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 New novel series: The Last Mythal

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Rad Posted - 29 May 2003 : 17:53:36
Just found this lurking in the pages of Condemnation, a new FR novel series by Richard Baker:

THE LAST MYTHAL (i wish theyd go back to putting "series" or "trilogy" on things )

Book 1 - Forsaken House (August 2004)
Book 2 - Farthest Reach (July 2005)
Book 3 - Final Gate (mid-2006)

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
elven_songstress Posted - 20 May 2006 : 11:32:35
I have compiled a bunch of information on Evereska by going through my second edition stuff,but with the recent event's I am not sure how much of it is actually useful. O.o It serves me well.
The Sage Posted - 31 May 2003 : 07:00:53
Thank you for the information Mr Reid.

Actually I read The Jewel of Turmish in university last year, and I enjoyed it. As for these other novels set in the southern Realms, well, I can't wait until they hit the bookstores.

May your learning be free and unfettered

Zaknafein Posted - 30 May 2003 : 17:49:39
yes, i was just thinking of the dwarves. They are rarely mentioned in any novels and the drow are EVERYWHERE. For the longest time i have been hoping for a trilogy to come out based on the dwarven race. Guess we will be waiting a little longer
Thomas M. Reid Posted - 30 May 2003 : 15:42:42
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

Or maybe something set around the interesting area of the Vilhon Reach. That area certainly has alot of history.

Well, you're in luck. The Jewel of Turmish, written by Mel Odom, is set in (ta-da!) Turmish. And I'm working on the revisions for my first Scions of Arrabar book, The Sapphire Crescent, which is set in (you guessed it) Arrabar, the capital city of Chondath. That's due out in November of this year. Paul Kidd's Council of Blades was set in the Border Kingdoms, although it is often treated as a piece of fiction written by Volo under a pen name rather than as (oh, I'm going to regret using this word) canon, because it has many anachronistic qualities.

So there's some, and soon to be more, stuff on the Reach.

The Sage Posted - 30 May 2003 : 14:14:41
Actually I just had a thought, while I was typing that last message. Maybe some fan-created material about Evereska would be a welcome addition to the scrolls of fan-created material already stored here in the great library.

Hmmm, I wonder...

::The Sage collects several sheets of freshly dried parchment from underneath the small collection of tomes sitting on the edge of his table. He then places them down in front of him, and starts scribbling down a few ideas and notes::

The Sage Posted - 30 May 2003 : 14:10:18
That's a good point Artalis. Information pertaining to Evereska is nearly non-existent. Except for the brief mentions in some of the source material, it seems to be an area that has had little attention. A trilogy based on Evereska is also a good idea, and something I would really like to read. The fact the very little has been published about Evereska would seem to suggest that the possibilities for tales about the region would be near limitless.

Again, we can only dream I suppose,

Artalis Posted - 30 May 2003 : 13:17:24
If it's about elves it had better have some time in Evereska. I swear it's amazing to me that one of the major elven strongholds of the realms hasn't been detailed in any book or sourcebook.


Just my humble (yeah right) opinion.
The Sage Posted - 30 May 2003 : 07:26:16
I agree George, a good solid trilogy or series focusing on the dwarves would be great. We very rarely see any good FR books anymore with dwarves as major characters, except maybe Bruenor.

Or maybe something set around the interesting area of the Vilhon Reach. That area certainly has alot of history.

Oh well, I guess we can only wish and dream .

Good learning...

- The Sage of Perth: For all your Realms Lore needs

George Krashos Posted - 30 May 2003 : 06:25:45
I wish they'd stop being all mysterious and at least give you an idea of what these new novel trilogies are all about. "The Last Mythal" makes me think elves and more FR-wide changes.

Firstly, with the Archwizards trilogy, elves have been done to death. When are we going to see dwarves (and not ones with pet drow rangers, either ...)? I'd also like to see novels that are smaller in scope (like the Sembia series). Find a corner of the Realms, do your homework and then write something to entertain and inform. The last mythal ... I hope this isn't a novel trilogy about how High Magic is changed 'for all time' ...

-- George Krashos

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