feb 2004 : 16:25:57
Thanks for finding that.

It's not quite how I'd been considering it to happen. I just figured that a character who failed the Fortitude save would only have to heal the actual nonlethal damage delt before waking up. In the case of Ashimar Len, I figured he'd wake up in about four hours, having failed a save of 14.
Arivia Posted - 20 Feb 2004 : 08:48:01
It happens.
The Sage Posted - 19 Feb 2004 : 10:07:55
That's the one...Thanks for that Arivia . Sometimes this old Sage misses things...
Arivia Posted - 19 Feb 2004 : 00:27:53
Originally posted by The Sage

It doesn't, so don't bother. I'll check through the 3.5 Update Accessory...I'm certain I've read about this somewhere...

Yes, you have. In the 3.5 Main FAQ. The December 12th update covered the coup de grace with nonlethal weapons. It's simple to go from there.
Bookwyrm Posted - 18 Feb 2004 : 22:41:33
Yes, there's always an XP cost to a wish: a minimum of 5,000. If you're duplicating a spell with an XP cost, you choose the higher of the two costs; if it's to create or modify a magical item, it's twice the usual XP, plus the standard 5,000 XP.
Icewolf Posted - 18 Feb 2004 : 19:34:48
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Yes, there are. You can't use a wish more than five times to raise the same ability score, and I believe you have to cast them (or have them cast) in quick succession if you want more than +1.

Thanks, just one more slight clarification on this topic...

Would this entail any XP cost to the caster, or any other penalties?
Bookwyrm Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 16:52:55
Yes, there are. You can't use a wish more than five times to raise the same ability score, and I believe you have to cast them (or have them cast) in quick succession if you want more than +1.
Icewolf Posted - 12 Feb 2004 : 05:42:25
OK, I only have the 3.0 edition core books, so maybe this has been addressed elsewhere, but in the beginning of the PHB, in the section of changing ability scores, it says it can be done via a wish spell or other such things. Are there any such restrictions on using a wish spell to raise an ability score?
The Sage Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 12:12:51
Hmm...I was wondering when you'd get around to saying that...
Bookwyrm Posted - 11 Feb 2004 : 03:25:11
Well, obviously (to those who read it), I asked about this so I could put it in my Adventures of Jack Archer of Earth.
The Sage Posted - 10 Feb 2004 : 07:50:46
It doesn't, so don't bother. I'll check through the 3.5 Update Accessory...I'm certain I've read about this somewhere...
Bookwyrm Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 16:56:08
I don't remember it in the 3e DMG. I'll check the 3.5e SRD when I have a chance.
The Sage Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 10:24:45
Wasn't this already answered in the DMG, in the section that discuss the revised 'Damage Reduction' system. Actually now that I think about it, it could have been the 3.5 Update Accessory...
Bookwyrm Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 03:53:49
The problem then is how do you knock someone out without battering them for a few turns to get the subdual/non-lethal damage high enough?
Icewolf Posted - 07 Feb 2004 : 06:17:04
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Here's a new one: can the coup de grace action be used to deal subdual damage?

I doubt it. the coup de grace is used to finish off an unconcious opponent. the definition of the move kind of denotes that it cannot be used for non-lethal damage.
Icewolf Posted - 07 Feb 2004 : 06:12:31
Yeah, that makes sense. I could have sworn though, that 2nd Ed said something about that...could somebody check on that for me please?
Bookwyrm Posted - 06 Feb 2004 : 16:47:51
Wish spells can't give you XP, so I'd say no. And it seems right. After all, life experience isn't something you can just "have" -- you have to go through them to get the benefit.
Icewolf Posted - 05 Feb 2004 : 14:25:58
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Seriously, In previous editions, I seem to remember that a Wish spell could raise a character's level (Notentirely sure though, it has been a long time.) In the 3.0 PHB,however, the Wish/Limited Wish spell descriptions say nothing about this. Any clarifying thoughts?
The Sage Posted - 05 Feb 2004 : 09:21:41
I would say yes, since I remember reading something about this in the 3.0 rulesbooks, however with the revised format, I'm not so sure...I'll have to check.
Bookwyrm Posted - 05 Feb 2004 : 06:52:34
Here's a new one: can the coup de grace action be used to deal subdual damage?
Arivia Posted - 11 Nov 2003 : 06:42:47
I was referring to the fact that the Familiars sidebar says that the master is granted the feat, but the special part of the actual feat's entry says that he is granted the bonuses. If he's granted the feat, the two effects wouldn't stack; if he's granted the bonuses, they would stack.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 10 Nov 2003 : 18:40:50
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Here are some of the questions that have been bothering me of late:

When a character has the (Combat) Expertise feat, it’s supposed to be used like an improved “fighting defensively.” Does any use of the feat in combat count as fighting defensively for the purposes of other feats and class features?

Nope, the expertise (or now combat expertise) can be switched on or off whenever liked. And the effect of the feat is not 'defensive' from a fighting point of view. The character is still on the offensive, but is a little more wary of his own moves to deny opportuinities to the enemy. (effectively receives a Dodge bonus)

The feat can be combined with fighting defensively however, boosting the AC of the character, but similarly reducing the opportunity for a counter strike.

A character of mine standard uses the feat in the initial rounds of a fight to gauge the opposition as well as trying to tire the enemy. Once he learns how the opponent fights, he'll switch to more offensive power, combined with the 'feint' effects of the Bluff skill.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 10 Nov 2003 : 18:23:39
Originally posted by Arivia

Ultimately, Bookwyrm, most of your questions would need to be ruled on by your DM.

1:The PHB(3.5)contradicts itself on this. On page 53, in the familiar sidebar, it says that the master is granted the Alertness feat. However, in the description of the Alertness feat on page 89, it says that the master gains the benefit of the Alertness feat, not the feat itself. If your DM allows both feats to be active, the bonuses would stack as they are unnamed bonuses. Ulitmately, I'd be inclined to let both the feat and the ability work, as they come from different sources in my eyes(the Alertness feat from the actual master's senses, and the ability as if the familiar was using the 'aid another' action).

The PHB doesn't really contradict itself, the master of a familiar doesn't gain any feat from having a familiar, he just recieves bonuses as IF he had the feat. Now if the master takes the alertness feat, he can stack the bonuses.

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