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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aragorn II Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 21:30:23
I want to find out everything I can about Avariel.
26   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SiriusBlack Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 21:43:34
Originally posted by brjr2001

no prob sirius ill try finding the book

Thank you. It sounds interesting so I look forward to hearing more if you are successful.
brjr2001 Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 21:36:26
no prob sirius ill try finding the book
SiriusBlack Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 21:19:26
Originally posted by brjr2001

The Avariel are a complex Race. Ive read a book (dun remember which) that talked about how the Avariel were close to extinction because of a disease that destroyed thier wings completly.

Please let me know if you can recall the source for this information.


also they have been known to been a precious rare thing to sell too as slaves to kings and lords.

That theme is touched upon briefly in Lisa Smedman's aforementioned novel, Heirs of Prophecy.
brjr2001 Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 19:46:25
The Avariel are a complex Race. Ive read a book (dun remember which) that talked about how the Avariel were close to extinction because of a disease that destroyed thier wings completly. also they have been known to been a precious rare thing to sell too as slaves to kings and lords.
Arravis Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 19:24:58
I don't beleive that's really been covered by any of the sources... they seem to have come with the original migration of elves. So they're probably not a "hybrid" sort of creature.
aragorn II Posted - 08 Jul 2004 : 19:16:42
How were Avariel created?
aragorn II Posted - 18 Jun 2004 : 15:17:14
I am very sorry for being ungrateful and rude to you guys when you gave me information. I also thank you all for the information and links you have supplied.
Tethtoril Posted - 18 Jun 2004 : 01:06:05
Basic courtesy will get you far more knowledge than demanding irritability. Most sages and scribes in these halls prefer to be treated with respect. Anything less will be met with closed scrolls and a very irritated Tethtoril.
Sarelle Posted - 18 Jun 2004 : 00:18:47
Aragorn: Have you ever thanked any of the sages who have helped you out?

(Please note, this will be the last post that communicates with aragorn II, after a certain incident)
SiriusBlack Posted - 17 Jun 2004 : 21:39:55
Originally posted by aragorn II

No, no, no. Maneuverability class as in A, B, C, D, or E. Come on people. Second Edition.

Please forgive this lowly scribe for not quickly giving you the information you desired in the proper format. I can only hope you forgive my lapse of manners.
aragorn II Posted - 17 Jun 2004 : 20:54:51
Are there any modifications to stats (2nd Edition)
Kuje Posted - 17 Jun 2004 : 20:47:29
Originally posted by aragorn II

No, no, no. Maneuverability class as in A, B, C, D, or E. Come on people. Second Edition.

Complete Book of Elves from 2e says C.
aragorn II Posted - 17 Jun 2004 : 20:35:05
No, no, no. Maneuverability class as in A, B, C, D, or E. Come on people. Second Edition.
SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 22:16:56
Originally posted by aragorn II

What is their manueverability class?

From Races of Faerun, pg. 32


Avariels have a flying speed of 50 feet with average manueverability, as long as they do not carry more than Medium load, are not wearing Heavy armor, and are not fatigued or exhausted.

aragorn II Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 21:39:44
What is their manueverability class?
SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 15:25:04
Originally posted by Arravis
Can someone post more information on this? Is the Avariel in The Rage from the Aerie of the Snow Eagles?

Taegan Nightwind is, if I recall correctly, originally from The Earthwood. You first encounter him in the novel running a salle in Lyrabar. In the end the thing to remember is he's not a knight, but just an avariel.

Readers of the novel should enjoy that last comment.
Arravis Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 15:17:47
SiriusBlack wrote: "That race has their own star now. Check out an Avariel character in Richard Lee Byer's The Rage"

Can someone post more information on this? Is the Avariel in The Rage from the Aerie of the Snow Eagles? Any general or specific information on this character and his role would be immensely appreciated. With lot's of overtime work and trying to run a campaign, I no longer have the time to read the novels :(. Anyway... thanks for the info guys! :)
Tethtoril Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 05:33:28
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

The computer game? Are they even canon?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Tethtoril starts going purple around the gills.

Aaaiiiigggghhh! *WHACK*

Don't even joke about that. Tethtoril will get you and your fingers and toes too ...
SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 05:28:24
Originally posted by Chyron

There was also an NPC in Baldur’s Gate 2 named Aerie.

The computer game? Are they even canon?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Other novels that feature avariel, albeit in brief appearances include Evermeet: Island of Elves (very briefly) and Heirs of Prophecy.
Chyron Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 05:23:50
There was also an NPC in Baldur’s Gate 2 named Aerie. She was a “wingless” Avariel (Her wings had been cut off by her master when she was a slave). She spends most of the game telling (or whining depending on your point of view ) about her ordeal and life being a wingless elf. Not much written on her but you can see her 2E stats here.
SiriusBlack Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 04:40:33
Originally posted by aragorn II

I want to find out everything I can about Avariel.

That race has their own star now. Check out an Avariel character in Richard Lee Byer's The Rage and in his short story within Dragon #320.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 00:34:50
Originally posted by aragorn II

Is Races of Toril 2nd or 3rd Edition?

Races of Faerûn is a 3E book.
aragorn II Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 23:54:31
Is it true that they use gnome aging tables and have a -2 to Dexterity and +2 to Constitution? (2nd Edition)
aragorn II Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 23:52:15
Is Races of Toril 2nd or 3rd Edition?
Sarta Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 22:44:58
Aravis did some fine work collating everything to be found on them. You can find it here:

hammer of Moradin Posted - 15 Jun 2004 : 22:44:26
They have wings, they are related to Elves(their deity is in the Elven Pantheon), they are listed in the RoF book. Hey, its a start.

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